Tag Archives: allergic reactions

What Exactly is Food Allergy Testing?

Before you make any changes, seeing an allergy specialist is important so that you can see what you must avoid. When you see an allergy doctor, they can give the proper diagnosis so you will know what to expect and prevent it from happening if you eat a certain food.

Food allergies should not be taken lightly and sometimes they continue to adulthood. In addition, some people develop food allergies during their adulthood. If you are allergic, your immune system will react to the food if it is dangerous for you.

Here is more information before getting a good allergy test.

What You Can Expect

Many people are nervous about food allergy testing if they are unaware of what it is like to have it done. They worry that the test is scary and painful, but that is not the actual case and the reality is that it is actually more comfortable than you think. It is a lot faster than what people expect because you only need 1 minute to complete the actual test.

During the test, they will press an applicator against your back that has multiple points exposing your skin to different antigens. However, it is not an indication that you will be done in 5 minutes. You have to wait for your test results and discuss what food you are allergic to.

Aside from that, the testing application consumes very little time, but the staff wants you to be in the office so they can watch out for any reactions.

The Difference Between Food Allergy and Food Sensitivity

This is something that an allergy specialist must discuss with you because there is confusion between them. The symptoms overlap, but the symptoms dramatically vary. Food sensitivity indicates that your body has a hard time digesting certain food. In general, symptoms are limited to problems with digestion, and that includes abdominal pain, gas, nausea, and diarrhea.

The common causes include enzymes in dairy, lactose, monosodium glutamate (MSG), flavor enhancer/s, FODMAPs, and gluten which can cause food sensitivity to people.

An immune system reaction to a food allergy that impacts various organs can cause dangerous symptoms.

How You Can Prepare for a Food Allergy Test

What you must do before going to an allergy specialist doctor for your test is to relax before that. It is a very simple process and after you are done, you can rest properly knowing that you are on your way to removing any dangerous and annoying symptoms linked to certain foods you eat.

You can have your nurse practitioner or gastroenterologist write a numbing cream prescription for you.

When you apply the cream on your back before the test helps reduce the itch you feel from the antigens you were exposed to. The cream also reduces the prick you feel from the applicator points, but the majority of people do not feel pain.

Sings that You Might Require a Food Allergy Test

  • Tingling in your mouth or throat after eating
  • Itchy skin or hives
  • Swelling of the face, lips, throat, or tongue after eating
  • Trouble breathing, wheezing, or nasal congestion
  • Digestive problems or abdominal pain
  • Fainting, lightheadedness, or dizziness after eating
  • Persistent eczema

If you have severe food allergy reactions, you need emergency care as soon as possible. You should schedule a test at an allergy clinic Manassas VA right away to prevent it next time.


4 Questions about Allergies to Ask Your Allergy Doctor

If your doctor has just told you that you are suffering from an allergy, it’s common to have plenty of questions, and you have every right to ask them so you can understand your condition better.

The best person to ask questions about allergies is an allergist specialist and when asking the questions, ask those that will shed more light on your condition.

Wondering which are the best questions to ask? Here they are:

Can allergies be cured?

If you have lived your entire life without medical issues, then one day, an allergy doctor drops the bombshell that your body is reacting to allergens, the first thing you want to know is whether you can be cured of the condition.

The unfortunate thing is that you can’t cure allergies, but you can treat and control the symptoms. One of the most effective ways to control the symptoms is staying away from the allergy triggers. For example, if you are allergic to pollen, you should avoid going outside when the pollen count is high.

You can also control the symptoms by taking the necessary medication. You simply need to visit your local allergy doctor, and they will recommend the best drug for your condition.

How do you know you are suffering from allergies and not a cold?

Both the common cold and seasonal allergies have almost identical symptoms, so it’s common to be confused whether you are suffering from a cold or allergies when the symptoms kick in.

The cool thing is that it’s easy to tell them apart when you are keen enough. Some of the things you should do include:

Pay attention to the patterns: While both conditions can cause congestion, runny nose, sneezing, fatigue, headaches, and watery eyes, cold symptoms don’t have a pattern to how they develop. Allergic reactions, on the other hand, happen all at once.

Allergies aren’t contagious, so if all the symptoms come about at once and no other person in your family develops similar symptoms, you are most likely suffering from allergies.

Be on the lookout for the timing: How long does the condition last? Cold symptoms go away after 7-10 days, while allergies don’t have a set lifespan. They often go on as long as you are exposed to the allergen. The symptoms might ease when you get away from the allergy trigger, but they won’t go away.

Check your handkerchief: The act is gross, but the mucus will tell you everything you need to know. If having a cold, you will have a yellowish nasal discharge which shows you are suffering from an infection. Allergic reactions, on the other hand, result in a clear, thin, watery gunk.

Are allergic reactions dangerous?

Allergy is mild or moderate for most people, but in rare situations, the allergic reaction can be life-threatening. The most dangerous condition you can have is anaphylaxis that causes extreme swelling in the lungs and airways, making it hard to breathe and swallow.

The reaction also causes cramps, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, and mental confusion. When you are having anaphylaxis, you should get immediate medical attention to avoid losing your life.

Are there natural remedies to control allergies?

People have been taking honey and pollen for years to cure allergies, but there is no scientific evidence to support that natural remedies work.

Even if the remedies might work for some people, they might not work for you. To be safe and have peace of mind you are taking the right medication, find allergy doctor Manassas VA to advise you on the right medication to take. Remember, when consulting the doctor, ensure the doctor is certified and experienced enough.

Bronchiecstasis: Not Your Ordinary Respiratory Illness

Bronchiectasis is a chronic health condition wherein the airway walls become enlarged. It causes the build-up of mucous and makes your lungs prone to infection. The most common effects of bronchiectasis are shortness of breath and coughing with phlegm. Symptoms are usually worse if there is a lung infection.

What you need to know about bronchiectasis

For one, this condition makes your lung’s bronchial tubes are damaged permanently. A damaged airway causes mucous build-up and accumulation in your lungs. As a result, coughing up mucous and even blood is a normal occurrence for someone who has this respiratory condition.

It is also said that bronchiectasis is a complication of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA). This condition refers to those who have allergic reactions to aspergillus, a type of fungi found in various environments around the world. If you have this condition, it would be best to visit an allergy clinic for proper treatment.

When someone with ABPA comes into contact with fungal spores, it can cause allergic reactions and can eventually lead to bronchiectasis. Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure yet for bronchiectasis but can be manageable. It can also not affect your daily life with help of proper treatment. You can also go to an allergy doctor as needed.

What causes bronchiectasis?

A lung injury is often the cause of this condition, either due to cystic fibrosis (CF) bronchiectasis or non-CF bronchiectasis. The former is a chronic condition that causes excessive mucous production. Cystic fibrosis usually affects the liver, pancreas, and other organs that can weaken their functions.

On the other hand, non-CF bronchiectasis is not related to CF whatsoever. Non-CF bronchiectasis can also lead to other health conditions such as:

  • Lung infections (ex. tuberculosis, whopping cough, etc.)
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Allergic aspergillosis
  • HIV

As mentioned, bronchiectasis can also lead to an allergic reaction which can be potentially life-threatening.  In such a case, you should consult a trusted allergist doctor to help you manage your condition.

Symptoms of bronchiectasis

It is said that around 110,000 people in the US suffer from bronchiectasis. Those who have this condition are also diagnosed with asthma, CF, and immunodeficiency diseases. For those with asthma, make sure to go to an asthma doctor for proper asthma treatments.

Older people and women are more at risk of having bronchiectasis, although it can also occur in men and at any age. Bronchiectasis occurs due to mucous build-up that causes inflammation to the lungs. Tiny hairs in the airways, called the cilia, are mostly damaged which makes it difficult for the mucous to get out of the body.

Among common symptoms of bronchiectasis include the following:

  • Coughing a large amount of blood and mucous
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Chest pain
  • Wheezing
  • Fatigue
  • Fever and chills
  • Weight loss
  • Clubbing (the abnormal change of fingernail and toenail structure)
  • Being more prone to respiratory infections

If you experience at least one of these symptoms, go to the nearest allergy specialist doctor or any professional medical personnel for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Treating bronchiectasis

As mentioned, there is no permanent cure for this condition. However, certain treatments can lessen inflammation and infections due to bronchiectasis.

For one, those who have this condition would have to take macrolides. It is a type of antibiotic to ease inflammation and treat the bacteria in the airways. Taking mucolytics is also effective in mucus thinning.

Oxygen therapy is also prescribed for those who have this condition to improve their breathing and their quality of life. In the worst cases, you would have to undergo surgery to get rid of any airway blockage. Also, make sure to stay hydrated to help clear out the mucous.

Best to avoid smoking and being near polluted air and other toxic chemicals in the air to maintain healthy lungs. Ensure to have you and your children regular vaccinations against measles, flu, and whooping cough to lessen the risk of contracting bronchiectasis later in life.

Prevention is the key to ensure one’s quality of life. However, bronchiectasis has no permanent cure although some treatments can lessen the impact of its symptoms. Since it can also be triggered by allergies, best to lessen or avoid contact with fungi and other similar allergens.

Speaking of allergies, you should visit a trusted allergist specialist doctor in Manassas VA for proper allergy treatments.

Using Alcohol and Handwashing: Are They Really Effective Against COVID?

The rising COVID-19 cases have been consistent for the past months. But somehow, the good news is that a huge chunk of those figures has already recovered. Still, we should be extra careful since the virus is still out there. Those with allergies and asthma may also still be at high risk of contracting the virus if they are not careful enough.

Speaking of allergies and asthma, it is best to visit an allergy clinic if you are experiencing symptoms. If you notice rashes, constant coughing and sneezing, and breathing difficulties, consult an allergist doctor for proper treatments.

Keeping safe from COVID-19

Experts remind people over and over again about using face masks, observing physical distancing, and practicing proper hygiene. As of now, there is no vaccine yet available to help manage this global pandemic. In the meantime, the best protection we can give ourselves is hand washing.

On average, people touch (inadvertently or on purpose) about 23 times per hour. Our hands are also constantly exposed to germs and other harmful bacteria. The next thing you know, you get sick that could have been avoided by washing hands.

Studies show that handwashing is one of the best ways to lessen the spread of the dreaded virus. Aside from protecting against COVID-19, hand washing will also protect you from other common illnesses like colds and flu as well as salmonella.

There are two ways to clean our hands: either by lathering with soap or using alcohol or hand sanitizer. These may seem to be an easy task. However, there is a right way of cleaning your hands using these hygiene products.

What to consider in choosing a hand sanitizer

In case that running water and soap are not available, you can use hand sanitizer. When you buy a hand sanitizer, you should not only rely on its smell only. You should also check the chemical composition. Choose a hand sanitizer that is 60 percent ethyl alcohol or 70 percent isopropyl alcohol.

Stay away from hand sanitizers that have methanol or 1-propanol, which are both toxic when coming into contact with skin. There are even some new brands that contain these ingredients but are labeled as ethanol. Trust only brands that have been in the market for years.

Using alcohol nowadays is as important as taking proper asthma treatments. You need to be aware of your surroundings and use it as needed to prevent the harmful effects of not being careful of your health later on.

Those with allergies and asthma are more prone to contracting this virus, so it is important to be extra careful. Allergy testing can also help whether you have underlying allergic reactions that will make you more vulnerable to COVID-19.

How proper hygiene can prevent allergic reactions

Along with the ongoing pandemic, we all need to be wary of our hygiene and keep our surroundings clean. This is also your allergist specialist will most likely recommend preventing allergic reactions. It includes cleaning dust and dirt off your home, choosing the right personal hygiene products with gentle or organic ingredients.

Here are other ways to prevent allergic reactions as recommended by an allergy specialist doctor. As mentioned, those with allergies and asthma can be more prone to contracting the dreaded COVID-19 virus.

  • Using vinyl, wood, or tile flooring instead of carpets as the latter can harbor dust mites that can cause allergic reactions
  • Choosing window blinds that are easy to clean
  • Regular dusting of cushions, upholstered furniture, and stuffed toys by vacuuming or high-temp washing
  • Using a vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter
  • Not keeping pets inside the house (as much as possible)
  • Bathing pets at least once per week
  • Replacing bedsheets and linen at least once a week
  • Checking the ingredients on food packaging for possible allergens (nuts, spices, dairy, etc.)
  • Staying inside the house during high pollen count (usually summer)
  • Using insect repellent to the exposed skin

Staying safe during the pandemic

These are only some of the best ways to protect you from the virus. We won’t know until when this pandemic will end. But the best way to prevent falling victim to this disease is by proper hygiene and managing symptoms as soon as possible.

If you have asthma or allergic to something, you need to be twice as careful nowadays. In case you experience any allergic symptoms, make sure to go to an allergy clinic in Manassas VA immediately.

Can Spices Cause Allergies? Here’s What You Need to Know

Life is not complete without some spice on it. The same applies to food. Without spice, your food will taste bland. Spices are also used in other consumer products including cosmetics and oral hygiene products. Spices are not also regulated as per the US Food and Drug Administration. That means most of these spices are not included in most food packaging.

As a result, spices are one of the most difficult allergy triggers since you cannot easily find them on food labels. In reality, allergy to spice contributes 2 percent of all food allergies. There are also no allergy testing or blood tests available to detect spice allergies.

The truth about spice allergies

Popular spices that can trigger allergies include garlic, cinnamon, vanilla, and black pepper. The “spicier” the spice (ex. Jalapeno, Carolina Reaper, etc.), the higher the chances of having allergic reactions. In case of allergic reactions due to these spices, you should go to an allergy specialist immediately.

Former ACAAI president Sami Bahna, MD says that spice allergy may look like it is a rare case. However, Americans are fond of using various spices in their everyday diet as well as using different cosmetic products. Women are also more prone to spice allergy since a lot of them tend to use cosmetics, perfume, and other beauty products. This could mean less spice (pun intended) in their lives.

Some may be allergic to only one spice, but can also have an allergic reaction to other spice blends. Those with spice allergies have to adjust a lot in their lifestyle, including watching their food intake and avoiding the makeup. In the case of flare-ups, you should consult the best allergist in your area.

Spices usually come from plants, hence the potential to become allergens. However, it is also believed that allergic reaction to spices are not real allergies but rather more on “intolerance”. To determine whether it is true allergies, you should consult an allergy physician so you will be given the right medications.

Are you allergic to spice?

A lot of people mistake “intolerance” with allergic reactions. One risk of this is to be given the wrong medications that can be detrimental to health. In such cases, you can contact an allergist for clarification. Here are symptoms that differentiate non-allergic to real allergic reactions to various allergens, including spices.


  • Mouth itching (can be because of pollen but not due to the spice itself)
  • Coughing upon substance inhalation (can be more on an effect of irritants)
  • Skin rashes (can be due to skin irritation)


  • Reactions with sesame seeds, a known food allergen that can cause life-threatening allergic reactions
  • Anaphylaxis (although rare, but common upon consumption of spices such as cumin, cayenne pepper, oregano, and thyme among a few)

If you notice consistent reactions every time you eat the same spice, talk to an allergy specialist doctor immediately. You will undergo skin prick testing to determine the presence of allergic antibodies to a specific spice.

Dealing with spice allergies

As mentioned, the best way to deal with spice allergies is to avoid it. Ingestion of spices when you have allergies to it can cause symptoms such as:

  • Bloating
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Lip swelling
  • Hives
  • Anaphylactic shock (in the worst cases)

Spices are also present in beauty and oral hygiene products. As also mentioned, these are not also accounted for in most ingredient lists. Hence, it can be hard to detect which of these products do contain these dreaded spices.

Some may be allergic to one specific spice, while others can be affected by more than one. One way to deal with your allergies is to consider spice alternatives. For example, you can substitute oregano with other herbs like basil or thyme. Or if you are allergic to sesame seeds, you can use 1 tablespoon chopped blanched almonds instead.

Other ways to manage spice allergies

Other tips that can help minimize allergic reactions to spice are the following.

  • Keep ground spices and herbs for a year. For whole spices, you can store them for 2 years.
  • Store properly. Better yet, buy smaller containers to prevent spoilage and to ensure they will all be used up.
  • Check whether they are still fresh by breaking or crushing to release the aroma.
  • When cooking, add the fresh herbs (ex. oregano, thyme, etc.) just before you finish cooking to avoid losing its aroma and flavor.
  • In case you experience adverse reactions, visit an allergy clinic in Manassas VA immediately.

Essential Oils for Allergies: Do They Really Work?

The use of essential oils became somewhat controversial recently. Those who are pro-essential oils claim them to be effective in treating their health concerns including colds and allergies. Meanwhile, those who are not into it say that using essential oils is not a recommended alternative for “real” medications and treatments.

The use of essential oils can be a more practical and safer choice especially that COVID-19 is still around. By safer, it means you don’t have to go to an allergy clinic and be safe instead of at home. No wonder a lot of people turn to essential oils in an attempt to find relief for their health woes.

What is an essential oil?

For starters, essential oils are made from various plants concentrated into distilled liquids. It can be applied directly on skin or inhaled (also called aromatherapy). There are several personal accounts that suggest the efficacy of essential oils in providing relief from various health issues like coughs, cold, and even allergies.

In reality, essential oils have already been around and used by different cultures for hundreds of years. However, there are no scientific pieces of evidence that can prove how effective essential oils really are. Some doctors also believe in the efficacy of essential oils although further studies may also be needed.

If you have allergies, it’s up to you whether you use essential oils or consult an allergy doctor instead. But take note that you might also need to seek advice from an allergist before using essential oils or any similar product.

Can essential oils really cure allergies?

About 50 million people in the US are afflicted with allergies. Unfortunately, there is no definite cure for allergies yet although its symptoms can be managed with various medications.

An allergist doctor will prescribe medications to help alleviate your allergy-related symptoms. Another potential alternative in dealing with allergic symptoms is by using essential oils. But as mentioned earlier, it is better to consult a medical professional first before using such products.

Nevertheless, more and more people seem to realize the “benefits” of using essential oils. However, we should still err on the side of caution when using such products. For one thing, you also need to consider several factors like age and underlying medical conditions before using essential oils.

You should also consider the essential oil itself before using it. What is the essential oil’s chemical composition? How should it be used, topical, or diluted with water? How long and how much is the essential oil dosage per usage? If your allergy physician permits you to use essential oils for your allergies, make sure to ask these questions.

Essential oils for allergies

It is important to know how to apply essential oils properly. As mentioned, some can be applied topically while some need to be diluted to a carrier oil or water. On the other hand, the improper application can be potentially fatal and make your allergies worst. For symptoms of seasonal and skin allergies, these essential oils can help manage your symptoms.

Chamomile oil

Chamomile is said to have anti-inflammatory properties. This means it can help in treating mucus membrane infections and skin conditions like eczema. Applying chamomile oil with a mix of a carrier oil directly on the affected area (for skin issues) may help relieve itching and similar symptoms.

Tea tree oil

Like chamomile oil, tea tree oil can also alleviate symptoms associated with skin allergies. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties as well. When applied directly on the skin, it can noticeably decrease signs of inflammation and swelling. Because tea tree oil can be potent, it may worsen allergic reactions in other people.


Lemon oil can help in treating allergic rhinitis and prevent bacterial activity. Lemon essential oil is better when diluted than applied topically. The latter can increase the risk of sunlight sensitivity, blistering, or burning.

Make sure to seek advice from an allergy specialist doctor before using essential oils. Other essential oils that can help with allergies include:

  • Eucalyptus – can provide relief from upper respiratory tract infection symptoms
  • Lavender – improves sleep, lessens anxiety and promotes relaxation, and hastens healing due to inflammation
  • Frankincense – can lessen symptoms of bronchitis, sinusitis, and asthma
  • Peppermint – is said to have a relaxing effect and reduce contractions that lead to coughing, and also help alleviate fatigue and anxiety

A word of caution

Essential oils can do wonders for various allergic symptoms. More and more people are using essential oils in treating allergies and other medical concerns. But as mentioned, you should consult the best allergist in Manassas first before using any products that have healing or therapeutic claims.

Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite: Protect Yourself From These Critters

Since we are on quarantine due to COVID-19, we have more time to spend lying down on our beds. Now is also the time to appreciate that we have a home to shelter us from the virus. We have to be thankful that we have a nice bed to sleep on at night despite the uncertainty this virus is causing is right now.

This is also the time to keep yourself healthy amidst the health crisis. Even at home, you can do some home workouts and eat freshly-prepared meals.

It is also better you should learn how to deal with your allergies in case you have one. In case you need consultations, you can contact an allergist doctor online to help manage your symptoms while on quarantine.

What’s bugging you?

Bedtime is supposedly the time everyone looks forward to. After all, our bed is our safe haven from all the stress and uncertainty of our lives. It is supposed the bed that will bring us to dreamland and a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, it’s not always the case.

Apparently, there is this tiny enemy that plagues a lot of people, especially during bedtime. These tiny pests, called bed bugs, commonly exist in mattresses and upholstered furniture. Actually, they can be seen by the naked eye but can still pester your precious bedtime, nonetheless.

For starters, bed bugs are small insects that bite exposed human and animal skin and feed on their blood. Bed bugs do not cause the outbreak of diseases. However, it can also cause other health concerns and even affect your budget.

On the one hand, bed bugs can cause rashes and allergic reactions. If you experience any allergic reactions due to bed bug bites, you should consult an allergist specialist. Some may experience mild reactions, but it can be life-threatening in other cases.

Symptoms and risks

Bed bugs often exist in bed cracks and crevices, headboards, bed frames, or box springs. These critters can also be found under carpeting, electrical outlets, light switch plates, or peeling paint or wallpaper.

The risks of getting bitten by bed bugs are higher when you spend time in homeless shelters, hospitals, or hotels. That said, the risk of allergic reactions is high as well especially if you are allergic to bed bugs.

If you experience the following, you might as well consult an allergist doctor immediately. Otherwise, it might lead to life-threatening consequences if left untreated. Common signs of bed bug bites include:

  • Itchiness
  • Red spots that are aligned or in clusters
  • Bite marks on the arms, legs, face, or neck
  • Allergic reactions such as hives or blisters

If you experience the latter, watch out for more severe reactions like difficulty in breathing or swelling. It can also cause anaphylactic shock in the worst cases. If so, consult an allergy specialist or visit an allergy clinic if possible at this time.

Preventing bed bug bites and getting rid of the bugs

Unfortunately, most allergic reactions due to bed bug bites may be mistaken as mosquito or flea bites. That is why you need to take note of the common symptoms as mentioned above.

One way to treat bed bug bites is by using antihistamines. Corticosteroid creams can also help alleviate the itching due to bed bug bites. Before the symptoms get worst, it is best to talk to an allergy specialist doctor.

Other tips to minimize the impact of bed bug infestation include the following.

  • Do not scratch the bitten area or it may lead to bleeding or infection.
  • Check your bed including the mattress and bed frame for any presence of bed bugs.
  • If possible, hire a professional pest control company that will help treat bed bugs.
  • Do not use the mattress or furniture with a bed bug infestation. If possible, remove and replace it with a fresher one.


Bed bugs can be annoying and can affect your good night’s sleep. It will leave you scratching and even cause infections. In the worst cases, it can lead to allergic reactions that can be life-threatening if left untreated.

If you got bitten by a bed bug, watch for any signs of the abovementioned symptoms. Better yet, let your allergist in Manassas know of your situation. At the end of the day, we all deserve a good and quality sleep every night, especially during this quarantine period.

Anaphylaxis: A Life-Threatening Allergic Reaction You Should Take Seriously

Allergic reactions vary from person to person. On one hand, some might experience mild reactions that can be manageable by taking prescribed medications. On the other hand, some individuals may experience severe allergic reactions to the point of life-threatening. While the latter should be brought to the nearest allergy clinic immediately, all kinds of allergic reactions should be addressed for proper treatment nonetheless.

There are people who experience severe allergic reactions to allergens that can potentially be deadly for them. This frightening reaction is called anaphylaxis, which occurs when there is an excessive chemical release and results in shock.

Anaphylaxis commonly occurs to certain allergens such as food, latex, medications, and insect stings. If there are symptoms that appear following contact with the mentioned allergens, it is best to consult an allergy physician immediately. Just because it hasn’t happened to you in the past doesn’t mean anaphylaxis won’t happen to you ever in your life.

What causes anaphylaxis?

As you might know, our immune system is capable of producing antibodies that protect us against foreign substances like harmful viruses or bacteria. However, some people tend to overreact to these foreign substances. Some allergic reactions are not really life-threatening, but some people do experience intense reactions that lead to anaphylaxis.

As mentioned, everyone is susceptible to experiencing anaphylaxis even if you haven’t experienced this for once in your life. More so, you have higher chances of having an anaphylactic shock if you have experienced this at least once in the past.

Among common triggers include certain foods like shellfish and peanuts, as well as antibiotics and other certain medications. Latex (ex. ones used in gloves) and insect stings can also trigger anaphylaxis as well. Some triggers may not be as common as the previously mentioned ones such as intense physical activities. Regardless of the allergic triggers, it is best to consult an allergy specialist doctor immediately.

Common symptoms of anaphylaxis

Symptoms of anaphylaxis usually occur in a snap and may progress later on. At first, symptoms can be mild just like the usual such as a runny nose or a skin rash. However, it can lead to the worst if you do not address it immediately to an allergy specialist. Among symptoms to watch out for include the following.

  • Tightening of the throat, resulting in breathing difficulties
  • Appearance of hives
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness and fainting spells
  • Low blood pressure or increase in heartbeat rate
  • Cardiac arrest, in worst cases

If you have first experienced mild anaphylaxis before, you should still not take it for granted. In some cases, the next occurrence can be worse and can even lead to worse reactions and even death. Before it becomes too late, it is best to call an allergist doctor to help manage your allergic triggers.

Diagnosis and treatment

As mentioned, any allergic reactions that are not the usual should be treated immediately by an allergy doctor. If you or someone you know show signs of severe allergic reactions, it is best to have it treated immediately. Call for emergency assistance and remove the offending allergen as much as possible.

Ensure that the patient is breathing well and as comfortable as possible. If there is a sign of low blood pressure, the person should remain in a supine position and raise the legs off the ground. In the event that the patient stops breathing, perform CPR immediately until paramedics arrive.

In some cases, the patient will be given an epinephrine injection which helps in stabilizing blood pressure and reduce the occurrence of swelling. It also helps in relaxing the muscles and prevents the progression of the allergic triggers that can worsen your condition.

Unfortunately, anaphylaxis can be unpredictable. As mentioned, it can happen to people who have not experienced this ever in their lives. That is why you should know the abovementioned symptoms and make sure you do not take those symptoms for granted. If those appear, make sure to visit an allergy physician to help you manage your condition.

Avoid the life-threatening risks of anaphylaxis

Allergic reactions vary from person to person, but should still be addressed by an allergist in Manassas VA. Anaphylaxis can happen to anyone, including you. That is why you should be able to identify your triggers if you have one. Contact the best allergists near you to help manage your allergies.

Common Asthma Triggers and How to Manage Them

Asthma can be one of the worst health conditions anyone can have. Even popular celebrities such as Jessica Alba, Billy Joel, and David Beckham has it. Although asthma is generally manageable, it can still create an impact on a person’s life. There are also triggers that can cause asthma, which is why it is important to know these said triggers to manage your condition properly.

If you believe you have the condition, it is best to consult an asthma doctor. He or she will provide the right medications and other tips in properly managing your condition. As mentioned, asthma is generally a manageable condition although it can affect one’s quality of life. That said, it is best to follow your allergy physician in taking prescribed medications.

Types of asthma  

There are two major types of asthma: allergic and non-allergic. The former is caused by allergen exposures. These may include pet dander, mold, or the smell of a certain perfume. On the other hand, asthma can also be caused by non-allergic triggers. This may include extreme weather condition, excessive exercising, certain illnesses, and some medications.

Exercise can also be an asthma trigger. The effects can be worse due to dry and cold air. Also, your workplace can also be a source of asthma triggers. For example, you may be more prone to asthma if your line of work involves dealing with chemicals, dust, or fumes. In such cases, it is a good idea to call an allergist specialist to determine the type of allergy you have.

Asthma can affect both children and adults. Symptoms may occur in early childhood or later in life. It can affect not only your personal life but also your performance at work or any physical activities. To properly manage the condition, you can visit an allergy clinic near you.

Who is at risk of having asthma?

Asthma symptoms may differ from person to person. It can also be due to environmental factors or genetics. In some cases, people have other kinds of allergies which later on develops into asthma. However, you may be at high risk of having this condition if you fall under at least one of these following criteria:

  • Certain allergies (ex. pet dander, fumes, food, etc.)
  • Obesity
  • Genetics/family history
  • Respiratory infection
  • Exposure to fumes or dust due to the nature of work
  • Exposure to cigarette smoke (ex. you or a family smoke)

You may also be prone to asthma even if you often stay indoors. Indoor asthma triggers may include the following:


Your beloved furry companions can also compromise your health. Asthma triggers may be due to dead skin (pet dander), saliva, and excrement.

Dust mites

These are small creatures that are not easily seen with the naked eye. It is commonly found in beds, pillows, carpets, fabric-covered furniture, and even stuffed toys.


It usually forms in moist areas such as bathrooms and kitchens. It can cause unpleasant smells in a moist area which can also trigger asthma.

Meanwhile, other lesser-known asthma triggers include:

  • Foods (ex. shellfish, egg, peanuts, etc.)
  • Exercise/Any extreme physical activities
  • Certain medications (ex. ibuprofen, naproxen, beta-blockers, aspirin)

If you experience any adverse reactions when you come into contact with these potential triggers, it is best to contact an allergy physician immediately.

Asthma management

It is important to turn to medical experts specializing in allergy treatments in case asthma symptoms appear. They are trained to help you manage your asthma and be able to live a normal life. In some cases, you may be prescribed some medications and therapies to manage the condition.

Among common symptoms you should watch out for include the following:

  • Chest pains and tightening
  • Shortness of breath
  • Whistling sound when exhaling
  • Constant coughing which can be worse if you have colds

One way to provide relief from asthma is by using a quick-relief inhaler which is often prescribed by doctors. It is also better to avoid going nearby asthma triggers to avoid adverse health effects.

However, it may be better to go to a nearby clinic or hospital if there is no improvement even after using an inhaler. Likewise, shortness of breath to the point of breathing difficulties should also be a sign that it’s time to go to the emergency room.

Contact an asthma doctor

If you or someone you know experience the above symptoms, don’t delay – call an asthma doctor immediately. An allergist doctor in Germantown MD should be able to help manage your condition.