Monthly Archives: May 2017

Understanding Ocular Allergies

ocular allergies

Ocular allergies or eye allergies are reactions to different items that are not typically harmful to a person. Like all other types of allergies, the body malfunctions in its attempts to defend the eye when it comes in contact with these items.The human eye is very sensitive which makes these allergies far more irritating

Causes of Eye Allergies

These could be anything from pollen, dust, pet hair, make-up, perfumes, even contact lenses. Sometimes the allergy may not appear until 2-4 days after contact with these items. Most eye allergy triggers are inside the house with some, like pollen, coming from the outdoors through grass, trees, and shrubs.

Symptoms of the condition

The symptoms include; swollen eyes, redness, itchiness, tearing, soreness and sensitivity to bright lights. One way to reduce eye contact with pollen is to wear sunglasses but if you’re an eyeglass user already then those will do as well. If your eye becomes itchy don’t scratch it

Treatment for ocular allergies

The best way to treat eye allergies is to find out what cause them first. Then you can apply the right medicine for the allergy cause. Some treatments include, cleaning your house especially the wet areas as the mold is a great source for eye irritants. You should also limit your pets’ wandering around the house and make sure they are often bathed. You will also need to visit your optometrist who can prescribe the right eye drops or other medication to apply to your eye.

If you have been fixing the condition without success, the chances are that you are using the wrong medication. To avoid complications visit a nearby allergy clinic and have the situation analyzed by an expert. The professional will tell you the primary cause of the allergy and recommend the best medication for it. As rule of thumb, you should work with an experienced professional.


Don’t ignore your eyes when allergies happen. If you do not have medicine on hand, the local drug store will have some over the counter versions and if you do not experience relief with those, have serious eye pain, or you are losing vision, see your doctor right away. If you don’t know the cause for your condition, visit your local allergy doctor as soon as possible, before the situation gets worse. As mentioned above, for peace of mind, work with a knowledgeable person who has been in the industry for a long time.

Everything You Need To Know About Nasal Allergy

nasal allergy

Millions of people suffer from nasal allergies. The allergies affect not only the nose but the whole of your life while trying to cope up with the difficult symptoms. Luckily, there are some ways for dealing with the allergies that can improve your well-being, but also your whole quality of life. Since there is no cure for allergies, learning how to address nasal allergy can be almost as good.

Types of Nasal Allergies

The two known types of nasal allergies include seasonal and perennial. They all occur year-round and also causes the same symptoms.

  • Seasonal Allergies are also called hay fever. They are mostly caused by grass or weed pollens and occur at specific times during the year.
  •  Perennial Allergies occur all year round. They are caused by pet dander, mold spores, and cockroaches. Or, if you are allergic to dust mites that are found in your house. This type is easy to control through limiting your exposure to these triggers.

Dealing With Nasal Allergies

In addition to treatment, the best way to avoid allergies is learning how to handle them. Here are simple tips that you can follow and get help.

Remove Pollen-Producing Indoor Plants: Insects pollinate most indoor houseplants. Hence they are likely to cause hay fever through the pollen disperse. Minimize Indoor plants like trees, grasses, and shrubs in your living room.

Use hot wash to kill dust mites: The dust mite is one of the biggest causes of indoor allergies. They are tiny insects living in your bedding or stuffed animals. Consider washing all your bedding using hot water and dry them in a hot dryer to kill dust mites. Also, keep of stuffed animals near your bed and at least wash your blankets and sheets once a week.

Clean hidden sports for indoor allergy: Most preferred hiding places for dust and mold are in curtains, windows, and blinds. Poorly ventilated laundry rooms, refrigerator drain pans, basements, and old books also is a good hiding for indoor allergy culprits. Wipe down your bathroom and vacuum your floors more often. Make sure you wear a mask when cleaning.

How to Relief Your Nose Immediately

  • Flush irritants, allergens and mucus using net pot.
  • Clean your breathing passages using heat therapy.
  • Use therapeutic warming pillow to relieve pressure and sinus pain. The heat helps in loosening up the mucus.


Dealing with nasal allergies can be a bit tricky. The above tips will make things easier for yourself. To keep the condition in check, you should regularly visit your allergy doctor.

Allergy Doctor: Unknown Tricks To Control Allergy

allergy doctor

If you suffer from seasonal allergies or any other types of allergies, you understand the problems that they come with. Most people know the excessively rehashed ways of managing the condition that include staying indoors, and avoiding the allergens. What if I told you that there are many other means of controlling the condition that you have been ignoring? Would you be excited? Here they are:

Put on sunglasses

Sunglasses are not only effective in keeping off the harmful UV rays—they can also be effective in preventing allergies. Millions of people are reported to experience hay fever as a result of mold spores or wind-borne pollen. When you wear sunglasses, you impede the pollen from getting into your eyes; therefore, you stay allergy free.

Get rid of pollen-producing indoor plants

Indoor plants improve the look of the house. While they are beautiful, the plants pose a danger to the allergy-prone you. Due to the pollination of the flowers by insects, the plants produce a lot of pollen that can be harmful to you. To be on the safe side, you should get rid of the plants from your house. Of primary importance, get rid of the plants from your bedroom.

Adjust the home humidity

According to allergy doctors, mold plays a vital role in the progression of allergy. To control the mold in your house, you should monitor the house humidity. You should use your dehumidifier or the air conditioner to maintain the humidity to at least 50%. This calls for you to regularly inspect the humidity levels and fix them if too low or high. You should also make a habit of cleaning up water spills as soon as they happen. The air filter in your air conditioner has a great impact on the quality of air in the house. For fresh air, clean the filters at least once every month.

Avoid bringing outdoor pollen inside

To keep your house safe you should take precaution to keep outdoor pollen out. When you are getting into the house, you should remove the work clothes at the door. Allergy experts also recommend that you shower immediately you get into the house. When you do laundry, you should use a dryer instead of hanging your clothes outside.


These are some of the tricks you can use to keep the allergy symptoms in check. You should note that while the symptoms might seem mild, they can sometimes be lethal. To be safe, visit an allergist regardless of how minor they are.

Allergy Clinic: Top 5 Allergy Myths You Should Know About

allergy clinicDue to its popularity, allergy attracts many myths. Here are some of them:

Myth #1: Cut flowers trigger allergies

While a bouquet of flowers might trigger your allergy, this is isn’t the case with most people. In most cases, the condition is triggered by grasses, pollen, and weeds. When these factors trigger your condition, you are said to be suffering from seasonal allergies, but when you have the symptoms all year round, you have a perennial allergy. Here the symptoms are brought about by allergens such as feathers, mold, dust mites, and animal dander.

Myth #2: Honey prevents the allergies

Many people have said that they observe a reduced sensitivity to allergy after taking honey. Unfortunately, scientists report that there is no proof to back this up. According to the scientists, the people were saying that a reduced sensitivity as a result of belief—the same that happens when patients are given a real drug and a placebo.

Myth #3: Children outgrow all types of allergies

It’s true that allergy symptoms reduce as one gets old but this doesn’t mean that kids outgrow all kinds of allergies. Most children will outgrow eczema and hayfever. They will also outgrow certain food allergies such as milk, eggs, soya, and wheat. This is due to the maturing of the gut or a change in how the immune system responds to the food. In most cases, children won’t outgrow peanut, fish, tree nuts, and seafood allergies.

Myth #4: Hay triggers Hayfever

You should note that hay has nothing to do with hayfever. The condition is one of the spring allergies brought about by tree pollen during the spring season. Grass pollen also causes the condition in late spring and summer, and pollen from weeds causes it in early spring and late autumn.

Myth #5: Absence of allergy as a child means you are allergy-free

There is nothing as wrong as this. While most people have allergies when they are children, allergy doctors report that the condition can come about at any age. You can develop allergies when you move to a new environment or exposed to allergens that you have never been exposed to before.


These are some of the most common allergy myths that you need to be wary of. You should note that some of the allergy symptoms are lethal thus if you are suffering from any form of allergy, you should visit an allergy clinic as soon as possible and have the condition checked.