Monthly Archives: July 2015

Ocular Allergies: Things You Must Know

insect allergy

Red, itchy, and watery eyes are the most common of all which are very common. They are the result of same allergens that cause a runny nose or sneezing. This can also lead to certain eye infections such as conjunctivitis. If you have any such allergies related to eye, here are a few things which must be under your notice.

What Is The Cause Of Eye Allergy?

The most basic of all causes known is the allergens. These allergens are substances which are harmful to an individual causing allergy. Pollens, dust, molds are few of them which ignite allergy.

Another cause of eye allergies can be use of certain cosmetics or eye drops which may react with the eyes. Not only these but other factors like an insect’s bite or any other thing that your body may be allergic to can strike the reaction.

Self-Test For Ocular Allergies

For any condition that is not comfortable and needs care you must consult a doctor.

Are there any allergies in your family?

Do your eyes itch with pollens or animals?

Are you using any medications such as antihistamines or decongestants for your cough, cold or congestion?

What is the condition of your eyes when you are staying indoors?

If you have a “yes” to most of the answers then you must seek for the advice of the doctor.

Does Contact Lens Cause Eye Allergies?

Many people consider that contact lens cause allergy to eyes. But the fact is that wearing a silicone hydro gel after wearing a standard hydro gel causes allergy. The reason is not the use of contact lens that causes allergy. It is the substance that accumulates and sticks to the lens surface. In switching from the soft lens to the hydro lens the surface of the lens and the characteristics of the cause material to stick to it.

For such allergies there needs to be a proper diagnosis and prevention so as to avoid them. You must consult your allergy doctor before driving into any of the medications. Try to avoid the allergens that cause you ocular allergies.

Skin Allergies- An Overview


You might have noticed few bumps, itchiness, redness or any such situations yourself without knowing the exact cause. There are various causes and factors that may cause the irritated skin and an uncomfortable experience. They cause the skin to irritate and interfere with the immune system. The immune system is triggered with the allergens and so the disorders are caused inside the body.

There are various skin allergies you come across few of them can be known to you and a few totally different. Listed below are skin allergies and their treatments.

Various Skin Allergies

Allergic Contact Dermatitis:

There are various types of allergies that are triggered by being in cotact with an allergen. These may be a result of anything or of any object touching or entering the body that causes the immune system to react and create the body against for a reaction.

For example- a person who has an allergy from any metal say gold will get umps, rashes, itchiness, redness or anything which is not comfortable to the body at the point of contact.

Eczema Or Atopic Dermatitis:

It is the skin condition which is mostly seen in children. The basic reason behind the same being the genes from parents known as ‘filaggrin’. This is responsible for irritation and inflammation caused to the skin. It is often linked with the food allergies, or asthma.


The immune system of the body causes the release of histamines which cause the leakage of blood vessels which as aresult leads to sweling in the skin. They are categorised as acute and chronic based on the duration of time it stays in the body. For acute, it is the non-allergic causes such as exercise, medications, food or isect bites.Chronic hives is more of allergy based,i.e.., it is caused by specific triggers. These last for months or may be years.


This is also a kind of swelling in the deep layers of skin. It is basically seen in the soft tissues such as eyelids, genitas or mouth area. It can also last for few hours or minutes, known as acute angiodema. This is caused by food triggers and allergies. If it lasts for months or more then it is a chronic angiodema aving no identifiable cause.

Symptoms And Diagonsis

Eczema: The itchiness, redness or dy skin is caused when skin is scratched. It is often seen on the face, or on the elbow joints the  in children. Patients who have a fault in the filaggrin due to the genes.

For the diagnosis, the exact cause is not known but using a tropical medicine or medicine to reduce the inflammation. The infections are the primary trigger that cause the situation to worsen.

Hives and Angiodema: For the majority of chrronic disease the cause is unknown. Routine counting of blood cells for knowing the cause proves to be really costly. There are time when these are caaused from ood products that cause the allergy.

One must contact a suitable allergy doctor as a major precautional step against the skin allergies and get the cure.

Everything About Asthma And Its Treatment You Must Know!


Asthma– is a chronic disease which is long-lasting and persistent disease. It affects lungs and makes it hard to breathe. It causes shortening of breath, coughing, wheezing or even chest- pain. These symptoms are seen in people daily. The attacks can be mild, moderate or even in nature. Though you may feel fine at the point but these can occur any time.

Causes That Trigger Asthma

There is no exact cause for Asthma known. Although, there are various triggers that may cause the condition to worse. Not only these com from triggers but also can be through genes. It is more likely to be seen that children whose parents suffer from Asthma also suffer from Asthma.

The triggers or the factors play a major role in being a particular agent. Not everyone has same triggers. There are varieties of environmental agents that cause the symptoms. It can be from any infection, mould, burning wood, ashes, dirt, dust, smoke. Not only these but pollution, pets, preservatives, exercise, fragrances or emotions can worsen the situation. Knowing your triggers one can easily avoid them and keep situations under control.

How to Treat Asthma?

The treatment of asthma totally depends up on the severity of your asthma. Based upon it, it can be either a quick- medication or long-term medication. The quick medication or rescue medication is probably used when symptoms get worsened or when asthma attack occurs. It helps to get relief from attack at instant. You need medications for your asthma attack as it can occur anytime and that too, without any warning.

For the elimination of symptoms it’s the long-term medication that is followed. It helps to rescue inflammation from airways. Mostly the medication used for the relief is corticosteroids. Once you start with the medication you can get to know about the best course and suitable treatment for your Asthma.

Engaging with a doctor about the treatment of your asthma will lead you to the best results and educate you. Your health is the most important of all issues to you and your doctor. Make sure you do not hesitate with any questions, queries, or condition. You must communicate about your health, lifestyle matter or even your financial health.

Remember, you must keep it in mind about the time limit you have with your doctor. Make sure to be on time and be ready to discuss each and every details about the symptoms for a better asthma treatment from your asthma doctor.

Symptoms of Nasal Allergies to Consider Seriously!



Are you tired of your daily sneezing and seasonal allergies? Are you putting up with congestion that lasts every day? Whether you are allergic to pollens, dirt or dust; whatever it may be, you do not need to continue with it the entire day.

People suffer from seasonal allergies all year round without even considering for any treatments. If nasal allergy treatments are not treated on time, the situation may worsen. Hence it is advisable to keep a track of your allergies and things that may trigger it.

Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore:

Here are a few symptoms which you must take seriously before going into some serious worsened situations.

  1. STUFED NOSE: A runny nose or one which has become stuffed overtime is the most common symptom of nasal allergies. It is also known as congestion. Before any treatment for congestion one must know the allergy that is causing it. It may be from pollens, animals, dirt, or dust.

For example, if you are allergic to pollens try staying indoors when the count of pollen is increased. If you are allergic to dirt or dust try using a cloth on mouth while moving around to restrict entry of dirt inside your nose.

  1. UNCONTROLLABLE SNEEZING: If you are a victim of sneezing that starts anytime in your daily life in a count of series, you know how embracing the situation can be. But sneezing does not have to be taken so seriously until and unless it becomes a serious nuisance.
  2. RED ITCHY EYES: Watery or itchy eyes though do not cause any harm to the vision but are really annoying to see. Again, you need to avoid triggers that cause these symptoms be it pollen or dust. Only avoiding yourself can help you resist such symptoms, take precautions and stay away from allergies.
  3. POSTNASAL DRIP: On normal days you swallow mucus without even knowing it. But if you start to notice it because it has thickened up. Having more mucus than before; the situation results from postnasal drip. This makes you feel like a lump at the mid of your throat and can lead to irritation or pain there.
  4. SINUS PRESSURE: Sinuses are the small cavities behind your cheeks, eyes and even forehead. If mucus builds up in these areas you can experience pain due to the thickening mucus and pressure it creates.

Treatments That Follow!

For runny or stuffy nose try using nasal rinse as they help in clearing the congestion. Do not use it more than three days. Also try using a cloth or stay indoors to avoid triggers from allergies. To reduce sinus try taking steam, apply wet, moist cloth to your face. Wear a sunglass to avoid eyes to turn watery or itchy.

And if any of them do not work for your nasal allergies, go seek the advice of your allergy doctor about other ways to get relief!

Powerful Home Remedies To Try For Sinus

allergy doctor

Suffering from allergies due to the pollens can be really uncomfortable to people. Are you suffering from sinus problem? Are you suffering from fever, dizziness, sore throat or fatigue? If so then yes you might be suffering from sinus disease.

What Is Sinus?

The sinuses are a kind of disease or infection which is caused by viruses or pollens. Our nose has bones which have hollow pockets known as “sinus”.  These holes or sinuses produce mucus which gets into the nose. Now if the nose is swollen which may be due to inflammation can block the mucus and cause cough, congestion, nasal pain or tooth pain even. Sinus disease can be acute as well as chronic in nature. An acute is one which lasts up to four weeks such as cold and chronic which lasts for months or may even continue for years.

At some or other point of time you might have suffered from sinus and felt unpleasant and uncomfortable. But worry not you can easily use the stuffs from your kitchen to help treat your sinus that too at really inexpensive and easy cost fixations.

Home Remedies You Must Try For Treating Sinus Disease

As it is said that certain nasal problems and allergies constitute to acute or chronic sinus. The initial inflammation to sinus can be because of cold or allergies and especially in people who have weak immune system. Their immune system becomes prone to fungus and hence gets subjected to chronic disease. So if any allergy or any type of acute or chronic disease triggers you can always use certain home remedies which can help you get relief from the sinus pain.

The first step to treat sinus disease is not to actually find the root of the problem but to actually get relief from the pain. So the first approach should be about treating the symptoms. To treat the immune system you need to have your body to rest so that it may recover and make your body fight inflammation. Try including large amounts of fluids such as water or juices in your diet as it is going to dilute secretions and mucus, also promoting drainage through the body. Try to steam your face so that the vapors may melt down the mucus drain.

You can also drain the nasal passage using saline canister by using the clean, distilled, sterile, previously boiled and cooled water. Also one must wash the container after every use with contaminant free water and leave it to air-dry.

Sleep with your head elevated so that the mucus may drain outside.

You can also use some medications for relieving pain such as ibuprofen, aspirin. These medicines help in reducing swelling and opening airways.

Try using one or all of the above listed medications. If none of them work for you, you must go to a clinical center and get your body medicated with proper treatments before the situation worsens.