Tag Archives: allergy testing

Is it a Cold or an Allergy? Here is What You Need to Know

Getting the sniffles can be annoying. Imagine you’re about to sleep but you cannot breathe properly while lying down due to a clogged nose. Or when you’re about to eat your favorite food but you cannot savor its taste because of your runny nose.

Most people think that a runny or stuffy nose, coughing, and sneezing means you have the common colds. However, these symptoms can also indicate signs of an allergic reaction. In such cases, you should consult an allergist doctor near you to treat those allergy symptoms.

But first of all, we must learn to distinguish the difference between common colds and allergies. For one thing, it can be tricky since most of their symptoms are similar. However, their root causes and treatment should be treated accordingly with proper medications.

Common colds vs. Allergies: Know the differences

Although the symptoms of colds and allergies are similar, these two are way different from each other. On the one hand, a common cold is due to different kinds of colds. It is transmitted via droplets from a sick person when they sneeze or cough. Among tell-tale signs of a common cold include:

  • Runny or clogged nose
  • Coughing
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Body pains
  • Watery eyes

People usually recover from colds between a week to up to 10 days. If the abovementioned symptoms last for more than 10 days, you might have yourself checked as it can mean a more serious condition like bronchitis or pneumonia. Colds are all-year-round according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

People who experience allergies and young children are more prone to colds. In such cases, you might have to go to an allergy clinic to help deal with your symptoms.

Allergies, on the other hand, happens following a reaction from the immune system due to contact with certain substances. These triggers, called allergens, cause the symptoms that are similar to that of common colds.

In some cases, those with allergies experience other symptoms not common in colds such as itchy eyes and rashes. Some people experience seasonal allergies, but allergies can be experienced all year round.

How to diagnose allergies and colds

You might not need to consult a doctor for common colds. But it can also be a good idea to consult an allergy doctor if you think you are experiencing symptoms beyond common colds.

In case of a bacterial or viral infection, you might have to undergo further tests like a chest X-ray. But in case of allergies, you need to consult an allergist specialist and undergo allergy testing.

That is why you need to know the abovementioned symptoms to differentiate whether you have colds or allergies. In the worst cases, you might already have been experiencing life-threatening symptoms without you realizing it.

How to deal with common colds

Common colds are not life-threatening unless the symptoms haven’t gone away for weeks. Over-the-counter cough syrups and medicines for colds as well as nasal sprays and pain relievers can provide relief from the common cold. Ask your doctor before taking over-the-counter medicines, especially for kids, or if you are pregnant or have an existing medical condition.

Other ways to provide relief from colds include:

  • Not drinking caffeinated drinks
  • Drinking more citrus-based drinks and water
  • Steam baths

Likewise, you should follow the prescribed duration of taking the medications. Otherwise, it can lead to side effects.

How to deal with allergic reactions

There are other treatments for allergies and prevent its triggers. Antihistamines are the most popular allergy treatments such as Benedryl and Zyrtec. However, these treatments can have side effects such as drowsiness. But other antihistamines have a non-drowsy formula.

For those with a clogged nose, you should take decongestants for relief. Decongestants come in spray or pill forms. Like any other medicines, you should follow the doctor’s prescription to avoid experiencing side effects. Other treatments for allergies include eye drops (for itchy and watery eyes), corticosteroids, and allergy shots.

You should also visit an allergy clinic for proper treatment of allergies. Whether you have allergies or colds, it can affect your daily life nonetheless. Talk to the best allergist in Manassas VA for your allergy-related concerns.

Parenting in the Time of COVID-19: How to Explain the Impact of the Global Pandemic to Children

Contrary to popular belief, children also get stressed due to certain situations. Such a feeling of stress can affect their immune systems and make them more susceptible to health issues. More so, those with medical conditions like allergies and asthma should have twice the protection, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic.

An allergist doctor may not be available for face-to-face visitations in an allergy clinic. However, there are still ways that you can contact an allergist in case of emergencies.

Due to the ongoing pandemic, it is natural for adults especially parents to be wary of the current situation. But it is also important that children, even as young as toddlers, understand what the world is going through now.

COVID-19’s potential impact on children

This pandemic has caused serious fear mostly for adults. For one thing, parents are especially worried about how they can protect their children against the disease. However, young children can be smarter than we think when it comes to this kind of issue.

Most children thrive on routine. But because of the virus, they are not able to play outdoors. Parents are also mostly having second thoughts of letting their kids play with their neighbors. Basically, the virus has disrupted children’s daily routines. This can affect their mood and cause tantrums and unpleasant behavior.

Meanwhile, parents may have second thoughts of telling their small children what is going on. There is this notion that young children may not be able to understand what is going on around them. However, it is possible for them to understand the current situation. How?

Talking to your children about the ongoing pandemic

First of all, make sure to choose the right timing to discuss this concern with your child. You also need to understand COVID-19 and its impact on our daily lives. You can find more information from reliable sources including the World Health Organization and the US Centers for Disease Control.

More or less, your child is already somehow aware of what is happening right now. It’s just a matter of explaining why this is happening in the first place. More importantly, they should know what they can do to protect themselves against the virus. It is also better to consult an allergist specialist to protect you and your children if you have a history of asthma and allergies.

Points to ponder when discussing COVID-19 with your child

There are some important things that you need to consider when discussing COVID-19 with your child. These include:

Explain what really it is.

Children should understand what COVID-19 is, how it affects anyone who gets it, and how to keep themselves safe from the virus. Those with asthma and allergies should also be extra cautious at this time. Those who have such conditions are more prone to getting the virus. You can consult an allergy doctor to help manage your child’s asthma or allergies.

Get straight to the point.

Children deserve straightforward answers to their questions. Let them ask questions, and answer as truthfully as possible. Too much information can overwhelm them and cause anxiety and stress. As much as possible, avoid sugarcoating words when explaining things to them. They need to know what “virus”, “germs”, and even COVID-19 are.

Teach them to be clean and protected against the virus.

Aside from knowing about the virus, they should also learn how they can keep themselves safe. This includes teaching them the basics like keeping clean and practicing safe distancing. Children should also be taught proper manners when coughing and sneezing.

Helping your child cope up with the current situation

Parents have the major responsibility of shielding their children from the pandemic. More so, if they have allergy history. In case of an attack, you should find an allergy doctor the soonest.

Other tips that you can do to help your children understand the impact of COVID-19 include the following:

  • Create new routines that will benefit your child. Say, schedule a time for doing worksheets, mealtime, and bedtime. It will help the child back on track on their previous routines that are disrupted due to the virus.
  • Do not blame other races or people for the virus. No one wanted this to happen. Everyone is affected, even the most well-off people out there.
  • Try limiting access to news and social media as it can also lead to anxiety due to the constant COVID-19-related reports.
  • Keep calm. Bond with your child more especially during this pandemic. Keep yourself and your family strong and healthy. You can seek help from an allergy specialist in Manassas VA online in case of asthma or allergy emergencies.

Aging and Allergies: How to Handle Allergies Among Seniors

Allergies can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, and race. Some people had their allergies from their childhood, while others have just developed theirs in their adulthood. In fact, there are studies that showed the increased number of individuals being diagnosed with some kind of food allergy in their senior years. Nevertheless, one should visit an allergist doctor for proper treatment of such allergic reactions.

Allergic sufferers vary on triggers that cause their allergies. Some are allergic to certain foods such as nuts or shellfish. On the other hand, some are allergic to pet dander, dust, or pollen. For any signs of allergic reactions, it is best to visit the best allergist near you to help treat your allergies.

Of aging and allergies

As mentioned, everyone can be prone to allergies, whether it’s due to food or environmental allergens. However, the impact of allergic reactions may be more dangerous among the elderly. Unlike their younger counterparts, elderly people usually have weaker immune systems which make them prone to potentially life-threatening consequences.

That is why it is important to understand the impact of allergies among the elderly. Usually, the risk of allergies declines as we age. However, there is such a thing as late-onset allergies which normally occur at a later age. For one thing, it is a normal thing for people in their senior years to catch an allergy. In other words, there is still a possibility that seniors may experience the effects of allergies.

An allergist is the one to go to for any signs of allergic reactions. However, diagnosis of allergies in seniors may also be more difficult than of teenagers and young adults. For example, an elderly’s skin may be less reactive to allergy testing than on young adults. As a result, allergy skin tests on seniors may not be as effective.

Still, this doesn’t mean there is no hope for allergy treatment in seniors. It is still a must to see allergy specialist doctors to help manage your allergies. Even if you haven’t reached your senior years, it is important that you know what triggers your allergies and be able to counteract it as soon as possible.

Is that an allergy or not?

As mentioned, allergies among senior adults can be more challenging to diagnose. In many cases, allergic symptoms are often overlooked because medical personnel is often focused on illnesses commonly-associated with old age such as high blood pressure and cognitive decline.

Diagnosis and treatment of allergies in old people is very much important. Otherwise, ignoring the signs of allergies can heighten the risk of stroke especially among the elderly. One study showed that adults aged 45 and above who had hay fever have almost 90 percent at risk of having a stroke.

The same applies to those who suffer from seasonal allergies. Some ignore the symptoms and still end up well. But for seniors, ignoring the symptoms can be fatal. For example, a clogged nose due to an allergic reaction can cause breathing difficulties and even lead to other health complications.

Most allergics would take an antihistamine to help manage their allergies. However, it may not be the best option for seniors who have allergies. Allergy medications such as antihistamines can cause adverse side effects such as mood swings, dizziness, or difficulty in urination. Such side effects can lead to serious consequences that can be potentially life-threatening to the senior person.

Managing allergies in senior persons

If you are taking care of an elderly person, here are ways to detect and manage allergy symptoms and to treat it immediately.

  • Don’t ignore the signs. As mentioned, allergies can happen to people of all ages, including the elderly people. Look out for the usual allergic symptoms such as the runny nose, sneezing, coughing, and skin itching among a few. These normally appear a few moments after coming into contact with a suspected allergen.
  • Do not give the elderly person an antihistamine yet. As mentioned, it may cause side effects that can be fatal especially to elderly people.
  • Try natural allergy busters such as regular exercise and breathing fresh air. Just make sure not to do the latter during the pollen season.

Find reliable allergy experts near you

When it comes to allergy treatments, you need to consult an allergist immediately. Contact the best allergy physician in Manassas VA for your allergy concerns.

What You Need to Know about Allergies in Babies

Babies can lighten up anyone’s mood with their cute coos and laughter. Their chubby cheeks, their toothless grin, and their pure innocence – who can resist these adorable little creatures anyway? More than material things, all parents only want what is best for their children and ensuring that they are 100 percent healthy and happy as they grow up.

However, babies do get sick at some point, whether it’s a simple cold to more complicated medical conditions. Of course, we as parents do not want the latter to occur to our young children. But if it does happen to our babies, you should rush to an allergy doctor immediately for proper medication.

What to expect on infant allergies

For one thing, it is not uncommon that babies get allergies just like older kids and adults. Baby allergies can be due to food or the environment they live in. On one hand, it can be easier to determine the cause of allergies among older kids and adults since they can verbally express to the allergy physician what happened prior to the allergic reaction.

On the other hand, it can be a little challenging to determine the root cause of a baby’s allergy since they don’t have the ability to speak yet. As a result, babies tend to be cranky and cry a lot due to the discomfort they are feeling. We all know that allergies occur due to our immune system’s reaction with a certain allergen, which also happens to babies.

The parents or their guardians can only guess the culprit based on the last food or drink the baby has consumed or the weather outside. Nonetheless, it is important to bring your baby to an allergist doctor for any unusual symptoms. Allergy testing may be needed to determine the root cause and provided the right kind of treatment for these little ones.

Is that an allergic reaction?

Babies sometimes catch colds, stomach aches, and other common illnesses at some point in their young lives. However, these symptoms might also be similar to allergic reactions. That is why it is important to distinguish the difference between the two.

For example, babies suffer from stomach issues mostly due to a virus. This results in gassiness, diarrhea, and vomiting. However, stomach aches in babies might also be due to an allergic reaction due to food or other environmental factors. In such cases, it is better to bring your baby to an allergist specialist for proper treatment.

Meanwhile, babies ages two to three months are also prone to rashes such as eczema and atopic dermatitis. It usually appears on the ankles, knees, neck, elbows, and wrist. However, eczema might be due to an allergic reaction to milk, food, and other environmental factors as well. Hives are usually rare in babies, yet should not be ignored when it does happen.

When we catch colds, we often experience runny nose and coughing. It is usually due to a virus or perhaps the weather. However, these symptoms might also be due to an allergic reaction. In some cases, babies experience wheezing and other signs of asthma which can be potentially fatal when left untreated.

Parents should look out for these symptoms – these usually last longer than colds and other common illnesses. It is also determined as an allergic reaction if it is not accompanied with body pains and fever. If you think your baby is experiencing an allergic reaction, it is better to visit an allergy clinic for proper treatment.

Allergy treatment for babies

If your baby is experiencing allergic reactions, you should do the following to provide relief for your little one. Your baby’s doctor may recommend prescription treatments for your little one’s allergic reactions such as creams and oral medications.

Also, make sure to avoid any kind of exposure to possible allergens including food, pollen, and other environmental allergens. You might also have to do some adjustments to your lifestyle such as replacing your mattress covers frequently and shifting into an allergy-proof detergent. Allergy testing, usually through blood or skin tests, may also be done in older children. Nonetheless, any kind of allergy treatment should have a go-signal from your doctor.

Taking care of your baby’s health

No parent wants to wish their child ill-health. That is why we should do everything to ensure our children’s optimum health. For signs of allergic reactions, you should visit an allergy specialist doctor in Manassas VA immediately.

Bedroom Hygiene and Allergies: What You Need to Do to Prevent Bedtime Allergies

Nothing beats that feeling of relief when you are bed-bound after a long, tiring day. You just had your dinner, took a refreshing bath, brushed your teeth, and then you are looking forward to a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, you are not able to achieve that good night’s sleep due to an allergy attack. If you experience allergic reactions, you need to consult an allergy specialist doctor near you.

Of allergies and quality of sleep

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America reports that about 1/3 of American adults suffer from some kind of allergy. Allergies can be due to various triggers such as pet dander, pollen, dust mites, and household product chemicals among a few. Having allergies can affect your quality of life… and your sleep, too.

In fact, a published report revealed that there is almost 50 percent of allergic sufferers suffer from sleep deprivation and fatigue due to bedtime allergies. That is why you need to pay attention to your bedroom hygiene to avoid sleep problems. At the same time, you need to consult an allergist doctor to help manage your condition.

Speaking of bedtime allergies, a lot of people do not realize the importance of maintaining bedroom hygiene to better sleep. Most of the time, we tend to forget dusting our rooms and cleaning it from unnecessary clutter. However, such habits can potentially cause health issues including allergic reactions.

Like how we pay attention to keeping ourselves physically healthy, the same should also apply to our bedtime routines. Not only can it help in a more comfortable and satisfying sleep but also improve one’s quality of life. For any signs of bedtime-related allergic reactions, you should visit an allergy clinic immediately.

Bedroom hygiene mistakes that can affect your sleep

Everyone wants to have a nice-looking bedroom. For one thing, you can tell what kind of a person is by his or her bedroom. Of course, every bedroom owner wants to have a clean, comfortable, and presentable bedroom at all times. Otherwise, your room will be dirty and very uncomfortable to spend time at.

Letting dust gather up under your bed

Most of the time, we tend to forget cleaning the space underneath our bed frames. Over time, it can collect dust and dirt that can potentially trigger allergic reactions later on. It can worsen asthma symptoms as well. Plus, dust bunnies do not look cute under your bed at all.

Not changing your bed sheets

Although we do not notice it, our bedsheets collect the most amount of dirt. This is where dead skin cells and all sorts of dirt and oil stick to, which dust mites love to eat. If you do not change sheets on the regular, you can experience itching, sneezing, and other signs of allergic reactions.

Using aerosols/air fresheners

Air fresheners should make your room smelling more pleasant. However, a lot of people do not realize that it contains harmful chemicals that can be potentially damaging to your health. Not only can these product cause allergic reactions but even cancer. If you experience adverse reactions when using these products, you should visit an allergist specialist immediately.

Letting your pet sleep with you on your bed

A lot of people are allergic to pets not because of their fur but due to their saliva, dried-up urine, and dead skin. Not everyone may not experience allergic reactions, but some may experience adverse effects nonetheless. You might want to consult an allergy physician to help manage your allergic reactions.

How to avoid bedtime allergies

Here are some tips to avoid bedtime allergies and ensure better sleep every night.

  • Make it a habit to change bedsheets every one to two weeks.
  • Use a vacuum to clean the dust under your bed. Wipe your table, your bed headboard, and other surfaces where dust usually gather up.
  • Instead of using air fresheners, you can opt for more natural ways to make your room smell better. You can use essential oils or vegetable-based or soy candles.
  • Get rid of your room of any mold forming on your windowsill.
  • Clean your air conditioning filters every once every three months. Clean your room carpet of any accumulated dirt and dust at least once a week.
  • Consult an allergy physician for any signs of allergic reactions.

Get a good night sleep by having good bedroom hygiene

Allergies can be debilitating if left ignored. Make sure to call an allergist doctor to help you manage your allergic symptoms. There is an allergy clinic in Manassas VA for your allergy-related concerns.

Systems On: Essential Tips on Boosting Your Immune System

Being generally healthy is important so we can be able to do things we have to do every day. That is why we are often advised to take vitamins and health supplements as well as having regular physical activities. At the same time, we should adopt a healthy diet and avoid junk foods as much as possible. By doing all these, we can have a better immune system that will lessen our risk of having common illnesses and other sorts of diseases.

However, our immune system may have some slight flaws. For one, the immune system usually causes allergic triggers that need to be consulted to an allergy doctor immediately. While our immune system is meant to protect us from getting sick, an overreaction from certain triggers such as pollen or dust can make some people head straight to an allergy clinic.

What does the immune system really do?

For starters, the immune system’s main purpose is to protect our bodies from illness-causing bacteria and viruses. It basically serves as our armor of protection against the “bad guys”—that is, common illnesses such as cough and colds, and even serious medical conditions such as cancer.

Apparently, the lymphoid organs play a vital role in the overall functioning of our immune system. Included in the lymphoid organs are the bone marrow, lymph nodes, appendix, spleen, and tonsils among a few. These organs work collaboratively to protect our entire body from infections that can wreak havoc to our health.

But as mentioned, the immune systems somehow has its flaws depending on how people perceive it. While such so-called flaws are one way to protect us from certain substances and microorganisms, it can cause reactions that can potentially be fatal to the person.

Some known signs of an allergic reaction due to the immune system’s reaction to certain allergens include sneezing, runny nose, itching, and in worst cases, anaphylactic shock and even death. That is why it is important for you to identify the cause of your allergies if you have one. For any signs of allergic reactions, you should consult an allergy physician immediately for proper treatment.

What causes weak immune systems?

As mentioned, the immune system is composed of several organs that work together to provide protection to our bodies against disease-causing bacteria and viruses. However, certain factors can affect your immune system.

As a result, a weakened immune system cannot play its crucial role of protecting you against illnesses and infections. Some of the reasons that can affect your immune system are the following.

  • Lack of sleep
  • Poor diet and nutrition
  • Smoking
  • Taking certain medications
  • HIV
  • Exercising too much

A weakened immune system can also affect people suffering from allergies and asthma. As mentioned, certain triggers can cause the immune system to overreact and result to adverse effects on the body. When symptoms appear, make sure to visit an allergist specialist immediately. Allergy testing may be necessary to determine triggers and come up with treatments to help manage it.

Symptoms of a weakened immune system

You might experience one or more of the following if you have a weak immune system.

  • Frequent occurrence of allergies
  • Digestive problems
  • Wounds take a long time to heal
  • Lethargy or tiredness
  • Frequent illness
  • Joint pains

How to strengthen your immune system

It is important to keep ourselves healthy to prevent the effects of a weak immune system. This is especially crucial for those who suffer from allergies. For one thing, going on frequent trips to an asthma doctor can be physically and financially exhausting and you should break that cycle right now. Here are some essential tips to strengthen your immune system.

  • Practice good hygiene. Never take handwashing for granted because that’s where everything starts in terms of germ contacts and all.
  • Make sure to disinfect items that your household members often touch such as the remote control and doorknobs.
  • Relax and don’t let stress eat you up. Get some stress-busting activities such as yoga, massages, and doing hobbies like reading or crocheting.
  • Have enough sleep. Experts recommend that adults should have at least 7 hours of sleep per day.
  • Eat a healthy diet and have a regular exercise (but do not overdo it).
  • Take health supplements for iron, zinc, vitamins A, D, E, and folic acid.
  • If you have allergic symptoms, visit an allergy clinic in Germantown MD immediately for proper treatment.

Can You Become Allergic Overnight?

Allergies can be quite a hassle because it can affect your overall quality of life. Eating foods you love or taking care of a pet can become your ultimate curse – and even compromise your health and endanger your life. These may sound exaggerating but actually happens in real life. That is why it is important to consult an allergy specialist doctor if you suspect to have allergies to anything.

Allergies usually manifest themselves during childhood. In fact, a lot of kids are allergic to at least one type of allergen. On the other hand, adults are not immune to allergies which should be consulted to an allergy clinic nearby. However, you might ask: can you have allergies later on in life or develop overnight?

How common allergies are

Allergies are a common illness which affects millions of people worldwide. The Centers for Disease Control revealed that allergies are one of the leading causes of major illnesses in the US alone. Treating it by an allergist doctor can turn out to be expensive too – almost $20 billion annually, to be exact.

Allergies are commonly caused by several triggers: food, air, pet dander, medications, or chemicals in everyday household items among a few. Among usual allergic reactions include sneezing, watery eyes, and skin itching to name a few. In worse cases, the allergic individual may experience difficulty in breathing which should be treated immediately to prevent further complications.

To prevent the onset of allergies, one should consult an allergist so proper medications will be given to you. Sometimes, a simple cough may not be as simple as it seems but rather an effect of allergy. That is why you should address and monitor symptoms you think is due to an allergic reaction.

Can adults have allergies later on in life?

Experts say allergies can suddenly creep up to you without warning. You may not have it when you were a child, but you may have it later on. One day you don’t feel any symptoms, and then feel your eyes watering or itching the next day. Allergies can be a mysterious case, nonetheless.

On the other hand, children can outgrow their allergies later on in life but may reappear as they grow old. This can be one of the scary things about allergies. You think you’re fine and lived with it all your life until the symptoms suddenly appear out of nowhere.

One theory about the onset of allergies in adulthood is apparently due to increased levels of pollutants (such as pet dander and dust mites) and unhealthy lifestyles. Another reason is said to be because of “too much cleanliness”.

Apparently, we focus on being too clean that our immune system has basically “nothing to do” – no bacteria to counter, to say the least. As a result, experts believe our immune system may tend to “overreact” to potential allergens which cause allergic reactions.

However, the exact reason behind this delayed onset of allergy may be unknown. But the good news is that adult allergies can still be manageable, as long as you identify the causes as early as possible. To help manage your allergies, it is best to consult an allergist specialist immediately.

How old adults are when they experience allergic symptoms?

According to allergist doctor Kevin McGrath, MD, a lot of people experience allergies in their childhood. However, adults aged 30 and above start to experience allergy symptoms. This can imply that allergies can affect all age groups. Nevertheless, allergies can affect anyone’s quality of life regardless of age.

Medical experts believe that adults may most likely experience adulthood allergies if they have experienced one during childhood. Some of them may remember having such an episode in their life, while some may be a distant memory. However, there are still those who experience allergic symptoms the first time ever in their whole lives during their adult years.

Once you notice unusual symptoms that are out of ordinary – at least in your everyday life – you should consult an allergy expert immediately. He or she should be able to provide medications that can help manage your allergies. If you ignore these symptoms, it can potentially endanger your life.

Let experts help you manage your allergies

Allergies can affect your everyday life. As mentioned, you may not have it at first. However, it can suddenly appear out of nowhere. In such cases, you should consult an allergy physician in Germantown MD. He or she should help you in managing your allergies and live a normal life as possible.

Common Food Allergens and The Best Alternatives

food allergies

All of us deserve to enjoy all types of foods, whether you are fond of meat or a strict vegetarian. Food brings people together – meals are better eaten with the company of friends and loved ones. It also tells the story of each country – in fact, there are some foods and delicacies unique to that particular country.

While food is meant to be enjoyed, some are not able to do so. This is due to their sensitivity to a particular food by which others do not have adverse effects at all. In this case, it is important to consult an allergist specialist near your area so you can be prescribed the right medication.

What is a food allergy?

A food allergy occurs when there is an adverse reaction when a certain food is consumed.  Usually, allergic reactions can be mild and ones that go away after taking medications.

In the worst cases, food allergies may cause a potentially life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis. If you have a suspected food allergy, you should have allergy testing so proper medications will be provided.

Symptoms and Causes

Among common symptoms of food allergy include the following:

  • Skin rashes/eczema/hives
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain/cramps
  • Swelling mouth/tongue/face
  • Watery/swelling eyes
  • Tightening of the throat/difficulty in breathing
  • Blood pressure drop

If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical help from a reliable and experienced allergy physician immediately. Upon visiting an allergist doctor, prepared to be asked about your history and diet as well as undergoing blood and skin tests to determine your condition. Better yet, you should avoid food allergens that you suspect causing those adverse reactions.

Common food allergies

Among common culprits of food allergies include the following:

  1. Cow’s milk

Children are more affected by milk allergies than adults. This is usually caused by a bodily reaction to some milk proteins. Other milk-based and dairy products may also trigger allergies.

  1. Eggs

Eggs are usually incorporated and added in a lot of recipes, which means avoiding it can be quite challenging. For example, this poultry is added to most bread and pastries as well as other savory dishes. Even egg shells are used in different purposes and can be mixed in other foods and beverages.

  1. Peanuts/Tree nuts

Peanuts, which are technically under the legumes family, may be the culprit for your allergies but not tree nuts such as almonds and walnuts, or vice versa. Nonetheless, it is important to be careful when eating nuts as it can trigger severe reactions, especially among children.

  1. Wheat

Wheat is commonly found in many foods such as beer, soy sauce, and ketchup. Even cosmetics and bath and skin care products contain wheat. That is why you should check the label carefully before buying it.

  1. Seafood

These include certain kinds of fish and shellfish. Seafood allergies may either develop earlier in childhood or later on adulthood.

Best Food Alternatives

The good news is there are alternatives if you are allergic to the abovementioned types of foods. Here are some of the common food allergens and the best food alternatives as will most likely recommend by your allergy specialist:

  1. Cow’s milk

There are a lot of cow’s milk alternatives if you are allergic to this. Among your possible choices (which can be a healthier choice, too) include coconut, soy, almond, oat, hazelnut, hemp, and macadamia milk among a few. However, make sure you are not also allergic to some of the alternatives mentioned here such as oat or soy.

  1. Eggs

If eaten as is, you can easily avoid it. But when eggs are used as an ingredient, it can be challenging to avoid it. One of the safest options you can do is to make your own recipe not involving eggs. For binding and leavening, you can use a mix of water, oil, and baking powder, or used fruit purees such as apple sauce or mashed bananas.

  1. Peanuts/Tree nuts

If you are allergic to nuts, you are also most likely allergic to peanut butter. One great alternative is using almond butter and sunflower seed butter. The former contains a high amount of fiber and low in saturated fat. The latter, on the other hand, is packed with protein and healthy fat.

If you want to eat nuts but are allergic to it, you can try munching on pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, or flaxseed seed. These nut alternatives can help improve your heart and brain health.

  1. Wheat

If you are allergic to wheat or gluten, you can use coconut, almond, oat, or rice flour when baking. These are easily absorbed by the body, improve metabolism, and regulate blood sugar level. Instead of wheat bread or pasta, you can use quinoa, lentils, chickpeas, potato, or brown rice.

  1. Seafood

Seafood including fish and shellfish are great sources of omega-3 fatty acids and protein. If protein is what you need on your diet, you can find it in chicken, beef, pork, tofu, lentils, and black beans.

For any signs of food allergy, find a reliable allergy clinic near you. Seek medical help from the best allergist in Manassas, VA today.

Different Allergy Types and Symptoms


Millions of people all over the world are afflicted with a certain type of allergy. Such allergic reactions can affect a person’s daily tasks and even the overall quality of life. Allergies may cause potentially life-threatening effects. If you or a loved one is suffering from a specific type of allergy, it is highly recommended to seek help from a reliable allergy specialist near you.

What is an allergy?

There are actually different types of allergies. Some occur depending on the season. On the other hand, some are chronic, which means they suffer from it for the longest time and perhaps even for the rest of their lives.

An allergy usually happens as a result of the body’s reaction to a specific substance which is deemed harmful or toxic. Upon presence of the allergen — or any substance that causes the allergy — the immune system releases histamine which causes the allergic reactions.

Our immune system produces antibodies, in which the latter is able to detect a specific allergy-causing substance. Most people won’t experience adverse effects coming into contact with these allergens. But for some reason, some people are overly-sensitive with a specific allergen which causes their allergies.

Allergic reactions may also vary depending on the type of allergy. Some may experience a sudden runny nose or non-stop sneezing even though they don’t have colds. Others may experience itchy skin or digestive problems. In worst cases, allergy sufferers may experience difficulty in breathing or even death if left untreated.

For any signs and symptoms of allergies, it is important to have them checked by an allergy physician. He or she will help you manage or even prevent the onset of allergies. Once the source of allergy is determined, the allergist will prescribe medications and other tips to avoid having allergy attacks.

Common causes of allergies

Allergic reactions may be due to different things – such as pet dander, a specific food, insect bite, medications, or pollen, among a few. Allergy testing is usually done to determine the cause of such allergic reactions. As mentioned, allergies are caused by different factors. Among common causes of allergies include the following:

  • Foods such as nuts, seafood, eggs, milk, soy, and wheat
  • Airborne substances such as dust mites, mold and mildew, pollen, and animal dander
  • Medications such as antibiotics, penicillin, or others
  • Insect stings from wasps or bees
  • Latex or other chemicals included in soaps or detergents that can lead to skin allergies

You may also be more prone to allergies if you have a family history of allergies (whether from food, airborne, or other allergens) or asthma. Children are also more likely to suffer from allergies than adults. For any signs of allergies, it is best to consult an allergy specialist doctor or find an allergy clinic near you.

Types and symptoms of allergies

There are different types and causes of allergies. Among common types of allergies are the following:

  1.  Food Allergies

Food allergies may manifest itself regardless of age but are more common in young children. Some allergies can even occur even if you are already eating that certain food for a long time without any adverse reactions.

Among common food allergens include eggs, peanuts, seafood (including shellfish and fish), soy, milk, and wheat. On the other hand, people with food allergies may experience hives, vomiting, tingling sensation or swelling of the lips, face, or throat, difficulty in breathing, or anaphylaxis in worst cases.

  1. Skin Allergies

Skin allergies may be triggered by different things including plants such as poison ivy, medications or food. These triggers may cause skin irritation including itchiness, redness, and the appearance of rashes.

Skin conditions such as hives and eczema are usually triggered by allergies. It is recommended to find an allergist doctor to determine the cause of your skin allergy.

  1. Pet Allergies

This type of allergy is common if you have house pets with furs such as dogs and cats. Pet fur in itself is not allergy-causing, but the dander (animal dead skin cells), saliva, and urine that are collected in it are usually the culprit.

Among common symptoms of pet allergies include runny nose or nasal congestion (allergic rhinitis), watery or itchy eyes, or skin rashes.

  1. Drug Allergies

Drug allergies may occur regardless of whether the medication is in injectable or oral form. It is usually triggered by certain medications such as penicillin and other antibiotics, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), or chemotherapy drugs among a few.

People with drug allergies may experience symptoms such as skin rashes and itching, breathing problems or anaphylaxis in worst cases.

  1. Insect Sting Allergies

Insects such as ants, bees, and wasps usually cause sting allergies. People with insect sting allergies may experience symptoms such as swelling, itching, and redness on the affected area. In worst cases, the person may experience difficulty in breathing or anaphylaxis and should be treated immediately.

Prevention and Treatment

If left untreated, allergies may lead to health complications such as severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis), asthma, ear or lung infections, or sinusitis. Other preventive measures you can take to help manage allergies include the following:

  • Monitor possible allergic triggers. For example, if you notice your skin starts to itch when you eat eggs, take note of it in a diary.
  • Stay away from possible allergens. If you know you have pet allergies, best not to keep a pet at home to prevent allergic reactions.
  • Consult the best allergist in Germantown MD or elsewhere near you. He or she will help you manage your allergies and provide medications when necessary.

Everything you Need to Know About Allergies

According to statistics 30% of adults and 40% of children have allergies. Allergies result when your body comes into contact with allergens and reacts resulting in the production of histamines. The production of histamines causes one to itch, have watery eyes and other allergy symptoms. Allergens can be found in food, in the air, in your house, and in your clothes. It’s important that you visit the allergy physician for a diagnosis of what is causing your allergies. In this post, we educate you on what causes allergies and how to avoid allergens.

Causes of Allergies

Allergies can run in families and they may be inherited. If any member of your family has allergies, you are likely to suffer from allergies. Below is a list of substances that may cause allergies;

  • Dust and dust mites
  • Pollen and moulds
  • Pet Dander
  • Certain foods such eggs, nuts or shellfish
  • Certain medications such as penicillin
  • Some plants may cause allergies

Signs and symptoms of an allergy

The sign of allergy can be mild or severe. If you come into contact with an allergen your symptoms may become mild and then severe. If you notice any of the below signs, visit the allergy clinic and let the allergy specialist check you to avoid any severe symptoms. If you know what is causing the symptoms, avoid the allergen.

  • Itchy red spot on your skin
  • Itching and nasal congestion
  • Rashes and a feeling of scratching on the throat
  • Watery eyes.
  • Severe allergies will cause the below symptoms
  • Severe abdominal pain or cramping
  • Tight chest
  • Diarrhoea

You will find it difficult to swallow and feel dizzy

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Anxiety and high heart beat rate
  • Swollen face and feeling weak
  • Wheezing and breathing difficulties
  • Causes unconsciousness

Allergies can become severe within a short time and it’s important that you visit the allergy doctor for a diagnosis. Severe allergies are known as anaphylaxis and it’s life-threatening. It results in the below symptoms

  • Swollen airways and inability to breathe
  • The sudden drop in blood pressure

If you experience the above symptoms, ensure that you visit an allergy specialist as they can be fatal

Allergy Testing

The allergy physician will begin by asking you questions on your allergy history. The allergy specialist may request that you keep track of the allergy symptoms by documenting. Below the most common allergy test that an allergist will carry out.

  • Skin test which involves placing the allergens on the skin and gauging the reaction. The allergen may be placed in the skin, pricked under the skin or injected into the skin. A skin test will help diagnose

Food allergies such as peanuts

Pollen and mould allergy

Bites allergy such as mosquito bites

Medicine allergy such as penicillin

  • Challenge testing is used to test for food allergies It involves removing certain foods from your diet and checking whether there are any signs and symptoms. That is done until the food causing the allergy is identified
  • A blood test is carried out to check whether there are any antibodies produced to fight allergens. A blood test is recommended when skin testing is not effective

Treatment of Allergy

If you are experiencing mild allergies and you know the cause of the allergies, then you can avoid the allergen and use home remedies to clear off the symptoms. If you experience severe allergy its critical that you see an allergy doctor immediately for allergy testing and medication. The allergy specialist will prescribe antihistamines to help ease the allergies and also advice you on how best to minimize the chances of coming into contact with allergens. If you or a member of your family suffers from severe cases of allergies it’s wise to ensure that they have their medication at all times. If your child has allergies, make sure the caregiver knows how to take care of the child.


Preventive measures will ease your allergies. The allergy doctor will advise you on home remedies that will help ease your allergies. Simple procedures such as keeping your doors locked when the pollen count is high, will reduce the chances of an allergy.  It’s important that you identify what causes your allergies and avoid the allergen. Visit the allergy clinic if you experience any severe symptoms and let the allergist Manassas diagnose you.