Tag Archives: allergy treatments

Be Careful of The Holiday Allergies: Here’s What You Need to Know

It’s that time of the year again, although we all know that celebrating the Christmas season will be way different than years before. Nonetheless, there should be no reason why we should not celebrate the Holidays this year despite the ongoing pandemic.

There is no denying the fact of how it has been stressful this year mainly due to COVID-19. Millions have already died from all over the world. Those who have allergies can also be at higher risk of contracting this disease. Speaking of allergies, it is better to find an allergy doctor if you are allergic to something. Allergy testing helps in determining the root cause of your allergic reactions and get proper treatment.

It’s the season again… for allergies

We all know how busy this Holiday season is. From preparing gifts to decorating the Christmas tree, it is something that everyone also looks forward to. Unfortunately, not everyone also might not be looking forward to this season due to seasonal allergies.

Yes, some people experience allergies during Christmas. If you are one of them, you should hire the best allergy specialist doctor for your allergy treatment needs. But this doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy the season anymore due to these common seasonal allergies.

Here are some common allergy culprits that you should know. It can be anything from pet dander, mold and mildew, dust, and even your Christmas tree. But this article should also help you beat these seasonal allergens and enjoy the season as everyone should.

Common Christmas allergies

You might be wondering why allergens are very common during the holidays. For one thing, indoor allergies are common during Christmas because we are often inside our home. This means the windows are shut and the heating system is constantly on. So, the indoor air circulates inside the room together with possible allergens like dust, mold, and pet dander.

Then again, you need to determine what is causing your allergies. Or in this case, Christmas-related allergies. You should consult an allergist doctor if you experience common allergy symptoms. Here are these common allergens present during the Holidays.

Christmas tree/décor

According to some studies, more than 50 kinds of molds are present on Christmas trees, most of which are leaf molds. These allergens would thrive indoors where central heating is working 24/7. These can cause non-stop sneezing or asthma attacks.


Balloons are often made of latex which is also a type of allergen. Those who are allergic to it often experience skin irritations or even breathing difficulties in the worst cases. It can also be a choking hazard, especially to young children.


While it’s the thought that should count, some gifts could also cause the inevitable allergic reactions. Some have cosmetic allergies which are present on perfumes and makeup. Meanwhile, some are allergic to jewelry especially if it is made from nickel.

How to get rid of Christmas allergens

Different types of allergens affect millions of people all over the world. If you experience symptoms of allergies, make sure to visit a trusted allergy doctor to help manage your allergic reactions. Allergy testing may also be necessary to determine the root cause of your allergies.

  • Instead of latex balloons, opt for foil helium balloons. There are shops online that offer these special types of balloons.
  • Avoid perfumes or any beauty products that contain ingredients such as benzene, propyl, or methyl as these can also cause allergic reactions. Some products made from essential oils can also cause allergies and should not be used by pregnant women.
  • Opt for jewelry alternatives such as sterling silver, gold, or any nickel-free material.
  • Dust off the Christmas tree and décor before assembling them. Opt for plastic, glass, or metal Christmas décor to lessen the risk of them attracting dust mites. Choose artificial trees instead of real ones.
  • Watch out for common food allergens being served on your Christmas table. Cheese, peanuts, seafood, or any other food item, make sure to know your specific food allergies (or if you have guests or family members who have one). Better yet, do not serve these and opt for other alternatives instead.

Keep your family safe from Christmas allergies

You can also invest in an air purifier to maintain the healthy and clean air quality in your home. Consult a professional allergist in Manassas VA to help manage your allergy symptoms and ensure proper treatment.

Bronchiecstasis: Not Your Ordinary Respiratory Illness

Bronchiectasis is a chronic health condition wherein the airway walls become enlarged. It causes the build-up of mucous and makes your lungs prone to infection. The most common effects of bronchiectasis are shortness of breath and coughing with phlegm. Symptoms are usually worse if there is a lung infection.

What you need to know about bronchiectasis

For one, this condition makes your lung’s bronchial tubes are damaged permanently. A damaged airway causes mucous build-up and accumulation in your lungs. As a result, coughing up mucous and even blood is a normal occurrence for someone who has this respiratory condition.

It is also said that bronchiectasis is a complication of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA). This condition refers to those who have allergic reactions to aspergillus, a type of fungi found in various environments around the world. If you have this condition, it would be best to visit an allergy clinic for proper treatment.

When someone with ABPA comes into contact with fungal spores, it can cause allergic reactions and can eventually lead to bronchiectasis. Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure yet for bronchiectasis but can be manageable. It can also not affect your daily life with help of proper treatment. You can also go to an allergy doctor as needed.

What causes bronchiectasis?

A lung injury is often the cause of this condition, either due to cystic fibrosis (CF) bronchiectasis or non-CF bronchiectasis. The former is a chronic condition that causes excessive mucous production. Cystic fibrosis usually affects the liver, pancreas, and other organs that can weaken their functions.

On the other hand, non-CF bronchiectasis is not related to CF whatsoever. Non-CF bronchiectasis can also lead to other health conditions such as:

  • Lung infections (ex. tuberculosis, whopping cough, etc.)
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Allergic aspergillosis
  • HIV

As mentioned, bronchiectasis can also lead to an allergic reaction which can be potentially life-threatening.  In such a case, you should consult a trusted allergist doctor to help you manage your condition.

Symptoms of bronchiectasis

It is said that around 110,000 people in the US suffer from bronchiectasis. Those who have this condition are also diagnosed with asthma, CF, and immunodeficiency diseases. For those with asthma, make sure to go to an asthma doctor for proper asthma treatments.

Older people and women are more at risk of having bronchiectasis, although it can also occur in men and at any age. Bronchiectasis occurs due to mucous build-up that causes inflammation to the lungs. Tiny hairs in the airways, called the cilia, are mostly damaged which makes it difficult for the mucous to get out of the body.

Among common symptoms of bronchiectasis include the following:

  • Coughing a large amount of blood and mucous
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Chest pain
  • Wheezing
  • Fatigue
  • Fever and chills
  • Weight loss
  • Clubbing (the abnormal change of fingernail and toenail structure)
  • Being more prone to respiratory infections

If you experience at least one of these symptoms, go to the nearest allergy specialist doctor or any professional medical personnel for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Treating bronchiectasis

As mentioned, there is no permanent cure for this condition. However, certain treatments can lessen inflammation and infections due to bronchiectasis.

For one, those who have this condition would have to take macrolides. It is a type of antibiotic to ease inflammation and treat the bacteria in the airways. Taking mucolytics is also effective in mucus thinning.

Oxygen therapy is also prescribed for those who have this condition to improve their breathing and their quality of life. In the worst cases, you would have to undergo surgery to get rid of any airway blockage. Also, make sure to stay hydrated to help clear out the mucous.

Best to avoid smoking and being near polluted air and other toxic chemicals in the air to maintain healthy lungs. Ensure to have you and your children regular vaccinations against measles, flu, and whooping cough to lessen the risk of contracting bronchiectasis later in life.

Prevention is the key to ensure one’s quality of life. However, bronchiectasis has no permanent cure although some treatments can lessen the impact of its symptoms. Since it can also be triggered by allergies, best to lessen or avoid contact with fungi and other similar allergens.

Speaking of allergies, you should visit a trusted allergist specialist doctor in Manassas VA for proper allergy treatments.

Can Allergies Disappear and Re-appear?

Not everyone has allergies, but one thing is for sure: it can affect anyone regardless of gender, age, and race. At some point, a lot of people will experience some kind of allergic reaction that can affect their quality of life. Some of these allergies happen as early as their childhood days, while some happen during adulthood. Nonetheless, allergies can be detrimental to one’s quality of life.

Do you also suffer from some kind of allergy? Make sure to have it consulted with an allergist doctor. You would have to undergo allergy testing to determine the root cause of your allergic reactions. If you are experiencing potentially life-threatening allergic reactions, head to your nearest allergy clinic immediately.

A rite of passage?

We all know how inconvenient it is to have allergies. You might not be able to enjoy spring due to pollens floating around the outdoor air. Or you might not be able to eat your favorite food because you are allergic to its certain ingredient, say, peanuts, or a spice. You would have to consult an allergist specialist to help you treat your allergies.

For starters, allergies occur as our immune system’s reaction to certain allergens like pollen, pet dander, and so on. Ideally, there should be no reason for your body to react to various things. But for some reason, a lot of people develop such intolerance to certain elements or ingredients hence the onset of allergic reactions.

Being allergic to something is one of the most common medical conditions that affect millions of people around the world. It can happen in your childhood, while some may experience it in their teens or during adulthood. If you have not experienced allergies but are experiencing its symptoms, better have yourself checked with an allergy doctor immediately.

Can allergies occur during adulthood?

It does happen in many cases. For example, you grew up having pet dogs or cats at home until you reach early adulthood. Then you leave for college, return home during the break, but you find yourself sniffling around your beloved family dog. However, the reverse can happen to other people, too.

Some people may be allergic to pollen or pet dander before but might have disappeared later on. Most likely because you have already built a tolerance to those common allergens. There is also some allergy specialist doctor who also says that the more you get exposed to allergens, the more likely you will be immune to it later on.

So why do allergies appear and disappear later on (or vice versa)?

Allergies can be weird sometimes. Some may have it during childhood while others have it for the first time during their teenage or adult years. Some experience allergies before but disappear at some point as if it did not happen at all. But there might be reasons why such a phenomenon happens.

It might have something to with age.

Some experts believe that allergies disappear as we age. It can be because we get used to a certain allergen or have built a tolerance to it over time. However, some people might experience the worse effects of allergies due to age.

It can also be caused by stress.

Stress can be detrimental to our health and also can cause allergic reactions. The more you are stressed at work or personal matters, the higher the chances of allergic reactions. Not to mention your immune system will crash and make you sick easier. That is why regular exercise and a healthy diet is a must for a stronger immune system.

The weather may also have something to do with your allergies.

Due to climate change and higher CO2 levels that a lot of plants spew a lot of pollen which is also a common allergen. Temperature swings also cause various illnesses such as inflammation of the sinus which can also cause allergy-like symptoms. There is also a higher chance of getting allergies if you live in a city than in the countryside or a suburban area.


Having allergies is no joke. It can affect the quality of your life. You also have to be always cautious of what you eat or avoid anything that can trigger your allergies. In such cases, you should consult an allergy specialist doctor for proper treatment. Make sure to have allergy testing in Germantown MD so you get treated as soon as possible.

Is it a Cold or an Allergy? Here is What You Need to Know

Getting the sniffles can be annoying. Imagine you’re about to sleep but you cannot breathe properly while lying down due to a clogged nose. Or when you’re about to eat your favorite food but you cannot savor its taste because of your runny nose.

Most people think that a runny or stuffy nose, coughing, and sneezing means you have the common colds. However, these symptoms can also indicate signs of an allergic reaction. In such cases, you should consult an allergist doctor near you to treat those allergy symptoms.

But first of all, we must learn to distinguish the difference between common colds and allergies. For one thing, it can be tricky since most of their symptoms are similar. However, their root causes and treatment should be treated accordingly with proper medications.

Common colds vs. Allergies: Know the differences

Although the symptoms of colds and allergies are similar, these two are way different from each other. On the one hand, a common cold is due to different kinds of colds. It is transmitted via droplets from a sick person when they sneeze or cough. Among tell-tale signs of a common cold include:

  • Runny or clogged nose
  • Coughing
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Body pains
  • Watery eyes

People usually recover from colds between a week to up to 10 days. If the abovementioned symptoms last for more than 10 days, you might have yourself checked as it can mean a more serious condition like bronchitis or pneumonia. Colds are all-year-round according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

People who experience allergies and young children are more prone to colds. In such cases, you might have to go to an allergy clinic to help deal with your symptoms.

Allergies, on the other hand, happens following a reaction from the immune system due to contact with certain substances. These triggers, called allergens, cause the symptoms that are similar to that of common colds.

In some cases, those with allergies experience other symptoms not common in colds such as itchy eyes and rashes. Some people experience seasonal allergies, but allergies can be experienced all year round.

How to diagnose allergies and colds

You might not need to consult a doctor for common colds. But it can also be a good idea to consult an allergy doctor if you think you are experiencing symptoms beyond common colds.

In case of a bacterial or viral infection, you might have to undergo further tests like a chest X-ray. But in case of allergies, you need to consult an allergist specialist and undergo allergy testing.

That is why you need to know the abovementioned symptoms to differentiate whether you have colds or allergies. In the worst cases, you might already have been experiencing life-threatening symptoms without you realizing it.

How to deal with common colds

Common colds are not life-threatening unless the symptoms haven’t gone away for weeks. Over-the-counter cough syrups and medicines for colds as well as nasal sprays and pain relievers can provide relief from the common cold. Ask your doctor before taking over-the-counter medicines, especially for kids, or if you are pregnant or have an existing medical condition.

Other ways to provide relief from colds include:

  • Not drinking caffeinated drinks
  • Drinking more citrus-based drinks and water
  • Steam baths

Likewise, you should follow the prescribed duration of taking the medications. Otherwise, it can lead to side effects.

How to deal with allergic reactions

There are other treatments for allergies and prevent its triggers. Antihistamines are the most popular allergy treatments such as Benedryl and Zyrtec. However, these treatments can have side effects such as drowsiness. But other antihistamines have a non-drowsy formula.

For those with a clogged nose, you should take decongestants for relief. Decongestants come in spray or pill forms. Like any other medicines, you should follow the doctor’s prescription to avoid experiencing side effects. Other treatments for allergies include eye drops (for itchy and watery eyes), corticosteroids, and allergy shots.

You should also visit an allergy clinic for proper treatment of allergies. Whether you have allergies or colds, it can affect your daily life nonetheless. Talk to the best allergist in Manassas VA for your allergy-related concerns.

Is Your Face Mask Causing Skin Irritation? Here’s What You Need to Know

The authorities are constantly reminding people to wear facial masks, especially when going outside. Although met with controversies, wearing protective masks is one proven way of protecting oneself against viruses including COVID-19. Those with a history of asthma and allergies have to be extra careful during these times.

In case of allergic reactions, make sure to visit an asthma doctor or an allergist specialist. An allergy clinic near you may not be open right now, but most likely they can accommodate online consultations. Nonetheless, you should take immediate action if you experience allergy symptoms and prevent further complications.

The downside of wearing a face mask

In the midst of the ongoing pandemic, wearing a face mask is a must. This is to prevent the spread of the dreaded COVID-19 virus. There are different types of masks meant for specific users.

Normally, ordinary people can wear typical surgical or cloth masks. On the other hand, medical personnel should wear N95 or KN95 masks aside from their personal protective equipment (PPE).

However, there is one downside of wearing a face mask. There are some people who actually experience skin irritations when wearing one. Common symptoms of skin irritation due to face masks include:

  • Tiny pimple clusters
  • Rashes
  • Scaling

Your breath or either mucus or saliva traps the oil and sweat under the mask, hence leading to skin irritation. These skin irritations usually appear around the nose and mouth area which can look unsightly and uncomfortable.

That is why wearing a face mask can be tricky. On the one hand, wearing a face mask is important especially when outside. But there is that risk of skin irritation due to the mask you are wearing. If the face mask does cause skin irritation, you can consult an allergist doctor. Other than that, how should you deal with this?

Choosing the right face mask

One way to prevent possible skin irritation is by choosing the right face mask. As an ordinary citizen, you can choose a face mask that is made from soft and breathable material. For example, there are face masks that are made from 100 percent cotton.

That means you should not only choose face masks with cute designs. Instead, it should also feel comfortable and fit on your face just right. There are cotton face masks available that you can buy in stores, but you can also make one from old t-shirts.

Meanwhile, experts do not suggest using polyester, rayon, and nylon materials for face masks. These kinds of fabric are not breathable and prone to damping due to sweat and can lead to skin irritation. In the case of skin irritations, make sure to contact an allergy doctor right away.

However, some people may not be allergic to the fabric material but with its other components. For example, the allergic reaction might be due to the adhesive or even the detergent used to wash the mask. Nonetheless, make sure to consult a dermatologist or an allergy physician before getting another mask.

But even if you are not able to contact medical personnel about your face mask-related skin irritation, you can determine if it is indeed caused by one. For example, a rash on the nose area might be due to the adhesive strip. On the other hand, it might be because of the ear strap material if you notice some irritation in your ear area.

How to protect your skin from face mask irritation

Aside from choosing the right mask, you should also make sure to protect your skin. Here are tips to prevent face mask-related skin irritations.

Put moisturizer on your face.

Putting moisturizer is one of the best things to do to prevent skin irritations. This helps lessen friction between your skin and mask that causes the irritation. For better results, apply an oil-free facial moisturizer every two hours while wearing a mask.

Wash your face more often.

But make sure not to use soaps with harsh ingredients as much as possible. Instead, use gentle soaps to wash and clean your face. If you have other skin issues, continue using your medication or skincare product. Better yet, limit the use of foundation and makeup – it won’t be that noticeable anyway when you wear a mask.

Consult medical experts in case of skin irritations.

If you do experience skin irritations due to wearing a face mask, better consult a skin expert or an allergy specialist.

Protect yourself from the virus, but protect your skin too

These are some useful tips that you should follow to prevent skin irritations due to face masks. For any of your allergy concerns, consult an allergist specialist in Manassas VA.

Is it Allergies, Colds, or COVID-19? Here are the Symptom Differences

In times like these, it is difficult to be sick. Just a simple sneeze or sniffles can trigger anxiety for a lot of people. On the one hand, these are common symptoms of common colds. However, these can often be mistaken as signs of COVID-19.

There is no doubt how this global pandemic affected our daily routines. There might be some people who experience some kind of body discomfort but are afraid to go to hospitals. Even consulting an allergy physician and other medical specialists can be a little challenging nowadays.

Facing fears and the unknown

Whether we admit it or not, COVID-19 has caused anxiety and stress at some point in our lives. Even if most people are in the safety of their homes, we cannot help but think about others who aren’t. They might be front liners and medical personnel that have no choice but to attend to their sworn duties.

As for those at home, it is important to stay indoors as much as we can. Take vitamins and eat healthy foods to boost our health and immune system. Practice proper hygiene and handwashing at all times. Consult an allergy specialist doctor online if you experience any allergic symptoms.

But sometimes, we cannot help but think about what will happen in the next coming days. What if we suddenly fell ill and we have to go to an allergy clinic or a hospital? What if the hospital or clinic nearby is not sanitized enough and contains the dreaded virus? Worst, what if you get the dreaded virus?

Is it allergies or COVID-19?

It is the spring season in many countries, so you can expect a lot of people suffering from seasonal allergies. You might have to consult an allergist if you experience the usual allergy symptoms.

Unfortunately, the symptoms of allergies can be similar to that of COVID-19. Even a simple cough, sore throat, or sneeze can cause panic not only to you but also to other people. On the other hand, there are also a lot of people who recover from this dreaded disease.

Then again, we should not underestimate the potential complications COVID-19 can bring. As of date, there are more than 250,000 deaths around the world due to the virus. Some people experience mild to none of the symptoms. But some experience extreme symptoms which lead to intubation and oxygen support.

How to know if it’s an allergy, common cold, or COVID-19

First of all, you need to monitor your symptoms. As mentioned, allergy, colds, and COVID-19 symptoms can be similar. This includes cough, loss of sense of taste and smell, and breathing difficulties. If you suspect of being in contact with a potential allergen, make sure to consult an allergist doctor at least online.

Some people also experience diarrhea or vomiting due to allergic reactions (ex. lactose intolerance). But if symptoms worsen after a week or so, perhaps it is a good idea to contact a doctor to get tested for possible COVID-19.

Meanwhile, common signs of allergies may include itchy eyes and nose, sore throat, and sneezing. Some may also experience skin rashes that can be itchy. Most of these symptoms usually appear a couple of minutes or hours after you came into contact with an allergen. In such cases, you should consult an allergy doctor for proper treatment.

Common colds can also be mistaken as an allergic reaction and COVID-19. Sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, and coughing are some symptoms of common colds. You can take care of it by taking over-the-counter medications. Or try home remedies like drinking lots of water or natural citrus drinks.

Enlightenment, not fear

It can be easy to confuse common colds and allergies with COVID-19. For one thing, most of their symptoms are similar to each other. However, it depends on the severity and the duration these symptoms manifest themselves.

For example, allergy symptoms usually appear minutes or a few hours after coming into contact with an allergen. In such cases, you should consult an allergist doctor in Manassas VA immediately.

On the other hand, COVID-19 can be stealthy. Some people may experience symptoms, while others do not. Nonetheless, it is important to consider the people around you. Make sure to wash your hands and keep yourselves clean at all times. Most importantly, you should keep yourselves healthy and at home until it is safe to do our usual routines like before.

Here is What You Need to Know about Red Meat Allergy

Millions of people all over the world suffer from allergies. Some have food allergies, while others suffer from allergic reactions due to pollen or pet dander. There are also a lot of people who experience allergic reactions but are clueless about what causes allergies in the first place. If you are one of those who experience allergies, you should visit an allergy clinic immediately.

Speaking of food allergy, it is said to affect both children and adults. Food allergy may vary depending on the specific food allergen. For example, some may be allergic to seafood. Others might experience allergic reactions when they eat dairy or nuts. Another type of food allergy, albeit not as common as the aforementioned food, is red meat.

When eating red meat is a gastronomical nightmare

Being allergic to red meat may not be as common as soy or nut allergies. Like any other types of allergies, there are certain meat proteins that cause adverse reactions. These allergens break down once cooked, and cause those familiar allergic reactions upon consumption.

Allergy to red meat, also known as an alpha-gal syndrome or mammalian meat allergy, has no known cure. On a positive note, such a kind of allergy is less common than other types of food allergies. Red meat allergy symptoms can also be more manageable over time. If you suspect of having the alpha-gal syndrome, you should have allergy testing to confirm your condition.

What causes meat allergies?

Red meat allergies may develop as early as in childhood or in late adulthood. In particular, people with current allergies, specific blood types, or atopic dermatitis are at high risk of having meat allergies. Make sure to consult an allergist if you experience any allergy symptoms due to meat consumption.

Lone star tick bites are also one of the major causes of red meat allergies. Lone star ticks are native to the Central and Southern US. It sucks mammals’ blood, which contains the alpha-gal sugar. Once the tick feeds on humans, it transmits the alpha-gal sugar into the bloodstream and there starts the onslaught of red meat allergic reactions.

Apparently, those with blood types A or O have higher risks of having red meat allergy. One possibility for this is that those with the abovementioned blood types do not have the B antigen which is only present in B and AB blood types. The B antigen can provide people with some sort of internal protection against allergic reactions.

Specifically, the so-called alpha-gal sugar is pinpointed as the main culprit of allergic reactions to red meat. This may not also necessarily mean that only those with blood types A or O may suffer from red meat allergy. Instead, those with existing allergies may worsen the symptoms due to alpha-gal allergies.

Red meat allergies are also different from poultry and dairy allergies. Usually, these can be due to undercooked white meat (chicken and turkey). There are also some who are allergic to eggs but not to chicken. Nevertheless, it is better to consult an allergy specialist doctor for any signs of allergic reactions.

Treating red meat allergies

There are some people who did not have any idea that they have red meat allergies until several years later. That is why you should consult an allergy physician if you experience any signs of allergic reactions when you eat something. You might even notice a pattern that can give a clue of what you are allergic to.

One way is subjecting yourself to allergy testing such as blood tests, elimination diet, or a skin prick test. If there is indeed an allergy to red meat, you need to avoid it at all costs. Whether fresh or processed, you should make sure to check the packaging before buying it. You might also have to consult a dietitian to help you cook up meat alternatives without depriving yourself of protein.

In case you have accidentally eaten red meat, you should counter it with antihistamine, inhaler or nasal spray immediately. But if there are severe or potentially life-threatening reactions, you should visit an allergy clinic the soonest.

Enjoy your food, but keep safe too

If you are allergic to any food, including red meat, don’t risk it. Otherwise, you might end up in a hospital bed due to complications. To make sure, consult an allergy physician in Germantown MD if you experience any signs of allergies.

Aging and Allergies: How to Handle Allergies Among Seniors

Allergies can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, and race. Some people had their allergies from their childhood, while others have just developed theirs in their adulthood. In fact, there are studies that showed the increased number of individuals being diagnosed with some kind of food allergy in their senior years. Nevertheless, one should visit an allergist doctor for proper treatment of such allergic reactions.

Allergic sufferers vary on triggers that cause their allergies. Some are allergic to certain foods such as nuts or shellfish. On the other hand, some are allergic to pet dander, dust, or pollen. For any signs of allergic reactions, it is best to visit the best allergist near you to help treat your allergies.

Of aging and allergies

As mentioned, everyone can be prone to allergies, whether it’s due to food or environmental allergens. However, the impact of allergic reactions may be more dangerous among the elderly. Unlike their younger counterparts, elderly people usually have weaker immune systems which make them prone to potentially life-threatening consequences.

That is why it is important to understand the impact of allergies among the elderly. Usually, the risk of allergies declines as we age. However, there is such a thing as late-onset allergies which normally occur at a later age. For one thing, it is a normal thing for people in their senior years to catch an allergy. In other words, there is still a possibility that seniors may experience the effects of allergies.

An allergist is the one to go to for any signs of allergic reactions. However, diagnosis of allergies in seniors may also be more difficult than of teenagers and young adults. For example, an elderly’s skin may be less reactive to allergy testing than on young adults. As a result, allergy skin tests on seniors may not be as effective.

Still, this doesn’t mean there is no hope for allergy treatment in seniors. It is still a must to see allergy specialist doctors to help manage your allergies. Even if you haven’t reached your senior years, it is important that you know what triggers your allergies and be able to counteract it as soon as possible.

Is that an allergy or not?

As mentioned, allergies among senior adults can be more challenging to diagnose. In many cases, allergic symptoms are often overlooked because medical personnel is often focused on illnesses commonly-associated with old age such as high blood pressure and cognitive decline.

Diagnosis and treatment of allergies in old people is very much important. Otherwise, ignoring the signs of allergies can heighten the risk of stroke especially among the elderly. One study showed that adults aged 45 and above who had hay fever have almost 90 percent at risk of having a stroke.

The same applies to those who suffer from seasonal allergies. Some ignore the symptoms and still end up well. But for seniors, ignoring the symptoms can be fatal. For example, a clogged nose due to an allergic reaction can cause breathing difficulties and even lead to other health complications.

Most allergics would take an antihistamine to help manage their allergies. However, it may not be the best option for seniors who have allergies. Allergy medications such as antihistamines can cause adverse side effects such as mood swings, dizziness, or difficulty in urination. Such side effects can lead to serious consequences that can be potentially life-threatening to the senior person.

Managing allergies in senior persons

If you are taking care of an elderly person, here are ways to detect and manage allergy symptoms and to treat it immediately.

  • Don’t ignore the signs. As mentioned, allergies can happen to people of all ages, including the elderly people. Look out for the usual allergic symptoms such as the runny nose, sneezing, coughing, and skin itching among a few. These normally appear a few moments after coming into contact with a suspected allergen.
  • Do not give the elderly person an antihistamine yet. As mentioned, it may cause side effects that can be fatal especially to elderly people.
  • Try natural allergy busters such as regular exercise and breathing fresh air. Just make sure not to do the latter during the pollen season.

Find reliable allergy experts near you

When it comes to allergy treatments, you need to consult an allergist immediately. Contact the best allergy physician in Manassas VA for your allergy concerns.