Taking A Look At Food Allergy Tests

By | March 21, 2016

food allergies

While food allergies are common conditions, they are often misunderstood by both doctors and patients. To certify that you truly have a food allergy you should undertake a food allergy test. There are many types of tests that you can undertake. Some of the common ones that you can consider include:

History food test

This is not exactly a test, but a way of pinpointing the allergens that could be the cause of your condition. You should visit an allergy doctor who will ask you a number of questions such as when the symptoms began, the foods that you took before the symptoms began, and the changes that you experienced.

RAST food allergy test

Also known as a radioallergosorbent test, this is a blood test that tests for IgE antibodies. It’s used when it’s impossible to undertake a skin test. You could be having severe eczema or any other skin condition. The test can also be used when you don’t have to be exposed to allergens. You test positive for this test if you produce antibodies against the allergen.

Prick food allergy test

A prick test or scratch test is used to test a wide range of allergens at one time. When you visit an allergist, he/she tests a number of allergens on a thin forearm skin. The professional may also take a skin sample from your back. A positive test shows as a wheal or hive. If the test is negative, the professional may repeat the test or recommend a more sensitive test.

Oral food challenge test

The cool thing with this test is that it gives a conclusive report. To undertake the test you should ingest food that you are suspected of being allergic to. The doctor then observes you for a period of time to determine whether you have had any changes. While this test might sound easy and fun, it’s usually risky as the effects can be fatal. To avoid complications have the test under the close medical supervision.

Elimination diet

This is a simple test where you start by taking foods that you are less likely to be allergic to. Other foods are then slowly added into your diet until you show symptoms of allergy. While this test is effective, it’s usually tedious.


Food allergy tests are a must have if you don’t know the foods that are provoking your condition. For ideal results, undertake the tests in a reputable allergy clinic.