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The Hidden Truth about Food Allergens and How to Detect Them

There is this alarming threat of food allergens not explicitly specified in most food labels nowadays. As a result, this problem has resulted in food recalls over the past few years. In case you become one of the unsuspecting victims of hidden food allergens, you should consult an allergy specialist doctor immediately for proper treatment and medications.

Hidden allergens present in food products

The total number of food products recalled due to hidden allergens had doubled within 2007 and 2014. This is despite the existence of The Food Allergen Labelling and Consumer Protection Act wherein all food manufacturers are mandated to specify in their packaging any potential allergens present in their products.

This may include food allergens such as peanuts, soy, tree nuts, and milk among a few. If you experience allergic reactions from these ingredients, consult an allergist specialist the soonest you can.

The increase of food recalls due to improved detection of the presence of allergens may be a positive thing. It can indicate that there are better awareness and testing procedures done to ensure that there is no allergen left undetected as compared to previous testing methods.

However, many of these product recalls may not be triggered until there will be a surge of reports of allergic reactions among consumers. That is why the FDA is working with these companies to further prevent these problems in the future.

Why there are “hidden” allergens

There are possible reasons why there are these so-called hidden allergens. Among these include the following.


This occurs when some utensils are also being used for different food products. For example, some food establishments and manufacturers may be using the same utensil to slice meat and cheese, the latter being a common food allergen. In other words, these utensils may not be cleaned thoroughly before using it for other food preparation purposes.

Ingredients containing allergens

It occurs when there are ingredients used to create another product, such as eggs or milk, which are also common allergens. Or when the same cooking oil is used to fry fish and fries. For any signs of allergic reactions, it is best to consult an allergy physician near you.

Misleading labels

This may be more alarming because it does not clearly indicate the presence of potential allergens in the label. For example, some milk products may still contain traces of allergens despite it being advertised as “dairy-free” or other similar labels. These allergens may not be a major ingredient and only used as a food emulsifier or binder. Still, these practices can be potentially life-threatening for allergy sufferers.

How to detect allergens in food labels

Some food ingredients may have different names but pertain to one item. That is why it is important to be aware of these ingredients so you won’t suffer from potentially fatal consequences in the future. It is also important to consult the best allergist to know more about this particular food concern.


This is one of the most common food allergens. It may be present in different food items such as mayonnaise, cake flours, cookies, cocoa drinks, and ice cream among a few. Even without stating “egg” in the ingredient list, its presence can be disguised under the following names:

  • Albumin
  • Lecithin
  • Binder
  • Coagulant
  • Ovalbumin
  • Ovomucin
  • Emulsifier
  • Vitellin
  • Globulin


Meanwhile, milk may be easier to determine than eggs. It is commonly present in food products such as ice cream, margarine, baked and batter-fried goods, chocolate, and canned soups among a few. Lactose, which is a major component of milk, may also be present in some medicines. You can consult an allergist specialist to know more possible food items and medicines containing milk components.


This allergen may also be present in food products such as bread, cereals, canned meat, cooking oils, and salad dressings among a few. Its presence may also be indicated in food labels under the following names:

  • Miso
  • Tofu
  • Soy protein
  • Bulking agent
  • Carob
  • Gum Arabic
  • Vegetable starch
  • Thickener
  • Textured vegetable protein

There are many different types of allergens such as peanuts, wheat, fish, and shellfish. Each of these may not be explicitly indicated in food labels but traces of these allergens may also be present in different food products. You can find more details about these food products here.

Find allergy experts near you

If you are allergic to certain food items, it is important to seek medical help from an allergy physician. Some allergens may not be clearly stated in many food products, but at least you can have an idea of the abovementioned food ingredient name alternatives the next time you do your grocery. Contact the best allergist doctor in Manassas VA for your allergy information and treatment needs.

Bedroom Hygiene and Allergies: What You Need to Do to Prevent Bedtime Allergies

Nothing beats that feeling of relief when you are bed-bound after a long, tiring day. You just had your dinner, took a refreshing bath, brushed your teeth, and then you are looking forward to a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, you are not able to achieve that good night’s sleep due to an allergy attack. If you experience allergic reactions, you need to consult an allergy specialist doctor near you.

Of allergies and quality of sleep

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America reports that about 1/3 of American adults suffer from some kind of allergy. Allergies can be due to various triggers such as pet dander, pollen, dust mites, and household product chemicals among a few. Having allergies can affect your quality of life… and your sleep, too.

In fact, a published report revealed that there is almost 50 percent of allergic sufferers suffer from sleep deprivation and fatigue due to bedtime allergies. That is why you need to pay attention to your bedroom hygiene to avoid sleep problems. At the same time, you need to consult an allergist doctor to help manage your condition.

Speaking of bedtime allergies, a lot of people do not realize the importance of maintaining bedroom hygiene to better sleep. Most of the time, we tend to forget dusting our rooms and cleaning it from unnecessary clutter. However, such habits can potentially cause health issues including allergic reactions.

Like how we pay attention to keeping ourselves physically healthy, the same should also apply to our bedtime routines. Not only can it help in a more comfortable and satisfying sleep but also improve one’s quality of life. For any signs of bedtime-related allergic reactions, you should visit an allergy clinic immediately.

Bedroom hygiene mistakes that can affect your sleep

Everyone wants to have a nice-looking bedroom. For one thing, you can tell what kind of a person is by his or her bedroom. Of course, every bedroom owner wants to have a clean, comfortable, and presentable bedroom at all times. Otherwise, your room will be dirty and very uncomfortable to spend time at.

Letting dust gather up under your bed

Most of the time, we tend to forget cleaning the space underneath our bed frames. Over time, it can collect dust and dirt that can potentially trigger allergic reactions later on. It can worsen asthma symptoms as well. Plus, dust bunnies do not look cute under your bed at all.

Not changing your bed sheets

Although we do not notice it, our bedsheets collect the most amount of dirt. This is where dead skin cells and all sorts of dirt and oil stick to, which dust mites love to eat. If you do not change sheets on the regular, you can experience itching, sneezing, and other signs of allergic reactions.

Using aerosols/air fresheners

Air fresheners should make your room smelling more pleasant. However, a lot of people do not realize that it contains harmful chemicals that can be potentially damaging to your health. Not only can these product cause allergic reactions but even cancer. If you experience adverse reactions when using these products, you should visit an allergist specialist immediately.

Letting your pet sleep with you on your bed

A lot of people are allergic to pets not because of their fur but due to their saliva, dried-up urine, and dead skin. Not everyone may not experience allergic reactions, but some may experience adverse effects nonetheless. You might want to consult an allergy physician to help manage your allergic reactions.

How to avoid bedtime allergies

Here are some tips to avoid bedtime allergies and ensure better sleep every night.

  • Make it a habit to change bedsheets every one to two weeks.
  • Use a vacuum to clean the dust under your bed. Wipe your table, your bed headboard, and other surfaces where dust usually gather up.
  • Instead of using air fresheners, you can opt for more natural ways to make your room smell better. You can use essential oils or vegetable-based or soy candles.
  • Get rid of your room of any mold forming on your windowsill.
  • Clean your air conditioning filters every once every three months. Clean your room carpet of any accumulated dirt and dust at least once a week.
  • Consult an allergy physician for any signs of allergic reactions.

Get a good night sleep by having good bedroom hygiene

Allergies can be debilitating if left ignored. Make sure to call an allergist doctor to help you manage your allergic symptoms. There is an allergy clinic in Manassas VA for your allergy-related concerns.

What You Need to Know about Sinusitis

Having colds are usually normal, but should be paid attention to nonetheless. No one wants to be constantly sniffing, coughing, and sneezing while at work or even at home.  If you have a rather bad case of colds, even sleeping can be a challenge due to stuffed nose. That is why you need to drink lots of water, eat foods rich in vitamin C, and have lots of rest to help you get relief from colds.

However, there are some instances wherein you initially thought that you have colds, where in fact it is already an allergic reaction. For one thing, some symptoms of colds such as constant sneezing and runny nose are similar to that of an allergic reaction. In such cases, you may have to consult an allergist and be given medications to manage your allergies.

What if it is more than just colds?

In some cases, common symptoms of colds such as having the sniffles and runny nose may not be due to a virus. Rather, it may be due to allergic triggers that should be consulted to an allergist specialist immediately. Worse, these allergic reactions can lead to sinusitis. You may have already heard about sinusitis, which is often associated with common colds.

However, sinusitis is usually due to allergies as well as irritation due to toxic airborne substances and viral infections. This condition occurs when the mucous membranes become inflamed, making breathing difficult. Likewise, your eyes may feel tender, swollen, and teary-eyed as a result of this condition.

Sinusitis can either be acute and chronic. The former is often temporary and responds to antihistamine, decongestants, and antibiotics. The latter, on the other hand, lasts for more than three months. An allergy doctor may recommend certain medications but only do much to alleviate the symptoms. Since it’s chronic, you may have to turn to an allergist doctor to help manage this condition.

Common symptoms of sinusitis

As mentioned, symptoms of sinusitis are mostly similar to that of common colds such as the runny nose, sore throat, and sneezing. However, this condition also has other symptoms which can be very uncomfortable especially those with chronic sinusitis. Among symptoms of chronic sinusitis include:

  • Nasal discharge (different to simple mucous)
  • Post-nasal drainage
  • A feeling of swelling and pain around the eye, forehead, cheeks, and nasal area
  • Loss of sense of smell and taste
  • Ear pain
  • Fatigue
  • Bad breath
  • Pain in the upper jaw and teeth area

When should you call a doctor?

Chronic sinusitis occurs after several instances of acute sinusitis. While fever may also occur in chronic sinusitis, it can be more common in acute sinusitis. However, you have to see an allergy specialist if:

  • You had cases of sinusitis a lot of times
  • Medications do not respond well to the condition
  • Symptoms of sinusitis as mentioned above have already been lingering for more than a week
  • Presence of swollen eye and forehead area, stiff neck, severe headache, or fever

You are also at high risk of having chronic sinusitis if you have one or more of the following:

  • Asthma/allergies
  • Dental infection
  • Nasal polyps
  • Constant exposure to air pollution
  • Sensitivity to aspirin or other types of medications

If left untreated, it can also lead to further complications such as vision problems or even permanent blindness. Untreated sinusitis can also lead to inflammation and infections as well as bone or skin infections. To avoid your condition from getting worse, it is best to visit an allergy clinic to help you manage your sinusitis.

How to avoid sinusitis

Treatment for sinusitis depends on the type of condition and how long it has lasted. On one hand, acute sinusitis won’t last that long. However, it can be very uncomfortable that is why over-the-counter medicines and other natural remedies can be taken to alleviate the condition. The following tips can also help lessen the risk of having chronic sinusitis.

  • As much as possible, do not come into contact with those with colds and cough. If you have to, wash your hands with warm soap and water especially before handling babies and food.
  • Avoid people who smoke. Wear a face mask when going outside like commuting.
  • Add moisture into your home by using a humidifier. Make sure to consult the best allergist in Manassas VA to help you treat your condition.

What You Need to Know about Hives

It is a universally-known fact that millions of people around the world have some kind of allergies. These are usually triggered by various factors such as food and beverages, pet dander, and pollen among a few. Allergic reactions can be mild but some can be severe it can be fatal enough for other people. If you are allergic to a specific food or other outdoor elements, it is best to consult an allergy specialist doctor to help you manage your condition.

Allergy triggers can cause allergic reactions that can vary from person to person. One common allergic reaction that afflicts millions of allergy sufferers is hives. This refers to skin welts that are usually red and itchy. It usually appears on the skin a few minutes or hours after getting into contact with an allergen. Hives also come in different sizes and shapes and can last up to 12 hours.

Hives vs. angioedema

Hives are also referred to as urticaria in medical terms. It usually causes itchiness and redness, but in some cases cause stinging or a burning sensation. Hives appear in different parts of the body such as the legs, arms, chest, and face. It can as small as a pen blot to as large as a food plate.

Another condition that is similar to hives is called angioedema. The difference between the two is that the latter develops underneath the skin instead of topical (the skin surface itself) as the former. Unlike urticaria, angioedema also causes swelling around the lip, eyes, feet, hands, and even the genital area, and it lasts longer than urticaria.

There are two types of urticaria: acute and chronic. The former lasts less than six weeks and are usually caused by common triggers such as foods, medications, or insect bites. The latter, on the other hand, lasts more than six weeks and can be hard to determine the exact cause. However, it is said that chronic urticaria and angioedema are caused by hepatitis, thyroid disease, or cancer.

Both urticaria and angioedema can be potentially life-threatening especially if it affects the throat or lungs. In such emergencies, it is best to go to the nearest allergy clinic or contact an allergy doctor immediately.

Causes and symptoms of hives

Hives occur due to an allergic reaction to certain allergens. Among common triggers of hives include:

  • Foods such as shellfish, nuts, and eggs among a few
  • Medical conditions such as common colds, hepatitis B, influenza, and urinary tract infections (UTI)
  • Temperature changes
  • Fever
  • Dust mites and animal dander
  • Plants such as poison ivy and nettles
  • Insect bites

While there are many possible allergic triggers, it is most likely hard to pinpoint which of these is the exact cause of hives. Nevertheless, it is important to call an allergist specialist once symptoms appear. Speaking of symptoms, among common signs of hives include:

  • Red, itchy welts that can be as small as a dot or as large as a food plate
  • The welts occur in batches on certain parts of the body such as the legs, arms, chest, and feet among a few
  • Swelling on the skin area with welts
  • Sometimes with a stinging or burning sensation

In worse cases, hives can also cause anaphylaxis which can be potentially fatal if not treated immediately. Other symptoms that need immediate medical attention include:

  • Feeling light-headed
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Cold and sweaty skin
  • Irregular heart beat

If you have the above symptoms, consult an allergy doctor immediately.

Managing and treating urticaria

In these cases, the adage “prevention is better than cure” may be suitable in these cases. As much as possible, identify possible triggers that may cause hives.  For instance, you may have to abhor or lessen alcohol consumption or avoiding consumption of certain foods such as nuts or shellfish.

There may be some products that can also trigger hives such as laundry detergents, skin creams, and body soaps. Choose ones that have gentle ingredients, unscented, and paraben-free. Avoid stress as much as possible and make time to relax and unwind even for just a few minutes.

If hives are already present, make yourself as comfortable as possible. Never scratch the affected area and apply cold compress or ice on it to alleviate itching and lessen the redness. Take supplements with Vitamins C and D, and evening primrose oils to lessen the occurrence of hives. However, make sure to consult an allergist doctor first before taking any medications or if the symptoms worsen.

Find an allergy doctor near you

If you have signs of allergies, it is best to consult an allergy physician in Germantown MD immediately. This is to avoid further complications that can worsen your condition. Visit one today!