Monthly Archives: October 2019

Are You Allergic to Your Pet? Here’s What You Need to Know

It is a common thing for many households to have pets at home. In fact, there are also a lot of owners who allow their pets to sleep beside them every night. Indeed, pets are easily part of the family as if they are humans. However, this may not always be the case.

For one thing, pet allergies are a real thing. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America revealed that around 15 to 30 percent of Americans have some kind of pet allergies. Being allergic to dogs and cats are some of the most popular causes of allergies among humans. They have no choice but to avoid having any furry pets at home and visit an allergist specialist for any presence of allergic reactions.

Common causes of pet allergies

A 2009-2010 report by the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association revealed that 60 percent of American households own pets, many of which have dogs, cats, or both. Unfortunately, the majority of these pet owners also suffer from pet allergies. If you are one of them, it is best to visit an allergy physician to help manage your allergic symptoms.

For starters, allergies occur due to the immune system’s overreaction to certain allergens or triggers. In this case, people with pet allergies have a sensitivity to pet dander, urine, or saliva. Once these come into contact with the allergic person, it triggers the immune system to overreact and cause allergic symptoms.

Contrary to popular belief, pet fur does not cause the allergic reaction itself. Rather, it is the dust, dander, saliva, urine, and pollen that are accumulated on the fur that causes allergic reactions. Even if you don’t have pets at home, there is still a possibility that a visitor might carry pet allergens through their clothes. If you are allergic to pets, make sure to visit an allergy clinic near you for proper treatment.

Common symptoms of pet allergies

Pet allergens can irritate your nose and eyes that cause itching and sneezing. Other common symptoms of pet allergies are the following.

  • Stuffy nose/post-nasal drip
  • Watery eyes
  • Skin irritation (redness, rashes, hives, etc.)
  • Coughing
  • Itchy throat or the roof of the mouth
  • Facial pains
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Chest pains or tightening
  • Wheezing sound when breathing
  • Insomnia
  • Asthma attacks
  • Eczema (especially among children)

Meanwhile, there is a common misconception that exposing a baby to a pet can trigger pet allergies later on. Some of you might find it horrifying to see a dog going near a newborn. However, this may not be the case for many dog owners.

A report from the Journal of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology revealed that a newborn baby’s exposure to pets may even protect them from developing allergies in the future.

Managing pet allergies

The first important step to avoid pet allergies is not to get a pet at all. While there are so-called “hypoallergenic dogs”, it may not guarantee owners not experiencing any allergic reactions later on. If you want to know more about this, you can consult an allergist before getting a house pet.

Meanwhile, there are some medications that are usually prescribed to counter allergy and asthma symptoms due to pet allergies. These treatments are the following.

  • Decongestants (available in nasal or oral forms)
  • Antihistamines (popular brands include Benadryl, Allegra, and Claritin)
  • Allergy shots (usually given by an allergy specialist for more serious allergic cases)
  • Nasal corticosteroids (helps in reducing inflammation and managing allergic symptoms)
  • Montelukast (given to those who cannot tolerate corticosteroids and antihistamines)
  • Saline solution (a natural remedy that helps in clearing nasal passages)

Lifestyle changes may also be necessary if you want to reduce the occurrence of pet allergies. Here are some tips you can do to lessen the presence of allergens that can trigger pet allergies.

  • Use HEPA purifiers to help reduce the presence of airborne allergens at home.
  • Uninstall home fixtures that can attract pet allergens such as carpets, curtains, and upholstered furniture.
  • Consider getting a hypoallergenic dog. However, make sure to consult an allergy expert first before doing so.
  • Set up a dog-free zone (such as bedrooms) to avoid allergen contamination in other rooms.

Love your pets, but love yourself, too!

Dogs are man’s best friends, and so are other kinds of pet, too. They all deserve to be loved and be taken care of. There is still a chance that you can own a pet, but it is better to consult an allergy physician in Manassas VA first to avoid the adverse effects of pet allergies.

Systems On: Essential Tips on Boosting Your Immune System

Being generally healthy is important so we can be able to do things we have to do every day. That is why we are often advised to take vitamins and health supplements as well as having regular physical activities. At the same time, we should adopt a healthy diet and avoid junk foods as much as possible. By doing all these, we can have a better immune system that will lessen our risk of having common illnesses and other sorts of diseases.

However, our immune system may have some slight flaws. For one, the immune system usually causes allergic triggers that need to be consulted to an allergy doctor immediately. While our immune system is meant to protect us from getting sick, an overreaction from certain triggers such as pollen or dust can make some people head straight to an allergy clinic.

What does the immune system really do?

For starters, the immune system’s main purpose is to protect our bodies from illness-causing bacteria and viruses. It basically serves as our armor of protection against the “bad guys”—that is, common illnesses such as cough and colds, and even serious medical conditions such as cancer.

Apparently, the lymphoid organs play a vital role in the overall functioning of our immune system. Included in the lymphoid organs are the bone marrow, lymph nodes, appendix, spleen, and tonsils among a few. These organs work collaboratively to protect our entire body from infections that can wreak havoc to our health.

But as mentioned, the immune systems somehow has its flaws depending on how people perceive it. While such so-called flaws are one way to protect us from certain substances and microorganisms, it can cause reactions that can potentially be fatal to the person.

Some known signs of an allergic reaction due to the immune system’s reaction to certain allergens include sneezing, runny nose, itching, and in worst cases, anaphylactic shock and even death. That is why it is important for you to identify the cause of your allergies if you have one. For any signs of allergic reactions, you should consult an allergy physician immediately for proper treatment.

What causes weak immune systems?

As mentioned, the immune system is composed of several organs that work together to provide protection to our bodies against disease-causing bacteria and viruses. However, certain factors can affect your immune system.

As a result, a weakened immune system cannot play its crucial role of protecting you against illnesses and infections. Some of the reasons that can affect your immune system are the following.

  • Lack of sleep
  • Poor diet and nutrition
  • Smoking
  • Taking certain medications
  • HIV
  • Exercising too much

A weakened immune system can also affect people suffering from allergies and asthma. As mentioned, certain triggers can cause the immune system to overreact and result to adverse effects on the body. When symptoms appear, make sure to visit an allergist specialist immediately. Allergy testing may be necessary to determine triggers and come up with treatments to help manage it.

Symptoms of a weakened immune system

You might experience one or more of the following if you have a weak immune system.

  • Frequent occurrence of allergies
  • Digestive problems
  • Wounds take a long time to heal
  • Lethargy or tiredness
  • Frequent illness
  • Joint pains

How to strengthen your immune system

It is important to keep ourselves healthy to prevent the effects of a weak immune system. This is especially crucial for those who suffer from allergies. For one thing, going on frequent trips to an asthma doctor can be physically and financially exhausting and you should break that cycle right now. Here are some essential tips to strengthen your immune system.

  • Practice good hygiene. Never take handwashing for granted because that’s where everything starts in terms of germ contacts and all.
  • Make sure to disinfect items that your household members often touch such as the remote control and doorknobs.
  • Relax and don’t let stress eat you up. Get some stress-busting activities such as yoga, massages, and doing hobbies like reading or crocheting.
  • Have enough sleep. Experts recommend that adults should have at least 7 hours of sleep per day.
  • Eat a healthy diet and have a regular exercise (but do not overdo it).
  • Take health supplements for iron, zinc, vitamins A, D, E, and folic acid.
  • If you have allergic symptoms, visit an allergy clinic in Germantown MD immediately for proper treatment.

Anaphylaxis: A Life-Threatening Allergic Reaction You Should Take Seriously

Allergic reactions vary from person to person. On one hand, some might experience mild reactions that can be manageable by taking prescribed medications. On the other hand, some individuals may experience severe allergic reactions to the point of life-threatening. While the latter should be brought to the nearest allergy clinic immediately, all kinds of allergic reactions should be addressed for proper treatment nonetheless.

There are people who experience severe allergic reactions to allergens that can potentially be deadly for them. This frightening reaction is called anaphylaxis, which occurs when there is an excessive chemical release and results in shock.

Anaphylaxis commonly occurs to certain allergens such as food, latex, medications, and insect stings. If there are symptoms that appear following contact with the mentioned allergens, it is best to consult an allergy physician immediately. Just because it hasn’t happened to you in the past doesn’t mean anaphylaxis won’t happen to you ever in your life.

What causes anaphylaxis?

As you might know, our immune system is capable of producing antibodies that protect us against foreign substances like harmful viruses or bacteria. However, some people tend to overreact to these foreign substances. Some allergic reactions are not really life-threatening, but some people do experience intense reactions that lead to anaphylaxis.

As mentioned, everyone is susceptible to experiencing anaphylaxis even if you haven’t experienced this for once in your life. More so, you have higher chances of having an anaphylactic shock if you have experienced this at least once in the past.

Among common triggers include certain foods like shellfish and peanuts, as well as antibiotics and other certain medications. Latex (ex. ones used in gloves) and insect stings can also trigger anaphylaxis as well. Some triggers may not be as common as the previously mentioned ones such as intense physical activities. Regardless of the allergic triggers, it is best to consult an allergy specialist doctor immediately.

Common symptoms of anaphylaxis

Symptoms of anaphylaxis usually occur in a snap and may progress later on. At first, symptoms can be mild just like the usual such as a runny nose or a skin rash. However, it can lead to the worst if you do not address it immediately to an allergy specialist. Among symptoms to watch out for include the following.

  • Tightening of the throat, resulting in breathing difficulties
  • Appearance of hives
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness and fainting spells
  • Low blood pressure or increase in heartbeat rate
  • Cardiac arrest, in worst cases

If you have first experienced mild anaphylaxis before, you should still not take it for granted. In some cases, the next occurrence can be worse and can even lead to worse reactions and even death. Before it becomes too late, it is best to call an allergist doctor to help manage your allergic triggers.

Diagnosis and treatment

As mentioned, any allergic reactions that are not the usual should be treated immediately by an allergy doctor. If you or someone you know show signs of severe allergic reactions, it is best to have it treated immediately. Call for emergency assistance and remove the offending allergen as much as possible.

Ensure that the patient is breathing well and as comfortable as possible. If there is a sign of low blood pressure, the person should remain in a supine position and raise the legs off the ground. In the event that the patient stops breathing, perform CPR immediately until paramedics arrive.

In some cases, the patient will be given an epinephrine injection which helps in stabilizing blood pressure and reduce the occurrence of swelling. It also helps in relaxing the muscles and prevents the progression of the allergic triggers that can worsen your condition.

Unfortunately, anaphylaxis can be unpredictable. As mentioned, it can happen to people who have not experienced this ever in their lives. That is why you should know the abovementioned symptoms and make sure you do not take those symptoms for granted. If those appear, make sure to visit an allergy physician to help you manage your condition.

Avoid the life-threatening risks of anaphylaxis

Allergic reactions vary from person to person, but should still be addressed by an allergist in Manassas VA. Anaphylaxis can happen to anyone, including you. That is why you should be able to identify your triggers if you have one. Contact the best allergists near you to help manage your allergies.