Monthly Archives: August 2020

Using Alcohol and Handwashing: Are They Really Effective Against COVID?

The rising COVID-19 cases have been consistent for the past months. But somehow, the good news is that a huge chunk of those figures has already recovered. Still, we should be extra careful since the virus is still out there. Those with allergies and asthma may also still be at high risk of contracting the virus if they are not careful enough.

Speaking of allergies and asthma, it is best to visit an allergy clinic if you are experiencing symptoms. If you notice rashes, constant coughing and sneezing, and breathing difficulties, consult an allergist doctor for proper treatments.

Keeping safe from COVID-19

Experts remind people over and over again about using face masks, observing physical distancing, and practicing proper hygiene. As of now, there is no vaccine yet available to help manage this global pandemic. In the meantime, the best protection we can give ourselves is hand washing.

On average, people touch (inadvertently or on purpose) about 23 times per hour. Our hands are also constantly exposed to germs and other harmful bacteria. The next thing you know, you get sick that could have been avoided by washing hands.

Studies show that handwashing is one of the best ways to lessen the spread of the dreaded virus. Aside from protecting against COVID-19, hand washing will also protect you from other common illnesses like colds and flu as well as salmonella.

There are two ways to clean our hands: either by lathering with soap or using alcohol or hand sanitizer. These may seem to be an easy task. However, there is a right way of cleaning your hands using these hygiene products.

What to consider in choosing a hand sanitizer

In case that running water and soap are not available, you can use hand sanitizer. When you buy a hand sanitizer, you should not only rely on its smell only. You should also check the chemical composition. Choose a hand sanitizer that is 60 percent ethyl alcohol or 70 percent isopropyl alcohol.

Stay away from hand sanitizers that have methanol or 1-propanol, which are both toxic when coming into contact with skin. There are even some new brands that contain these ingredients but are labeled as ethanol. Trust only brands that have been in the market for years.

Using alcohol nowadays is as important as taking proper asthma treatments. You need to be aware of your surroundings and use it as needed to prevent the harmful effects of not being careful of your health later on.

Those with allergies and asthma are more prone to contracting this virus, so it is important to be extra careful. Allergy testing can also help whether you have underlying allergic reactions that will make you more vulnerable to COVID-19.

How proper hygiene can prevent allergic reactions

Along with the ongoing pandemic, we all need to be wary of our hygiene and keep our surroundings clean. This is also your allergist specialist will most likely recommend preventing allergic reactions. It includes cleaning dust and dirt off your home, choosing the right personal hygiene products with gentle or organic ingredients.

Here are other ways to prevent allergic reactions as recommended by an allergy specialist doctor. As mentioned, those with allergies and asthma can be more prone to contracting the dreaded COVID-19 virus.

  • Using vinyl, wood, or tile flooring instead of carpets as the latter can harbor dust mites that can cause allergic reactions
  • Choosing window blinds that are easy to clean
  • Regular dusting of cushions, upholstered furniture, and stuffed toys by vacuuming or high-temp washing
  • Using a vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter
  • Not keeping pets inside the house (as much as possible)
  • Bathing pets at least once per week
  • Replacing bedsheets and linen at least once a week
  • Checking the ingredients on food packaging for possible allergens (nuts, spices, dairy, etc.)
  • Staying inside the house during high pollen count (usually summer)
  • Using insect repellent to the exposed skin

Staying safe during the pandemic

These are only some of the best ways to protect you from the virus. We won’t know until when this pandemic will end. But the best way to prevent falling victim to this disease is by proper hygiene and managing symptoms as soon as possible.

If you have asthma or allergic to something, you need to be twice as careful nowadays. In case you experience any allergic symptoms, make sure to go to an allergy clinic in Manassas VA immediately.

Can Spices Cause Allergies? Here’s What You Need to Know

Life is not complete without some spice on it. The same applies to food. Without spice, your food will taste bland. Spices are also used in other consumer products including cosmetics and oral hygiene products. Spices are not also regulated as per the US Food and Drug Administration. That means most of these spices are not included in most food packaging.

As a result, spices are one of the most difficult allergy triggers since you cannot easily find them on food labels. In reality, allergy to spice contributes 2 percent of all food allergies. There are also no allergy testing or blood tests available to detect spice allergies.

The truth about spice allergies

Popular spices that can trigger allergies include garlic, cinnamon, vanilla, and black pepper. The “spicier” the spice (ex. Jalapeno, Carolina Reaper, etc.), the higher the chances of having allergic reactions. In case of allergic reactions due to these spices, you should go to an allergy specialist immediately.

Former ACAAI president Sami Bahna, MD says that spice allergy may look like it is a rare case. However, Americans are fond of using various spices in their everyday diet as well as using different cosmetic products. Women are also more prone to spice allergy since a lot of them tend to use cosmetics, perfume, and other beauty products. This could mean less spice (pun intended) in their lives.

Some may be allergic to only one spice, but can also have an allergic reaction to other spice blends. Those with spice allergies have to adjust a lot in their lifestyle, including watching their food intake and avoiding the makeup. In the case of flare-ups, you should consult the best allergist in your area.

Spices usually come from plants, hence the potential to become allergens. However, it is also believed that allergic reaction to spices are not real allergies but rather more on “intolerance”. To determine whether it is true allergies, you should consult an allergy physician so you will be given the right medications.

Are you allergic to spice?

A lot of people mistake “intolerance” with allergic reactions. One risk of this is to be given the wrong medications that can be detrimental to health. In such cases, you can contact an allergist for clarification. Here are symptoms that differentiate non-allergic to real allergic reactions to various allergens, including spices.


  • Mouth itching (can be because of pollen but not due to the spice itself)
  • Coughing upon substance inhalation (can be more on an effect of irritants)
  • Skin rashes (can be due to skin irritation)


  • Reactions with sesame seeds, a known food allergen that can cause life-threatening allergic reactions
  • Anaphylaxis (although rare, but common upon consumption of spices such as cumin, cayenne pepper, oregano, and thyme among a few)

If you notice consistent reactions every time you eat the same spice, talk to an allergy specialist doctor immediately. You will undergo skin prick testing to determine the presence of allergic antibodies to a specific spice.

Dealing with spice allergies

As mentioned, the best way to deal with spice allergies is to avoid it. Ingestion of spices when you have allergies to it can cause symptoms such as:

  • Bloating
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Lip swelling
  • Hives
  • Anaphylactic shock (in the worst cases)

Spices are also present in beauty and oral hygiene products. As also mentioned, these are not also accounted for in most ingredient lists. Hence, it can be hard to detect which of these products do contain these dreaded spices.

Some may be allergic to one specific spice, while others can be affected by more than one. One way to deal with your allergies is to consider spice alternatives. For example, you can substitute oregano with other herbs like basil or thyme. Or if you are allergic to sesame seeds, you can use 1 tablespoon chopped blanched almonds instead.

Other ways to manage spice allergies

Other tips that can help minimize allergic reactions to spice are the following.

  • Keep ground spices and herbs for a year. For whole spices, you can store them for 2 years.
  • Store properly. Better yet, buy smaller containers to prevent spoilage and to ensure they will all be used up.
  • Check whether they are still fresh by breaking or crushing to release the aroma.
  • When cooking, add the fresh herbs (ex. oregano, thyme, etc.) just before you finish cooking to avoid losing its aroma and flavor.
  • In case you experience adverse reactions, visit an allergy clinic in Manassas VA immediately.

How Vitamin D Can Help in Alleviating Asthma


It is said that the majority of Americans have a Vitamin D deficiency. Several studies also revealed possible links to Vitamin D deficiency and various health issues, including asthma. Millions of people worldwide are afflicted with asthma and affect both children and adults. If you experience asthma symptoms, make sure to take asthma treatments prescribed by a trusted asthma doctor.

But first, what is asthma?

Asthma is not only a simple cough that goes away after a couple of days. It is a long-term disease that causes breathing difficulties for people afflicted by it. Some of the most common asthma symptoms include coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing.

Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure for this condition. However, it can still be manageable in different ways. One is by identifying and avoiding any possible triggers. You also have to take prescribed medications as recommended by your asthma doctor. If symptoms seem severe, visit an allergy clinic or the nearest emergency room immediately.

The link between asthma and Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the most essential vitamins for the body. Also known as the “sunshine vitamins”, it enables calcium absorption and also helps in making vitamin D when you go out in the sun.

However, several studies also show a strong connection between asthma and low vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is said to have antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties that reduce asthma attacks. That means low vitamin D levels put someone at a higher risk of asthma and other respiratory issues.

Other results found in various studies state that vitamin D:

  • Is more likely to lessen the risk of asthma attacks, although this study is only limited to those with mild to moderate cases of asthma.
  • Should also represent those who have severe cases of asthma as well as children. There should be more studies involving these said cases.

If you or a loved one has asthma, you can go to an allergist doctor to help manage your asthma symptoms. It is also better to have a good level of vitamin D by taking supplements and eating vitamin D-rich foods.

How safe is vitamin D?

Vitamin D is generally safe to take. As mentioned, vitamin D is an important body nutrient. However, you need to take note of the right dosage for the best results. Before taking any vitamin D supplements, make sure to ask an asthma doctor first.

It is also important to note that vitamin D won’t cure your asthma and should not replace your prescribed medications. Likewise, you should not take any other medicines together with vitamin D.

Still, researchers are hoping that vitamin D, together with the usual medications for asthma, means a better life for asthmatics. You can get it through supplements or good sun exposure, although you should not overdo the latter or risk having skin cancer.

Plus, vitamin D can also do more than help people manage their asthma symptoms. It can also improve bone and muscle health, and reduce the risk of having flu and common colds. That said, it is better to include vitamin D to your regular health regimen.

Creating an action plan for asthma

Those suffering from asthma should have a sound action plan to deal better with their condition. This includes determining whether the symptoms are getting worse and what to do to manage the situation.

Most doctors would suggest including three action zones: Green for “good to go”, Yellow for “taking extra precaution”, and Red for “take action ASAP”. The last one means there is the presence of severe symptoms like breathing difficulty. In such cases, you need to seek medical help immediately

For children who suffer from asthma, you should include photos of medications taken. There should also be a statement of consent for parents or caregivers in case the child needs immediate asthma treatment.

For adults, make sure to assign a trusted person where to find your prescribed medication in case of emergencies. You should also include persons to contact should your condition worsen due to asthma attacks.

As mentioned, there might be no cure for asthma. But there are a lot of ways to manage the condition, including vitamin D. Vitamin D not only can help manage your asthma – at least according to various studies – but also can improve your bone and muscle health.

Of course, you should consult the experts first before taking any medications. Contact a reliable allergy specialist doctor in Germantown MD today!