Skin Allergies- An Overview

By | July 25, 2015


You might have noticed few bumps, itchiness, redness or any such situations yourself without knowing the exact cause. There are various causes and factors that may cause the irritated skin and an uncomfortable experience. They cause the skin to irritate and interfere with the immune system. The immune system is triggered with the allergens and so the disorders are caused inside the body.

There are various skin allergies you come across few of them can be known to you and a few totally different. Listed below are skin allergies and their treatments.

Various Skin Allergies

Allergic Contact Dermatitis:

There are various types of allergies that are triggered by being in cotact with an allergen. These may be a result of anything or of any object touching or entering the body that causes the immune system to react and create the body against for a reaction.

For example- a person who has an allergy from any metal say gold will get umps, rashes, itchiness, redness or anything which is not comfortable to the body at the point of contact.

Eczema Or Atopic Dermatitis:

It is the skin condition which is mostly seen in children. The basic reason behind the same being the genes from parents known as ‘filaggrin’. This is responsible for irritation and inflammation caused to the skin. It is often linked with the food allergies, or asthma.


The immune system of the body causes the release of histamines which cause the leakage of blood vessels which as aresult leads to sweling in the skin. They are categorised as acute and chronic based on the duration of time it stays in the body. For acute, it is the non-allergic causes such as exercise, medications, food or isect bites.Chronic hives is more of allergy based,i.e.., it is caused by specific triggers. These last for months or may be years.


This is also a kind of swelling in the deep layers of skin. It is basically seen in the soft tissues such as eyelids, genitas or mouth area. It can also last for few hours or minutes, known as acute angiodema. This is caused by food triggers and allergies. If it lasts for months or more then it is a chronic angiodema aving no identifiable cause.

Symptoms And Diagonsis

Eczema: The itchiness, redness or dy skin is caused when skin is scratched. It is often seen on the face, or on the elbow joints the  in children. Patients who have a fault in the filaggrin due to the genes.

For the diagnosis, the exact cause is not known but using a tropical medicine or medicine to reduce the inflammation. The infections are the primary trigger that cause the situation to worsen.

Hives and Angiodema: For the majority of chrronic disease the cause is unknown. Routine counting of blood cells for knowing the cause proves to be really costly. There are time when these are caaused from ood products that cause the allergy.

One must contact a suitable allergy doctor as a major precautional step against the skin allergies and get the cure.