Tag Archives: food allergy

Why You Should Consult an Allergist

If you have a stuffy nose and your eyes begin to itch every spring, you can benefit from an allergist-immunologist. However, those symptoms are not the only ones that can send you to an allergist. They are trained to treat and diagnose conditions that affect the immune system. Most of the time, these doctors are only referred to as allergists. What you do not know is that they help you with more than just allergies. They help you care for more conditions involving your immune system.

Your immune system is going to shield your body against illnesses and germs. It will help you fight off infection and prevent harmful viruses and bacteria from invading your body. Sometimes, the immune system will attack healthy cells.

Read on to find out more.


The allergists can be the best solution to get access to the healthcare you need right now. You can just walk in anytime if it is an emergency, and you will receive treatment right away without getting exposed for a long time. You can also book an appointment online before going if it can wait. This is going to save you time and energy.

Proper Treatment Plan

You have a lot of DIY options you can dispose of to get rid of allergy symptoms. However, in case they are consistent and important to the quality of your life, you might need medical intervention. They can prescribe the right medication or even undergo surgery so your nasal passages can open up.

In case You Have Asthma

Asthma will cause your airway muscles to tighten or experience spasms, and the linings of your lungs can get inflamed. This will block airflow, which makes it difficult to breathe. Asthma ranges from life-threatening to mild. You might feel tightness in your chest and you will struggle to catch your breath. You might also experience coughing and wheezing.

Talking to an allergist-immunologist helps get your asthma under control, which means your flares will be a lot fewer. The doctor will prescribe medication in order to treat specific symptoms. They can also help you know more about common triggers like mold, smoke, pet dander, and dust mites, as well as how to avoid them.

They Will Test Your Allergy

The top allergy clinic will test you for allergies. After the initial exam and taking your history, you will want to make sure that your allergy problem is given in detail. This confirmation is possible through tests. Some FDA-approved tests will include skin and blood testing.

Medical Service is High-Quality

Allergy clinics provide accurate allergy assessments and the best pharmacists. They have experienced healthcare providers that can deliver a comprehensive program for your treatment that is tailored to individual requirements.

Great for Future Planning

When you know which substances trigger your allergies, they can be avoided in the future. This could mean anything from avoiding air with heavy pollen outdoors to taking an EpiPen if you accidentally eat tree nuts. An allergist is an important addition to your medical team. You can keep the contact number of the allergist in your area so you know who to contact when you have bad symptoms.

Safe Prevention of Allergic Reactions

Knowing your allergy trigger is the primary step of prevention. If you are aware that you have a nut allergy, you will avoid foods with nuts. It is the same case for people who are allergic to dust, mold, spores, and anything else you can stay away from.

You can visit an allergy center Manassas VA to get the best treatment for your allergies.

Tips to Improve Indoor Allergens in Your Home

The control of asthma and allergy starts at home. A lot of people who have allergies stay in their homes when the outdoor air has a lot of spores and pollen. However, dust mites, animal dander, and cockroaches can cause problems indoors. If you want to reduce indoor air pollution, you need to have adequate ventilation, control pollution sources and clean your indoor air.

After you see an allergy specialist, you should also do your part by controlling indoor allergens in your home. If you want to know what to do so that the allergens in your home are kept at bay, this article is going to give you what you need. Read on to know more.

Control Dust Mites

Keep surfaces in your home clean and uncluttered. The best ones are bare walls and floors, specifically the one in your bedroom where you spend most of your nights. If you have a carpet, throw rugs that are washable or low-pile carpets are even better.

The most important method is to put zippered allergen impermeable or pillow covers, box springs, and mattresses. Encased mattresses work better compared to air cleaners in order to reduce allergy symptoms. You should wash your bedding, uncovered pillows, and stuffed toys every week in hot water.

If you are turning on the heat, allergens such as pet dander and dust are lurking in the air ducts. It is recommended that you use a high-efficiency furnace filter to lessen indoor allergens that circulate in your home. It is recommended that you immediately change your filters every 90 days. You should start to change it with the seasons so that you can remember.

Limit How Much Pollen Goes Inside Your Home

You should ask as much, to keep your window closed if you require air conditioning to keep pollen from being blown inside your home. Remember to take off your shoes outside, or put a mat outside the door so you can wipe dirt off your feet. When you keep temperatures inside cool is also helpful in preventing humidity. This creates the best environment for dust mites and mold.

Clean Your House Regularly

Vacuuming your home with a HEPA filter weekly will also cut down allergens indoors like pet dander and dust mites. When you dust around your knick-knacks and books, you should use electrostatic cloth or microfiber that holds dust instead of only moving it around. As you dust and vacuum, dust is going to get stirred up in the air, so if you are allergic, you can use an N95 filter mask while you clean.

When it is possible, you should use wall-to-wall carpeting, even in the bedrooms. Hardwood floors become easier to clean because you can see the dust while cleaning. However, you can use washable area rugs as well to cut down allergens.

Avoid Any Mold Spores

You should reduce moisture around your bathroom, kitchen, and other water areas in your home. Dehumidifiers are also helpful in reducing dust mites and mold. You should limit yourself to a couple of house plants. You should fix every leak and other cause of the damp areas in your home. Clean the moldy surfaces. Get rid of the moldy firewood, and piles of weeds and leaves.

Keep the Cockroaches Controlled

You should not leave any garbage or food uncovered. You should use boric acid, poison baits, and traps instead of chemical agents that will irritate your rhinitis and/or trigger asthma.

If you cannot control indoor allergens, you can always contact the allergy doctor Manassas VA.

How to Prevent Food Allergies

It has been known that asthma and allergies run in families, which makes children, where one or both parents suffer from allergies, are more prone to develop them. The good thing is that there are steps that can delay or prevent asthma or allergies.

The best way to prevent having to go to an allergist is to expose them to different foods early, instead of pushing them for later. This way, their bodies can get used to several kinds of food and will have no problem eating whatever they want in the future.

There are several ways mentioned in this article on how you can prevent food allergies in children. Read on now.

Read Food Labels

Today, food labels have information about food allergies written on their labels like if there are additives containing milk protein if it was from a facility that processes nuts, and wheat byproducts. You still have to read all food labels, every time, even if you bought so many items in the past. Manufacturers can frequently decide to change ingredients and allergens can be part of a new formula.

Do Not Give Actual Peanuts to Your Toddler or Baby

You should never give babies real peanuts or anything else that could make them choke. You can buy a snack for babies that has peanuts in it. You can add smooth peanut butter to your finger and give it to your baby. You can mix it into foods, or bake it into soft bread. Eggs can be mixed easily, and you can add small cooked egg pieces because they can be given to babies as well. There are plenty of ways to introduce them without giving them food in large pieces or are hard. You can ask your doctor how to do it.

Recognize the Symptoms

If you have a food allergy, it is important that you know how to identify the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction, especially when it comes to anaphylaxis. If you are able to spot the early signs of an allergic symptom, it can be life-saving. Here are the symptoms you should watch out for:

  • Eyes – Tears, itching, redness, and eyes are swelling
  • Skin – Redness, itching, red bumps, hives, rash, skin swelling
  • Upper respiratory – Sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, dry cough, hoarseness, and itching
  • Lower respiratory – Wheezing, chest tightness, cough, and shortness of breath
  • Mouth – Palate, itching, lips, or tongue swelling
  • Gastrointestinal – Reflux, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, bloody tools, or abdominal pain
  • Cardiovascular – Dizziness, low blood pressure, slow or rapid heartbeat, fainting, loss of consciousness
  • Other symptoms – Sense of “impending doom”, or uterine contractions

Start Solids Around 4 to 6 Months

You can introduce single-ingredient foods to your children like pears, apples, and bananas. Vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots and squash, and cereal grains.

Based on how ready your baby is, you can start to introduce new foods. You introduce them 3 to 5 days apart, so you can watch for any allergic reactions. Symptoms can include tongue swelling, itchy mouth or eyes, vomiting, hives, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, breathing difficulty, and anaphylaxis in worst cases.

You should not give food to your baby that you know they are allergic to. You cannot always know if your baby is allergic to something, but if you see eczema, blood in their stool, vomiting, rashes, or fussiness after any food they eat, you should consult your allergy doctor before starting any solid foods with them. You must also seek your doctor’s advice if both parents or any sibling has allergies to food.

You may book an appointment at the allergy center Germantown MD anytime.


How to Make the Most of Your Allergy Appointment

Maybe you tried to eat something new and after that, your body starts acting up causing you to vomit and break out into hives. Maybe you suspect environmental triggers such as pollen or dust are making you suffer from congestion. This will be why your doctor has referred you to an allergist.

The allergist will use your medical history and perform a physical exam to help point out allergies and figure out what triggers them.

If you need help in finding out what to expect during your first visit, you must read this article on what you can do so that your first appointment is not wasted.

What You Must Check Beforehand

You must speak to your allergy doctor to make sure that you do not have medications that might cause problems during your appointment.

That is because some medications interfere with others, especially antihistamines. Your allergist might ask you to stop taking certain medications for a few days before seeing going to your allergist for testing.

However, you must ask your healthcare provider before you discontinue any medications because you do not want to sacrifice one for the other.

Your Medical History and Symptoms

Your allergist is going to ask everything about your medical history. Aside from that, the specialist is going to assess any pre-existing conditions that you might have. People with asthma might have more complex and severe allergic reactions that require non-stop treatment.

In addition, observe where your symptoms occur. The signs you must look for are:

  • Raised skin spots (hits)
  • Wheezing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Chest tightness
  • Swelling and inflammation of different body parts

The doctor might ask you different questions to support your medical history that is related to possible and common allergens. You can expect questions about your pets, environment, proven allergic reactions, and current medications.

Questions to Ask

Aside from writing down your symptoms, there are questions you need to ask.

  • What foods will I be tested for? Why?
  • What will the test results mean?
  • Do I require testing for this kind of allergy?
  • How can I determine and avoid the triggers of my allergies?
  • How serious are these symptoms?
  • What are the available food allergy management tools?
  • How can people best manage their food allergies?
  • What should be monitored after my visit?
  • When should I do a follow-up at the office?
  • Do allergies worsen over time or can they improve?

If your allergy is diagnosed, including asking questions about how to treat questions, and concerns about the side effects of medications.

Treatment Plans

Your diagnosis will tell you what the appropriate treatment is. Commonly, your allergy doctor will ask you to avoid things that can trigger your allergies. The doctor might also prescribe medications like antihistamines.

What Happens After

As part of the first assessment, your doctor might also check your skin, nose, throat, and lungs. If your diagnosis is related to food or airborne allergies, they will need to run tests after that.

You might be asked to undergo allergy testing. In case this happens, your skin will also be tested for any reactions to different substances. According to the results, your doctor is going to recommend a treatment, which includes:

  • Allergy shots
  • Prescription medications
  • Avoid certain triggers
  • Make some lifestyle changes to reduce your symptoms, especially if your triggers are food-related or because of some environmental factors.

In case your allergy symptoms do not go away with regular treatment, you might have to undergo immunotherapy.

If you need to find an allergy doctor Manassas VA, do not hesitate to contact them and book an appointment.

What Exactly is Food Allergy Testing?

Before you make any changes, seeing an allergy specialist is important so that you can see what you must avoid. When you see an allergy doctor, they can give the proper diagnosis so you will know what to expect and prevent it from happening if you eat a certain food.

Food allergies should not be taken lightly and sometimes they continue to adulthood. In addition, some people develop food allergies during their adulthood. If you are allergic, your immune system will react to the food if it is dangerous for you.

Here is more information before getting a good allergy test.

What You Can Expect

Many people are nervous about food allergy testing if they are unaware of what it is like to have it done. They worry that the test is scary and painful, but that is not the actual case and the reality is that it is actually more comfortable than you think. It is a lot faster than what people expect because you only need 1 minute to complete the actual test.

During the test, they will press an applicator against your back that has multiple points exposing your skin to different antigens. However, it is not an indication that you will be done in 5 minutes. You have to wait for your test results and discuss what food you are allergic to.

Aside from that, the testing application consumes very little time, but the staff wants you to be in the office so they can watch out for any reactions.

The Difference Between Food Allergy and Food Sensitivity

This is something that an allergy specialist must discuss with you because there is confusion between them. The symptoms overlap, but the symptoms dramatically vary. Food sensitivity indicates that your body has a hard time digesting certain food. In general, symptoms are limited to problems with digestion, and that includes abdominal pain, gas, nausea, and diarrhea.

The common causes include enzymes in dairy, lactose, monosodium glutamate (MSG), flavor enhancer/s, FODMAPs, and gluten which can cause food sensitivity to people.

An immune system reaction to a food allergy that impacts various organs can cause dangerous symptoms.

How You Can Prepare for a Food Allergy Test

What you must do before going to an allergy specialist doctor for your test is to relax before that. It is a very simple process and after you are done, you can rest properly knowing that you are on your way to removing any dangerous and annoying symptoms linked to certain foods you eat.

You can have your nurse practitioner or gastroenterologist write a numbing cream prescription for you.

When you apply the cream on your back before the test helps reduce the itch you feel from the antigens you were exposed to. The cream also reduces the prick you feel from the applicator points, but the majority of people do not feel pain.

Sings that You Might Require a Food Allergy Test

  • Tingling in your mouth or throat after eating
  • Itchy skin or hives
  • Swelling of the face, lips, throat, or tongue after eating
  • Trouble breathing, wheezing, or nasal congestion
  • Digestive problems or abdominal pain
  • Fainting, lightheadedness, or dizziness after eating
  • Persistent eczema

If you have severe food allergy reactions, you need emergency care as soon as possible. You should schedule a test at an allergy clinic Manassas VA right away to prevent it next time.


Food Allergy vs. Food Intolerance: What’s The Difference?

Food and drinks are meant to be enjoyed and to be sources of nourishment and better health. Unfortunately, some people are not able to enjoy certain foods due to health reasons. For example, some people may be advised by their doctors to avoid fatty or salty foods. Others have to avoid dairy products or peanuts due to potential allergic reactions.

Speaking of allergic reactions, you should visit an allergy doctor if you experience symptoms after eating a certain food item. Some of these symptoms may only be mild, while others can be potentially life-threatening. If you suffer from common allergy symptoms, you should go to an allergy clinic immediately for proper treatment.

Often interchanged

There are many types of allergies, one of the most common is food allergies. Food allergies cause adverse reactions when a person consumes a food item that turns out to be the cause of the said allergic reaction. However, there are also instances wherein people mistake food intolerance as allergies.

Food allergies and food intolerance are often mistakenly interchanged but are actually two different things. So, how would you know if what you have is a food allergy or food intolerance? First of all, you should consult a trusted allergist doctor to confirm it. Other than that, you should understand the difference between the two.

All about food allergy

Like any other allergies, a food allergy causes an adverse reaction on the immune system and cause those familiar symptoms including:

  • Itchy skin/hives/skin rashes
  • Runny nose, sneezing, wheezing
  • Stomach pain, diarrhea
  • Vomiting, nausea
  • Swelling around the mouth, throat, or tongue
  • Difficulty in breathing

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease reports that more than 30 million Americans suffer from some kind of allergies – both adults and children. Some children eventually outgrow their allergies, while others bring it along with them into adulthood.

Several food items often cause food allergies such as peanuts, eggs, dairy, soy, tree nuts, wheat, and fish. Food allergies can be life-threatening and can hit different parts of the body including the skin, cardiovascular, respiratory, and gastrointestinal systems. If you have allergies, make sure to visit an allergist for immediate treatment.

All about food intolerance

As mentioned, food allergies are often confused with food intolerance, which is two different things. Although, food intolerance can also cause discomfort and other symptoms similar to food allergies. However, there might be little to none reaction if you eat in small amounts. You can also opt for lactose-free milk or have Lactaid in hand just in case.

You can also consult an allergy physician if you are not sure if it’s an allergy or a food tolerance. Food intolerance occurs because of the following:

  • Being sensitive to certain food ingredients
  • Lack of an enzyme that is crucial to digest food properly
  • Stress/anxiety or any psychological issues that affect your eating
  • Celiac disease

Lactose intolerance is the most common and well-known type of food intolerance. The ingredient lactose is a type of sugar commonly found in dairy products. Some cannot tolerate food additives. The digestive system is the one affected by food intolerance and causes discomfort in your tummy area.

How to differentiate food allergies and intolerance

Both food allergies and intolerance can cause discomfort to those who have it. If you are not sure which of the two you have, you can visit a trusted allergist specialist to confirm your condition. Nevertheless, you should understand the difference between the two.

If you have a food intolerance, your digestive system is the one affected. Whereas, the immune system is often the one affected when someone is experiencing a food allergy. Food intolerance usually is tolerable with mild to moderate discomfort. However, food allergies can be potentially life-threatening if left untreated.

You usually feel the effects of a food intolerance a few hours after you have eaten the offending food. On the other hand, a food allergy symptom usually manifests itself within an hour. If that happens, be prepared to call the nearest emergency room or an allergy clinic in Manassas in case the symptoms worsen.

We need to eat to nourish our bodies and ensure a healthier body and mind. However, we still have to be careful with what we eat and make sure we only eat what’s best for our body and overall health.

Is it a Cold or an Allergy? Here is What You Need to Know

Getting the sniffles can be annoying. Imagine you’re about to sleep but you cannot breathe properly while lying down due to a clogged nose. Or when you’re about to eat your favorite food but you cannot savor its taste because of your runny nose.

Most people think that a runny or stuffy nose, coughing, and sneezing means you have the common colds. However, these symptoms can also indicate signs of an allergic reaction. In such cases, you should consult an allergist doctor near you to treat those allergy symptoms.

But first of all, we must learn to distinguish the difference between common colds and allergies. For one thing, it can be tricky since most of their symptoms are similar. However, their root causes and treatment should be treated accordingly with proper medications.

Common colds vs. Allergies: Know the differences

Although the symptoms of colds and allergies are similar, these two are way different from each other. On the one hand, a common cold is due to different kinds of colds. It is transmitted via droplets from a sick person when they sneeze or cough. Among tell-tale signs of a common cold include:

  • Runny or clogged nose
  • Coughing
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Body pains
  • Watery eyes

People usually recover from colds between a week to up to 10 days. If the abovementioned symptoms last for more than 10 days, you might have yourself checked as it can mean a more serious condition like bronchitis or pneumonia. Colds are all-year-round according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

People who experience allergies and young children are more prone to colds. In such cases, you might have to go to an allergy clinic to help deal with your symptoms.

Allergies, on the other hand, happens following a reaction from the immune system due to contact with certain substances. These triggers, called allergens, cause the symptoms that are similar to that of common colds.

In some cases, those with allergies experience other symptoms not common in colds such as itchy eyes and rashes. Some people experience seasonal allergies, but allergies can be experienced all year round.

How to diagnose allergies and colds

You might not need to consult a doctor for common colds. But it can also be a good idea to consult an allergy doctor if you think you are experiencing symptoms beyond common colds.

In case of a bacterial or viral infection, you might have to undergo further tests like a chest X-ray. But in case of allergies, you need to consult an allergist specialist and undergo allergy testing.

That is why you need to know the abovementioned symptoms to differentiate whether you have colds or allergies. In the worst cases, you might already have been experiencing life-threatening symptoms without you realizing it.

How to deal with common colds

Common colds are not life-threatening unless the symptoms haven’t gone away for weeks. Over-the-counter cough syrups and medicines for colds as well as nasal sprays and pain relievers can provide relief from the common cold. Ask your doctor before taking over-the-counter medicines, especially for kids, or if you are pregnant or have an existing medical condition.

Other ways to provide relief from colds include:

  • Not drinking caffeinated drinks
  • Drinking more citrus-based drinks and water
  • Steam baths

Likewise, you should follow the prescribed duration of taking the medications. Otherwise, it can lead to side effects.

How to deal with allergic reactions

There are other treatments for allergies and prevent its triggers. Antihistamines are the most popular allergy treatments such as Benedryl and Zyrtec. However, these treatments can have side effects such as drowsiness. But other antihistamines have a non-drowsy formula.

For those with a clogged nose, you should take decongestants for relief. Decongestants come in spray or pill forms. Like any other medicines, you should follow the doctor’s prescription to avoid experiencing side effects. Other treatments for allergies include eye drops (for itchy and watery eyes), corticosteroids, and allergy shots.

You should also visit an allergy clinic for proper treatment of allergies. Whether you have allergies or colds, it can affect your daily life nonetheless. Talk to the best allergist in Manassas VA for your allergy-related concerns.

Here is What You Need to Know about Red Meat Allergy

Millions of people all over the world suffer from allergies. Some have food allergies, while others suffer from allergic reactions due to pollen or pet dander. There are also a lot of people who experience allergic reactions but are clueless about what causes allergies in the first place. If you are one of those who experience allergies, you should visit an allergy clinic immediately.

Speaking of food allergy, it is said to affect both children and adults. Food allergy may vary depending on the specific food allergen. For example, some may be allergic to seafood. Others might experience allergic reactions when they eat dairy or nuts. Another type of food allergy, albeit not as common as the aforementioned food, is red meat.

When eating red meat is a gastronomical nightmare

Being allergic to red meat may not be as common as soy or nut allergies. Like any other types of allergies, there are certain meat proteins that cause adverse reactions. These allergens break down once cooked, and cause those familiar allergic reactions upon consumption.

Allergy to red meat, also known as an alpha-gal syndrome or mammalian meat allergy, has no known cure. On a positive note, such a kind of allergy is less common than other types of food allergies. Red meat allergy symptoms can also be more manageable over time. If you suspect of having the alpha-gal syndrome, you should have allergy testing to confirm your condition.

What causes meat allergies?

Red meat allergies may develop as early as in childhood or in late adulthood. In particular, people with current allergies, specific blood types, or atopic dermatitis are at high risk of having meat allergies. Make sure to consult an allergist if you experience any allergy symptoms due to meat consumption.

Lone star tick bites are also one of the major causes of red meat allergies. Lone star ticks are native to the Central and Southern US. It sucks mammals’ blood, which contains the alpha-gal sugar. Once the tick feeds on humans, it transmits the alpha-gal sugar into the bloodstream and there starts the onslaught of red meat allergic reactions.

Apparently, those with blood types A or O have higher risks of having red meat allergy. One possibility for this is that those with the abovementioned blood types do not have the B antigen which is only present in B and AB blood types. The B antigen can provide people with some sort of internal protection against allergic reactions.

Specifically, the so-called alpha-gal sugar is pinpointed as the main culprit of allergic reactions to red meat. This may not also necessarily mean that only those with blood types A or O may suffer from red meat allergy. Instead, those with existing allergies may worsen the symptoms due to alpha-gal allergies.

Red meat allergies are also different from poultry and dairy allergies. Usually, these can be due to undercooked white meat (chicken and turkey). There are also some who are allergic to eggs but not to chicken. Nevertheless, it is better to consult an allergy specialist doctor for any signs of allergic reactions.

Treating red meat allergies

There are some people who did not have any idea that they have red meat allergies until several years later. That is why you should consult an allergy physician if you experience any signs of allergic reactions when you eat something. You might even notice a pattern that can give a clue of what you are allergic to.

One way is subjecting yourself to allergy testing such as blood tests, elimination diet, or a skin prick test. If there is indeed an allergy to red meat, you need to avoid it at all costs. Whether fresh or processed, you should make sure to check the packaging before buying it. You might also have to consult a dietitian to help you cook up meat alternatives without depriving yourself of protein.

In case you have accidentally eaten red meat, you should counter it with antihistamine, inhaler or nasal spray immediately. But if there are severe or potentially life-threatening reactions, you should visit an allergy clinic the soonest.

Enjoy your food, but keep safe too

If you are allergic to any food, including red meat, don’t risk it. Otherwise, you might end up in a hospital bed due to complications. To make sure, consult an allergy physician in Germantown MD if you experience any signs of allergies.

Soy Yummy or Not? What You Need to Know about Soy Allergies

Food is life, literally and figuratively. It gives us the right nutrition we need to keep our bodies and minds healthy. Food also makes us happy and can’t live without eating. No wonder a lot of restaurants, cafes, diners, and food trucks appear here and there and in every street corner. Eating and enjoying our food is basically part of our lives.

However, not all people get to enjoy various foods and cuisines due to allergies. If you are allergic to certain foods, make sure to visit an allergy clinic to help treat your condition. Fortunately, allergies can be easier to manage by taking the prescribed medications religiously. Once symptoms occur, it is important to address them immediately to avoid further complications.

Facts about soy

People have mixed views about soy. On the one hand, some swear by its various health benefits. It is also a great protein alternative especially for vegans and vegetarians out there. Plus, soy is a common ingredient used in many Asian recipes. No wonder Asian people love their soy regardless of whether they incorporate it into sweet or savory dishes.

On the other hand, some do not like soy at all mainly because of their taste and texture. Also, a lot of people are allergic to it. If you are one of these soy allergics, it is best to visit an allergy physician for proper medication and treatment. You might undergo allergy testing when necessary.

There are also different types of soy products, namely: whole soy, fermented, soy-based processed food product, and soy supplements. Examples of whole soy products include tofu and soy milk. Fermented soy, on the other hand, includes products such as soy sauce, tempeh (an Indonesian fermented soy cake), and miso (a Japanese ingredient used in soups).

Soy-based processed food products are usually preferred by vegans and vegetarians as meat and dairy substitutes. Soybean oil and soy flours are also some examples of soy-based processed goods. Lastly, soy supplements are usually added to protein shakes and bars. It is also available in powder or capsule forms.

Symptoms and risks

For one thing, allergy to soy is a common type of allergies, especially among children. It is said that soy allergies usually occur at a young age. But in most cases, it can be outgrown before they reach school age. However, you should bring your child to an allergy doctor if symptoms appear and worsen over time.

This food ingredient is part of the legume family aside from lentils, beans, and peanuts. However, just because you are allergic to soy means you can be allergic to nuts although it may happen in rare cases. Still, it is best to consult an allergist doctor if you have soy allergies. Among symptoms to watch out for possible signs of soy allergies include the following.

  • Stomach cramps
  • Digestion problems
  • Diarrhea
  • Breathing difficulties/tightening of the throat
  • Repetitive coughing
  • Vomiting
  • The occurrence of hives or swelling around the lip or tongue
  • Anaphylaxis in worst cases

Treating soy allergies

Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure for food allergies, including soy allergies. If you are currently breastfeeding, you may have to consult your doctor first to avoid possible complications on the baby. As an adult allergic to soy, the only thing you can do is to avoid soy products as much as possible.

That is why you should make it a point to check the label carefully. Aside from the aforementioned products, soy may be also present in other foods such as vegetable oil, cereals, cookies and crackers, and processed foods among a few. Basically, you should avoid food products with “soy”, “soybeans”, or “soya” in it.

Soy is not all bad… almost

On the one hand, soy provides a lot of health benefits, which are the following:

  • Can help lower cholesterol levels
  • Can improve fertility in women and lessen symptoms of menopause
  • A great source of protein, perfect for vegans and vegetarians

However, soy also has its cons. For example, it is said that soy can affect men’s testosterone levels. However, there is no definite proof of this claim. Still, there should be nothing to stop you from trying soy products unless you are allergic to them.

If you are allergic to soy, it is best to visit an allergy specialist doctor for proper treatment. Find an allergy doctor in Manassas VA today!

How to Treat Allergies the Natural Way

It is no doubt that having some kind of allergic reactions can greatly impact one’s life. In fact, there are millions of people all over the work who suffer from some kind of allergies that hamper their daily life. Among common allergy triggers include food allergies, pet dander, air pollution, dust mites, and specific ingredients used in beauty and household products.

If you suffer from allergies, it is best to visit an allergy clinic and consult an allergist doctor to help manage your symptoms. Some allergies may be seasonal while others may be chronic but should be treated accordingly nonetheless. Otherwise, it can lead to serious health complications or death in the worst cases.

What causes allergies?

For starters, allergies are usually caused by an exaggerated reaction of the immune system with specific allergens. As mentioned, there are different types of allergens that cause such adverse allergic reactions. Allergies can either be seasonal (ex. affects the person during a specific season, say, during pollen season) or chronic (ex. people who had a specific allergy since childhood).

Among common symptoms of allergies include constant sneezing or coughing, itchy and watery eyes/nose/throat, and nasal congestion. In some cases, allergic people experience hives, and skin itching or swelling. In worst cases, the person may experience difficulty in breathing or even death.

The potential effects of over-the-counter allergy medications

While there are a lot of antihistamine products in nearby drug stores, some may experience adverse effects due to taking medications. For one thing, certain medications can also cause allergic reactions. The effects may vary from person to person but should be addressed immediately by an allergy doctor, nonetheless.

Over-the-counter and prescribed allergy medications do provide effective results. However, most of these medications can only do so much. Instead of addressing the root of the issue, it may only mask the symptoms and provide relief for only several hours or so. For “better results”, you would have to take the medication more than once a day. It may even cause adverse effects and make your condition worse than ever.

Is there an alternative way to provide relief from allergies?

More and more allergy sufferers are getting wary of using over-the-counter medications to treat their allergies. Plus, most of these medications don’t come cheap. That is why a lot of them are looking for natural ways to manage their allergies. Make sure to consult an allergist specialist first before trying any of these products.

Vitamin C

This vitamin is mostly associated with the treatment of cough and colds. However, it can also play a major role in managing allergies thanks to its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. There are vitamin C supplements available in the market, but you can also find these in most fruits and vegetables such as:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Broccoli
  • Bell peppers
  • Strawberries
  • Tomatoes
  • And more!


This refers to microorganisms that promote better digestion and also boost your immune system. However, there are mixed reactions regarding the effectiveness of probiotics. Consult an allergy physician before taking probiotics or any similar products.


It is a flavonoid commonly found in several foods and plants. Several studies reveal that quercetin can help in relieving allergic symptoms. Quercetin is present in herbs and foods such as:

  • Broccoli
  • Black tea
  • Berries
  • Red wine
  • Apple
  • Grapes
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Peppers
  • And more!

However, experts suggest taking quercetin supplements than eating foods rich in quercetin if you want to manage your allergic symptoms. Make sure to take the right dosage in taking quercetin, or it may cause adverse effects when taken in large doses.

Essential oils

Some essential oils such as eucalyptus, peppermint, and frankincense are said to work wonders on managing allergic symptoms. You can use it in a diffuser or add a drop into the laundry.

Other allergy-alleviating alternatives

If in case these alternative methods do not take effect on you, here are some other alternatives to manage your allergic symptoms.

  • Change your diet. Eat more greens and fruits. An allergist doctor may also recommend an elimination diet to determine the root cause of your allergic reactions.
  • Try acupuncture or hydrotherapy. Make sure to deal with licensed naturopathic physicians or acupuncturists.
  • Avoid allergens. If you know you are allergic to pollen, pet dander, or any kinds of food, stay away from it as much as possible.
  • Visit the best allergist in Manassas VA for your allergy treatment needs.