Tag Archives: asthma doctor

Should I See A Pulmonologist Or Allergist For Asthma?

If your physician has advised you to see an asthma specialist, you must be wondering, should I see a pulmonologist or allergist for asthma? To answer this question, we need to understand what every specialist does:


A pulmonologist specializes in treating the respiratory system, but it’s not out of the ordinary to find some pulmonologists specializing in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), making them the best specialists to go for specialized care.

Pulmonologists work in hospitals with patients suffering from serious or chronic breathing problems.

A pulmonologist might not be the perfect professional to visit when you are suffering from asthma, but your pulmonologist can connect you with an asthma specialist that will provide you with the best medical care.


These often dig deeper into your breathing problems. For example, they will help you know whether you have inflammation, and as you can guess, these are the best specialists to go for when you are suffering from complicated asthma.

How do you know you should visit an asthma doctor?

If you have mild or well-controlled asthma, you don’t have to see an asthma specialist but if you are experiencing persistent asthma attacks or your symptoms are recurring frequently, you may have to see a specialist.

You should see an allergist-immunologist if any of these scenarios apply to you:

  • Your condition isn’t well controlled, you aren’t getting better with the treatment, or the treatment negatively affects your quality of life.
  • You have been hospitalized or taken to the emergency room for asthma at least three times a year.
  • You are experiencing the side effects of asthma medications. The most common side effects include: growth suppression, oral thrush, weight gain, osteoporosis, and emotional changes.

How will the allergy specialist help you?

There are plenty of ways the allergy specialist can help in managing your condition. Some of these ways include:

Finding the triggers

The professionals will test you to help determine the asthma triggers. These can be pollen, dust, mold, animal dander, and others. After finding the triggers, they will educate you on how to avoid them.

Advice on the medication

Since the asthma specialist knows the best asthma medication, he will advise you on the best one to take for your condition. The expert will also prescribe mepolizumab and omalizumab that come in handy at modulating the immune system and suppressing the body’s response to asthma triggers.

Give you access to the latest diagnostic tools.

Since they are experts, allergist immunologists have access to advanced tools to measure lung health. These tools can assess the current lung function, track how responsive the rungs are to the medications, and help you predict the best future treatment.

Work with you in managing asthma.

If you have been visiting your general doctor for some time, you will notice that they often try to manage the symptoms. It’s a completely different ball game with allergy experts—they not only help you manage the symptoms, but work with you to control the condition, so you live your best life.

For example, instead of avoiding going outside, so you don’t have flare-ups due to pollen exposure, the allergist will administer allergen immunotherapy. Here the specialist administers a series of injections or allergen doses to boost your tolerance to the allergen.

What should you consider when visiting an asthma specialist?

Even if you need an asthma doctor Manassas VA, it doesn’t mean you should go to anyone. Take your time to research and find an experienced professional certified to work in your local area. The professional should also have the necessary certifications.

How Can Doctors Tell If You Have Asthma?

When you have asthma symptoms such as coughing, recurrent wheezing, chest tightness, and troubled breathing, you should visit an asthma doctor to tell you whether you are suffering from the condition and what you should do to manage it.

How can doctors tell you have asthma? Well, they usually do a battery of tests to tell how well your lungs are working. Some of these tests include:


This is the main asthma test for people over 5 years. To tell whether you have asthma, the doctors will give you a tube connected to a spirometer. You should forcibly breathe in and out of the tube, and the spirometer will record the volume of air you exhale and how fast you do it.

Depending on your age, the doctor will determine whether you have asthma based on the volume of air you exhale. For example, if you have asthma, you will exhale at lower levels than normal as asthma has narrowed your airways.

If the doctor feels your airways have been compromised, he will tell you to take an asthma drug to open the passages then repeat the test. If your exhaled air is better the second time, you will be said to be suffering from asthma.

Challenge test

If the doctor undertakes the spirometer tests and the results are normal or near-normal, your doctor can try to trigger the asthma symptoms by asking you to inhale a product that causes the airways to narrow like the people suffering from asthma. One of the most common products that the doctor will ask you to inhale is methacholine.

The doctor can also ask you to jump on a stationary bike or jump around to determine whether your asthma is exercise-induced.

After taking the airways narrowing product or exercising, the doctor will ask you to undertake a spirometry test, and if your spirometry measurements are normal, chances are you don’t have asthma.

On the other hand, if the measurements fall significantly, you most likely have asthma.

Exhaled nitric oxide test

Here you breathe into a tube connected to a machine that measures the amount of nitric oxide gas in your breath. It’s normal for the body to release nitric oxide, but when you breathe extremely high levels, it means that your airways might be inflamed, which is a sign of asthma.

Asthma testing in children

Like adults, children can have asthma, and the doctor can help to know whether they are truly suffering from the condition.

In most cases, doctors don’t do lung tests in children under 5 years of age. Instead, they rely on the child’s signs and symptoms, physical examination and medical history.

If the doctor inspects the child and suspects they might have asthma, they prescribe a bronchodilator to open up the airways. If the child’s signs and symptoms improve after using the bronchodilator, they might be having asthma.

Allergy tests

Although allergy tests won’t help diagnose asthma, they help the doctor tell whether you have any form of allergies that might worsen your existing asthma.

Sometimes when you have allergies, you might be confusing it for asthma, so by the doctor testing the allergies and ruling them out, he can concentrate on testing whether you have allergies.

If you have both allergies and asthma, the allergy doctor Manassas VA will give you medicals to control the allergies to have an easier time managing asthma.

Other tests that the doctor can use

Besides the above tests, the doctor can use plenty of other tests to determine whether you have asthma. These tests include:

  • Sinus CT scans
  • Blood tests
  • X-ray or computerized tomography
  • Gastroesophageal reflux assessment
  • Phlegm examination in the lungs

Does Exercise Help Asthma?

When many people have asthma, they rush to buy asthma medications or see the available asthma doctor. What they don’t realize is they can ease the symptoms by exercising.

Does exercise help asthma? When done right, it does ease the symptoms. The reason for this is because the exercises:

  • Reduce inflammation
  • Improve lung capacity
  • Increase endurance
  • Improve the cardiovascular fitness
  • Strengthen muscle

For best results, avoid exercising outdoors in frigid temperatures, as the low temperatures will worsen the condition. Some of the best asthma exercises that you can engage in include:

Indoor swimming

As much as you will be interacting with low water temperatures, swimming is one of the best asthma exercises you can engage in. It exerts fluid pressure on the chest, you have low pollen exposure, and you breathe in moist, warm air.

While swimming is a great exercise, you should be cautious as the chlorinated waters have been problematic for some people. If you aren’t used to swimming, take caution when you are getting in the waters as you might be allergic to the waters.

Diaphragmatic breathing

If you are into yoga or you don’t like engaging in strenuous exercises, you can engage in diaphragmatic breathing and other types of breathing exercises.

In diaphragmatic breathing, you need to learn how to breathe from the region around the diaphragm instead of from your chest. And by so doing, you strengthen your diaphragm, slow your breathing and decrease the body’s oxygen needs.

To practice diaphragmatic breathing, you need to lie on your back with your knees bent and the pillow under your knees. You can also opt to sit up straight on your chair. With one of your hands on your upper chest and the other on your stomach, breathe slowly through your nose.

While moving the hand on your stomach but keeping the one on your chest still, breathe slowly through your pursed lips. You should keep practising this technique until you can breathe in and out without moving your chest.

You can engage in other excellent breathing exercises such as: nasal breathing, Buteyko breathing, yoga breathing, and pursed-lip breathing.

Recreating biking

Do you love biking? You should pick up your bike and use it to leisurely bike around the estate. Since you are asthmatic, don’t exert a lot of pressure on it as it can worsen the situation. For best results, bike at a leisurely pace.

If it’s during the high pollen season, consider doing the biking when there isn’t a lot of pollen in the air. You can even do indoor cycling on a stationary bike so that you don’t come into contact with the annoying pollen.


Hiking is another excellent exercise you can engage in but don’t do the hiking on a steep trail. The right way to go about it is to choose a relatively flat trail or a steady decline, then have fun.

Before you go out, first check the local pollen count and only proceed with hiking if the pollen levels are low.

Valuable tips for exercising with asthma

Use an inhaler before you exercise. The inhaled medications will relax the airways, making it easy for you to breathe during physical activity.

Warm-up and cool down. Before you begin the exercises, let the body adjust the exercise and when you are done with the exercise, gradually stop the activity.

When you are going outside, cover your nose and mouth with a mask or scarf. This is to prevent the dryness of the cool air from tightening your airways.

Finally, experts in allergy center Germantown MD recommend limiting your exposure to pollen and pollution as much as possible by exercising indoors or only going outside when the pollen count is low in the air.

Managing Asthma During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of life’s greatest miracles. Going through the entire process of pregnancy can be full of ups and downs. But it will surely be worth it when you see your bundle of joy for the first time after nine months. Expect to feel all kinds of emotions while tending to your child – the good, the bad, and the ugly. Unfortunately, the “ugly” part may include other things, like having to undergo asthma treatments due to an asthma attack.

Asthma is a common condition that affects people all over the world. It can make your situation more complicated if you are pregnant. For one, asthma can compromise your unborn baby’s safety if not managed properly. To prevent future complications, you should seek an asthma doctor immediately for the sake of you both.

What triggers asthma in pregnancy?

Asthma triggers during pregnancy are mostly similar to the usual asthma symptoms. However, sensitivity to the symptoms may be increased due to hormonal changes while pregnant. For starters, common asthma triggers may include:

  • Respiratory illnesses including viral and bacterial infections
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease)
  • Smoke (ex. cigarette smoke, smoke produced by vehicles, wood, and cooking, etc.)
  • Perfumes and sprays
  • Allergies (food, chemicals, cosmetics, pet dander, dust, etc.)
  • Emotional triggers (hormonal changes, stressful environment, etc.)

For allergy triggers, it is best to consult an allergy specialist doctor for proper medications suitable for your pregnancy.

How asthma can affect your unborn baby

Having asthma can affect a person’s quality of life, and can make your pregnancy complicated. The unborn baby inside your tummy needs enough oxygen to live. However, having an asthma attack can affect the amount of oxygen entering your body which can compromise your baby’s life.

You may have already been given medications by an allergist to help manage your asthma. However, you may have also considered stopping taking asthma medications when you got pregnant. This is understandable, as taking any medications may cause complications on your pregnancy.

For one, uncontrolled asthma may cause premature birth. You may also experience health complications such as hypertension or preeclampsia. In worst cases, your unborn baby may die due to lack of oxygen because of a severe asthma attack. If you have asthma prior to your pregnancy, it is best to consult an allergy physician to help manage the condition.

How to manage asthma attacks during pregnancy

Here are some tips to help you manage asthma attacks throughout your pregnancy:

  1. Let your doctor know you have asthma.

It is said that asthma symptoms may become worse around six to eight months of pregnancy. Medications taken during or after birth are possible, but can cause discomfort and may even worsen the condition.

To prevent further complications, it is important to inform an allergist doctor about your asthma. Your doctor will help you create a plan and managing your asthma symptoms and ensure smooth and uncomplicated delivery.

  1. Watch out for asthma symptoms.

Asthma is generally manageable even during pregnancy. Good asthma control can also ensure a normal and healthy pregnancy and delivery. Unless advised against by an allergy physician, you can still continue taking asthma medications while you’re pregnant.

Since asthma is supposed to be manageable, one of the things you should do is to watch out for its symptoms. Your symptoms may be worse than your pre-pregnancy days, so take note of that. If you are already experiencing breathing difficulties due to your asthma, head to the nearest clinic or hospital immediately.  Medical personnel will conduct first aid treatment to ensure you and your unborn child are both safe.

  1. Avoid the triggers as much as possible.

If you don’t want to experience asthma during pregnancy, avoid the triggers. At the end of the day, you and your baby’s safety should matter most. Among things you can skip to prevent asthma triggers include:

  • Quitting smoking or avoiding secondhand smoke
  • Avoid overeating and lying down after mealtime (if you have GERD)
  • Avoid interacting with people with infections (ex. colds and flu). Better yet, wear a protective mask when dealing with sick people
  • Avoid other allergy triggers (ex. foods, dust, pet dander, sprays, and perfumes)

Finding the best asthma doctors near you

Consult the best allergist in Manassas VA to help you manage asthma while you’re pregnant. Some doctors would recommend taking flu and allergy shots to prevent severe asthma attacks during the duration of your pregnancy. These medications are considered safe, but make sure to seek medical advice first before taking these.

Managing Allergy-Induced Asthma

Asthma and allergies are only some of the most common health problems. In the US alone, it is said that asthma, a type of respiratory condition, affects one out of 13 people according to a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report. Asthma can affect one’s quality of life, so going to the nearest allergy physician near you can help manage your condition.

But you may ask: “Why should I go to an allergy clinic for my asthma condition?” As you may don’t know yet, asthma and allergies are often connected and can even occur simultaneously. This is because most asthma symptoms are similar to those of allergies. This condition is called allergy-induced asthma.

How allergies are related to asthma

Allergies can be caused by several triggers such as food, dust mites, pet dander, and pollen among a few. There are other triggers such as stress, exercise, and certain infections. These triggers can also cause asthma attacks which can be uncomfortable nonetheless.

People with a history of allergy have a higher risk of having allergic asthma. While some of these triggers can cause allergic reactions such as runny nose and skin breakout, others experience coughing and frequent sneezing.

In worse cases, affected individuals may experience shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing. When these symptoms show up, it is best to consult an allergist to help you manage the condition.

Treating asthma and allergies

There are treatments meant to manage allergy or asthma symptoms. On the other hand, there are also those that can treat both conditions. Among these include the following:

  1. Allergy shots

Also known as immunotherapy, it can help treat asthma symptoms by reducing your body’s reactions to allergic triggers. Allergy shots are applied through scheduled injections of small amounts of allergens which cause allergic reactions.

The entire treatment process will be done in a course of about three to five years. Doing so can help build tolerance from the said allergens. In effect, symptoms can eventually decrease and more manageable than before. The procedure should only be done by an allergy specialist doctor.

  1. Montelukast

Also called Singulair or Leukotriene modifier, this comes in a pill form and is usually taken daily. This medication promises to provide relief from asthma and allergy symptoms. Likewise, it helps manage chemicals that are released in case of allergic reactions.

On the downside, it is said that montelukast causes suicidal and other psychological tendencies. Consult an asthma doctor first before taking this medication. If you are already taking this, seek medical help immediately if you notice the aforementioned symptoms.

  1. Anti-immunoglobulin E immunotherapy

This type of allergy treatment aims to control and manage the chemicals that trigger allergic reactions. One of the most common anti-immunoglobulin E treatments is Xolair. This therapy is only used for patients with up to severe asthma symptoms.

Other treatments for allergy-induced asthma include:

  • Bronchodilators – helps you breathe easier
  • Anti-inflammatory medications – helps reduce swelling (ex. skin rashes due to allergic reactions) as well as relieve asthma symptoms
  • Other medications that block the chemicals causing the allergic reactions

Managing allergies and asthma symptoms

Asthma and allergies can greatly affect one’s quality of life. That is why it is important to identify what your triggers are so you can properly manage your condition. But sometimes, symptoms may change without warning. Nonetheless, you can still manage your allergy and asthma – along with medical help, of course.

First of all, it is important to know what triggers your allergic reactions so you can avoid it beforehand. For example, it may be wise not to have pets at home if you are allergic to pet dander. If you cannot imagine not having a pet, you can opt for “hypoallergenic” pets. However, it is still best to consult an allergy specialist near you if you want to have a pet at home.

People with asthma may have multiple triggers, which is why it is important to identify those symptoms as well. That way, you can easily manage them and be provided the right treatments for your condition. The adage, “Prevention is better than cure”, says true about this kind of situation.

You can still live a normal life despite having allergies

Having allergies and asthma can affect one’s daily life. That is why you should monitor your symptoms and consult the best allergist in Germantown MD. Contact one and avail of a free consultation today.

Eczema: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment


Eczema is a skin condition that affects millions of Americans in the US, both children and adults. It is a condition wherein there is a presence of itchy and rough patches on your skin. Blisters may also occur, making it more uncomfortable for those affected by the condition. If you have eczema, it is best to consult an allergist near you.

Brief facts about eczema

Eczema is an uncomfortable medical condition that can affect your quality of life. It can leave unpleasant scars and marks on your skin. As a result, it can cause low self-esteem and some may end up wearing anything that won’t expose their skin. People with eczema should consult an allergy doctor to help them manage their condition.

This skin condition can be due to an allergic reaction to certain triggers such as pollen, nuts, dairy, eggs, or shellfish among a few. The severity of the reaction varies from person to person. Some may experience mild itching that goes away with prescribed medicines. Meanwhile, some may experience severe symptoms that can even be life-threatening if not treated immediately.

Unfortunately, eczema is an incurable condition. On a positive note, it is not contagious and should not be a reason to discriminate the person who has it. There is no definite cure for eczema, but symptoms can be managed. An allergist doctor will prescribe the right medications to heal damaged skin and provide relief from the symptoms.

Types of eczema

There are different types of eczema, of which the most popular is atopic dermatitis. It is said that almost 20 million US adults suffer from atopic dermatitis. One major signs of atopic dermatitis are the presence of an itchy, red rash that appears on the arms, legs, or cheeks. Other types of eczema include:

  • Seborrheic dermatitis – occurrence of yellowish white flaky patches and commonly affects the skin and scalp
  • Contact dermatitis – a skin reaction that is due to accidentally touching an allergen (ex. Certain plants like poison ivy)
  • Stasis dermatitis – refers to leg swelling and skin irritation due to poor circulation
  • Dyshidrotic eczema – affects both hands and feet and cause itchy, red blisters and also caused by allergen exposure

Symptoms and treatment

Eczema symptoms may vary from person to person. Likewise, it may also be different depending on the person’s age. Eczema can occur to anyone – from infants to the elderly. Most people have this condition since childhood and then carried into adulthood.

If you have the below symptoms, you should go to an allergy clinic so you can get the right treatment for your condition. Common symptoms of eczema include:

  • Presence of rashes on cheeks, scalp, or creases on knees or elbows
  • Rashes may also appear on the neck, ankles, legs, buttocks or wrists
  • Rashes that leak fluid and cause intense itchiness
  • Cause sleep disturbance and may worsen when rubbed or scratched
  • Presence of scaly rashes in adults

As mentioned, there is no definite cure for eczema. However, there are several medications that help manage and alleviate the symptoms. These medications that will be prescribed by an allergy physician should also help heal eczema marks. He or she will also suggest a treatment plan depending on the person’s age, the severity of symptoms, and overall health condition.

Other ways to manage eczema symptoms include the following:

  • Use skin moisturizers. However, make sure to check the ingredients to ensure it won’t do harm on your skin. Preferably use ones that are paraben-free or similar to that.
  • Wear light clothing (ex. Cotton) to let your skin breathe.
  • Use scent-free soap or cleanser on your skin. This also applies to lotions and moisturizers.
  • Avoid rubbing dry your skin after taking a bath. Instead, gently pat your skin dry to avoid irritation.
  • Change into dry clothes after getting all sweaty. Better yet, take a shower after an intense workout or any physical activity.
  • Be aware of your triggers and avoid them as much as possible.
  • Use doctor-prescribed medications including ointments, creams, and antihistamine tablets.

Take care of your skin and your health

Eczema can affect anyone. Symptoms may appear from infancy and carry them over into adulthood. Millions of people all over the world are affected by this condition. It can also affect their daily lives and even their self-esteem.

While it has no definite cure, it can be managed. You should consult the best allergist to help you manage the symptoms. If you have the condition, don’t delay – visit an allergy clinic in Manassas MD today.

How Vitamin D Can Help in Alleviating Asthma


It is said that the majority of Americans have a Vitamin D deficiency. Several studies also revealed possible links to Vitamin D deficiency and various health issues, including asthma. Millions of people worldwide are afflicted with asthma and affect both children and adults. If you experience asthma symptoms, make sure to take asthma treatments prescribed by a trusted asthma doctor.

But first, what is asthma?

Asthma is not only a simple cough that goes away after a couple of days. It is a long-term disease that causes breathing difficulties for people afflicted by it. Some of the most common asthma symptoms include coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing.

Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure for this condition. However, it can still be manageable in different ways. One is by identifying and avoiding any possible triggers. You also have to take prescribed medications as recommended by your asthma doctor. If symptoms seem severe, visit an allergy clinic or the nearest emergency room immediately.

The link between asthma and Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the most essential vitamins for the body. Also known as the “sunshine vitamins”, it enables calcium absorption and also helps in making vitamin D when you go out in the sun.

However, several studies also show a strong connection between asthma and low vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is said to have antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties that reduce asthma attacks. That means low vitamin D levels put someone at a higher risk of asthma and other respiratory issues.

Other results found in various studies state that vitamin D:

  • Is more likely to lessen the risk of asthma attacks, although this study is only limited to those with mild to moderate cases of asthma.
  • Should also represent those who have severe cases of asthma as well as children. There should be more studies involving these said cases.

If you or a loved one has asthma, you can go to an allergist doctor to help manage your asthma symptoms. It is also better to have a good level of vitamin D by taking supplements and eating vitamin D-rich foods.

How safe is vitamin D?

Vitamin D is generally safe to take. As mentioned, vitamin D is an important body nutrient. However, you need to take note of the right dosage for the best results. Before taking any vitamin D supplements, make sure to ask an asthma doctor first.

It is also important to note that vitamin D won’t cure your asthma and should not replace your prescribed medications. Likewise, you should not take any other medicines together with vitamin D.

Still, researchers are hoping that vitamin D, together with the usual medications for asthma, means a better life for asthmatics. You can get it through supplements or good sun exposure, although you should not overdo the latter or risk having skin cancer.

Plus, vitamin D can also do more than help people manage their asthma symptoms. It can also improve bone and muscle health, and reduce the risk of having flu and common colds. That said, it is better to include vitamin D to your regular health regimen.

Creating an action plan for asthma

Those suffering from asthma should have a sound action plan to deal better with their condition. This includes determining whether the symptoms are getting worse and what to do to manage the situation.

Most doctors would suggest including three action zones: Green for “good to go”, Yellow for “taking extra precaution”, and Red for “take action ASAP”. The last one means there is the presence of severe symptoms like breathing difficulty. In such cases, you need to seek medical help immediately

For children who suffer from asthma, you should include photos of medications taken. There should also be a statement of consent for parents or caregivers in case the child needs immediate asthma treatment.

For adults, make sure to assign a trusted person where to find your prescribed medication in case of emergencies. You should also include persons to contact should your condition worsen due to asthma attacks.

As mentioned, there might be no cure for asthma. But there are a lot of ways to manage the condition, including vitamin D. Vitamin D not only can help manage your asthma – at least according to various studies – but also can improve your bone and muscle health.

Of course, you should consult the experts first before taking any medications. Contact a reliable allergy specialist doctor in Germantown MD today!

Double Danger: Will COVID-19 and Asthma Make Your Health Situation Worse?

We all live in a scary time due to the rapid spread of the dreaded COVID-19 virus. As of date, about 114 countries already have cases of this disease. As of March 10, the WHO reported more than 110,000 infected individuals and more than 4,000 deaths. Unfortunately, the figures might continue to rise in the days to come.

What is the COVID-19 virus?

For starters, a coronavirus is a group of viruses that affect a person’s respiratory system. This includes SARS, MERS-CoV, and COVID-19 viruses. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), common symptoms of coronavirus, including the COVID-19, include dry cough, fever, and difficulty in breathing.

It can also take a toll on those with asthma since the virus affects the respiratory system. You need to visit an asthma doctor to help you manage the symptoms. Allergy testing might also be necessary to help rule out allergic triggers. In times like these, everyone should observe proper hygiene and be proactive if you experience the abovementioned symptoms.

Can asthmatics be more high risk due to COVID-19?

The CDC advised those who suffer from asthma to be vigilant with their surroundings. Those with asthma should also avoid large crowds, observe proper hygiene, and take vitamins to boost the immune system.

When necessary, stock up on basic goods that will be good for two weeks. Take asthma treatments as per doctor’s orders, or visit an allergy clinic if not feeling well due to your condition. Since the virus affects the respiratory system, it’s a good thing especially for asthmatics to double up their defenses.

The (somewhat) good news is that there is little to no link of the virus to asthma – at least in the confirmed cases in the US. However, the CDC and WHO report that those with asthma are still those who are at high risk of contracting the virus. Others who are at high risk include those who:

  • Came into direct contact with a COVID-19 patient
  • Are aged 60 and above
  • Have existing medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease

Those with asthma should be twice as careful when going outside or touching objects. However, this should not be applicable to the abovementioned people. Everyone, healthy or with medical conditions, should do their part on keeping themselves and others COVID-19-free.

Myths surrounding COVID-19 virus

Much has been said about this virus. While there are far worse pandemics in the past, this does not mean we should already downplay COVID-19. Everyone is at risk of contracting this disease. We can only so much to protect ourselves by following the authorities’ reminders in terms of cleanliness and proper hygiene.

Sometimes though, we cannot tell what legit news from fake ones is especially on social media. Here are some myths about the COVID-19 virus and the truths behind it.

The virus cannot thrive in hot and humid weather.

So far, there is no proven fact about this. In fact, the virus has already spread globally regardless of the climate. A lot of Asian countries, where weather is mostly warm and humid, have already reported thousands of COVID-19 cases in total. The same also goes with countries located in higher altitudes (many European and North America).

You can eliminate the disease by having a hot bath.

Regardless of whether you took a hot or cold bath, you cannot eliminate the virus that way. Unless you want to burn yourself with a hot bath, then go ahead and do it. This is the same as using a hand or blow dryers.

UV lamps and thermal scanners can detect COVID-19.

One should not use UV lamps to sterilize hands or other parts of the body. This is because UV radiation can lead to skin irritation. Meanwhile, thermal scanners common in airports and other public events. It can only detect fever, but not the COVID-19 virus itself.

Pets can spread or get infected with the coronavirus.

As of now, there is no proof that house pets can get affected by the virus. Still, it is best to wash your hands after touching your pets.

Be proactive at this trying time

If you have asthma and experiencing respiratory issues, make sure to visit an asthma doctor immediately. An allergy specialist can help you manage your asthma symptoms. If worse comes to worst, you should have yourself checked to confirm whether you have the dreaded disease or not.

Observing proper hygiene is still the best action to take to avoid the spread of the virus. Wash hands with soap for at least 20 seconds, stay away from large crowds and disinfect your home with alcohol or bleach from time to time. Allergists in Germantown MD also recommend taking medications to avoid allergic reactions and asthma from getting worst.

Common Myths about Asthma That Need to Be Debunked Now

Asthma has been on the rise since the 1980s regardless of age, ethnicity, and gender. In fact, a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC revealed that around 25 million Americans suffer from asthma. The figures include both adults and kids, and it is can be likely to increase within the next few years.

This condition also accounts for almost 10 million asthma doctor visits. Asthma is also considered as one of the most common and major illnesses that affect millions of adults and children alike. Sadly, thousands of individuals die due to the complications of asthma every year.

Having said that, asthma is a potentially life-threatening condition if asthma treatments are not given to patients as soon as possible. It is usually caused by several allergic triggers which can result in difficulty in breathing, persistent coughing, and death in worst cases. While there is no permanent cure for asthma, symptoms can somehow be alleviated through proper medication and find an allergist near you.

Understanding asthma

An asthmatic person experiences constricted airways which can lead to breathing difficulties and coughing. Asthma attacks cause discomfort to the afflicted person and he or she may even end in the emergency room. However, having asthma does not mean you won’t be able to live your life to the fullest.

This is something all of us, especially those with asthma, should stop believing now. As mentioned, there is no cure for asthma. However, there are asthma treatments available to alleviate the symptoms and make you feel better. It is also important to understand what really asthma is and what to do in case of asthma attacks.

Common asthma myths

It is really true that asthma can be life-threatening especially when left unattended. It is simply a matter of properly managing this respiratory condition through medication and prevention. There are also some common misconceptions about asthma that should be debunked right now. Admit it or not, you may have believed these lies too at some point.

Asthmatic people should not exercise.

On the contrary, it is actually a must for asthmatic people to adopt a healthy lifestyle including exercise. For example, you can try low-impact exercises such as swimming or brisk walking. Otherwise, you can consult an allergy specialist doctor to know other types of exercise that are suitable for asthmatic people.

Taking dietary supplements can get rid of asthma.

As mentioned, there is no permanent cure for asthma. More so, there is no dietary supplement or any other medicine that can completely get rid of the condition. In such cases, it is still best to listen to your doctor’s advice regarding the right medications and lifestyle changes needed to manage your condition.

Asthma can disappear over time.

Unfortunately, it won’t. The condition may improve, but you will have to deal with for the rest of your life. You may have it in your childhood, becomes dormant for a while, and then reappears later on in your life. Most of the time, asthma surfaces due to health or environmental triggers.

It’s all in the mind.

Asthma is a real medical condition which affects millions of people around the world. For one, it is due to environmental triggers such as pollution, dust, weather changes, and viral sicknesses. Asthma usually affects the airways and results in breathing difficulties and coughing. In such cases, it is best to visit an allergy clinic for proper medication.

Managing asthma

The feeling of breathlessness due to an asthma attack can be frightening even if it has already happened multiple times. To avoid making your condition worse, the first thing you need to do is to stay as calm as possible. Here are some tips to help manage your condition.

Make a plan for asthma management.

This is one important way to manage your asthma attacks. Prepare an asthma action plan whether verbal or written. It can help lessen the panic you are feeling and cope with your condition better.

Keep your medications in handy at all times.

Make sure to keep your medication with you in case an asthma attack occurs. Common medications for asthma include a nebulizer or a quick-relief inhaler.

Keep away from asthma triggers.

Make sure to stay away from foods and other environmental factors that can trigger asthma. That is why you should be familiar with your triggers so you can manage your condition properly and promptly.

Seek help from medical experts

For your asthma condition and how to manage it effectively, make sure to deal only with reliable allergist doctor in Germantown MD.

Can You Become Allergic Overnight?

Allergies can be quite a hassle because it can affect your overall quality of life. Eating foods you love or taking care of a pet can become your ultimate curse – and even compromise your health and endanger your life. These may sound exaggerating but actually happens in real life. That is why it is important to consult an allergy specialist doctor if you suspect to have allergies to anything.

Allergies usually manifest themselves during childhood. In fact, a lot of kids are allergic to at least one type of allergen. On the other hand, adults are not immune to allergies which should be consulted to an allergy clinic nearby. However, you might ask: can you have allergies later on in life or develop overnight?

How common allergies are

Allergies are a common illness which affects millions of people worldwide. The Centers for Disease Control revealed that allergies are one of the leading causes of major illnesses in the US alone. Treating it by an allergist doctor can turn out to be expensive too – almost $20 billion annually, to be exact.

Allergies are commonly caused by several triggers: food, air, pet dander, medications, or chemicals in everyday household items among a few. Among usual allergic reactions include sneezing, watery eyes, and skin itching to name a few. In worse cases, the allergic individual may experience difficulty in breathing which should be treated immediately to prevent further complications.

To prevent the onset of allergies, one should consult an allergist so proper medications will be given to you. Sometimes, a simple cough may not be as simple as it seems but rather an effect of allergy. That is why you should address and monitor symptoms you think is due to an allergic reaction.

Can adults have allergies later on in life?

Experts say allergies can suddenly creep up to you without warning. You may not have it when you were a child, but you may have it later on. One day you don’t feel any symptoms, and then feel your eyes watering or itching the next day. Allergies can be a mysterious case, nonetheless.

On the other hand, children can outgrow their allergies later on in life but may reappear as they grow old. This can be one of the scary things about allergies. You think you’re fine and lived with it all your life until the symptoms suddenly appear out of nowhere.

One theory about the onset of allergies in adulthood is apparently due to increased levels of pollutants (such as pet dander and dust mites) and unhealthy lifestyles. Another reason is said to be because of “too much cleanliness”.

Apparently, we focus on being too clean that our immune system has basically “nothing to do” – no bacteria to counter, to say the least. As a result, experts believe our immune system may tend to “overreact” to potential allergens which cause allergic reactions.

However, the exact reason behind this delayed onset of allergy may be unknown. But the good news is that adult allergies can still be manageable, as long as you identify the causes as early as possible. To help manage your allergies, it is best to consult an allergist specialist immediately.

How old adults are when they experience allergic symptoms?

According to allergist doctor Kevin McGrath, MD, a lot of people experience allergies in their childhood. However, adults aged 30 and above start to experience allergy symptoms. This can imply that allergies can affect all age groups. Nevertheless, allergies can affect anyone’s quality of life regardless of age.

Medical experts believe that adults may most likely experience adulthood allergies if they have experienced one during childhood. Some of them may remember having such an episode in their life, while some may be a distant memory. However, there are still those who experience allergic symptoms the first time ever in their whole lives during their adult years.

Once you notice unusual symptoms that are out of ordinary – at least in your everyday life – you should consult an allergy expert immediately. He or she should be able to provide medications that can help manage your allergies. If you ignore these symptoms, it can potentially endanger your life.

Let experts help you manage your allergies

Allergies can affect your everyday life. As mentioned, you may not have it at first. However, it can suddenly appear out of nowhere. In such cases, you should consult an allergy physician in Germantown MD. He or she should help you in managing your allergies and live a normal life as possible.