Tag Archives: can allergies appear and disappear

Can Allergies Disappear and Re-appear?

Not everyone has allergies, but one thing is for sure: it can affect anyone regardless of gender, age, and race. At some point, a lot of people will experience some kind of allergic reaction that can affect their quality of life. Some of these allergies happen as early as their childhood days, while some happen during adulthood. Nonetheless, allergies can be detrimental to one’s quality of life.

Do you also suffer from some kind of allergy? Make sure to have it consulted with an allergist doctor. You would have to undergo allergy testing to determine the root cause of your allergic reactions. If you are experiencing potentially life-threatening allergic reactions, head to your nearest allergy clinic immediately.

A rite of passage?

We all know how inconvenient it is to have allergies. You might not be able to enjoy spring due to pollens floating around the outdoor air. Or you might not be able to eat your favorite food because you are allergic to its certain ingredient, say, peanuts, or a spice. You would have to consult an allergist specialist to help you treat your allergies.

For starters, allergies occur as our immune system’s reaction to certain allergens like pollen, pet dander, and so on. Ideally, there should be no reason for your body to react to various things. But for some reason, a lot of people develop such intolerance to certain elements or ingredients hence the onset of allergic reactions.

Being allergic to something is one of the most common medical conditions that affect millions of people around the world. It can happen in your childhood, while some may experience it in their teens or during adulthood. If you have not experienced allergies but are experiencing its symptoms, better have yourself checked with an allergy doctor immediately.

Can allergies occur during adulthood?

It does happen in many cases. For example, you grew up having pet dogs or cats at home until you reach early adulthood. Then you leave for college, return home during the break, but you find yourself sniffling around your beloved family dog. However, the reverse can happen to other people, too.

Some people may be allergic to pollen or pet dander before but might have disappeared later on. Most likely because you have already built a tolerance to those common allergens. There is also some allergy specialist doctor who also says that the more you get exposed to allergens, the more likely you will be immune to it later on.

So why do allergies appear and disappear later on (or vice versa)?

Allergies can be weird sometimes. Some may have it during childhood while others have it for the first time during their teenage or adult years. Some experience allergies before but disappear at some point as if it did not happen at all. But there might be reasons why such a phenomenon happens.

It might have something to with age.

Some experts believe that allergies disappear as we age. It can be because we get used to a certain allergen or have built a tolerance to it over time. However, some people might experience the worse effects of allergies due to age.

It can also be caused by stress.

Stress can be detrimental to our health and also can cause allergic reactions. The more you are stressed at work or personal matters, the higher the chances of allergic reactions. Not to mention your immune system will crash and make you sick easier. That is why regular exercise and a healthy diet is a must for a stronger immune system.

The weather may also have something to do with your allergies.

Due to climate change and higher CO2 levels that a lot of plants spew a lot of pollen which is also a common allergen. Temperature swings also cause various illnesses such as inflammation of the sinus which can also cause allergy-like symptoms. There is also a higher chance of getting allergies if you live in a city than in the countryside or a suburban area.


Having allergies is no joke. It can affect the quality of your life. You also have to be always cautious of what you eat or avoid anything that can trigger your allergies. In such cases, you should consult an allergy specialist doctor for proper treatment. Make sure to have allergy testing in Germantown MD so you get treated as soon as possible.