5 Asthma Treatments You Should Give A Try

By | March 7, 2016

asthma treatments

Asthma is a sensitive condition and you should be cautious of the medications that you use to manage it. Many people always want to treat the condition naturally, but most of them don’t know the natural products that they should take. To help you out here are some of the best natural asthma treatments that you should take:

Vitamin C and E

When you have an asthma attack you introduce many harmful free radicals into your body. Allergy doctors believe the radicals result to serious illnesses if not treated in time. One of the most effective ways of getting rid of the radicals is using vitamin C and E. You should visit an allergist who will recommend the best vitamin source for your condition.


This is a popular oriental herb that is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Since asthma is an inflammatory condition, ginseng will go a long way in managing the bronchial irritation.

Magnesium supplements

Magnesium supplements are known to open lung passages thus easing the attack. When you have an attack visit the nearest allergy clinic and the doctor will give you the supplements.

Studies have shown that taking 500 mg of the supplements daily widens bronchial tubes thus facilitating easier breathing. The supplements also reduce the chances of developing severe asthma attacks.


Also known as coleus, licorice naturally eliminates inflammation caused by asthma. Asthma specialists recommend that you take at least 50 mg of the product every day.

While the product is effective in its working, you should be cautious when taking it as it has been shown to increase the effectiveness of steroids that are used in hospitals to treat asthma.

Before you take the product first consult your asthma doctor for directions on how to take the product.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are not only good for the brain, they have also been proved to reduce swelling in lungs. Omega-3 rich foods include: nuts, flaxseed oil, and fish.

When taking fish, take plenty of tuna. Tuna have been shown to contain plenty of fatty acids.

Parting shot

These are a few of the natural asthma treatments that you can use to treat your condition. To make it easy to manage the condition you should visit an allergy doctor for medical advice and treatment for coexisting conditions that worsen the condition. They include: allergic rhinitis, sinusitis and GERD.

You should also avoid exposing yourself to asthma triggers such as smog.