Monthly Archives: October 2016

All About Allergy Conditions And When To See An Allergy Doctor


Allergy can affect anyone regardless of race, gender, age or socioeconomic status. The condition is triggered by a number of factors including: pets, mold, dust mites, food, medicine, insect stings and industrial chemicals. When you are suffering from allergy, you should see an allergist.

Conditions associated with allergy

When you are suffering from allergy there are a number of conditions that come about. These conditions include:

Asthma: You are said to have asthma when the airway muscles block the flow of air to the lungs. Due to this, you have difficulty breathing and you have a tight feeling in your chest. It’s also common for you to cough. You can have mild or life threatening asthma depending on the severity of the attack.

Hay fever: Also known as allergic rhinitis, hay fever is a term used to describe the allergic reactions that take place in the nose. The symptoms include: running nose, itching of the nose, sneezing, congestion and itching on the roof of the mouth. The condition comes about due to exposure to pollen, mold, and dust mites. You will most likely experience this condition when you are suffering from seasonal allergies.

Anaphylaxis: This is a rare but fatal allergic reaction that affects different parts of the body. According to doctors, the condition is triggered by food allergy, insect sting or medications. Symptoms of the condition include: difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat, vomiting, and redness of the skin.

When to see an allergy doctor

As mentioned above, when you are suffering from an allergy you should see an allergist. When you visit the professional, he/she will undertake a number of tests in order to determine the type of allergy that you have and the allergen that is causing the condition. The professional will also come up with a treatment plan that includes the type of medicines that you should take and how you should take them.

The doctor will give you prevention education. He will tell you the allergy triggers that you need to avoid and how to avoid them. It’s common for people to rush to the nearest drug store and buy the first medication that they put their hands on. If this is you, the doctor will confirm that you are using the right medication.


To avoid complications you should visit your doctor when you are showing allergy symptoms. For ideal results ensure that you visit a doctor working in a reputable allergy clinic.

Understanding Asthma Treatments

Asthma Treatments

Asthma is characterized by the narrowing of the airways, swelling, and formation of extra mucus. Due to this, you tend to cough, wheeze and experience shortness of breath. To some people, the condition is a major problem that interferes with the daily life events. In some cases, the condition can become complex resulting to a life-threatening asthmatic attack. The cool thing is that there are a number of asthma treatments that you can use to control the symptoms thus you live a normal and active life.

Asthma treatment options to choose from

Avoid Asthma Triggers: This is probably the most effective asthma treatment. According to experts, asthma is triggered by a number of allergens such as dust mites, pollen, irritants in the air such as air pollution, smoke, strong odor and chemical fumes. Allergy doctors also report that exposure to some medicines such as aspirin and acetaminophen can also trigger the condition. There are some people that have reported developing the condition after being exposed extreme weather conditions, exercise, and stress.

Take the short-term reliever inhalers: Medicines for asthma can be taken orally, but most people opt to use inhalers as they deliver the asthma medicine to the lungs. Since the medicine goes straight to the lungs you are able to bring about a fast relaxation to the breathing tubes. There are many types of inhalers in the market. You should research and find the best ones to use for your condition.

Long-term Inhalers: You use these every day in order to decrease swelling in the breathing tubes and prevent asthma symptoms from showing. The most common medications that you can use are the inhaled corticosteroids. The medications aid in reducing inflammation that initiates the asthmatic reaction.

Use quick-relief Medicines: There are plenty of medicines, tablets, and even injections that you can use to fix your condition. When you take the medications you open your airways thus alleviating the asthma symptoms. Due to the vast number of medications that you can use, you should consult your allergist on the best medications that you should take for your specific condition.


Even though asthma is known to be a chronic condition, it doesn’t mean that you can’t control it. By avoiding the triggers, taking the right medications and regularly visiting an allergy clinic you will put the condition in check and avoid life-threatening complications.

Allergy Doctor: 4 Common Allergy Triggers

Allergy doctor

You are said to be allergic to a given element when your body responds to it. The reaction can range from mild to life-threatening depending on the response of your body. According to allergy doctors, 1 in every 5 Americans suffers from allergies. There are many elements that can trigger the allergies. The most common being:

Pollen as an allergy trigger

Pollen comes from weeds, trees, and grasses. It’s the most common cause of seasonal allergies. When you are allergic to pollen you have a stuffy nose, watery eyes and you tend to sneeze often. To prevent the symptoms you should stay indoors when the pollen count outdoors is high. Treatment of the condition includes: use of over-the-counter medications, allergy shots, and prescription drugs. You can manage the symptoms at home but if they get severe you should visit an expert.

Food as an allergy trigger

Common foods that most people are allergic to are: eggs, nuts, soy, milk and shellfish. Symptoms of food allergy include: difficulty breathing, vomiting, swelling around the mouth, hives, and diarrhea. In most cases, the symptoms go away by themselves. If you notice that the symptoms are getting worse you should visit your nearest allergy doctor and get an epinephrine shot.

Drugs as allergy triggers

Drug allergies are often life threatening as most people take large amounts of drugs without knowing that they are allergic to them. Doctors report that most of the people allergic to drugs are allergic to aspirin and Penicillin. When your body reacts to a given drug you have itchy eyes, swelling in your face, stuffiness, and hives. If you know that you have a drug allergy, you should let your doctor know beforehand so that he/she doesn’t use a drug that you are allergic to. You should also avoid buying drugs that you are allergic to.

Latex as an allergy trigger

Latex allergies have been reported in people in medical professions and those that regularly use latex gloves. Some people have reported being allergic to latex condoms. When you are suffering from latex allergies you tend to have symptoms that are simple as itchy red skin to as complex as hampered breathing. It’s also common for you to have a runny nose, hives, itchy nose, wheezing and sneezing. The best treatment for this condition is to avoid getting into contact with any latex products. You should also visit an allergist to recommend the best medication to ease the symptoms.

Tips On How To Live With Seasonal Allergies

asthma information

Seasonal allergies result from exposure to pollen from weeds, grass, and trees. If you suffer from the condition you need to learn how to live with it. To help you out, here are tips on how to do it:

Identify the allergy symptoms

Allergy symptoms come about when your immune system responds to an allergen such as pollen. The symptoms of the condition often last until the allergen leaves the body. When you are suffering from spring allergy you are bound to experience itchy and burning eyes, sneezing, runny nose, and coughing. It’s also common to have red and swollen eyes with dark circles. If you are having a persistent cough, wheezing in your lungs, or trouble breathing, you might have developed asthma. You should visit your doctor to recommend the best asthma treatments.

Reduce your exposure to seasonal allergy allergens

As mentioned, the condition comes about due to exposure to pollen. To reduce the symptoms, you should avoid exposure to the allergens. The best way of doing it is staying indoors as much as possible. While indoors, keep the windows and doors closed to prevent the pollen from getting into the house. It’s also recommended that you change the air conditioner filters frequently. This is to reduce the allergens from getting into your house. If you have to go outdoors, go when the pollen count is low. This is usually in the evening or after it has rained.

Take spring allergy medications

Before the allergy season begins, allergy doctors recommend that you take allergy medications. This is to prevent the symptoms from coming up. The cool thing is that you don’t have to visit your doctor to recommend the medications as you can get them over-the-counter. Some of the best medications that you can take are antihistamines and decongestants. There are also some herbs that have been shown to be highly effective.

Visit an allergist when necessary

Over-the-counter medications are usually effective in fighting the symptoms but if you have been using them for some time without success you should consider visiting an allergy clinic. The doctors will undertake a number of tests that will shed a light in knowing the allergens that you are allergic to. The tests will also help the allergists recommend the best spring allergy treatment for your condition. The doctor may recommend decongestants, antihistamine or nasal steroid to alleviate the symptoms. If you want a permanent solution, you have to undergo immunotherapy.