Soy Yummy or Not? What You Need to Know about Soy Allergies

By | November 19, 2019

Food is life, literally and figuratively. It gives us the right nutrition we need to keep our bodies and minds healthy. Food also makes us happy and can’t live without eating. No wonder a lot of restaurants, cafes, diners, and food trucks appear here and there and in every street corner. Eating and enjoying our food is basically part of our lives.

However, not all people get to enjoy various foods and cuisines due to allergies. If you are allergic to certain foods, make sure to visit an allergy clinic to help treat your condition. Fortunately, allergies can be easier to manage by taking the prescribed medications religiously. Once symptoms occur, it is important to address them immediately to avoid further complications.

Facts about soy

People have mixed views about soy. On the one hand, some swear by its various health benefits. It is also a great protein alternative especially for vegans and vegetarians out there. Plus, soy is a common ingredient used in many Asian recipes. No wonder Asian people love their soy regardless of whether they incorporate it into sweet or savory dishes.

On the other hand, some do not like soy at all mainly because of their taste and texture. Also, a lot of people are allergic to it. If you are one of these soy allergics, it is best to visit an allergy physician for proper medication and treatment. You might undergo allergy testing when necessary.

There are also different types of soy products, namely: whole soy, fermented, soy-based processed food product, and soy supplements. Examples of whole soy products include tofu and soy milk. Fermented soy, on the other hand, includes products such as soy sauce, tempeh (an Indonesian fermented soy cake), and miso (a Japanese ingredient used in soups).

Soy-based processed food products are usually preferred by vegans and vegetarians as meat and dairy substitutes. Soybean oil and soy flours are also some examples of soy-based processed goods. Lastly, soy supplements are usually added to protein shakes and bars. It is also available in powder or capsule forms.

Symptoms and risks

For one thing, allergy to soy is a common type of allergies, especially among children. It is said that soy allergies usually occur at a young age. But in most cases, it can be outgrown before they reach school age. However, you should bring your child to an allergy doctor if symptoms appear and worsen over time.

This food ingredient is part of the legume family aside from lentils, beans, and peanuts. However, just because you are allergic to soy means you can be allergic to nuts although it may happen in rare cases. Still, it is best to consult an allergist doctor if you have soy allergies. Among symptoms to watch out for possible signs of soy allergies include the following.

  • Stomach cramps
  • Digestion problems
  • Diarrhea
  • Breathing difficulties/tightening of the throat
  • Repetitive coughing
  • Vomiting
  • The occurrence of hives or swelling around the lip or tongue
  • Anaphylaxis in worst cases

Treating soy allergies

Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure for food allergies, including soy allergies. If you are currently breastfeeding, you may have to consult your doctor first to avoid possible complications on the baby. As an adult allergic to soy, the only thing you can do is to avoid soy products as much as possible.

That is why you should make it a point to check the label carefully. Aside from the aforementioned products, soy may be also present in other foods such as vegetable oil, cereals, cookies and crackers, and processed foods among a few. Basically, you should avoid food products with “soy”, “soybeans”, or “soya” in it.

Soy is not all bad… almost

On the one hand, soy provides a lot of health benefits, which are the following:

  • Can help lower cholesterol levels
  • Can improve fertility in women and lessen symptoms of menopause
  • A great source of protein, perfect for vegans and vegetarians

However, soy also has its cons. For example, it is said that soy can affect men’s testosterone levels. However, there is no definite proof of this claim. Still, there should be nothing to stop you from trying soy products unless you are allergic to them.

If you are allergic to soy, it is best to visit an allergy specialist doctor for proper treatment. Find an allergy doctor in Manassas VA today!