Tag Archives: COVID-19

Using Alcohol and Handwashing: Are They Really Effective Against COVID?

The rising COVID-19 cases have been consistent for the past months. But somehow, the good news is that a huge chunk of those figures has already recovered. Still, we should be extra careful since the virus is still out there. Those with allergies and asthma may also still be at high risk of contracting the virus if they are not careful enough.

Speaking of allergies and asthma, it is best to visit an allergy clinic if you are experiencing symptoms. If you notice rashes, constant coughing and sneezing, and breathing difficulties, consult an allergist doctor for proper treatments.

Keeping safe from COVID-19

Experts remind people over and over again about using face masks, observing physical distancing, and practicing proper hygiene. As of now, there is no vaccine yet available to help manage this global pandemic. In the meantime, the best protection we can give ourselves is hand washing.

On average, people touch (inadvertently or on purpose) about 23 times per hour. Our hands are also constantly exposed to germs and other harmful bacteria. The next thing you know, you get sick that could have been avoided by washing hands.

Studies show that handwashing is one of the best ways to lessen the spread of the dreaded virus. Aside from protecting against COVID-19, hand washing will also protect you from other common illnesses like colds and flu as well as salmonella.

There are two ways to clean our hands: either by lathering with soap or using alcohol or hand sanitizer. These may seem to be an easy task. However, there is a right way of cleaning your hands using these hygiene products.

What to consider in choosing a hand sanitizer

In case that running water and soap are not available, you can use hand sanitizer. When you buy a hand sanitizer, you should not only rely on its smell only. You should also check the chemical composition. Choose a hand sanitizer that is 60 percent ethyl alcohol or 70 percent isopropyl alcohol.

Stay away from hand sanitizers that have methanol or 1-propanol, which are both toxic when coming into contact with skin. There are even some new brands that contain these ingredients but are labeled as ethanol. Trust only brands that have been in the market for years.

Using alcohol nowadays is as important as taking proper asthma treatments. You need to be aware of your surroundings and use it as needed to prevent the harmful effects of not being careful of your health later on.

Those with allergies and asthma are more prone to contracting this virus, so it is important to be extra careful. Allergy testing can also help whether you have underlying allergic reactions that will make you more vulnerable to COVID-19.

How proper hygiene can prevent allergic reactions

Along with the ongoing pandemic, we all need to be wary of our hygiene and keep our surroundings clean. This is also your allergist specialist will most likely recommend preventing allergic reactions. It includes cleaning dust and dirt off your home, choosing the right personal hygiene products with gentle or organic ingredients.

Here are other ways to prevent allergic reactions as recommended by an allergy specialist doctor. As mentioned, those with allergies and asthma can be more prone to contracting the dreaded COVID-19 virus.

  • Using vinyl, wood, or tile flooring instead of carpets as the latter can harbor dust mites that can cause allergic reactions
  • Choosing window blinds that are easy to clean
  • Regular dusting of cushions, upholstered furniture, and stuffed toys by vacuuming or high-temp washing
  • Using a vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter
  • Not keeping pets inside the house (as much as possible)
  • Bathing pets at least once per week
  • Replacing bedsheets and linen at least once a week
  • Checking the ingredients on food packaging for possible allergens (nuts, spices, dairy, etc.)
  • Staying inside the house during high pollen count (usually summer)
  • Using insect repellent to the exposed skin

Staying safe during the pandemic

These are only some of the best ways to protect you from the virus. We won’t know until when this pandemic will end. But the best way to prevent falling victim to this disease is by proper hygiene and managing symptoms as soon as possible.

If you have asthma or allergic to something, you need to be twice as careful nowadays. In case you experience any allergic symptoms, make sure to go to an allergy clinic in Manassas VA immediately.

Parenting in the Time of COVID-19: How to Explain the Impact of the Global Pandemic to Children

Contrary to popular belief, children also get stressed due to certain situations. Such a feeling of stress can affect their immune systems and make them more susceptible to health issues. More so, those with medical conditions like allergies and asthma should have twice the protection, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic.

An allergist doctor may not be available for face-to-face visitations in an allergy clinic. However, there are still ways that you can contact an allergist in case of emergencies.

Due to the ongoing pandemic, it is natural for adults especially parents to be wary of the current situation. But it is also important that children, even as young as toddlers, understand what the world is going through now.

COVID-19’s potential impact on children

This pandemic has caused serious fear mostly for adults. For one thing, parents are especially worried about how they can protect their children against the disease. However, young children can be smarter than we think when it comes to this kind of issue.

Most children thrive on routine. But because of the virus, they are not able to play outdoors. Parents are also mostly having second thoughts of letting their kids play with their neighbors. Basically, the virus has disrupted children’s daily routines. This can affect their mood and cause tantrums and unpleasant behavior.

Meanwhile, parents may have second thoughts of telling their small children what is going on. There is this notion that young children may not be able to understand what is going on around them. However, it is possible for them to understand the current situation. How?

Talking to your children about the ongoing pandemic

First of all, make sure to choose the right timing to discuss this concern with your child. You also need to understand COVID-19 and its impact on our daily lives. You can find more information from reliable sources including the World Health Organization and the US Centers for Disease Control.

More or less, your child is already somehow aware of what is happening right now. It’s just a matter of explaining why this is happening in the first place. More importantly, they should know what they can do to protect themselves against the virus. It is also better to consult an allergist specialist to protect you and your children if you have a history of asthma and allergies.

Points to ponder when discussing COVID-19 with your child

There are some important things that you need to consider when discussing COVID-19 with your child. These include:

Explain what really it is.

Children should understand what COVID-19 is, how it affects anyone who gets it, and how to keep themselves safe from the virus. Those with asthma and allergies should also be extra cautious at this time. Those who have such conditions are more prone to getting the virus. You can consult an allergy doctor to help manage your child’s asthma or allergies.

Get straight to the point.

Children deserve straightforward answers to their questions. Let them ask questions, and answer as truthfully as possible. Too much information can overwhelm them and cause anxiety and stress. As much as possible, avoid sugarcoating words when explaining things to them. They need to know what “virus”, “germs”, and even COVID-19 are.

Teach them to be clean and protected against the virus.

Aside from knowing about the virus, they should also learn how they can keep themselves safe. This includes teaching them the basics like keeping clean and practicing safe distancing. Children should also be taught proper manners when coughing and sneezing.

Helping your child cope up with the current situation

Parents have the major responsibility of shielding their children from the pandemic. More so, if they have allergy history. In case of an attack, you should find an allergy doctor the soonest.

Other tips that you can do to help your children understand the impact of COVID-19 include the following:

  • Create new routines that will benefit your child. Say, schedule a time for doing worksheets, mealtime, and bedtime. It will help the child back on track on their previous routines that are disrupted due to the virus.
  • Do not blame other races or people for the virus. No one wanted this to happen. Everyone is affected, even the most well-off people out there.
  • Try limiting access to news and social media as it can also lead to anxiety due to the constant COVID-19-related reports.
  • Keep calm. Bond with your child more especially during this pandemic. Keep yourself and your family strong and healthy. You can seek help from an allergy specialist in Manassas VA online in case of asthma or allergy emergencies.

The Truth About The Second Wave of COVID-19 and How to Protect Yourself From It

COVID-19 has dominated this year, so far. It was first discovered in Wuhan, China, with a few cases reported during the last few weeks of December 2019. The next thing we knew, this virus, which later officially called COVID-19, spread like wildfire in many parts of the world.

So far, there have been more than 4.6 million cases around the world. Out of that figure, around 2.5 million are still infected, and more than 1.7 million already dead. Those who have immunocompromised health should be extra careful especially when going outside.

The same goes for the history of asthma and allergies – make sure to consult an asthma doctor if you experience symptoms. Also, make sure to follow asthma treatments as prescribed by your allergist doctor.

The dreaded “second wave”

Several countries around the world, including the US, are slowly easing restrictions of the lockdowns. Chinese authorities have also announced measures that aim to prevent the dreaded second wave of COVID-19. This includes complying with the “new normal” such as wearing face masks and physical distancing.

This is exactly what health experts are worried about: the second wave of the dreaded virus. And it seems to be happening now in some countries. In China, for example, there were about 17 new cases reported in Mainland China according to a May 11 report.

In South Korea, on the other hand, there were 35 new cases reported since it lifted its lockdown. Apparently, the majority of these cases came from those who went out clubbing over the weekend. As a result, more than 2,000 nightspots have to close down again.

This is one of the most difficult dilemmas that the world has to face right now. On the one hand, countries are doing their best to contain the virus and prevent its further spread by implementing strict lockdowns. However, the world cannot afford prolonged lockdowns as it can affect the economy.

Even with strict measures, no one knows how effective it will be. There are even those so-called “silent carriers” who do not exhibit symptoms unless they take the COVID-19 test. Also, just because a country does not have new cases for several days or weeks doesn’t mean they are exempted from the so-called “second wave”.

Will it be worse?

It will depend on several factors. One of the most important of these is how people comply with the rules. This includes wearing face masks, physical distancing, and observing proper hygiene. Aggressive mass testing will also play an important role in the outcome of the second wave if ever it does happen.

Basically, there can be less impact of the second wave of the pandemic if there will be stricter measures implemented. This also applies to those with asthma and other chronic conditions. Make sure to consult an allergy doctor if you experience symptoms due to asthma or allergies.

It is also possible that there will be lockdowns again. You cannot visit an allergy clinic or get simple checkups unless it’s already urgent. As mentioned, that possibility will depend on how people and the government comply with the rules. Unless there is already a vaccine, we cannot be too complacent.

How to prevent the spread

First of all, you need to take care of yourself. If you have asthma or allergy history, you should consult an allergist doctor for proper management and treatment. Even if many countries are imposing lockdowns, it won’t guarantee that COVID-19 will be gone for good.

This is why people also have a vital role in containing the virus. It would take quite a while before we are able to travel elsewhere, attend events, and hug friends and loved ones. In the meantime, here are tips you can do to avoid the spread of the virus.

Avoid throwing face masks anywhere.

You can buy reusable masks that you can wash and wear as needed. Leave surgical masks to our brave frontliners.

Avoid going to the gym and other fitness centers.

It is important to stay fit and healthy during the pandemic. But it is not the best time to go to gyms now. Instead, you can do home workouts to maintain your health while on quarantine.

Maintain proper hygiene.

You should practice proper hygiene more than ever. If there is no access to running water and soap, use alcohol or hand sanitizer, and have access to it all the time.

Keeping vigilant in the middle of the pandemic

We are far from over from the wrath of the ongoing pandemic. In the meantime, we need to be vigilant and careful with our every move. More so, if you have asthma or immunocompromised health. Consult an allergist in Germantown MD for tips on protecting yourself from the effect of COVID-19.

Is it Allergies, Colds, or COVID-19? Here are the Symptom Differences

In times like these, it is difficult to be sick. Just a simple sneeze or sniffles can trigger anxiety for a lot of people. On the one hand, these are common symptoms of common colds. However, these can often be mistaken as signs of COVID-19.

There is no doubt how this global pandemic affected our daily routines. There might be some people who experience some kind of body discomfort but are afraid to go to hospitals. Even consulting an allergy physician and other medical specialists can be a little challenging nowadays.

Facing fears and the unknown

Whether we admit it or not, COVID-19 has caused anxiety and stress at some point in our lives. Even if most people are in the safety of their homes, we cannot help but think about others who aren’t. They might be front liners and medical personnel that have no choice but to attend to their sworn duties.

As for those at home, it is important to stay indoors as much as we can. Take vitamins and eat healthy foods to boost our health and immune system. Practice proper hygiene and handwashing at all times. Consult an allergy specialist doctor online if you experience any allergic symptoms.

But sometimes, we cannot help but think about what will happen in the next coming days. What if we suddenly fell ill and we have to go to an allergy clinic or a hospital? What if the hospital or clinic nearby is not sanitized enough and contains the dreaded virus? Worst, what if you get the dreaded virus?

Is it allergies or COVID-19?

It is the spring season in many countries, so you can expect a lot of people suffering from seasonal allergies. You might have to consult an allergist if you experience the usual allergy symptoms.

Unfortunately, the symptoms of allergies can be similar to that of COVID-19. Even a simple cough, sore throat, or sneeze can cause panic not only to you but also to other people. On the other hand, there are also a lot of people who recover from this dreaded disease.

Then again, we should not underestimate the potential complications COVID-19 can bring. As of date, there are more than 250,000 deaths around the world due to the virus. Some people experience mild to none of the symptoms. But some experience extreme symptoms which lead to intubation and oxygen support.

How to know if it’s an allergy, common cold, or COVID-19

First of all, you need to monitor your symptoms. As mentioned, allergy, colds, and COVID-19 symptoms can be similar. This includes cough, loss of sense of taste and smell, and breathing difficulties. If you suspect of being in contact with a potential allergen, make sure to consult an allergist doctor at least online.

Some people also experience diarrhea or vomiting due to allergic reactions (ex. lactose intolerance). But if symptoms worsen after a week or so, perhaps it is a good idea to contact a doctor to get tested for possible COVID-19.

Meanwhile, common signs of allergies may include itchy eyes and nose, sore throat, and sneezing. Some may also experience skin rashes that can be itchy. Most of these symptoms usually appear a couple of minutes or hours after you came into contact with an allergen. In such cases, you should consult an allergy doctor for proper treatment.

Common colds can also be mistaken as an allergic reaction and COVID-19. Sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, and coughing are some symptoms of common colds. You can take care of it by taking over-the-counter medications. Or try home remedies like drinking lots of water or natural citrus drinks.

Enlightenment, not fear

It can be easy to confuse common colds and allergies with COVID-19. For one thing, most of their symptoms are similar to each other. However, it depends on the severity and the duration these symptoms manifest themselves.

For example, allergy symptoms usually appear minutes or a few hours after coming into contact with an allergen. In such cases, you should consult an allergist doctor in Manassas VA immediately.

On the other hand, COVID-19 can be stealthy. Some people may experience symptoms, while others do not. Nonetheless, it is important to consider the people around you. Make sure to wash your hands and keep yourselves clean at all times. Most importantly, you should keep yourselves healthy and at home until it is safe to do our usual routines like before.

Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite: Protect Yourself From These Critters

Since we are on quarantine due to COVID-19, we have more time to spend lying down on our beds. Now is also the time to appreciate that we have a home to shelter us from the virus. We have to be thankful that we have a nice bed to sleep on at night despite the uncertainty this virus is causing is right now.

This is also the time to keep yourself healthy amidst the health crisis. Even at home, you can do some home workouts and eat freshly-prepared meals.

It is also better you should learn how to deal with your allergies in case you have one. In case you need consultations, you can contact an allergist doctor online to help manage your symptoms while on quarantine.

What’s bugging you?

Bedtime is supposedly the time everyone looks forward to. After all, our bed is our safe haven from all the stress and uncertainty of our lives. It is supposed the bed that will bring us to dreamland and a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, it’s not always the case.

Apparently, there is this tiny enemy that plagues a lot of people, especially during bedtime. These tiny pests, called bed bugs, commonly exist in mattresses and upholstered furniture. Actually, they can be seen by the naked eye but can still pester your precious bedtime, nonetheless.

For starters, bed bugs are small insects that bite exposed human and animal skin and feed on their blood. Bed bugs do not cause the outbreak of diseases. However, it can also cause other health concerns and even affect your budget.

On the one hand, bed bugs can cause rashes and allergic reactions. If you experience any allergic reactions due to bed bug bites, you should consult an allergist specialist. Some may experience mild reactions, but it can be life-threatening in other cases.

Symptoms and risks

Bed bugs often exist in bed cracks and crevices, headboards, bed frames, or box springs. These critters can also be found under carpeting, electrical outlets, light switch plates, or peeling paint or wallpaper.

The risks of getting bitten by bed bugs are higher when you spend time in homeless shelters, hospitals, or hotels. That said, the risk of allergic reactions is high as well especially if you are allergic to bed bugs.

If you experience the following, you might as well consult an allergist doctor immediately. Otherwise, it might lead to life-threatening consequences if left untreated. Common signs of bed bug bites include:

  • Itchiness
  • Red spots that are aligned or in clusters
  • Bite marks on the arms, legs, face, or neck
  • Allergic reactions such as hives or blisters

If you experience the latter, watch out for more severe reactions like difficulty in breathing or swelling. It can also cause anaphylactic shock in the worst cases. If so, consult an allergy specialist or visit an allergy clinic if possible at this time.

Preventing bed bug bites and getting rid of the bugs

Unfortunately, most allergic reactions due to bed bug bites may be mistaken as mosquito or flea bites. That is why you need to take note of the common symptoms as mentioned above.

One way to treat bed bug bites is by using antihistamines. Corticosteroid creams can also help alleviate the itching due to bed bug bites. Before the symptoms get worst, it is best to talk to an allergy specialist doctor.

Other tips to minimize the impact of bed bug infestation include the following.

  • Do not scratch the bitten area or it may lead to bleeding or infection.
  • Check your bed including the mattress and bed frame for any presence of bed bugs.
  • If possible, hire a professional pest control company that will help treat bed bugs.
  • Do not use the mattress or furniture with a bed bug infestation. If possible, remove and replace it with a fresher one.


Bed bugs can be annoying and can affect your good night’s sleep. It will leave you scratching and even cause infections. In the worst cases, it can lead to allergic reactions that can be life-threatening if left untreated.

If you got bitten by a bed bug, watch for any signs of the abovementioned symptoms. Better yet, let your allergist in Manassas know of your situation. At the end of the day, we all deserve a good and quality sleep every night, especially during this quarantine period.

Healing in the Time of COVID-19: How the Pandemic Can Help Improve the Global Healthcare System

There is no doubt of the extent of COVID-19’s impact on our daily lives. For one, we were forced to stay at home and encouraged to practice social distancing. Those with compromised immune systems should take extra caution to avoid contracting the disease.

Asthmatics should also take care of their health more than ever. You can consult an asthma doctor to help manage your condition. You might also have to keep asthma treatments in stock especially at this time of COVID-19. In extreme cases, you may have to visit an allergy clinic to prevent any symptoms from worsening.

The impact of COVID-19 on our global healthcare system

The ongoing pandemic has indeed wreaked havoc to our usual lives. Countries are focused on flattening the curve, but at the expense of millions of businesses and people’s normal routines. So far, there are already more than a million total COVID-19 cases all over the world – and still counting.

A lot of businesses have no choice but to close either for time indefinite or for good. Even first-world countries like the US and Italy got overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients flocking their hospitals. These countries, which supposed to have world-class healthcare systems, have already thousands of deaths and seem to continue to increase.

But what about other countries that do not have the same quality of healthcare as the US and Italy? We can just imagine how overwhelming it could be. The lack of healthcare equipment and facilities is another thing. Nevertheless, one thing is for sure: no country is prepared for this global pandemic.

How COVID-19 can help improve our healthcare system

Despite all the chaos that is happening right now, there are some things that we can learn from it. First of all, we learned how to wash our hands. It seems simple, but so often we forget before this pandemic started.

We also learned to take care of our health more. As mentioned, those with compromised immune systems such as asthmatics should take extra care of their health. COVID-19 can make your asthma symptoms worse that can be potentially life-threatening.  An allergist specialist can also help provide treatments in case your asthma symptoms flares up.

We also realize that there is no social status when it comes to this virus. Even those in higher government positions are not susceptible to this disease. Businesses, whether start-ups and multi-billion-dollar companies, are all affected with the impact of COVID-19.

We need our front liners more than ever: healthcare personnel, store cashier, pharmacists, and everyone else who serves people in these critical times. National governments have already realized how important they are during this ongoing pandemic. For example, the US government provided paid sick leaves for these front liners.

Online consultations are also readily available for those who need advice on their medical concerns. For example, you can contact an allergy doctor in case of allergy or asthma attacks. Electronic prescriptions are also given in case you need to buy medicines.

How the healthcare system can become more efficient

About 10 percent of health workers in many countries contracted the virus. Unfortunately, a lot of our health workers around the world already succumbed to the disease.

This means critical times especially that we need them more than ever to help treat COVID-19 patients. If this continues, our healthcare system will be greatly affected, cases will soar, and the situation can last until next year or so.

That is why we need not only protect ourselves but especially our front liners, including health workers. For one, our health workers need ample supply of personal protective equipment (PPEs).

Aside from that, health workers should have shifting periods so they can rest and take care of patients more efficiently. There should also be proper training for health workers in recognizing respiratory illnesses and especially COVID-19. There should also be a strong hospital surveillance system to help prevent the further spread of the virus.


We will never know when this pandemic will exactly end. In the meantime, we need to protect ourselves from contracting the disease. Wash hands frequently, stay at home and pray for our front liners. Utilize the use of technology to stay connected and get the help you need.

Save important contacts such as an allergy specialist doctor if you have asthma or allergies. An allergy physician in Manassas VA can help provide medication for your condition.

Life in Time of COVID-19: How to Keep Yourself Sane During Quarantine/Lockdown

As the COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc to our lives, we have no choice but to stay indoors and wait until everything is sort of okay already. This is actually the easiest thing we can do to help the government and to flatten the curve. This is also a chance for us to rethink our overall health.

COVID-19 chooses no one. From infants to the elderly, everyone can be at risk of contracting this disease. More so, those with compromised immune systems and pre-existing conditions are at higher risk of contracting COVID-19. Those who have asthma are also at risk of contracting the virus.

If you are suffering from asthma or any kind of allergies, you should consult an asthma doctor. An allergist will help you give asthma treatments to manage your conditions. Other than that, you should stay at home and build your health defense from this disease.

Why you should stay at home

A lot of countries implemented lockdown. This means citizens should stay at home to avoid the spread of the disease. Meanwhile, the government should also do their part in protecting their constituents from the disease. Businesses closed for the meantime and events got canceled as well.

For one thing, we should not downplay the impact of the disease. As of date, there are already more than 1.2 million total COVID-19 cases around the world. Out of these cases, about 70,000 have already perished. However, somehow good news is that more than 260,000 have already recovered from the disease.

As mentioned, there are people who are at higher risk of having COVID-19. These people should be extra cautious not to go outside as much as possible. If you have asthma and other kinds of allergies, you can contact an allergy specialist doctor. He or she will recommend the best asthma treatments to help manage your condition.

The doctor can also provide electronic prescriptions in case of medical needs. That is why you don’t have to worry about going outside to have an appointment at times like these. If you experience COVID-19 symptoms such as dry cough and difficulty in breathing, you should contact the nearest hospital for proper treatment and management.

How quarantine works

You should have a 14-day self-quarantine if you have been exposed to a COVID-19 patient. The same should also apply if you have been in a place where there are confirmed COVID-19 cases. However, even those without direct exposure and travel history should do quarantine as well.

It’s for everyone’s safety after all. Even those who don’t have symptoms can be a carrier of the virus. It can be more dangerous because you might be infecting a loved one without you knowing it.

Being on quarantine means you should not go outside, especially those who have travel history and exposure to a COVID-19 case. During that period, you should monitor for any signs of the disease like coughing, sore throat, and breathing difficulties.

If you are living with someone who manifests such symptoms (or if you are that person), make sure to follow quarantine protocols. Make sure to stay inside a designated room, wear protective equipment when needed, and disinfect more often.

What you can do during a quarantine

In the meantime, we have no choice but to follow the authorities if we want this entire health crisis to be over soon. We are fortunate to have a home where we can stay and keep healthy and safe. That is the easiest thing we can do to help flatten the curve.

Here are some things you can do while on quarantine.

  • Avoid going outside as much as possible unless for emergency purposes (ex. buying food and medicine).
  • Avoid social gatherings and large crowds.
  • Practice proper hygiene. Wash hands frequently, wear a mask especially when going outside, and disinfect your home every now and then.
  • Make the most out of the quarantine period. Enrich yourself through online workshops, watch video tutorials, and rediscover your former hobbies.
  • This is also the time to bond with your loved ones. Play board games, have a movie marathon and let your kids help you with cooking.
  • Schedule general cleaning. Get rid of clothes and other personal stuff you aren’t using anymore. Consider giving some to charity later on.
  • Seize the opportunity to be working at home. Not all industries can work at home (ex. front liners, manufacturing, law enforcers, etc.) We should be thankful we still have jobs we can do in the comfort of our home.
  • In case of allergy attacks, contact an allergy physician to know the next steps to do.

It’s for our own good

Being in quarantine can be boring. More so, we don’t know when this pandemic will end. Then again, we should be thankful we are able to stay at home until everything’s already fine.


You should be more careful if you have a compromised health. In case of asthma or allergy attacks in times like these, make sure to contact the best allergist in Germantown immediately. They are available for online consultation and will provide the medication you need.



Living with Someone with Asthma? Here are Some Things You Need to Consider

As of date, there are already more than half a million COVID-19 cases around the world. Unfortunately, no one is exempted from this disease even if you think you are generally healthy. However, there are some people who are more at risk in COVID-19. These include the elderly, weak immune system, and with asthma.

If you or someone you know suffer from asthma, you should visit an asthma doctor. An allergist should help you manage asthma symptoms. More so, asthmatics should be extra cautious at this time. Stay at home, wash your hands, and keep yourself healthy all the time.

Living with asthma

Asthma can affect the quality of one’s life. For starters, asthma affects the airways and can be triggered by several factors. For example, it can be due to allergy to pollen, certain foods, or extreme emotions. Some may experience mild symptoms, while others can be life-threatening.

To manage your condition, you need to identify the symptoms. Among common symptoms include:

  • Breathing difficulties
  • Coughing and wheezing
  • Tightening of chest

If you experience the abovementioned symptoms, make sure to go to an allergy clinic immediately. Prevention is still better than cure especially with the ongoing threat of COVID-19. Have yourself tested if you experience symptoms associated with COVID-19 to avoid contamination.

Things not to say to someone with asthma

Living with asthma can be challenging. For one, you should take your prescribed asthma treatments to help manage your condition. However, living with someone with asthma is another story. You are healthy, but someone you live with isn’t.

For one thing, you can offer support to your asthmatic friend and loved one. If needed, make sure to help your friend or loved one find an allergy doctor. Allergy testing may be necessary as well to ensure proper treatment for those who suffer from asthma. Aside from that, you should never say or do while you are with someone with asthma.

  • Never smoke near someone who is asthmatic. More so, secondhand smoking is more dangerous.
  • Avoid recommending “homemade” or “natural” asthma treatments to someone who is asthmatic. Most of these so-called natural treatments are not really scientifically proven to cure asthma.
  • Asthma symptoms may also be similar to that of common colds (ex. wheezing, coughing). If these symptoms do not go away despite taking medications, you should visit an allergist doctor immediately.
  • Inhalers are important to help asthmatics manage their symptoms. However, these are for emergencies only. The best way to manage asthma is to avoid the triggers (ex. smoke, pollen, stress, etc.)
  • Most people will have asthma for the rest of their lives. That is why you should understand how it feels, especially if a loved one has it.

How to help a loved one with asthma

Most likely, your loved one already knows how to manage his or her asthma symptoms. Going to an allergy specialist is one thing. Understanding what he or she is going through is another. In case an asthma attack happens unexpectedly, here are some things you can do to help.

  • Calm down, and help them calm down in case an attack happens. Panic attacks can make the situation worse.
  • Ask them to loosen up their clothing so they can breathe better. Ask them to sit upright to help improve their breathing.
  • If their situation does not improve even after loosening up their clothes, let them puff on their inhaler. In the worst-case scenario, it may be a good idea to rush the patient to a nearby emergency room.
  • Avoid taking them outside for some fresh air. Outside air may contain pollen and other allergens that can make their asthma attacks worse.

Alleviating asthma symptoms and protection against COVID-19

Given the ongoing threat that is COVID-19, we should be more cautious with our hygiene. More so, we should protect our loved ones who are asthmatics and others that are at higher risk of contracting this disease.

Protecting yourself and your loved one (especially those with asthma) is as basic as washing hands and distancing oneself when sick. Make sure to get proper treatment and stay at home as much as possible. Visit an allergy specialist doctor in Manassas VA in case asthma symptoms start to become worst.

Let us not only take care of ourselves but also the frontline and health workers. They selflessly take care of us in this critical time.

Double Danger: Will COVID-19 and Asthma Make Your Health Situation Worse?

We all live in a scary time due to the rapid spread of the dreaded COVID-19 virus. As of date, about 114 countries already have cases of this disease. As of March 10, the WHO reported more than 110,000 infected individuals and more than 4,000 deaths. Unfortunately, the figures might continue to rise in the days to come.

What is the COVID-19 virus?

For starters, a coronavirus is a group of viruses that affect a person’s respiratory system. This includes SARS, MERS-CoV, and COVID-19 viruses. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), common symptoms of coronavirus, including the COVID-19, include dry cough, fever, and difficulty in breathing.

It can also take a toll on those with asthma since the virus affects the respiratory system. You need to visit an asthma doctor to help you manage the symptoms. Allergy testing might also be necessary to help rule out allergic triggers. In times like these, everyone should observe proper hygiene and be proactive if you experience the abovementioned symptoms.

Can asthmatics be more high risk due to COVID-19?

The CDC advised those who suffer from asthma to be vigilant with their surroundings. Those with asthma should also avoid large crowds, observe proper hygiene, and take vitamins to boost the immune system.

When necessary, stock up on basic goods that will be good for two weeks. Take asthma treatments as per doctor’s orders, or visit an allergy clinic if not feeling well due to your condition. Since the virus affects the respiratory system, it’s a good thing especially for asthmatics to double up their defenses.

The (somewhat) good news is that there is little to no link of the virus to asthma – at least in the confirmed cases in the US. However, the CDC and WHO report that those with asthma are still those who are at high risk of contracting the virus. Others who are at high risk include those who:

  • Came into direct contact with a COVID-19 patient
  • Are aged 60 and above
  • Have existing medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease

Those with asthma should be twice as careful when going outside or touching objects. However, this should not be applicable to the abovementioned people. Everyone, healthy or with medical conditions, should do their part on keeping themselves and others COVID-19-free.

Myths surrounding COVID-19 virus

Much has been said about this virus. While there are far worse pandemics in the past, this does not mean we should already downplay COVID-19. Everyone is at risk of contracting this disease. We can only so much to protect ourselves by following the authorities’ reminders in terms of cleanliness and proper hygiene.

Sometimes though, we cannot tell what legit news from fake ones is especially on social media. Here are some myths about the COVID-19 virus and the truths behind it.

The virus cannot thrive in hot and humid weather.

So far, there is no proven fact about this. In fact, the virus has already spread globally regardless of the climate. A lot of Asian countries, where weather is mostly warm and humid, have already reported thousands of COVID-19 cases in total. The same also goes with countries located in higher altitudes (many European and North America).

You can eliminate the disease by having a hot bath.

Regardless of whether you took a hot or cold bath, you cannot eliminate the virus that way. Unless you want to burn yourself with a hot bath, then go ahead and do it. This is the same as using a hand or blow dryers.

UV lamps and thermal scanners can detect COVID-19.

One should not use UV lamps to sterilize hands or other parts of the body. This is because UV radiation can lead to skin irritation. Meanwhile, thermal scanners common in airports and other public events. It can only detect fever, but not the COVID-19 virus itself.

Pets can spread or get infected with the coronavirus.

As of now, there is no proof that house pets can get affected by the virus. Still, it is best to wash your hands after touching your pets.

Be proactive at this trying time

If you have asthma and experiencing respiratory issues, make sure to visit an asthma doctor immediately. An allergy specialist can help you manage your asthma symptoms. If worse comes to worst, you should have yourself checked to confirm whether you have the dreaded disease or not.

Observing proper hygiene is still the best action to take to avoid the spread of the virus. Wash hands with soap for at least 20 seconds, stay away from large crowds and disinfect your home with alcohol or bleach from time to time. Allergists in Germantown MD also recommend taking medications to avoid allergic reactions and asthma from getting worst.