Tips On How To Live With Seasonal Allergies

By | October 7, 2016

asthma information

Seasonal allergies result from exposure to pollen from weeds, grass, and trees. If you suffer from the condition you need to learn how to live with it. To help you out, here are tips on how to do it:

Identify the allergy symptoms

Allergy symptoms come about when your immune system responds to an allergen such as pollen. The symptoms of the condition often last until the allergen leaves the body. When you are suffering from spring allergy you are bound to experience itchy and burning eyes, sneezing, runny nose, and coughing. It’s also common to have red and swollen eyes with dark circles. If you are having a persistent cough, wheezing in your lungs, or trouble breathing, you might have developed asthma. You should visit your doctor to recommend the best asthma treatments.

Reduce your exposure to seasonal allergy allergens

As mentioned, the condition comes about due to exposure to pollen. To reduce the symptoms, you should avoid exposure to the allergens. The best way of doing it is staying indoors as much as possible. While indoors, keep the windows and doors closed to prevent the pollen from getting into the house. It’s also recommended that you change the air conditioner filters frequently. This is to reduce the allergens from getting into your house. If you have to go outdoors, go when the pollen count is low. This is usually in the evening or after it has rained.

Take spring allergy medications

Before the allergy season begins, allergy doctors recommend that you take allergy medications. This is to prevent the symptoms from coming up. The cool thing is that you don’t have to visit your doctor to recommend the medications as you can get them over-the-counter. Some of the best medications that you can take are antihistamines and decongestants. There are also some herbs that have been shown to be highly effective.

Visit an allergist when necessary

Over-the-counter medications are usually effective in fighting the symptoms but if you have been using them for some time without success you should consider visiting an allergy clinic. The doctors will undertake a number of tests that will shed a light in knowing the allergens that you are allergic to. The tests will also help the allergists recommend the best spring allergy treatment for your condition. The doctor may recommend decongestants, antihistamine or nasal steroid to alleviate the symptoms. If you want a permanent solution, you have to undergo immunotherapy.