Monthly Archives: September 2019

What You Need to Know about Sinusitis

Having colds are usually normal, but should be paid attention to nonetheless. No one wants to be constantly sniffing, coughing, and sneezing while at work or even at home.  If you have a rather bad case of colds, even sleeping can be a challenge due to stuffed nose. That is why you need to drink lots of water, eat foods rich in vitamin C, and have lots of rest to help you get relief from colds.

However, there are some instances wherein you initially thought that you have colds, where in fact it is already an allergic reaction. For one thing, some symptoms of colds such as constant sneezing and runny nose are similar to that of an allergic reaction. In such cases, you may have to consult an allergist and be given medications to manage your allergies.

What if it is more than just colds?

In some cases, common symptoms of colds such as having the sniffles and runny nose may not be due to a virus. Rather, it may be due to allergic triggers that should be consulted to an allergist specialist immediately. Worse, these allergic reactions can lead to sinusitis. You may have already heard about sinusitis, which is often associated with common colds.

However, sinusitis is usually due to allergies as well as irritation due to toxic airborne substances and viral infections. This condition occurs when the mucous membranes become inflamed, making breathing difficult. Likewise, your eyes may feel tender, swollen, and teary-eyed as a result of this condition.

Sinusitis can either be acute and chronic. The former is often temporary and responds to antihistamine, decongestants, and antibiotics. The latter, on the other hand, lasts for more than three months. An allergy doctor may recommend certain medications but only do much to alleviate the symptoms. Since it’s chronic, you may have to turn to an allergist doctor to help manage this condition.

Common symptoms of sinusitis

As mentioned, symptoms of sinusitis are mostly similar to that of common colds such as the runny nose, sore throat, and sneezing. However, this condition also has other symptoms which can be very uncomfortable especially those with chronic sinusitis. Among symptoms of chronic sinusitis include:

  • Nasal discharge (different to simple mucous)
  • Post-nasal drainage
  • A feeling of swelling and pain around the eye, forehead, cheeks, and nasal area
  • Loss of sense of smell and taste
  • Ear pain
  • Fatigue
  • Bad breath
  • Pain in the upper jaw and teeth area

When should you call a doctor?

Chronic sinusitis occurs after several instances of acute sinusitis. While fever may also occur in chronic sinusitis, it can be more common in acute sinusitis. However, you have to see an allergy specialist if:

  • You had cases of sinusitis a lot of times
  • Medications do not respond well to the condition
  • Symptoms of sinusitis as mentioned above have already been lingering for more than a week
  • Presence of swollen eye and forehead area, stiff neck, severe headache, or fever

You are also at high risk of having chronic sinusitis if you have one or more of the following:

  • Asthma/allergies
  • Dental infection
  • Nasal polyps
  • Constant exposure to air pollution
  • Sensitivity to aspirin or other types of medications

If left untreated, it can also lead to further complications such as vision problems or even permanent blindness. Untreated sinusitis can also lead to inflammation and infections as well as bone or skin infections. To avoid your condition from getting worse, it is best to visit an allergy clinic to help you manage your sinusitis.

How to avoid sinusitis

Treatment for sinusitis depends on the type of condition and how long it has lasted. On one hand, acute sinusitis won’t last that long. However, it can be very uncomfortable that is why over-the-counter medicines and other natural remedies can be taken to alleviate the condition. The following tips can also help lessen the risk of having chronic sinusitis.

  • As much as possible, do not come into contact with those with colds and cough. If you have to, wash your hands with warm soap and water especially before handling babies and food.
  • Avoid people who smoke. Wear a face mask when going outside like commuting.
  • Add moisture into your home by using a humidifier. Make sure to consult the best allergist in Manassas VA to help you treat your condition.

What You Need to Know about Allergic Rhinitis

Sneezing is often associated with colds and often results in stuffy or runny nose and watery eyes. To help alleviate your cold symptoms, doctors would usually prescribe cold medications to lessen your sniffles. But if you sneeze a lot, suddenly feel itchy all over, or end up with runny nose and watery eyes even without symptoms of colds, chances are you may have allergic rhinitis.

It is said that around 40 to 60 million – or even more – Americans suffer from allergic rhinitis. Also known as hay fever, this condition often affects your nasal area. If you think you have allergic rhinitis, you should consult an allergist doctor near you and given the right medications to manage the condition.

Knowing more about allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis usually occurs when you inhale something that you are allergic to, such as pollen, pet dander, or a certain perfume. This condition also occurs if you ingest something that you are allergic as well, such as seafood or eggs. However, the more commonly known type of allergic rhinitis is more on the former wherein you experience adverse reactions upon inhalation of an allergic.

There are instances wherein a person do not realize he or she is allergic to something unless already inhaled or ingested. In such cases, it can result in the manifestation of similar symptoms as in common colds such as a runny and stuffy nose, and watery eyes. If you experience this after suspicion of getting into contact with a potential allergen, head to the nearest allergy clinic immediately.

As mentioned, allergic rhinitis or hay fever is usually triggered by a pollen allergic reaction. In other words, it may happen when you are outdoors as they may come from plants and then blown away by the wind. However, it can also happen indoors especially if you are not fond of regular dusting and if you have furry pets.

Types of allergic rhinitis

It is important to note that allergic rhinitis or hay fever has two major forms: seasonal and perennial. The former occurs especially during springtime to early fall, and are usually caused by airborne spores or pollen from trees, weeds, and grass.

The latter, on the other hand, happens all year-round. It can be caused by indoor or outdoor allergen triggers like dust mites, pollen, pet dander. Some food allergies may also result in perennial allergic rhinitis, although this is a rare instance. In some cases, there are people who experience both.

That is why you should consult an allergy doctor if you experience possible symptoms of hay fever. An allergy specialist doctor will provide medications and treatment to help manage your condition. At the same time, it will prevent your condition from worsening which can lead to further complications.


The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology or AAAAI revealed that there is around eight percent of American adults suffer from hay fever. On the other hand, it is also believed that as much as 30 percent of the total global population have this condition.

An allergy physician and other allergy experts suggest getting treatment from allergies if you or someone you know experience one or more of the following symptoms.

  • Repetitive sneezing
  • Runny, stuffy, and itchy nose
  • Itchy or sore throat
  • Coughing
  • Itchy and watery eyes (usually accompanied with sneezing and runny nose)
  • Itchy and dry skin, or hives in worse cases
  • Fatigue and headache

These symptoms usually show up as immediately as you come into contact with an allergen. On the other hand, some of the symptoms such as fatigue and headache may occur following long-term exposure to the specified allergens. Nevertheless, it is best to consult an allergist doctor to help manage your condition.


Doctors would normally prescribe antihistamines to help manage allergic symptoms. Antihistamines work by halting the production of histamines in the body, of which the latter contribute to the allergic reactions. Among common over-the-counter antihistamine medications include loratadine (popularly known as Claritin), cetirizine (also known as Zyrtec), and diphenhydramine (generic name of Benedryl).

Some are also given nasal decongestants to relieve sinus pressure and stuffy nose. However, prolonged use of these products can result in a rebound effect and make the condition worse. Also, it is better to consult an allergist first before taking or using these medications.

Finding an allergy expert near you

If you experience any symptoms of allergic rhinitis, never delay treatment. Instead, visit the best allergist in Germantown MD immediately for proper treatment.

How to Treat Allergies the Natural Way

It is no doubt that having some kind of allergic reactions can greatly impact one’s life. In fact, there are millions of people all over the work who suffer from some kind of allergies that hamper their daily life. Among common allergy triggers include food allergies, pet dander, air pollution, dust mites, and specific ingredients used in beauty and household products.

If you suffer from allergies, it is best to visit an allergy clinic and consult an allergist doctor to help manage your symptoms. Some allergies may be seasonal while others may be chronic but should be treated accordingly nonetheless. Otherwise, it can lead to serious health complications or death in the worst cases.

What causes allergies?

For starters, allergies are usually caused by an exaggerated reaction of the immune system with specific allergens. As mentioned, there are different types of allergens that cause such adverse allergic reactions. Allergies can either be seasonal (ex. affects the person during a specific season, say, during pollen season) or chronic (ex. people who had a specific allergy since childhood).

Among common symptoms of allergies include constant sneezing or coughing, itchy and watery eyes/nose/throat, and nasal congestion. In some cases, allergic people experience hives, and skin itching or swelling. In worst cases, the person may experience difficulty in breathing or even death.

The potential effects of over-the-counter allergy medications

While there are a lot of antihistamine products in nearby drug stores, some may experience adverse effects due to taking medications. For one thing, certain medications can also cause allergic reactions. The effects may vary from person to person but should be addressed immediately by an allergy doctor, nonetheless.

Over-the-counter and prescribed allergy medications do provide effective results. However, most of these medications can only do so much. Instead of addressing the root of the issue, it may only mask the symptoms and provide relief for only several hours or so. For “better results”, you would have to take the medication more than once a day. It may even cause adverse effects and make your condition worse than ever.

Is there an alternative way to provide relief from allergies?

More and more allergy sufferers are getting wary of using over-the-counter medications to treat their allergies. Plus, most of these medications don’t come cheap. That is why a lot of them are looking for natural ways to manage their allergies. Make sure to consult an allergist specialist first before trying any of these products.

Vitamin C

This vitamin is mostly associated with the treatment of cough and colds. However, it can also play a major role in managing allergies thanks to its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. There are vitamin C supplements available in the market, but you can also find these in most fruits and vegetables such as:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Broccoli
  • Bell peppers
  • Strawberries
  • Tomatoes
  • And more!


This refers to microorganisms that promote better digestion and also boost your immune system. However, there are mixed reactions regarding the effectiveness of probiotics. Consult an allergy physician before taking probiotics or any similar products.


It is a flavonoid commonly found in several foods and plants. Several studies reveal that quercetin can help in relieving allergic symptoms. Quercetin is present in herbs and foods such as:

  • Broccoli
  • Black tea
  • Berries
  • Red wine
  • Apple
  • Grapes
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Peppers
  • And more!

However, experts suggest taking quercetin supplements than eating foods rich in quercetin if you want to manage your allergic symptoms. Make sure to take the right dosage in taking quercetin, or it may cause adverse effects when taken in large doses.

Essential oils

Some essential oils such as eucalyptus, peppermint, and frankincense are said to work wonders on managing allergic symptoms. You can use it in a diffuser or add a drop into the laundry.

Other allergy-alleviating alternatives

If in case these alternative methods do not take effect on you, here are some other alternatives to manage your allergic symptoms.

  • Change your diet. Eat more greens and fruits. An allergist doctor may also recommend an elimination diet to determine the root cause of your allergic reactions.
  • Try acupuncture or hydrotherapy. Make sure to deal with licensed naturopathic physicians or acupuncturists.
  • Avoid allergens. If you know you are allergic to pollen, pet dander, or any kinds of food, stay away from it as much as possible.
  • Visit the best allergist in Manassas VA for your allergy treatment needs.