Monthly Archives: April 2012

Are there any pets recommended for people with allergies?


In addition to pollen allergies and dust mite allergies, pets are another large problem for people prone to severe allergies.  A large percentage of people have either cat allergies or dog allergies.  Pet dander is currently one of the most common allergens.  For those who seek the joy of a pet but have allergies to dogs or to allergies to cats, it can be hard to find one that won’t make you have a constant allergic reaction.  So, how do we balance our health and love for pets?  Luckily for animal lovers, there are several breeds of dogs and cats that are safer to have around the house for those with severe allergy problems.  If you are a dog person, you should focus on short-hair breeds because the amount of dander left behind is significantly less.  This means less allergens in your air, making a healthier environment for you.  For dog lovers, some key hypoallergenic breeds are the schnauzer, Maltese, Yorkshire terrier, Bedlington terrier and bichon frise.  It is important to stick with short-hair breeds because they shed less – it is also important to remember that pet dander is spread through fur and saliva.  That being said, you should always wash your hands after playing with your dog before you touch your eyes or face.

Allergic cat lovers may have some options, too.  The Devon rex cat is known for being more hypoallergenic than other cats, along with the Sphynx cat, which is either hairless or has little hair on its nose, tail or toes.  It is always advisable to get an allergy test prior to getting any pet that could potentially cause you health problems.

If you are constantly looking for allergy relief, a cat or dog might not be the best pet for you.  Of course, there are other pet options if even a little bit of dander is too much for you!  Fish make excellent, low maintenance pets that don’t threaten your immune system.  Always consult your doctor before making any life changes such as taking on a pet that could potentially put your health at risk.  If you do choose to have a pet, remember to keep your animals off of your bed and all upholstered furniture.  There are products you can buy to help you deal with allergies such as allergy mattress covers, allergy air purifiers and allergy filters.  There are dozens of allergy control products to invest in if you want to keep your furry critters in your house.

Seasonal Allergies

Do you find your self suffering from itchy water eyes or a runny nose during the spring time? You are not alone an estimated 1 in 5 or 50 million Americans suffer from allergy symptoms. These symptoms can range from mild to life threatening, but many individuals aren’t well aware of what they are actually allergic to, or how they can combat their symptoms. At Allergy and Asthma Clinical Centers we strive to provide the best allergy and asthma care and education to help you treat and prevent your allergy symptoms effectively. Our professional allergists will be able to properly diagnose your allergy symptoms by implementing accurate allergy testing methods to pinpoint the allergen causing your symptoms. Once your allergies have been properly diagnosed our expert allergists will work with you to implement a unique treatment plan that is catered to your specific needs. If you are ready to take control of your allergy symptoms once and for all stop by one of Allergy and Asthma Clinical Centers many convenient locations and see how we can help you treat and even prevent your seasonal allergies.

Food Allergies

Food allergies have been in the headlines over the past years as their prevalence among young children continues to rise. However many time what people think are food allergies could be linked to something else entirely including celiac disease, or lactose and gluten intolerance. It is essential that proper allergy testing is conducting to determine the precise cause of your food related reactions. Our experienced allergists will be able to help you determine the cause of your food allergy symptoms and will work with you to help avoid your allergy or help you combat it with our specialized allergy treatment plans. Allergy and Asthma Clinical Centers will also provide you with a number of online allergy resources to help you learn about yours or your children’s allergies and help connect you with a network of other food allergy sufferers. If you suspect that you or your child is suffering from food allergies do not hesitate to get a professional allergy diagnosis from our professional allergist at Allergy and Asthma Clinical Centers.