Monthly Archives: July 2018

Food Allergy or Food Intolerance? Compared symptoms and Differences

A food allergy occurs when your system reacts to food ingested and triggering a protective response. The allergy can develop from any age with the reaction being mild to severe. According to research, 10 % of the population suffers from food allergy and the numbers keep on increasing. In this post, we highlight some of the most common signs of allergy and how to differentiate between food intolerance and food allergy and the treatment of food allergy. It’s important however that you consult the allergy doctor on the best way to overcome the allergies. Before we dive into the article we differentiate between food intolerance and food allergy

  • Food Intolerance

This is the difficulty in digesting certain foods without triggering any reaction from the immune system and there is no histamine response.

  • Food allergy, on the other hand, causes immune system reaction and histamine response.

It may be hard to tell food intolerance and allergy are hard to tell apart and it’s important that you visit the allergy clinic for the allergy doctor to do allergy testing to determine whether its an allergy or intolerance.

How to differentiate between food allergies and intolerance

  • Food allergy is sudden as compared to intolerance which is gradual
  • Food allergy results from the small number of foods
  • Allergy can be life-threatening and happens every time you eat as compared to food intolerance which is not life-threatening and results if you eat the food often.

Foods that cause Most of the Allergy

  • Milk and Eggs
  • Peanuts and seafood
  • Tree nuts

Symptoms that result from both food intolerance and food allergy

  • Nausea and stomach pains
  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Signs of Food intolerance
  • Heart Burn, gas and bloating
  • Headaches and irritability

Signs of Food Intolerance

  • Bloating and nausea
  • Headaches and migraines
  • stomach ache and irritable bowel
  • Feeling under the weather

Above are the most common signs of food intolerance, and below some food that causes intolerance

  • Lactose and wheat
  • Gluten and caffeine
  • Food additives such as flavors

Before you give up on the above food, see a doctor who will diagnose and confirm the cause of the intolerance. Remove the food that causes the intolerance from your diet and supplements the foods.

Sign of Food Allergies

  • Wheezing

Wheezing after eating certain foods signifies a narrowing of the airwaves and an allergic reaction to the food. Wheezing can be fatal and its therefore important that you see the allergy physician for treatment.

  • Hives and Redness

Are you breaking out in hives? or itch? Then it’s possible that you have a food allergy. Hives cause a red rash that is raised on the skin. On its own hives or itch may not be harmful but if it involves difficulty in breathing then you need to see an allergy specialist immediately.

  • Dizziness

After eating food if you feel dizzy, weak or lightheaded that could mean you are exposed to allergens. Dizziness could be an early sign of anaphylactic and it’s important that you visit an allergy clinic for tests and treatment.

  • Intestinal Discomfort

A food allergy could cause stomach cramps, nausea, and vomiting and you should see the best allergist for diagnosis.

  • Sneezing and Itching

Although sneezing is mostly associated with hay fever, it can result from food allergies.

How to Prevent Food Allergies
  • Learn which foods cause the allergy and avoid the food.
  • When you visit a hotel, find out how the food is made and verify whether the food contains any allergens.
  • Look at the food labels and check the ingredients in the food at the supermarket
  • Avoid products with labels for you’re the specific allergen that is affecting you
  • Plan before traveling, plan your meals and carry food with that has no allergens
  • Supplement the foods you are allergic to as that will ensure that you remain healthy.


There is no cure for food allergies and it’s therefore important that you manage the condition. Pursue a plan on how to identify allergens. An elimination diet will help you pinpoint the food allergens that you are allergic to and help reduce the allergy symptoms. Work with the allergy physician to come up with a written diet plan and follow it diligently. If the symptoms persist make sure you consult your allergist Manassas.


Home Remedies to Treat Ocular Allergies

Eye allergies can be irritating and annoying, the irresistible urge to rub your eyes, itching and eye aches is bothersome and distressing. Most eye allergies are mild and disappear within hours, and home remedies and preventive measures will help ease the allergies. In this post, we look at simple tried and tested home remedies that can help ease allergic reactions. In case you experience any of the below symptoms consult the allergy doctor  immediately

  • Painful eyes
  • Blurry and decreased vision
  • Feeling like there is something stuck in the eye but nothing can be seen.

Before you take on any home remedies it’s important that you consult the allergy physician so that they can assess and determine that the allergic reaction is mild and the home remedy you want to use is safe and effective. Your eyes are sensitive and an important part of your body and therefore it’s vital that the method you use should not make the symptoms worse or cause severe allergic reactions

Home Remedies to Ease Eye Allergies

Wondering how you get relief from allergies? Below are some of the home remedies that you can use. Make sure the home remedy you choose is easy and effective. Consult the allergy physician and get advice on the best methods.

  • Cold Compress

You need an ice pack for the cold press and place it on the affected eye. Leave it for 2 minutes and do it three times a day. The ice pack will help relieve inflammation and irritation due to the cooling effect of the ice. You can make the cold compress with calendula or chamomile to make more effective. Chamomile and calendula have inflammation properties that help soothe the eyes. In distilled water add two spoons of chamomile or calendula. Strain the solution and place the cloth over closed eyes. Some people react to chamomile or calendula and it’s important that you discuss the remedy with an allergy specialist to avoid severe reactions


You will need distilled water to wash your eyes when you feel itchy. Do that 2 or 3 times in a day. Water cleanses your eyes and soothes the irritation. The water will wash away allergen that may stick to your skin and eyelashes. Ensure that you drink a lot of water to keep your eyes hydrated and avoid dry eye.

Witch Hazel

Soak cotton pads in witch hazel and place it over your closed eyes for 10 minutes twice daily. The witch hazel anti-inflammatory properties that help in alleviating itchiness and inflammation. Witch hazel will give you instant relief from itch and irritants.

Aloe Vera Juice

You will need unsweetened aloe Vera juice and cotton balls. Blend the aloe vera to get the juice. Refrigerate the juice and wait for 30 minutes. Dip the cotton balls in the juice and place over your eyes for 15 minutes. Repeat that three times daily. Aloe Vera contains soothing properties and anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve the itching feeling

Tea Tree Oil

Mix the tea tree oil with coconut and apply around your eyes, leave it for it for 15 minutes and then rinse it off. Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory properties and protects the eye from microbial infections.

Add vitamins to your diet

Vitamin deficiency will make the allergies worse. Ensure you add Vitamin A, C and E are vital to the functioning of your eyes. Itching could result from a deficiency in Vitamin A, while Vitamin C and E will help prevent eye infections. Add citrus fruits, leafy vegetables, carrots, and mangoes to your diet as they are a source of vitamins.

Tips to Help Prevent Allergies

  • Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from direct sunlight and pollen.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep your eyes hydrated
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes as that aggravates the allergies.
  • Keep your house free of allergens and avoid allergens. Stay indoors if the pollen count is high.

It’s important that you take good care of your eyes to avoid developing severe allergies. The above suggestions will help you find relief without using medication. Before you begin any home, remedies consult the allergist Manassas on which one works best for you. And if your symptoms persist visit the allergy clinic for the diagnosis and treatment.