Can You Become Allergic Overnight?

By | April 18, 2019

Allergies can be quite a hassle because it can affect your overall quality of life. Eating foods you love or taking care of a pet can become your ultimate curse – and even compromise your health and endanger your life. These may sound exaggerating but actually happens in real life. That is why it is important to consult an allergy specialist doctor if you suspect to have allergies to anything.

Allergies usually manifest themselves during childhood. In fact, a lot of kids are allergic to at least one type of allergen. On the other hand, adults are not immune to allergies which should be consulted to an allergy clinic nearby. However, you might ask: can you have allergies later on in life or develop overnight?

How common allergies are

Allergies are a common illness which affects millions of people worldwide. The Centers for Disease Control revealed that allergies are one of the leading causes of major illnesses in the US alone. Treating it by an allergist doctor can turn out to be expensive too – almost $20 billion annually, to be exact.

Allergies are commonly caused by several triggers: food, air, pet dander, medications, or chemicals in everyday household items among a few. Among usual allergic reactions include sneezing, watery eyes, and skin itching to name a few. In worse cases, the allergic individual may experience difficulty in breathing which should be treated immediately to prevent further complications.

To prevent the onset of allergies, one should consult an allergist so proper medications will be given to you. Sometimes, a simple cough may not be as simple as it seems but rather an effect of allergy. That is why you should address and monitor symptoms you think is due to an allergic reaction.

Can adults have allergies later on in life?

Experts say allergies can suddenly creep up to you without warning. You may not have it when you were a child, but you may have it later on. One day you don’t feel any symptoms, and then feel your eyes watering or itching the next day. Allergies can be a mysterious case, nonetheless.

On the other hand, children can outgrow their allergies later on in life but may reappear as they grow old. This can be one of the scary things about allergies. You think you’re fine and lived with it all your life until the symptoms suddenly appear out of nowhere.

One theory about the onset of allergies in adulthood is apparently due to increased levels of pollutants (such as pet dander and dust mites) and unhealthy lifestyles. Another reason is said to be because of “too much cleanliness”.

Apparently, we focus on being too clean that our immune system has basically “nothing to do” – no bacteria to counter, to say the least. As a result, experts believe our immune system may tend to “overreact” to potential allergens which cause allergic reactions.

However, the exact reason behind this delayed onset of allergy may be unknown. But the good news is that adult allergies can still be manageable, as long as you identify the causes as early as possible. To help manage your allergies, it is best to consult an allergist specialist immediately.

How old adults are when they experience allergic symptoms?

According to allergist doctor Kevin McGrath, MD, a lot of people experience allergies in their childhood. However, adults aged 30 and above start to experience allergy symptoms. This can imply that allergies can affect all age groups. Nevertheless, allergies can affect anyone’s quality of life regardless of age.

Medical experts believe that adults may most likely experience adulthood allergies if they have experienced one during childhood. Some of them may remember having such an episode in their life, while some may be a distant memory. However, there are still those who experience allergic symptoms the first time ever in their whole lives during their adult years.

Once you notice unusual symptoms that are out of ordinary – at least in your everyday life – you should consult an allergy expert immediately. He or she should be able to provide medications that can help manage your allergies. If you ignore these symptoms, it can potentially endanger your life.

Let experts help you manage your allergies

Allergies can affect your everyday life. As mentioned, you may not have it at first. However, it can suddenly appear out of nowhere. In such cases, you should consult an allergy physician in Germantown MD. He or she should help you in managing your allergies and live a normal life as possible.