Tag Archives: treating allergies

Ways to Prevent Indoor Allergies

Allergies can be annoying and uncomfortable, whether those pesky ones occur seasonally when flowers bloom or the more regular ones caused by dust mites and pet dander. The good news is that you don’t have to put up with that.

Of course, there are over-the-counter products that you can use to mitigate the same, but have you thought about going the homemade way? You will save some cash and reduce frequent trips to your local allergy clinic.

Here are many ways to make your home a more allergy-friendly place.

Regular cleaning

Keeping your home clean sounds like something that should come naturally, but this is not always the case. If you want to reduce the chances of you or your family suffering from allergies, you may want to do the following:

Dust: Dust particles often contain allergens like pet dander, pollen, and dust mites. As such, use a damp cloth to wipe the surfaces in your home. This will effectively eliminate dust compared to dry dusting.

Vacuum: Dusting alone is not enough. Your floors and upholstery also harbor allergens. This is why using a vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter is important. HEPA filters are designed to capture tiny particles, including allergens, preventing them from being recirculated into the air.

Air purifiers

Air purifiers do a great job of eliminating indoor allergens. They work by filtering the air and removing microscopic particles that can trigger allergic reactions. Again, when purchasing one, ensure that it has a HEPA filter.

High-efficiency particulate Air (HEPA) filters are known for their exceptional ability to capture small particles, including allergens like pollen, dust mites, and pet dander. When you run an air purifier with a HEPA filter, it continuously circulates and filters the air in a room, trapping allergens in the filter.

Moreover, these appliances often come with a noise control feature that allows them to run quietly in case you are concerned about noise disruptions.

Allergy-friendly bedding

Consider investing in allergen-proof pillows and mattress covers. Why? Because these create a barrier between you and allergens like dust mites. Furthermore, ensure you wash bedding, including sheets and pillowcases, in hot water weekly, and consider using hypoallergenic pillows and duvets.

Humidity control

It is necessary to control the temperatures in your home. Precisely, you want to maintain indoor humidity levels below 50%, as this will inhibit dust mite and mold growth.

A dehumidifier can help achieve this, but you must ensure proper ventilation to prevent moisture buildup.

Pet care

Pets are the most common culprits for allergic reactions. Therefore, if you have pets and are allergic to them, keep them out of your bedroom, groom them regularly, and vacuum your space frequently. You also want to clean pet bedding and toys to reduce allergen exposure regularly.

Remove clutter

This may sound outlandish, but clutter does contribute to the accumulation of allergens in your space. In that regard, you want to minimize clutter in your home as it provides more hiding places for dust and allergens.

The best action would be to eliminate items that collect dust and adopt a minimalistic approach to home decor.

Seal cracks and leaks.

Inspecting your home for cracks, gaps, and leaks is crucial in creating an allergy-friendly environment. This is because such openings can allow outdoor allergens to infiltrate your living spaces, compromising your efforts to maintain clean indoor air.

Here’s why sealing cracks and leaks is necessary and how to effectively do it:

Allergen entry points: Outdoor allergens such as pollen, mold spores, and outdoor air pollutants can easily find their way into your home through small openings. Some common entry points include gaps in your doors and windows, foundation cracks, wall holes, and poorly sealed ducts.

Preventing infiltration: When you seal these entry points, you block allergens from getting into your space, reducing your indoor allergen load and making it easier to keep your space allergen-free.

Depending on the size and type of opening, you want to use the recommended material, such as expanding foam or caulk. You also want to ensure that your windows and doors are tightly sealed when closed.

You also want to check for any gaps where different building materials meet and seal them.

Natural cleaning products

Are you aware that most cleaning products contain harsh chemicals? This is because the chemicals do a good job of removing stains and sometimes even disinfecting. However, the downside to such chemicals is that they could cause allergic reactions.

To counter that, you may use more natural or hypoallergenic cleaning products. The trick is to ensure that they are just as effective.

Other benefits of using natural cleaning products include:

Reduced chemical exposure: As previously mentioned, most cleaning products typically contain chemicals that can trigger allergic reactions or aggravate existing allergies.

With natural cleaning products, you do not run the risk of the same.

Allergen elimination: The formulation of some natural cleaning products targets allergens such as pet dander and dust mites. In that regard, they can help eliminate such allergens from your space more effectively.

Scent options: Fragrances can also cause allergic reactions. Natural cleaning fragrances do not contain artificial fragrances, reducing the chances of that happening.

Allergen-free diet

If you have food allergies, you must be vigilant about reading food labels and avoiding allergenic ingredients. Ideally, you should designate an allergen-free kitchen area to minimize cross-contamination when cooking.

Allergen-free home décor

Choose home decor that is easy to clean and less likely to trap allergens. When it comes to flooring, opt for hardwood or laminate flooring over carpets, and use blinds or shades instead of heavy curtains.

Final Thoughts

In addition to these measures, consulting with an allergist Germantown MD to develop a personalized allergy management plan is essential. They can recommend appropriate medications or immunotherapy if necessary.

By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you can create a more allergy-friendly home environment and reduce the impact of allergens on your health and well-being.

How Do You Fend Off Allergies?

Do you regularly get sick in spring due to seasonal allergies, and you don’t want it to be the case this year? According to allergy specialist doctors, there are plenty of ways you can protect yourself.

How do you fend off allergies? Here are some of the ways to go about it:

Stay indoors

Seasonal allergies come about due to exposure to pollen and other allergy-causing materials, and one of the best ways to stay away from them is to stay indoors.

Since you will be spending a lot of time in the house during the allergy season, you should ensure that the surface is clean and allergy-proof. Some of the things you can do to make the house allergy-proof include:

Remove the carpets and rugs and leave the floor bare. When you do this, you remove the areas that the allergy-causing pollen can adhere to and bring about allergies.

Clean the house regularly and keep the knickknacks and houseplants to a minimum. This is to remove any pollen that might have entered the house.  Removing the plants gets rid of surfaces the pollen can adhere to and worsen your allergies.

Keep the pets in the house and prevent them from going outside as much as possible. When the pets are indoors, keep them off the furniture and bedroom. This is because they might have collected allergy-causing materials.

Clean your bedding and clothing with hot water at least once a week.

For the pillows and mattresses, go with anti-allergen covers.

Eat the right foods

The reason you are getting sick is that your immune system is misbehaving. The good news is you can correct it by taking the right foods that will strengthen it.

As a rule of thumb, avoid excess sugars as they can take a toll on your system and weaken you.

Some of the best foods to take are foods rich in vitamin C. These include: oranges, carrots, broccoli, and leaf vegetables.

Sometimes allergies come about due to inflammation in the body, and you can correct it by maintaining a healthy gut by eating anti-inflammatory foods and probiotics. You can also add ginger and turmeric to the foods and drinks to boost your immunity.

Raw, local honey has also been found to be highly effective at fighting off allergies, so you should find it and take it. Local honey is an effective antidote because it contains pollen that the bees have been pollinating, and by  introducing it into the body, you train the immune system on how to fight the symptoms.

Adjust your home humidity

Mold is a known leading cause of indoor allergies, so if you have been indoors all the time and you are having allergy symptoms, this is most likely due to mold. Mold thrives in moisture, so to control it, you need to reduce the moisture levels in the house.

Two of the best ways to go about it is to use an air conditioner or dehumidifier. For the best outcome, keep the home humidity levels close to 50%. To ensure that you are maintaining the right moisture levels, use a hygrometer.

Besides using the dehumidifier and air conditioner, clean the water spills promptly, replace the air filters, and fix any leaks as soon as you notice them.

Get rid of rats and cockroaches.

Allergy doctor Manassas VA reports that cockroaches are a common cause of allergies and asthma especially in children so if you have roaches in your house, you should strive to get rid of them as much as possible. You can try getting rid of water and food sources for the roaches or seek professional services to get rid of them.

When to See a Doctor for Allergies

Most allergies go away on their own or after using a few over-the-counter medications. But a few of the conditions worsen, and they can turn fatal if you don’t see an allergy doctor soon enough. Wondering when to see a doctor for allergies? Here are some of the situations when you should do it:

When you aren’t sure whether you have a cold or allergies

Colds and allergies (especially allergic rhinitis) can be easily confused for each other as they feature running noses and sneezing. If you aren’t sure of what you are suffering from, visit a doctor who will help you determine the condition.

If suffering from allergies, the doctor will undertake a battery of tests to determine the triggers and what you can do to bring the condition to a stop.

To help you tell the difference between allergies and cold, you should look at the symptoms. If you have itching eyes or nose, puffy throat, eyes or eyelids, you are most likely suffering from allergies, but if you have a nagging cough, a low-grade fever, or simply feeling sick and rundown, then you are most likely having a cold.

Either way, don’t go at it blindly and start taking medications. See a doctor to be sure.

The allergy symptoms are getting in the way.

Besides the stuffy nose and other symptoms, allergies can also lead to other issues such as headaches, ear infections, and sinus infections. If these symptoms are coming in the way and making it hard for you to work, sleep, and enjoy the outdoors, you need to take action and see a doctor.

The doctor will help you figure out what you are allergic to and manage the symptoms effectively to get back your life.

When you have tried controlling the condition without success

A tell-tale sign you are suffering from allergies and not a cold is feeling better after 4-5 days. If it’s over a week and the symptoms aren’t getting better or going away, it’s time to see a doctor.

The doctor will help you find a different and better medicine for your condition. For example, if you were using a steroid, he would find an antihistamine to address the symptoms better. The doctor can even analyze the situation and prescribe stronger doses of the same drug you were using.

You have other underlying medical conditions.

Are you suffering from health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, enlarged prostate, or kidney disease? Sometimes over-the-counter medications might not work on the allergies. In other cases, the medications worsen the situation.

By seeing a doctor, you ensure you aren’t putting your life on the line by continuing to take the wrong medications.

The doctor will go through your history and, after testing you, prescribe the best drugs to go for.

What will the doctor do?

When you visit a doctor, there are plenty of things he can do. Some of these things include:

Confirm you are suffering from allergies

You might be experiencing allergy-like symptoms, but it’s only a certified allergist that can confirm that you truly suffer from allergies.

Find your triggers

Allergies can be triggered by plenty of things such as dust, dander, and many others. When you visit an allergy clinic Germantown MD, the doctor will help you find out the allergy triggers. The doctor will also advise you on ways to avoid the triggers.

Come up with a treatment plan.

After the tests, the doctor will help you come up with a treatment plan. The plan includes the type of medicine you should take, when to take it, the things to avoid due to the allergies, and what to do if the situation worsens.

Parenting in the Time of COVID-19: How to Explain the Impact of the Global Pandemic to Children

Contrary to popular belief, children also get stressed due to certain situations. Such a feeling of stress can affect their immune systems and make them more susceptible to health issues. More so, those with medical conditions like allergies and asthma should have twice the protection, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic.

An allergist doctor may not be available for face-to-face visitations in an allergy clinic. However, there are still ways that you can contact an allergist in case of emergencies.

Due to the ongoing pandemic, it is natural for adults especially parents to be wary of the current situation. But it is also important that children, even as young as toddlers, understand what the world is going through now.

COVID-19’s potential impact on children

This pandemic has caused serious fear mostly for adults. For one thing, parents are especially worried about how they can protect their children against the disease. However, young children can be smarter than we think when it comes to this kind of issue.

Most children thrive on routine. But because of the virus, they are not able to play outdoors. Parents are also mostly having second thoughts of letting their kids play with their neighbors. Basically, the virus has disrupted children’s daily routines. This can affect their mood and cause tantrums and unpleasant behavior.

Meanwhile, parents may have second thoughts of telling their small children what is going on. There is this notion that young children may not be able to understand what is going on around them. However, it is possible for them to understand the current situation. How?

Talking to your children about the ongoing pandemic

First of all, make sure to choose the right timing to discuss this concern with your child. You also need to understand COVID-19 and its impact on our daily lives. You can find more information from reliable sources including the World Health Organization and the US Centers for Disease Control.

More or less, your child is already somehow aware of what is happening right now. It’s just a matter of explaining why this is happening in the first place. More importantly, they should know what they can do to protect themselves against the virus. It is also better to consult an allergist specialist to protect you and your children if you have a history of asthma and allergies.

Points to ponder when discussing COVID-19 with your child

There are some important things that you need to consider when discussing COVID-19 with your child. These include:

Explain what really it is.

Children should understand what COVID-19 is, how it affects anyone who gets it, and how to keep themselves safe from the virus. Those with asthma and allergies should also be extra cautious at this time. Those who have such conditions are more prone to getting the virus. You can consult an allergy doctor to help manage your child’s asthma or allergies.

Get straight to the point.

Children deserve straightforward answers to their questions. Let them ask questions, and answer as truthfully as possible. Too much information can overwhelm them and cause anxiety and stress. As much as possible, avoid sugarcoating words when explaining things to them. They need to know what “virus”, “germs”, and even COVID-19 are.

Teach them to be clean and protected against the virus.

Aside from knowing about the virus, they should also learn how they can keep themselves safe. This includes teaching them the basics like keeping clean and practicing safe distancing. Children should also be taught proper manners when coughing and sneezing.

Helping your child cope up with the current situation

Parents have the major responsibility of shielding their children from the pandemic. More so, if they have allergy history. In case of an attack, you should find an allergy doctor the soonest.

Other tips that you can do to help your children understand the impact of COVID-19 include the following:

  • Create new routines that will benefit your child. Say, schedule a time for doing worksheets, mealtime, and bedtime. It will help the child back on track on their previous routines that are disrupted due to the virus.
  • Do not blame other races or people for the virus. No one wanted this to happen. Everyone is affected, even the most well-off people out there.
  • Try limiting access to news and social media as it can also lead to anxiety due to the constant COVID-19-related reports.
  • Keep calm. Bond with your child more especially during this pandemic. Keep yourself and your family strong and healthy. You can seek help from an allergy specialist in Manassas VA online in case of asthma or allergy emergencies.

All about Incontinence Associated Dermatitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Aging comes with a lot of complications such as memory gap, blurry vision, wrinkly skin, and a weakened immune system. Elderly people also experience all sorts of body pain that limit their movements. Due to old age, elderly people are also highly prone to catching diseases including allergies. In such cases, our elderly friends should be advised to visit an allergy physician to help them manage their condition.

All about IAD

Apart from physical and mental deterioration, elderly people also experience the inability to control their bladder and their stool. This condition is called incontinence. When this happens, the genital and anal area (sometimes also in the thighs and abdominal area) becomes inflamed and itchy and results in rashes. This condition is called Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis or IAD.

IAD, also called perineal dermatitis, moisture lesions, or irritant dermatitis, occurs as a result of incontinence. It usually results in itchy and red rashes, which is also similar to diaper rash among babies. It can also be considered a form of allergy, so it is a good idea to visit an allergy specialist to help treat this condition.

People who experience fecal incontinence may experience worse symptoms of IAD. For one thing, it is because feces is more irritating than urine when it comes to contact to the skin. The skin’s pH levels and the ammonia excreted by urine and feces result in IAD. In such cases, it can be a good idea to visit an allergist doctor to help manage the symptoms.

Symptoms of IAD

A normal and healthy skin serves as a barrier which lessens the risk of having rashes and other symptoms due to allergic reactions and the like. However, the skin of elderly people is not as supple and healthy as they were when they were younger. Add to that is incontinence, hence the occurrence of IAD. People with IAD might experience the following symptoms that should be treated immediately.

  • Feeling of pain or tender to the touch when coming into contact
  • Itchiness or burning sensation to the genital, anal, or abdominal areas
  • Skin redness, lesions, or presence of inflammation on the affected area

Too much skin moisture (ex. not wiping your genital or anal area after going to the toilet) and friction due to the use of pads and underwear can also cause IAD. Likewise, the inadequate cleaning of the IAD-prone areas, as well as the use of abrasive cloths, can also lead to IAD.

The impact of IAD’s symptoms depends on numerous factors such as the person’s overall health condition, nutritional levels, skin tissue condition, and risk of allergen exposure. In such cases, it is important to undergo allergy testing to determine other possible causes of the occurrence of IAD.

How to manage IAD

Back then, IAD was usually treated using soap and water. However, the usual soaps contain ingredients that can further dry out your skin and make the condition worse. That said, using soap and water may not necessarily be the best option out there.

Instead, the best treatment for IAD is proper skincare. Visiting an allergy doctor can also help in managing the condition. Here are some useful tips to lessen the impact of IAD and its symptoms.

  • Use a skincare product that matches the skin’s pH levels. Avoid ones with harsh ingredients that can make the condition worse.
  • Change adult diapers and pads regularly to avoid leakage and cause IAD from spreading to other body parts.
  • Do not use rough towels when wiping genitals and anal areas. Instead, make sure to wash thoroughly and wipe dry to lessen the moisture content within the said area.
  • Apply skin remedies with zinc oxide on the affected areas and lessen chafe and rashes.
  • Wear cotton underwear. Apply petroleum jelly on areas that are prone to chafing especially before any physical activity.


IAD can be managed with proper skincare and hygiene routines. Otherwise, it can lead to possible complications such as pain while urinating and genital discharge. Elderly people are at higher risk of having IAD. That is why it is important to ensure good hygiene at all times.

To help manage symptoms of IAD, it is best to find an allergy doctor to help manage the condition. Visit the best allergist in Manassas VA today!

How to Treat Allergies the Natural Way

It is no doubt that having some kind of allergic reactions can greatly impact one’s life. In fact, there are millions of people all over the work who suffer from some kind of allergies that hamper their daily life. Among common allergy triggers include food allergies, pet dander, air pollution, dust mites, and specific ingredients used in beauty and household products.

If you suffer from allergies, it is best to visit an allergy clinic and consult an allergist doctor to help manage your symptoms. Some allergies may be seasonal while others may be chronic but should be treated accordingly nonetheless. Otherwise, it can lead to serious health complications or death in the worst cases.

What causes allergies?

For starters, allergies are usually caused by an exaggerated reaction of the immune system with specific allergens. As mentioned, there are different types of allergens that cause such adverse allergic reactions. Allergies can either be seasonal (ex. affects the person during a specific season, say, during pollen season) or chronic (ex. people who had a specific allergy since childhood).

Among common symptoms of allergies include constant sneezing or coughing, itchy and watery eyes/nose/throat, and nasal congestion. In some cases, allergic people experience hives, and skin itching or swelling. In worst cases, the person may experience difficulty in breathing or even death.

The potential effects of over-the-counter allergy medications

While there are a lot of antihistamine products in nearby drug stores, some may experience adverse effects due to taking medications. For one thing, certain medications can also cause allergic reactions. The effects may vary from person to person but should be addressed immediately by an allergy doctor, nonetheless.

Over-the-counter and prescribed allergy medications do provide effective results. However, most of these medications can only do so much. Instead of addressing the root of the issue, it may only mask the symptoms and provide relief for only several hours or so. For “better results”, you would have to take the medication more than once a day. It may even cause adverse effects and make your condition worse than ever.

Is there an alternative way to provide relief from allergies?

More and more allergy sufferers are getting wary of using over-the-counter medications to treat their allergies. Plus, most of these medications don’t come cheap. That is why a lot of them are looking for natural ways to manage their allergies. Make sure to consult an allergist specialist first before trying any of these products.

Vitamin C

This vitamin is mostly associated with the treatment of cough and colds. However, it can also play a major role in managing allergies thanks to its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. There are vitamin C supplements available in the market, but you can also find these in most fruits and vegetables such as:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Broccoli
  • Bell peppers
  • Strawberries
  • Tomatoes
  • And more!


This refers to microorganisms that promote better digestion and also boost your immune system. However, there are mixed reactions regarding the effectiveness of probiotics. Consult an allergy physician before taking probiotics or any similar products.


It is a flavonoid commonly found in several foods and plants. Several studies reveal that quercetin can help in relieving allergic symptoms. Quercetin is present in herbs and foods such as:

  • Broccoli
  • Black tea
  • Berries
  • Red wine
  • Apple
  • Grapes
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Peppers
  • And more!

However, experts suggest taking quercetin supplements than eating foods rich in quercetin if you want to manage your allergic symptoms. Make sure to take the right dosage in taking quercetin, or it may cause adverse effects when taken in large doses.

Essential oils

Some essential oils such as eucalyptus, peppermint, and frankincense are said to work wonders on managing allergic symptoms. You can use it in a diffuser or add a drop into the laundry.

Other allergy-alleviating alternatives

If in case these alternative methods do not take effect on you, here are some other alternatives to manage your allergic symptoms.

  • Change your diet. Eat more greens and fruits. An allergist doctor may also recommend an elimination diet to determine the root cause of your allergic reactions.
  • Try acupuncture or hydrotherapy. Make sure to deal with licensed naturopathic physicians or acupuncturists.
  • Avoid allergens. If you know you are allergic to pollen, pet dander, or any kinds of food, stay away from it as much as possible.
  • Visit the best allergist in Manassas VA for your allergy treatment needs.