Monthly Archives: December 2013

Should I get a skin allergy test?

allergy testing

Allergy Testing

If you feel your children may be suffering from allergies, schedule an allergy test for them right away.  At Allergy and Asthma Clinical Centers, we provide top notch medical treatment for all of your respiratory problems.  During your first appointment we will administer a revealing skin allergy test to determine which allergens are bothering you the most.  Some of the most common allergies we treat include dust mite allergies, pollen allergies and food allergies.  We will provide you with helpful allergy remedies, which you should use in conjunction with avoiding your specific allergens.  Whether your biggest problems are nasal allergies or skin allergies, there are plenty of allergy treatments to have you feeling better right away.

Sinus Problems

Sometimes, sinus problems can be mistaken for nasal allergies.  We also treat mild to severe sinusitis in both children and adults!  When you receive treatment from one of our professional allergists, we will take care of all of your families’ allergy and asthma problems.  Pediatric asthma is more common than adult onset asthma; however, we provide comprehensive treatment for both!  We also treat a variety of medical allergies, the most common of which include medical tape allergies and iodine allergies.

How can I treat my seasonal allergies?

seasonal allergies

Allergy Treatment

If you’re one of the millions of people experiencing seasonal allergies, don’t despair.  Schedule an appointment with an allergist at Allergy and Asthma Clinical Centers and you will begin to feel better right away!  We can provide you with extremely effective allergy treatment medication to help alleviate your uncomfortable allergy symptoms.  Most people who experience seasonal allergy problems report feeling more lethargic and tired during this season; we can help put the pep back in your step!  Whether you’re experiencing skin allergies, nasal allergies or eye allergies, there are dozens of allergy remedies to have you back on your feet in no time.

Pediatric Asthma

When you come in for your allergy test, feel free to bring the whole family!  We also provide top notch pediatric asthma treatment for kids of all ages.  When you have the help of our expert asthma doctors, you can rest assured that your child will never experience an asthma attack unprotected!  We will prescribe a top notch asthma inhaler and asthma nebulizer to keep with you at all times.  As soon as you or a family member exhibits any signs of asthma or allergy symptoms, set up an allergist appointment as soon as you can.

What are the signs of adult onset asthma?


Signs of Asthma

Asthma most often develops during childhood.  However, many people don’t experience symptoms of asthma until they are well into their adult life.  If you think you may have adult onset asthma, we recommend seeking medical attention right away.  The asthma doctors at Allergy and Asthma Clinical Centers can help you deal with your asthma symptoms so that they don’t affect your daily life!  Some of the most effective and common forms of asthma treatment include asthma inhalers and asthma nebulizers.  These items will greatly reduce your risk of an asthma attack!  It’s always best to be as well prepared as possible.

Allergy Treatment

Sometimes, allergy symptoms can be mistaken for signs of asthma.  Your allergy doctor will be able to distinguish your allergic symptoms and asthma symptoms so that you receive the most effective individualized treatment possible.  Whether you are seeking pediatric asthma treatment or top-notch allergy treatment for the whole family, we’ve got you covered.  We even offer allergy shots to patients who still experience allergic symptoms after an extensive amount of allergy treatments!  Nasal allergies and ocular allergies can be a pain to deal with on a regular basis; let us help you find the best treatments for you!