Tag Archives: allergy symptoms

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Can Your Allergies Be One of the Major Culprits?

Everyone gets tired. When that happens, it can be too tempting to lie down on your bed and take some well-deserved rest. For one thing, being tired is a normal thing. When we feel tired, it means we have worked too much and that we need to take a break and recharge our mind and body.

However, some people feel tired all the time – even when they’re at rest. It may also have something to do with your allergies (if you do suffer from one). Speaking of allergies, you should visit an allergy clinic and consult an allergist doctor to help manage your condition.

When your fatigue seems too much

You might be told that your fatigue can be due to stress or some kind of infection. However, it can be because of something else that should not be left ignored. The feeling of fatigue can be due to an underlying medical condition such as allergies.

Speaking of allergies, it can also be a major cause of fatigue. Millions of people around the world suffer from some kind of allergic reaction. Undergoing allergy testing can help determine whether you are allergic to something. You can also consult an allergist specialist to know whether your allergies are most likely causing chronic fatigue.

For starters, chronic fatigue syndrome is a long-term medical condition that is way different from the usual tiredness. As mentioned, those with this condition feel tired even during and after getting rest. Common symptoms of CFS are the following:

  • Feeling tired all the time even after a nighttime sleep
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Brain fog/feeling confused most of the time
  • Sore throat
  • Excessive exhaustion especially after an intense physical activity

The link between allergies and CFS

Studies show that CFS occurs in women more than their male counterparts. It should also be considered as an auto-immune condition as it can lead to viral infection. Aside from that, CFS can also be triggered by hormonal issues, and yes, allergies.

We all know that allergens trigger allergies. It can be due to pet dander, pollen, dust, or certain foods. Once the immune system detects an allergen, it causes the familiar allergic symptoms such as rashes, runny nose, and watery eyes. In the worst cases, allergic reactions can lead to vomiting, breathing difficulties, and septic shock.

Sneezing all the time because of allergies can be tiring. Allergic rhinitis causes frequent sneezing and running nose, which are common symptoms of allergies. Taking antihistamines can cause drowsiness, too. Make sure to get a proper prescription for your allergies from a trusted allergist doctor.

Several studies also revealed that patients with CFS have a large number of mast cells. The mast cells’ major role is to produce a fresh supply of red blood cells and fighting allergens and toxins. This means more occurrence of allergic reactions when come across certain allergens.

What CFS feels like

An article by Angie Ebba described what it feels like to have chronic fatigue. As mentioned, having CFS is more than just feeling tired. It is a long-term condition that can greatly affect one’s quality of life. This condition also causes conditions like body pain, cognitive problems, and oversensitivity to light and touch.

Common allergy symptoms as mentioned above can also trigger and worsen your CFS. Not to mention stress and other environmental factors can also contribute to the condition. If you often feel tired and experience these common allergic symptoms, do not delay! Visit an allergy specialist doctor soon to help you manage your condition.

How to deal with CFS

Feeling tired even a full night’s sleep is no joke. It can be due to an underlying medical condition that should be addressed immediately. You should visit an allergist in Manassas to help you deal with your condition. Other than that, here are other tips that can help as well.

  • Change your diet and lifestyle. Try adopting a healthier eating habit and relaxation exercises (that should not tire and stress your body).
  • Seek support from friends, family, and medical professionals. They should help you get through your condition and stay positive all the time.
  • Be in charge of your body. If you do not feel well, take a rest, and consult a medical professional. Keep happy thoughts as much as possible and shun all the negative vibes.

Living with Someone with Asthma? Here are Some Things You Need to Consider

As of date, there are already more than half a million COVID-19 cases around the world. Unfortunately, no one is exempted from this disease even if you think you are generally healthy. However, there are some people who are more at risk in COVID-19. These include the elderly, weak immune system, and with asthma.

If you or someone you know suffer from asthma, you should visit an asthma doctor. An allergist should help you manage asthma symptoms. More so, asthmatics should be extra cautious at this time. Stay at home, wash your hands, and keep yourself healthy all the time.

Living with asthma

Asthma can affect the quality of one’s life. For starters, asthma affects the airways and can be triggered by several factors. For example, it can be due to allergy to pollen, certain foods, or extreme emotions. Some may experience mild symptoms, while others can be life-threatening.

To manage your condition, you need to identify the symptoms. Among common symptoms include:

  • Breathing difficulties
  • Coughing and wheezing
  • Tightening of chest

If you experience the abovementioned symptoms, make sure to go to an allergy clinic immediately. Prevention is still better than cure especially with the ongoing threat of COVID-19. Have yourself tested if you experience symptoms associated with COVID-19 to avoid contamination.

Things not to say to someone with asthma

Living with asthma can be challenging. For one, you should take your prescribed asthma treatments to help manage your condition. However, living with someone with asthma is another story. You are healthy, but someone you live with isn’t.

For one thing, you can offer support to your asthmatic friend and loved one. If needed, make sure to help your friend or loved one find an allergy doctor. Allergy testing may be necessary as well to ensure proper treatment for those who suffer from asthma. Aside from that, you should never say or do while you are with someone with asthma.

  • Never smoke near someone who is asthmatic. More so, secondhand smoking is more dangerous.
  • Avoid recommending “homemade” or “natural” asthma treatments to someone who is asthmatic. Most of these so-called natural treatments are not really scientifically proven to cure asthma.
  • Asthma symptoms may also be similar to that of common colds (ex. wheezing, coughing). If these symptoms do not go away despite taking medications, you should visit an allergist doctor immediately.
  • Inhalers are important to help asthmatics manage their symptoms. However, these are for emergencies only. The best way to manage asthma is to avoid the triggers (ex. smoke, pollen, stress, etc.)
  • Most people will have asthma for the rest of their lives. That is why you should understand how it feels, especially if a loved one has it.

How to help a loved one with asthma

Most likely, your loved one already knows how to manage his or her asthma symptoms. Going to an allergy specialist is one thing. Understanding what he or she is going through is another. In case an asthma attack happens unexpectedly, here are some things you can do to help.

  • Calm down, and help them calm down in case an attack happens. Panic attacks can make the situation worse.
  • Ask them to loosen up their clothing so they can breathe better. Ask them to sit upright to help improve their breathing.
  • If their situation does not improve even after loosening up their clothes, let them puff on their inhaler. In the worst-case scenario, it may be a good idea to rush the patient to a nearby emergency room.
  • Avoid taking them outside for some fresh air. Outside air may contain pollen and other allergens that can make their asthma attacks worse.

Alleviating asthma symptoms and protection against COVID-19

Given the ongoing threat that is COVID-19, we should be more cautious with our hygiene. More so, we should protect our loved ones who are asthmatics and others that are at higher risk of contracting this disease.

Protecting yourself and your loved one (especially those with asthma) is as basic as washing hands and distancing oneself when sick. Make sure to get proper treatment and stay at home as much as possible. Visit an allergy specialist doctor in Manassas VA in case asthma symptoms start to become worst.

Let us not only take care of ourselves but also the frontline and health workers. They selflessly take care of us in this critical time.

All About Gluten Allergy: Symptoms and Proper Management

Food is life, at least for a lot of people out there. We need to eat so we won’t be grumpy and moody all day. It is also important to eat the right food to nourish our brain and body. However, we should still take note of what we should eat so that we will be healthy all the time.

Unfortunately, a lot of people experience the onset of allergies due to certain food items. Some are allergic to dairy, while others experience allergic reactions to grain and seafood. Food allergies, and other types of allergies for that matter, can cause mild to severe reactions. If you experience any signs of allergic reactions, better go to an allergy specialist doctor immediately.

All about gluten allergy

Gluten allergy or intolerance is a common allergic issue that affects millions of people around the world. As the name suggests, a heightened sensitivity to gluten causes this type of allergy. Gluten is a type of protein that is usually found in grains like barley, rye, and wheat.

Gluten allergies are often confused with celiac disease. The latter is also due to sensitivity to gluten, only worse. Unlike the former, celiac disease is considered an autoimmune condition caused by sensitivity in gluten. In the worst cases, celiac disease can damage an afflicted person’s digestive tract.

Meanwhile, gluten allergies are also mistaken as wheat allergy. The latter can be a potentially life-threatening condition and should be treated by an allergist immediately. Nevertheless, it is best to consult an allergy doctor to help manage your condition.

Common symptoms of gluten intolerance

Whether you have a gluten allergy or similar conditions, these can cause discomfort and affect your digestion. In such cases, you should visit an allergy specialist immediately. He or she will help you confirm whether you have gluten intolerance or other gluten or grain-related allergies.

Whether you have celiac or non-celiac gluten intolerance, it can still affect the quality of your life. Here are signs you need to look out for gluten intolerance. Each of these symptoms may vary but should be managed accordingly.


People with gluten intolerance often feel full, gassy, and uncomfortable. In fact, one study revealed that almost 90 percent of people suffering from gluten intolerance experience discomfort due to bloating.


We all experience diarrhea and constipation from time to time. But if it happens frequently, you might want to check what you are eating. It may be a major sign of gluten intolerance. In the worst cases, those with celiac disease (a severe type of gluten intolerance) might experience inflammation in the gut lining.

Skin breakouts

Apparently, gluten intolerance can also cause skin issues. For one, gluten intolerance can cause dermatitis herpetiformis. Other common skin problems caused by gluten intolerance may include urticaria, alopecia areata, and psoriasis.

Other signs of gluten intolerance include the following. If you experience the following apart from the abovementioned symptoms, you should go to an allergy clinic immediately:

  • Sudden weight loss
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Anemia due to lack of iron

Gluten intolerance and other health conditions

Gluten intolerance and celiac disease are two different things. However, these can greatly affect one’s quality of life, as mentioned. Plus, it can lead to health complications if left untreated.

For example, several studies have shown that celiac disease has a strong link with fertility problems. According to said studies, people with celiac disease experience infertility. However, experts cannot pinpoint exactly what causes fertility issues.

People with gluten sensitivity are also at high risk of having ADHD. However, there are also reports saying that there are improvements after removing gluten from their usual diet. It may be because of removing sugary and processed foods, which mostly contain gluten.

Managing gluten intolerance

Nonetheless, there is nothing wrong with improving your diet if you have gluten sensitivity. You can also consult an allergy physician for other ways of managing your gluten sensitivity. For one, you should avoid any food with rye, wheat, barley, and other derivatives.

It is also better to remove common food and beverages that contain gluten such as pasta, baked goods, beer, malt, and some sauces. You can eliminate those foods completely or lessen their consumption slowly and surely. These kinds of health condition might be permanent, but you have the power to manage it. Find an allergy doctor in Manassas VA to help you manage your condition.

Aging and Allergies: How to Handle Allergies Among Seniors

Allergies can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, and race. Some people had their allergies from their childhood, while others have just developed theirs in their adulthood. In fact, there are studies that showed the increased number of individuals being diagnosed with some kind of food allergy in their senior years. Nevertheless, one should visit an allergist doctor for proper treatment of such allergic reactions.

Allergic sufferers vary on triggers that cause their allergies. Some are allergic to certain foods such as nuts or shellfish. On the other hand, some are allergic to pet dander, dust, or pollen. For any signs of allergic reactions, it is best to visit the best allergist near you to help treat your allergies.

Of aging and allergies

As mentioned, everyone can be prone to allergies, whether it’s due to food or environmental allergens. However, the impact of allergic reactions may be more dangerous among the elderly. Unlike their younger counterparts, elderly people usually have weaker immune systems which make them prone to potentially life-threatening consequences.

That is why it is important to understand the impact of allergies among the elderly. Usually, the risk of allergies declines as we age. However, there is such a thing as late-onset allergies which normally occur at a later age. For one thing, it is a normal thing for people in their senior years to catch an allergy. In other words, there is still a possibility that seniors may experience the effects of allergies.

An allergist is the one to go to for any signs of allergic reactions. However, diagnosis of allergies in seniors may also be more difficult than of teenagers and young adults. For example, an elderly’s skin may be less reactive to allergy testing than on young adults. As a result, allergy skin tests on seniors may not be as effective.

Still, this doesn’t mean there is no hope for allergy treatment in seniors. It is still a must to see allergy specialist doctors to help manage your allergies. Even if you haven’t reached your senior years, it is important that you know what triggers your allergies and be able to counteract it as soon as possible.

Is that an allergy or not?

As mentioned, allergies among senior adults can be more challenging to diagnose. In many cases, allergic symptoms are often overlooked because medical personnel is often focused on illnesses commonly-associated with old age such as high blood pressure and cognitive decline.

Diagnosis and treatment of allergies in old people is very much important. Otherwise, ignoring the signs of allergies can heighten the risk of stroke especially among the elderly. One study showed that adults aged 45 and above who had hay fever have almost 90 percent at risk of having a stroke.

The same applies to those who suffer from seasonal allergies. Some ignore the symptoms and still end up well. But for seniors, ignoring the symptoms can be fatal. For example, a clogged nose due to an allergic reaction can cause breathing difficulties and even lead to other health complications.

Most allergics would take an antihistamine to help manage their allergies. However, it may not be the best option for seniors who have allergies. Allergy medications such as antihistamines can cause adverse side effects such as mood swings, dizziness, or difficulty in urination. Such side effects can lead to serious consequences that can be potentially life-threatening to the senior person.

Managing allergies in senior persons

If you are taking care of an elderly person, here are ways to detect and manage allergy symptoms and to treat it immediately.

  • Don’t ignore the signs. As mentioned, allergies can happen to people of all ages, including the elderly people. Look out for the usual allergic symptoms such as the runny nose, sneezing, coughing, and skin itching among a few. These normally appear a few moments after coming into contact with a suspected allergen.
  • Do not give the elderly person an antihistamine yet. As mentioned, it may cause side effects that can be fatal especially to elderly people.
  • Try natural allergy busters such as regular exercise and breathing fresh air. Just make sure not to do the latter during the pollen season.

Find reliable allergy experts near you

When it comes to allergy treatments, you need to consult an allergist immediately. Contact the best allergy physician in Manassas VA for your allergy concerns.

What You Need to Know about Allergies in Babies

Babies can lighten up anyone’s mood with their cute coos and laughter. Their chubby cheeks, their toothless grin, and their pure innocence – who can resist these adorable little creatures anyway? More than material things, all parents only want what is best for their children and ensuring that they are 100 percent healthy and happy as they grow up.

However, babies do get sick at some point, whether it’s a simple cold to more complicated medical conditions. Of course, we as parents do not want the latter to occur to our young children. But if it does happen to our babies, you should rush to an allergy doctor immediately for proper medication.

What to expect on infant allergies

For one thing, it is not uncommon that babies get allergies just like older kids and adults. Baby allergies can be due to food or the environment they live in. On one hand, it can be easier to determine the cause of allergies among older kids and adults since they can verbally express to the allergy physician what happened prior to the allergic reaction.

On the other hand, it can be a little challenging to determine the root cause of a baby’s allergy since they don’t have the ability to speak yet. As a result, babies tend to be cranky and cry a lot due to the discomfort they are feeling. We all know that allergies occur due to our immune system’s reaction with a certain allergen, which also happens to babies.

The parents or their guardians can only guess the culprit based on the last food or drink the baby has consumed or the weather outside. Nonetheless, it is important to bring your baby to an allergist doctor for any unusual symptoms. Allergy testing may be needed to determine the root cause and provided the right kind of treatment for these little ones.

Is that an allergic reaction?

Babies sometimes catch colds, stomach aches, and other common illnesses at some point in their young lives. However, these symptoms might also be similar to allergic reactions. That is why it is important to distinguish the difference between the two.

For example, babies suffer from stomach issues mostly due to a virus. This results in gassiness, diarrhea, and vomiting. However, stomach aches in babies might also be due to an allergic reaction due to food or other environmental factors. In such cases, it is better to bring your baby to an allergist specialist for proper treatment.

Meanwhile, babies ages two to three months are also prone to rashes such as eczema and atopic dermatitis. It usually appears on the ankles, knees, neck, elbows, and wrist. However, eczema might be due to an allergic reaction to milk, food, and other environmental factors as well. Hives are usually rare in babies, yet should not be ignored when it does happen.

When we catch colds, we often experience runny nose and coughing. It is usually due to a virus or perhaps the weather. However, these symptoms might also be due to an allergic reaction. In some cases, babies experience wheezing and other signs of asthma which can be potentially fatal when left untreated.

Parents should look out for these symptoms – these usually last longer than colds and other common illnesses. It is also determined as an allergic reaction if it is not accompanied with body pains and fever. If you think your baby is experiencing an allergic reaction, it is better to visit an allergy clinic for proper treatment.

Allergy treatment for babies

If your baby is experiencing allergic reactions, you should do the following to provide relief for your little one. Your baby’s doctor may recommend prescription treatments for your little one’s allergic reactions such as creams and oral medications.

Also, make sure to avoid any kind of exposure to possible allergens including food, pollen, and other environmental allergens. You might also have to do some adjustments to your lifestyle such as replacing your mattress covers frequently and shifting into an allergy-proof detergent. Allergy testing, usually through blood or skin tests, may also be done in older children. Nonetheless, any kind of allergy treatment should have a go-signal from your doctor.

Taking care of your baby’s health

No parent wants to wish their child ill-health. That is why we should do everything to ensure our children’s optimum health. For signs of allergic reactions, you should visit an allergy specialist doctor in Manassas VA immediately.

How to Treat Allergies the Natural Way

It is no doubt that having some kind of allergic reactions can greatly impact one’s life. In fact, there are millions of people all over the work who suffer from some kind of allergies that hamper their daily life. Among common allergy triggers include food allergies, pet dander, air pollution, dust mites, and specific ingredients used in beauty and household products.

If you suffer from allergies, it is best to visit an allergy clinic and consult an allergist doctor to help manage your symptoms. Some allergies may be seasonal while others may be chronic but should be treated accordingly nonetheless. Otherwise, it can lead to serious health complications or death in the worst cases.

What causes allergies?

For starters, allergies are usually caused by an exaggerated reaction of the immune system with specific allergens. As mentioned, there are different types of allergens that cause such adverse allergic reactions. Allergies can either be seasonal (ex. affects the person during a specific season, say, during pollen season) or chronic (ex. people who had a specific allergy since childhood).

Among common symptoms of allergies include constant sneezing or coughing, itchy and watery eyes/nose/throat, and nasal congestion. In some cases, allergic people experience hives, and skin itching or swelling. In worst cases, the person may experience difficulty in breathing or even death.

The potential effects of over-the-counter allergy medications

While there are a lot of antihistamine products in nearby drug stores, some may experience adverse effects due to taking medications. For one thing, certain medications can also cause allergic reactions. The effects may vary from person to person but should be addressed immediately by an allergy doctor, nonetheless.

Over-the-counter and prescribed allergy medications do provide effective results. However, most of these medications can only do so much. Instead of addressing the root of the issue, it may only mask the symptoms and provide relief for only several hours or so. For “better results”, you would have to take the medication more than once a day. It may even cause adverse effects and make your condition worse than ever.

Is there an alternative way to provide relief from allergies?

More and more allergy sufferers are getting wary of using over-the-counter medications to treat their allergies. Plus, most of these medications don’t come cheap. That is why a lot of them are looking for natural ways to manage their allergies. Make sure to consult an allergist specialist first before trying any of these products.

Vitamin C

This vitamin is mostly associated with the treatment of cough and colds. However, it can also play a major role in managing allergies thanks to its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. There are vitamin C supplements available in the market, but you can also find these in most fruits and vegetables such as:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Broccoli
  • Bell peppers
  • Strawberries
  • Tomatoes
  • And more!


This refers to microorganisms that promote better digestion and also boost your immune system. However, there are mixed reactions regarding the effectiveness of probiotics. Consult an allergy physician before taking probiotics or any similar products.


It is a flavonoid commonly found in several foods and plants. Several studies reveal that quercetin can help in relieving allergic symptoms. Quercetin is present in herbs and foods such as:

  • Broccoli
  • Black tea
  • Berries
  • Red wine
  • Apple
  • Grapes
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Peppers
  • And more!

However, experts suggest taking quercetin supplements than eating foods rich in quercetin if you want to manage your allergic symptoms. Make sure to take the right dosage in taking quercetin, or it may cause adverse effects when taken in large doses.

Essential oils

Some essential oils such as eucalyptus, peppermint, and frankincense are said to work wonders on managing allergic symptoms. You can use it in a diffuser or add a drop into the laundry.

Other allergy-alleviating alternatives

If in case these alternative methods do not take effect on you, here are some other alternatives to manage your allergic symptoms.

  • Change your diet. Eat more greens and fruits. An allergist doctor may also recommend an elimination diet to determine the root cause of your allergic reactions.
  • Try acupuncture or hydrotherapy. Make sure to deal with licensed naturopathic physicians or acupuncturists.
  • Avoid allergens. If you know you are allergic to pollen, pet dander, or any kinds of food, stay away from it as much as possible.
  • Visit the best allergist in Manassas VA for your allergy treatment needs.

Should You Get an Allergy Test?

Millions of people all over the world suffer from allergies. In fact, around 50 million people are afflicted with some kind of allergies in the US alone. Allergies are also considered one of the most common types of chronic health conditions that plague both children and adults alike. Allergic triggers vary from person to person and should be determined by allergy testing.

Knowing what exactly causes your allergies is an important step so you can be able to manage your condition. One way to determine what triggers your allergies is by having an allergy test. It is usually a painless and quick way to find out what causes your allergic reactions. Before that, you should know how allergy tests work and whether you need to take one.

What are allergy tests for?

If you experience any symptoms of allergies, you should visit an asthma doctor. But to confirm what exactly causes your allergies, it is better to find an allergy doctor who will conduct allergy tests.

For starters, allergies are usually our body’s response to a specific trigger or what we call “allergens”. Common types of allergies may either be seasonal (pollen, molds, and the like), perennial (pet dander, dust mites, smoke, etc.), or food allergies.

To determine which among these triggers your allergies, you need to undergo an allergy test. Allergy testing can either be through blood or skin tests. In some cases, the patient may have to undergo an elimination diet to determine the specific food that is causing an allergic reaction.

All of these allergy test procedures should be done by an allergist specialist and in an allergy facility or office. It is important to follow the doctor’s orders before undergoing an allergy test to ensure accurate results.

Allergy test standards

As mentioned, only certified allergists should conduct allergy tests. Otherwise, taking allergy tests without any medical recommendation and prior exams may not yield reliable results. This includes availing free tests in supermarkets or drugstores. You can even avail allergy test kits if you want to do the testing at home, but may not be as reliable.

This is why you should only rely on certified allergist doctor as they know better about allergies and how to manage it. You can guarantee that results will be more accurate and get better help in managing your condition. In effect, you can live a normal life as possible.

Most allergy tests are non-invasive and won’t require surgery or any complicated medical procedures. As mentioned, allergy tests may either be through skin patches or getting blood samples. If there is a certain reaction (ex. presence of rashes or swelling on the skin test area), it means you are allergic to that certain allergen. In some cases, you may have to take another test to confirm the previous test results.

Preparing for an allergy test

First of all, it is important to prepare yourself before undergoing an allergy test even if it is not really considered a major procedure. Such tests should be done only by certified or licensed medical personnel to ensure accurate results. Expect to be asked some details about your family history and lifestyle among a few.

If you are taking medications before getting an allergy test, you may be recommended to stop it temporarily. Otherwise, such medications may affect the results of your allergy test. In particular, you may have to temporarily stop taking medications such as:

  • Prescription and over-the-counter antihistamines
  • Heartburn medications (ex. famotidine)
  • Asthma medications (ex. omalizumab)
  • Antidepressants (ex. amitriptyline, nortriptyline)

You may also expect to experience some discomfort, although mostly tolerable, while the allergy test is ongoing. Results are usually available within a week. By then, you will be prescribed some medications and perhaps a lifestyle change to help manage your condition.

Should you get an allergy test?

If you are experiencing allergic symptoms but do not know which exactly causes the reactions, it is best to have an allergy test. While there are over-the-counter products that can relieve allergic symptoms, it will simply mask the discomfort but still have no idea of what the exact triggers area.

Having said that, it is highly recommended to consult an allergy physician to help manage your condition. He or she knows better in terms of identifying and recommending the right action steps to alleviate your allergic symptoms. Feel free to visit an allergy clinic in Manassas VA if you want to undergo an allergy test.

The Price of Beauty: What to Do If You Have Cosmetic Allergies

It’s nice to glam up every once in a while. Using beauty products including skincare, makeup, and hygienic products can boost your confidence. It can also help in improving your productivity at work and enhancing your social skills. It improves your appearance and can make you look more attractive for many people.

Unfortunately, some people are not able to use some beauty products due to allergic reactions. In such cases, it is best to consult an allergist specialist to manage the condition. Allergy to beauty products may not be as common as pet allergies or food allergies. However, there are a lot of people around the world who have what it is called cosmetic allergy.

Are you allergic to beauty products?

There are many reasons your skin breaks out. It can be due to stress or the foods you eat. On the other hand, it can be due to the beauty products you are using. Cosmetic allergy can cause adverse effects such as itching, rashes, swelling, and puffiness among a few.

It is said that there are two major types of skin reactions: irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis. The former occurs when a certain beauty product causes damage to the skin. Among these symptoms include burning sensation, itching, or redness, or oozing blisters in worst cases. If you encounter any of these symptoms when you use makeup, it is best to contact an allergist doctor immediately.

On the other hand, the latter may affect your immune system. Like irritant contact dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis can also cause symptoms such as swelling, redness, and hives. The symptoms often manifest themselves on specific parts of the body such as the eyes, ears, lips, neck, or the entire face.

Regardless of the symptoms, it is important to consult an allergist immediately. These can lead to worse situations if left ignored. He or she should also help you manage your condition and advice for any treatments you need to undergo to minimize the onset of the allergic symptoms.

Common beauty products that can cause allergies

Among common beauty products that cause cosmetic allergies include:

  • Eye makeup
  • Skin moisturizers
  • Soaps
  • Shampoos or conditioner
  • Antiperspirants/deodorant
  • Lip stains
  • Compact powder
  • Nail polish (especially those with formaldehyde)
  • Hair dyes
  • Perfume

Most of these products contain ingredients that cause adverse reactions when come into contact on the skin and scalp. In such cases, it is best to consult an allergy physician before using these products. Among these potentially harmful ingredients include the following:

  • Paraben
  • Formaldehyde
  • Phenoxyethanol
  • Methylchloroisothiazolinone
  • DMDM hydantoin
  • Alpha-hydroxy acids (especially those with more than 10 percent AHA levels)

How to avoid cosmetic allergies

There are many ways you can avoid these cosmetic allergy symptoms. One way is to determine if you are indeed allergic to makeup or any beauty product. As mentioned, various symptoms will appear that will confirm your allergy to a specific beauty product. If this happens, it is best to visit an allergy clinic to treat the symptoms. Other tips to avoid the adverse effects of cosmetic allergies include the following.

  • Check the label. The fewer the ingredients, the fewer the chances that it can cause adverse reactions to users. Better yet, choose products that are FDA-approved.
  • Consider having an allergy testing procedure before buying a product. One way is by patch testing. Apply a small amount of the product on the inside part of your arm. Wait for about 48 to 72 hours and check for any signs of swelling, redness, or itchiness. If there is, you already know what to do.
  • Do not apply perfume or cologne directly on the skin, but on your clothes instead. This will help lessen the risk of adverse reactions on the skin.
  • Some products may be labeled as “hypoallergenic” or “dermatologist-tested”. However, these may not guarantee that the product is safe against adverse effects. Then again, you can try the skin patch test just to be sure.


We should all be careful with the products we choose. Just when you think you are not allergic to a certain product or food, it will appear that you are once it touches your skin or consumed one. If you experience any unusual symptoms after coming into contact with a specific product, make sure to visit an allergy physician in Manassas VA immediately for proper treatment.

Are You Allergic to Molds?

Having allergies can affect one’s quality of life. People can develop allergies in their childhood and bring them into their adult years. Triggers also vary, of which among the common ones include:

  • Pet dander
  • Dust and pollen
  • Shellfish
  • Nuts
  • Milk and soy
  • Egg
  • Household products’ ingredients

If you have allergic reactions with one of the above triggers, you should consult an allergy specialist doctor immediately. The allergist will recommend the right medications to help manage your condition. As much as possible, avoid taking matters in your own hands. Rather, it is important to seek medical advice and find an allergy doctor to avoid complications.

All about mold allergy

Molds are everywhere. It can be in the bathroom, kitchen, or elsewhere within your home. It may not be easily seen at first. However, molds can cause adverse allergic reactions that can be life-threatening if left untreated.

Molds belong to the fungi family. It can grow indoors and outdoors depending on the mold type. Mold allergies are said to be more prevalent nearing fall period. However, mold allergy reactions can occur all year. Inhaling air with mold spores can cause allergic reactions.

They differ from how other plants reproduce. On one hand, most plants usually grow from seeds that are buried into the ground. In order for it to grow, you should water it every few days.

On the other hand, fungi including molds also have seeds which are called spores. Unlike plants, spores do not have to be buried in the ground to reproduce. Rather, it is blown in their air by wind, dew, or fog. Because of spores most likely floating around, it can lead to adverse reactions in some individuals.

Common causes and symptoms of mold allergy

Like any other allergy symptoms, mold allergies can also cause a runny nose, sneezing, and itchy skin among a few. Consult with an allergy physician if you experience these allergic symptoms.

Spores can also cause hay fever that can lead to asthma attacks. Reactions may happen the moment you inhale air contain spores. On the other hand, the allergic reaction may not be immediate – a delayed reaction, if you will. Nonetheless, ignoring allergic symptoms can lead to potentially fatal consequences.

In worse cases, allergy sufferers may acquire a serious respiratory condition called allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. It occurs when there are both inflammatory and allergic reactions upon the presence of molds.

In effect, the individual may experience symptoms similar to asthma such as difficulty in breathing and wheezing. In such cases, asthma treatments should be done immediately.

Prevention and cure

Unfortunately, there is no definite cure for allergies. However, allergic symptoms can be manageable. Among tips you can do to manage mold allergies include the following:

  • Limit exposure to instances when mold counts are common. This will ensure lesser chances of inhaling spores present in the air.
  • Wear a dust mask when you have to go outdoors.
  • Use allergy-friendly air conditioners to eliminate the presence of spores inside the house. Clean it twice a week to prevent mold growth.
  • Use a dehumidifier to lessen humidity inside the house. Like an air conditioner, ensure to clean it twice a week to inhibit the growth of mold. To measure humidity, you can use a hygrometer. Make sure to keep humidity below 35 to 45 percent.
  • Keep the bathroom, kitchen, and laundry area dry to prevent the growth of mold. Not only can it trigger mold allergies but also cause unpleasant smells. Tip: keep the doors so the rooms will dry up quickly. You can also use an exhaust fan to keep off the unpleasant smell.
  • Clean the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry area at least once a month. Scrub off molds forming on tiles and grout. Repair any leaks to prevent mold formation.
  • Clean the washing machine after every few uses and leave the door open when not in use.
  • Remove old papers, bedding, and clothing in your bedroom. Make sure the humidity level inside the room is low.
  • Follow doctor’s orders when you experience allergy symptoms due to contact with molds. Take antihistamines or other prescribed treatments as per doctor’s recommendation. There are also over-the-counter anti-allergy products you can buy. However, make sure to consult an allergy physician first before taking any allergy treatments.

Take action of your allergies before it’s too late

Visit an allergy clinic in Manassas VA for any allergy symptoms. It is important to seek medical help to prevent further complications.

Home Remedies for Asthma Attacks


Having asthma is not cool. It can affect your everyday life even if it’s not really a serious medical condition. But it can potentially endanger your life if you ignore it. If you experience asthma attacks, you should consult an asthma doctor for proper treatment.

Asthma can be caused by certain allergies. Among common allergens include:

  • Pet dander
  • Foods (shellfish, eggs, nuts, etc.)
  • Dust and pollen
  • Chemicals in household products
  • Insect bites (bees, mosquitoes, etc.)

Allergic reactions happen when our body responds to certain allergens that are deemed harmful. Reactions vary from person to person. For example, some may experience skin rashes after eating foods that cause their allergies. Others experience asthma attacks when they come into contact with dust, pollen, or pet dander.

There are asthma treatments available upon a doctor’s prescription. It may not be a life-threatening condition – at first. But if it happens more often and you ignore it, it can lead to fatal consequences or even death. In such cases, you should consult an allergist to help you manage asthma attacks.

What happens during an asthma attack

One common symptom of an asthma attack is wheezing. It also occurs if you have colds. It should not really cause an alarm. However, you should see a doctor immediately if it’s recurrent and accompanied by breathing difficulties. Also, it can be a medical emergency if the person’s skin is starting to turn blue due to lack of oxygen.

In most cases, an inhaler will come in handy and help in relieving asthma attacks. It should be availed upon prescription by an allergist doctor. Meanwhile, some prefer using natural home remedies to get relief from an asthma attack. But if the situation worsens, it is best to rush to the emergency room immediately.

Natural ways for asthma relief

Speaking of home remedies, there are a lot of natural ways to relieve symptoms of asthma. In fact, a lot of people swear by the effectiveness of these natural remedies. However, there may be doubts whether these can really relieve asthma symptoms. This is due to a limited scientific understanding regarding their effects on the human body.

Among commonly-suggested natural ways to relieve asthma include:

  1. Acupuncture

Apparently, acupuncture can help reduce the occurrence of asthma attacks. However, it is not scientifically proven yet. But you can give it a try if you want.

  1. Yoga

One major trigger of asthma is stress. Yoga can help relieve stress through correct breathing. In effect, it can help lessen asthma attacks.

  1. Health supplements and herbs

Herbs and plants have been around since time immemorial. Our ancestors mostly relied on nature to treat illnesses, among other things. Some plants and herbs were said to help treat asthma. Likewise, health supplements such as antioxidants and Vitamin C are said to lessen asthma attacks. However, there are no scientific studies that can back up these claims.

  1. Coffee/tea

It is said that the caffeine content in coffee and tea can provide relief from asthma. Drink it warm, not piping hot, for better results.

  1. Essential oil (Eucalyptus)

Eucalyptus has a minty, menthol scent that is also a common cure for cough, colds, and other illnesses. It can also provide relief from asthma attacks. Put a few drops of the oil into a cup of hot water or an oil diffuser. Slowly breathe in the vapor deeply.

During an asthma attack, try sitting upright. This will allow for easier breathing. Also, try to breathe slowly and deeply. It can be hard to do while having an asthma attack. But it can help you stay calm and loosen up your chest so you can breathe better.

Are they safe?

An allergy specialist may not recommend home remedies for asthma relief. For one thing, most supplements and other so-called home cures are not scientifically-proven as of now. Likewise, these remedies are not regulated by the FDA. Some of these natural remedies (which are taken with some other medications) can cause adverse effects and do more harm on the patient than good. It is best to consult an allergy physician before using any home remedies for asthma.

When to seek medical help

Prescribed medications can usually provide relief from asthma attacks. But if symptoms persist or worsen to the point of life-threatening, you should go to an allergy specialist doctor in Manassas VA or elsewhere near you for immediate treatment.