Monthly Archives: December 2016

Asthma Treatments And How To Prevent Asthma From Occuring

Asthma Treatments

Research studies show that asthma is both genetic and environmental. You can inherit the asthma genes from your parents or develop the condition from exposure to smoke, dust, and other products. If you are suffering from the condition you should take asthma treatments to prevent the condition from getting worse. In addition to taking the medications, also take measures to prevent the condition from occurring.

How to avoid asthma

Get rid of toxins: The toxins that are known to cause asthma are: smoke, dust, pet dander, and volatile organic compounds. To prevent the condition occurring, you should get rid of these toxins. Experts report that most of the dust is circulated in the house by the home heating and cooling systems. To get rid of the dust you should clean the HVAC systems and the air ducts.

Look out for sulfates and preservatives: These products are found in beer, wine, processed potatoes, dried fruits and shrimp and they are known to cause frequent asthma attacks. When you take food containing the products you might think that you have a food allergy but that isn’t the case. If you know that you suffer from asthma, you should avoid taking these products. The best way of doing it is avoiding manufactured foods.

Avoid cold or polluted air: As an asthma patient, you know that the condition gets worse when you inhale cold or polluted air. To avoid the condition you should avoid exposing yourself to cold or polluted air. If you haven’t already done it you should install home heating systems in your house. You also should install filters to prevent polluted air from getting into your house.

Asthma helpful tips

In addition to doing the above, you also need to do a number of other things. One of the things you should do is lose weight. Plenty of studies have been done linking obesity to worsening of asthma. According to experts, the reason why obese people experience worse cases of asthma is due to the extra weight that puts a lot of pressure on the lungs. To be on the safe side you should lose some weight.

Another thing that you need to do is change your lifestyle. If you smoke, you should quit it. You also should start eating healthy. A healthy diet gives you a strong immune system. It also prevents you from accumulating a lot of weight thus you don’t put a lot of pressure on your lungs. To know your health status you should regularly visit an allergy clinic and have yourself checked.

What You Need To Know About Ocular Allergies

Ocular allergies

Ocular allergies are brought about by pollen, pet dander, and other elements. In most cases, eye allergies co-exist with other allergic conditions such as nasal and skin allergies. You can develop the condition when the allergens enter your eyes when you simply walk to the source of the allergen. You will also develop the condition when the allergens enter your eyes when you rub or touch around your eyes with your hands.

Eye allergy symptoms

The condition has a number of symptoms that include: sore throat, watery eyes, congestion, runny nose, and burning sensations. Two areas of the eyes are involved with the allergies: the conjunctiva and tear gland. The conjunctiva covers the white part of the eyes and also the insides of the eyelids. The tissue protects the eyes from microbes, invading particles and other debris.  When the conjunctiva gets into contact with the allergen, it swells, starts itching and you have a burning sensation.

The tear gland produces tears that not only waters the eyes, but also contains important immune defense substances such as antibodies, lymphocytes, and enzymes. When the gland is irritated by the allergen, it produces tears that work at flushing out the irritating allergen.

Types of eye allergies

There are two main types of eye allergies: seasonal and perennial allergies. Seasonal allergy lasts for only a short period of time. From its name, this condition happens seasonally. You will suffer from it during spring due to tree pollen, in summer due to grass pollen, and in fall due to weed pollen. According to allergy doctors, the symptoms of the condition only occur during the seasons then disappear completely. In perennial eye allergies, the symptoms last the entire year. The most common causes of the allergies are: dust mites, pet dander, and cockroaches. In most cases, the allergies get worse if you are also allergic to the outdoor allergens.

When to visit an allergy clinic

The best way of avoiding the eye allergies is by knowing the cause of the allergies and avoiding them. While some people know what causes the condition, others don’t. You should visit your local allergy clinic if you can’t really tell the causes of the allergy. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you should get an appointment with an expert before the season begins. If you suffer from perennial allergies, you should regularly visit your allergy doctor so that he/she can monitor your condition.

What To Do When Suffering From Food Allergy

food allergies

You are said to suffer from a food allergy when your body produces antibodies against the food that you consume. When you suspect that you are suffering from an allergy there are a number of things that you should do. These things include:

See an allergy doctor

Some people try to diagnose allergies on their own but you shouldn’t do it. The best way of going about it is going to a medical doctor who will tests you and determine whether you are truly having an allergic reaction or not. In some cases, you suffer from food intolerance which you can confuse for an allergy. After the test, the professional will know what you are truly suffering from and recommend the best treatment. You can live with little complications when you are suffering from food intolerance but you can’t live comfortably with food allergies. When you take foods that you are allergic to you can easily develop complications that put your life at risk.

Allergy doctors recommend that you keep a diary of the food that you consume. This is to make it easy for the doctor to tell the food that might have caused your condition. In addition to detailing the food that you eat, it’s also wise that you give the symptoms that you experienced after eating the food. This will help the doctor to understand your condition better and also recommend the best treatment.

Be choosy of the food you eat

There is no way you will continue eating every food that you come across. After the doctor has found out that you are allergic to certain foods, you should stay away from those foods. After the test, your doctor may recommend that you avoid certain ingredients. This will require you to be extra cautious when buying the food from your local store. You should always take your time to read the ingredients on the food labels and only buy the food that doesn’t have the allergy-causing ingredients.


As mentioned above, you shouldn’t try diagnosing your condition—you should visit your local allergy clinic and have the tests done. After the tests, the doctor will recommend the best treatment for your condition. The doctor can recommend pills or any injection if the symptoms are grave. If you want the condition to go away completely you should ask your doctor about allergy shots that reduce your sensitivity to food ingredients.