Allergy Doctor: 3 Allergy Triggers You Should Know About

By | March 14, 2016

seasonal allergies

If you have been suffering with allergy you most likely know that you have the condition when you are exposed to specific allergens. Studies have shown that almost 50% of people suffering with allergy don’t know their triggers. Are you one of the people suffering with the condition? Here are 3 of the most common allergy triggers that you should know about:

Pollen allergy

Pollen is found in trees, grasses, and weeds. It’s known for triggering hay fever and seasonal allergies. Symptoms of pollen allergy include: sneezing, stuffy or runny nose, and itchy, watery eyes. There are many ways of treating the condition: taking prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications and allergy shots. If you are certain pollens are the ones triggering your condition, allergy doctors recommend that you stay indoors when the pollen counts are high. While indoors, keep the windows closed and air conditioner running.

Mold allergy

It’s estimated that over 250,000 mold spores can fit on one pin head. There are two broad types of molds: outdoor and indoor molds. Outdoor mold grows in moist shade areas such as on rotten wood or decaying vegetation. Indoor mold on the other hand grows in dark, humid areas of the home. These areas include: basements, attics, bathrooms and cellars. To protect yourself from mold allergy you need to maintain high levels of hygiene. You should regularly clean the surfaces and if possible, disinfect them.

Furry animal allergy

Did you know that proteins found in pet dander, saliva and urine of your favorite pets causes allergy in 15% of the general population? The proteins are carried as small, invisible particles that land on the lining of your eyes and nose. If you can live without your pets it’s recommended that you avoid them in your home, but if you can’t stay without them, you need to take precautions to ensure that you don’t get allergic reactions.

One of the things that you should do is make your bedroom a pet-free zone, go with bare floors, use washable rugs instead of carpets, and regularly bathe your pet. If you have the budget, install HEPA filters and allergy shots.


These are the common allergy triggers that you should know about. If you are unsure of the allergens triggering your condition, consult your local allergy doctor. The professional will undertake allergy tests and recommend the best allergy treatment for your condition. For ideal results, ensure that the professional you consult is highly experienced.