Ocular Allergies: Things You Must Know

By | July 30, 2015

insect allergy

Red, itchy, and watery eyes are the most common of all which are very common. They are the result of same allergens that cause a runny nose or sneezing. This can also lead to certain eye infections such as conjunctivitis. If you have any such allergies related to eye, here are a few things which must be under your notice.

What Is The Cause Of Eye Allergy?

The most basic of all causes known is the allergens. These allergens are substances which are harmful to an individual causing allergy. Pollens, dust, molds are few of them which ignite allergy.

Another cause of eye allergies can be use of certain cosmetics or eye drops which may react with the eyes. Not only these but other factors like an insect’s bite or any other thing that your body may be allergic to can strike the reaction.

Self-Test For Ocular Allergies

For any condition that is not comfortable and needs care you must consult a doctor.

Are there any allergies in your family?

Do your eyes itch with pollens or animals?

Are you using any medications such as antihistamines or decongestants for your cough, cold or congestion?

What is the condition of your eyes when you are staying indoors?

If you have a “yes” to most of the answers then you must seek for the advice of the doctor.

Does Contact Lens Cause Eye Allergies?

Many people consider that contact lens cause allergy to eyes. But the fact is that wearing a silicone hydro gel after wearing a standard hydro gel causes allergy. The reason is not the use of contact lens that causes allergy. It is the substance that accumulates and sticks to the lens surface. In switching from the soft lens to the hydro lens the surface of the lens and the characteristics of the cause material to stick to it.

For such allergies there needs to be a proper diagnosis and prevention so as to avoid them. You must consult your allergy doctor before driving into any of the medications. Try to avoid the allergens that cause you ocular allergies.