Monthly Archives: March 2016

Allergy Doctor: Tips On How To Avoid Common Allergens


To avoid complications that come with allergies, avoid the triggers that provoke it. To help you out, here are tips recommended by allergy doctors on how to avoid the allergens:

Avoid food allergy

Food allergy is one of the most common types of allergies. To avoid it avoid the foods triggering the allergic reaction. Studies show that at least 95% of people are allergic to the same types of foods. These are:

Honey: honey contains botulism spores that most people are allergic to. According to studies, most people allergic to honey don’t have stomachs that are acidic enough to destroy the spores.

Nuts and peanuts: whole nuts have for centuries being a choking hazard for babies and toddlers. Avoid peanut butter as it’s hazardous for children under the age of 2 years.

Cow’s milk: cow’s milk is allergic to babies under the age of one year.

Avoid indoor allergens

Common indoor allergens known to cause allergies are dust mites and pet dander. To get rid of dust mites you need to clean pillows, mattresses and other places where allergens like hiding. Other ways of controlling the mites is by replacing heavy drapes with blinds.

To control allergy brought about by pet dander, you should clean your room every day. Also ensure that you clean your dog often. It’s recommended that you wipe the dog with a wet cloth every day. Also bath the dog at least once a week.

To ensure fresh air in the bedroom and other parts of the house, install a HEPA room air cleaner.

Avoid outdoor allergens

Pollen and mold are two of the major causes of allergy in most people. Since they are light, they are usually blown around in the air making it difficult to avoid them. While this is the case, it doesn’t mean that you can’t minimize exposure. To help you out, here are ways to avoid pollen exposure:

  • Always stay indoors when pollen count is reported to be high. Also stay indoors during the windy days when pollen is more likely to be present in high amounts in air
  • If possible, take a vacation from your area to another area that is pollen free
  • Keep your windows closed in order to prevent mold and pollen from drifting into your house


These are ways in which you can avoid allergens. If you have tried avoiding the allergens in all possible ways and you are still getting allergy, consider visiting an allergy clinic.

Taking A Look At Food Allergy Tests

food allergies

While food allergies are common conditions, they are often misunderstood by both doctors and patients. To certify that you truly have a food allergy you should undertake a food allergy test. There are many types of tests that you can undertake. Some of the common ones that you can consider include:

History food test

This is not exactly a test, but a way of pinpointing the allergens that could be the cause of your condition. You should visit an allergy doctor who will ask you a number of questions such as when the symptoms began, the foods that you took before the symptoms began, and the changes that you experienced.

RAST food allergy test

Also known as a radioallergosorbent test, this is a blood test that tests for IgE antibodies. It’s used when it’s impossible to undertake a skin test. You could be having severe eczema or any other skin condition. The test can also be used when you don’t have to be exposed to allergens. You test positive for this test if you produce antibodies against the allergen.

Prick food allergy test

A prick test or scratch test is used to test a wide range of allergens at one time. When you visit an allergist, he/she tests a number of allergens on a thin forearm skin. The professional may also take a skin sample from your back. A positive test shows as a wheal or hive. If the test is negative, the professional may repeat the test or recommend a more sensitive test.

Oral food challenge test

The cool thing with this test is that it gives a conclusive report. To undertake the test you should ingest food that you are suspected of being allergic to. The doctor then observes you for a period of time to determine whether you have had any changes. While this test might sound easy and fun, it’s usually risky as the effects can be fatal. To avoid complications have the test under the close medical supervision.

Elimination diet

This is a simple test where you start by taking foods that you are less likely to be allergic to. Other foods are then slowly added into your diet until you show symptoms of allergy. While this test is effective, it’s usually tedious.


Food allergy tests are a must have if you don’t know the foods that are provoking your condition. For ideal results, undertake the tests in a reputable allergy clinic.

Allergy Doctor: 3 Allergy Triggers You Should Know About

seasonal allergies

If you have been suffering with allergy you most likely know that you have the condition when you are exposed to specific allergens. Studies have shown that almost 50% of people suffering with allergy don’t know their triggers. Are you one of the people suffering with the condition? Here are 3 of the most common allergy triggers that you should know about:

Pollen allergy

Pollen is found in trees, grasses, and weeds. It’s known for triggering hay fever and seasonal allergies. Symptoms of pollen allergy include: sneezing, stuffy or runny nose, and itchy, watery eyes. There are many ways of treating the condition: taking prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications and allergy shots. If you are certain pollens are the ones triggering your condition, allergy doctors recommend that you stay indoors when the pollen counts are high. While indoors, keep the windows closed and air conditioner running.

Mold allergy

It’s estimated that over 250,000 mold spores can fit on one pin head. There are two broad types of molds: outdoor and indoor molds. Outdoor mold grows in moist shade areas such as on rotten wood or decaying vegetation. Indoor mold on the other hand grows in dark, humid areas of the home. These areas include: basements, attics, bathrooms and cellars. To protect yourself from mold allergy you need to maintain high levels of hygiene. You should regularly clean the surfaces and if possible, disinfect them.

Furry animal allergy

Did you know that proteins found in pet dander, saliva and urine of your favorite pets causes allergy in 15% of the general population? The proteins are carried as small, invisible particles that land on the lining of your eyes and nose. If you can live without your pets it’s recommended that you avoid them in your home, but if you can’t stay without them, you need to take precautions to ensure that you don’t get allergic reactions.

One of the things that you should do is make your bedroom a pet-free zone, go with bare floors, use washable rugs instead of carpets, and regularly bathe your pet. If you have the budget, install HEPA filters and allergy shots.


These are the common allergy triggers that you should know about. If you are unsure of the allergens triggering your condition, consult your local allergy doctor. The professional will undertake allergy tests and recommend the best allergy treatment for your condition. For ideal results, ensure that the professional you consult is highly experienced.

5 Asthma Treatments You Should Give A Try

asthma treatments

Asthma is a sensitive condition and you should be cautious of the medications that you use to manage it. Many people always want to treat the condition naturally, but most of them don’t know the natural products that they should take. To help you out here are some of the best natural asthma treatments that you should take:

Vitamin C and E

When you have an asthma attack you introduce many harmful free radicals into your body. Allergy doctors believe the radicals result to serious illnesses if not treated in time. One of the most effective ways of getting rid of the radicals is using vitamin C and E. You should visit an allergist who will recommend the best vitamin source for your condition.


This is a popular oriental herb that is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Since asthma is an inflammatory condition, ginseng will go a long way in managing the bronchial irritation.

Magnesium supplements

Magnesium supplements are known to open lung passages thus easing the attack. When you have an attack visit the nearest allergy clinic and the doctor will give you the supplements.

Studies have shown that taking 500 mg of the supplements daily widens bronchial tubes thus facilitating easier breathing. The supplements also reduce the chances of developing severe asthma attacks.


Also known as coleus, licorice naturally eliminates inflammation caused by asthma. Asthma specialists recommend that you take at least 50 mg of the product every day.

While the product is effective in its working, you should be cautious when taking it as it has been shown to increase the effectiveness of steroids that are used in hospitals to treat asthma.

Before you take the product first consult your asthma doctor for directions on how to take the product.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are not only good for the brain, they have also been proved to reduce swelling in lungs. Omega-3 rich foods include: nuts, flaxseed oil, and fish.

When taking fish, take plenty of tuna. Tuna have been shown to contain plenty of fatty acids.

Parting shot

These are a few of the natural asthma treatments that you can use to treat your condition. To make it easy to manage the condition you should visit an allergy doctor for medical advice and treatment for coexisting conditions that worsen the condition. They include: allergic rhinitis, sinusitis and GERD.

You should also avoid exposing yourself to asthma triggers such as smog.