Tag Archives: allergy specialist

What Is The Best Drink For Allergies?

Alongside conventional medicines such as antihistamines and decongestants, drinks help in improving allergic symptoms. Wondering what is the best drink for allergies? Well, there are plenty of drinks you can go for, with the common ones being:


According to an allergy specialist, water soothes a sore throat and comes in handy at reducing congestion by thinning mucus. And the beauty is you don’t need to go for a specific type of water—regular drinking water is enough.

Green tea

Green is a natural choice for tea lovers all over the world. Besides its light and refreshing taste, green tea has natural anti-histamine effects, so it comes in handy at alleviating allergy symptoms. There is no right or wrong green tea brand you can go for—it all depends on your taste and budget.

As a rule of thumb, go for green tea that you love and tastes the best for you.

Freshly squeezed orange juice

If you don’t like green tea, there is an excellent option you can go with—orange juice. Orange juice is rich in vitamin C, a natural antihistamine that comes in handy at fighting allergy symptoms.

When taking the orange juice, stay away from factory-made juice, as this juice contains other chemicals and sugars that are unhealthy for you. The best way to go about it is to buy it from a street vendor or buy oranges and make the juice at home.

Besides oranges, other excellent sources of vitamin C are strawberries, broccoli, and potatoes.

Peppermint tea

When you have an allergic reaction, your nasal passages swell, reducing airflow and bringing about congestion.

Peppermint tea is a highly effective decongestant that works by thinning out the mucus, allowing it to flow more easily.

The tea also produces steam containing heat and moisture that too loosens the mucus and eases congestion.


Many people having allergies often prefer drinks containing caffeine because they contain high histamine levels that are highly effective at alleviating allergy symptoms.

If you have tried the teas and they aren’t working for you, try out other drinks containing lower histamine levels. You can make a smoothie from almost anything. Your imagination is your limitation.

When preparing the smoothie, don’t use milk or yogurt as it contains high histamine levels and makes the mucus thicker.

There are plenty of healthy smoothie recipes you can use to your advantage. These recipes are rich in vitamin C and, at the same time, packed full of natural antihistamines that are highly effective at alleviating allergy symptoms.

Chamomile tea

When well prepared, chamomile tea is a highly relaxing and comforting drink that comes in handy at fighting allergies. The reason it’s such an effective drink is because it contains chemical compounds that fight inflammation.

Nettle tea

Most people associate this tea with a sting. While there is the risk of getting stung when you are getting the nettles, nettle tea contains plenty of natural antihistamines that are highly effective at fighting off allergy symptoms such as nasal congestion and itching.

Nettles are also rich in minerals and vitamins that are healthy for you.

If you are a dab hand at DIY projects, you can make nettle tea using fresh, wild plants, but if you don’t want to risk a painful sting, allergy specialist doctor Manassas VA advises you get already made teas from your local shop.

The key to getting the most from the nettle tea or any other tea we have mentioned here is to get high-quality tea. This calls for you to buy them from a reputable shop. This way you are sure they haven’t been tempered with.

How To Make Allergies Go Away Fast

Allergies are annoying. You sneeze, have a runny nose, eyes water, so you want out of this condition as soon as possible. The cool thing is it’s possible to do it. To help out, here are tips on how to make allergies go away fast, as given by allergy specialist:

Stay away from the trigger.

Do you know what is bringing about the allergies? You should stay away from it. If your condition is due to exposure to pollen, stay away from it. You can do this by staying indoors and working from home.

If you love exercising, do it in the early mornings or late in the evening when there isn’t much pollen in the air.

If you have to go outside during the peak pollen hours, ensure that you put on a mask to don’t inhale the pollen. When you come back to the house, take caution not to bring the pollen into the house. One way to do this is to remove your coat at the door.

Remember that you might be hiding from the pollen, but they still find you in the house. To ensure that this doesn’t happen, take measures to ensure that no pollen gets into the house.

One of the things you can do is to invest in a HEPA air filter. This filter traps most airborne allergens such as dust, pollen, and pet dander, so it keeps off most pollen and other irritants.

If you have the means, invest in an air purifier. Besides the purifier getting rid of the pollen, it can also clean the finer air particles and fumes.

Other ways you can ensure that the pollen doesn’t get into the house and you reduce your exposure as much as possible include:

  • Shut the windows and run an air filter
  • Vacuum the house twice a week, especially when the pollen count is high
  • Wash your clothes as soon as you come back after being outdoors
  • Wash your pillowcases, blankets, and sheets in hot or warm water every week or two
  • Keep the windows shut and run an air filter

Get allergy medication

If you do the above and still the symptoms aren’t receding, try taking the allergy medications. Some of the medications you can take include:


From their name, antihistamines work by blocking “histamine,” a chemical released by the immune system. There are many antihistamine brands in the market, and it’s up to you to choose the one that works for you.

Nasal sprays

Nasal sprays often work well with antihistamines, where they work together at bringing down the inflammation in your nose and sinuses.


These are meant to relieve stuffiness, and like the other medications, they come in different brands, and it’s up to you to choose the best one.

While decongestants are highly effective, you should note that they come with various side effects, such as increased heart rate, high blood pressure, insomnia, and irritability. Due to their many side effects, decongestants are ideal for use in the short term.

Try natural remedies

Don’t like the idea of taking medications? You can always try natural remedies. Some of the best remedies include:

Sinus rinses: From its name, this is where you rinse your sinus, and by so doing, you flush out gunk and allergens hence reducing swelling and easing the symptoms.

Acupuncture: With acupuncture, tiny needles are placed under your skin, which corrects the imbalances in the body.

Some doctors believe that acupuncture decreases inflammation, a major factor in an allergic response.

To be on the safe side, before you go for the method, talk to your allergy doctor Manassa VA and find out whether acupuncture will be valuable to you.

What Should An Asthma Patient Avoid?

Do you suffer from asthma and wondering what should an asthma patient avoid? Well, to avoid having to visit your asthma doctor now and then for treatment, there are several things you should avoid. These things include:


Unless you live in rural areas where there is dirt everywhere, you should strive to stay away from dirt as much as possible. And you should start with your home.

At least once a week, give your house a thorough cleaning. You should clean every corner of the house, including the corners of the house and beddings.


It’s not a coincidence that asthma and allergy symptoms increase when there is a high pollen count in the atmosphere.

To protect yourself, stay away from flower and tree pollen. This calls for you to avoid going outdoor during the day when the pollen count is high. If you have pollinating plants and trees in the house, get them outside.

Even if your indoor plants don’t have pollen, you should take good care of them so that they don’t form mold. This calls for you to avoid overwatering the plants. You also should keep them in a sunny area and remove as many dead plants as possible.


Pets are soothing and comforting. Unfortunately, they can be harmful to asthmatics. The reason for this is because the small fur pieces, hair particles, saliva, and skin are known to trigger asthma.

As an animal lover, it can be difficult to stay away from your dog or cat but to reduce your asthma severity, you have to keep a distance. You can give the pet to a friend or take them to a shelter. It will be difficult, but you have to do it for your health.


A glass of wine is said to be good for a healthy heart, but it can be harmful to those who have asthma. Whether it’s red, white, black, pink, or purple, wine will cause more harm than good so stay away from it.

Any type of wine is harmful because it contains sulfites, a type of preservative you find in various foods and beverages. These sulfites are known to cause asthma, so you are better off staying away from them.

Getting worked up

We are emotional beings, and it can be hard to tell someone not to be angry, frightened, or anxious, but as an asthmatic, you have no way out, other than to try to control your emotions as much as you can.

You should restrain yourself from getting worked up because by doing so, you alter your breathing, which significantly contributes to an asthmatic attack.

Smoke and kitchen aromas

These two are serious irritants to people living with asthma, so you should avoid them. An ideal situation is to stay out of the kitchen, but if you can’t, ensure the kitchen is properly ventilated.

If you don’t have the money to install a chimney or exhaust fan, install a large window that will allow the kitchen smells to escape outside.

Asthma triggering foods

Did you know there are some foods that can trigger your allergies? The common ones are eggs, soy, milk, peanuts, shrimp, fish, and others. Allergist specialist Manassas VA also report that food preservatives such as potassium bisulfate, sodium bisulfate, potassium metabisulfite and sodium sulfite can also trigger asthma.


You should stay away from the cold weather and the normal common cold. This calls for you to stay indoors during the cold season. You also should stay away from people suffering from a cold or flu. When you come into contact with anyone with flu or cold-like symptoms, wash your hands as soon as possible.

Should I See A Pulmonologist Or Allergist For Asthma?

If your physician has advised you to see an asthma specialist, you must be wondering, should I see a pulmonologist or allergist for asthma? To answer this question, we need to understand what every specialist does:


A pulmonologist specializes in treating the respiratory system, but it’s not out of the ordinary to find some pulmonologists specializing in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), making them the best specialists to go for specialized care.

Pulmonologists work in hospitals with patients suffering from serious or chronic breathing problems.

A pulmonologist might not be the perfect professional to visit when you are suffering from asthma, but your pulmonologist can connect you with an asthma specialist that will provide you with the best medical care.


These often dig deeper into your breathing problems. For example, they will help you know whether you have inflammation, and as you can guess, these are the best specialists to go for when you are suffering from complicated asthma.

How do you know you should visit an asthma doctor?

If you have mild or well-controlled asthma, you don’t have to see an asthma specialist but if you are experiencing persistent asthma attacks or your symptoms are recurring frequently, you may have to see a specialist.

You should see an allergist-immunologist if any of these scenarios apply to you:

  • Your condition isn’t well controlled, you aren’t getting better with the treatment, or the treatment negatively affects your quality of life.
  • You have been hospitalized or taken to the emergency room for asthma at least three times a year.
  • You are experiencing the side effects of asthma medications. The most common side effects include: growth suppression, oral thrush, weight gain, osteoporosis, and emotional changes.

How will the allergy specialist help you?

There are plenty of ways the allergy specialist can help in managing your condition. Some of these ways include:

Finding the triggers

The professionals will test you to help determine the asthma triggers. These can be pollen, dust, mold, animal dander, and others. After finding the triggers, they will educate you on how to avoid them.

Advice on the medication

Since the asthma specialist knows the best asthma medication, he will advise you on the best one to take for your condition. The expert will also prescribe mepolizumab and omalizumab that come in handy at modulating the immune system and suppressing the body’s response to asthma triggers.

Give you access to the latest diagnostic tools.

Since they are experts, allergist immunologists have access to advanced tools to measure lung health. These tools can assess the current lung function, track how responsive the rungs are to the medications, and help you predict the best future treatment.

Work with you in managing asthma.

If you have been visiting your general doctor for some time, you will notice that they often try to manage the symptoms. It’s a completely different ball game with allergy experts—they not only help you manage the symptoms, but work with you to control the condition, so you live your best life.

For example, instead of avoiding going outside, so you don’t have flare-ups due to pollen exposure, the allergist will administer allergen immunotherapy. Here the specialist administers a series of injections or allergen doses to boost your tolerance to the allergen.

What should you consider when visiting an asthma specialist?

Even if you need an asthma doctor Manassas VA, it doesn’t mean you should go to anyone. Take your time to research and find an experienced professional certified to work in your local area. The professional should also have the necessary certifications.

Can You Develop Allergies To Cats Later In Life?

Picture this. You are a cat person, and you grew up with cats as a child. Heck. You even have one in your house right now.

One evening after a long day at work, as you are cuddling your furry friend, you start sneezing, and your eyes start getting red.

You are worried. Can you develop allergies to cats later in life? You wonder.

Like food allergies, cat allergies can develop later in life, but you shouldn’t rush to concluding that you have the allergies.

The first thing you should do is visit an allergy clinic, and the allergist will do a skin or blood test to confirm that you are truly suffering from cat allergies.

How can you control allergies?

After the doctor has confirmed that you are suffering from cat allergies, you should develop ways to protect yourself from them. Luckily, there are plenty of ways you can do it, with the most popular ones being:

Using medications

There are plenty of medications you can use to control the symptoms:

Decongestants: Like the over-the-counter pseudoephedrine and other allergy drugs, decongestants contain Claritin, Allegra-D, and Zyrtec-D that come in handy at easing the allergy symptoms.

Antihistamines: The beauty of most antihistamines is they are available over the counter, so you can easily access them. The most popular options include: fexofenadine, loratadine, diphenhydramine, and azelastine.

Nasal steroid sprays: These are meant to ease the asthma symptoms brought about by the condition. The most popular steroid sprays you can use are: fluticasone, budesonide, and triamcinolone.

Allergy shots: Although, they aren’t the first line of cat allergy treatment options as they aren’t often effective and take longer to complete, they can be of great value to some people.

Reducing your exposure to cats

The other way you can control the cat allergy symptoms is by reducing your exposure to the cats. Some of the ways you can reduce your exposure to these felines include:

Don’t touch, hug or kiss the cats: Even if you are single and it’s only the cat you have with you, you should avoid hugging, touching, or kissing them regardless of the inclination.

Be cautious of your cat-loving friends: Since you are a cat person, you most likely have a couple of cat-loving friends, right? After confirming that you are suffering from cat allergies, you need to be cautious when interacting with them.

Even if they don’t come visiting with their cats, chances are they have cat dander on their clothes and luggage, and this can make you sick when you hug or get too close to them.

Have a separate room for the cat: If you are lucky to have a large house with many rooms, consider having a separate room for your cat. This will minimize the contact, and at the same time, it will be easy to clean for the cat.

Get rid of the cat: If you aren’t too attached to the cat, you will be better off getting rid of the cat from your house. No, you don’t need to kill the cat. Instead, give the cat to a cat-loving person. The person can be your friend or even a family member. You only need to ensure they love cats and they will take good care of it.

If you don’t know a person that would love a cat in real life, there are plenty of online resources that help people swap cats and other pets, and you can use these to your advantage.

It will be painful to part with a loved one, but it will save you plenty and expensive trips to an allergy specialist Germantown MD seeking medications and consultations.

What Helps Allergies At Home?

When you are suffering from seasonal allergies, the best solution is to see an allergy specialist who will undertake a battery of tests and recommend the best medication for the condition. Unfortunately, not all of us love hospitals or have the resources to visit one.

What should you do if you fall into one of these categories? The best way out is to control the condition at home. Are you wondering what helps with allergies at home? There are plenty of things you can do. Some of them include:

Keep the filters in top condition.

Dirty air conditioners and furnace filters will worsen your condition, so ensure they are clean and in pristine condition. This means they should not have holes in them. Thankfully, you don’t need to hire a professional to help with the filters—you only need to access their panel and remove them. You can clean or replace them depending on their current condition.

If you don’t currently have the filters in your home, you can add them, either as standalone room units or central heating and air system. According to the American college of allergy, asthma, and immunology, if you have a single room, install a unit with a HEPA filter. To get the most from the filter, ensure that the CADR (clean air delivery rate) is right for the size of the room you are using.

If you have a central and air conditioning system already installed in the house, you can turn it into a filtration system for the entire house by installing a better air filter. Thankfully, there are plenty of permanent and disposable options you can go with.

Herbal teas

When taken properly, herbal teas can work magic. These teas usually have anti-inflammatory effects, which significantly reduce allergy symptoms. Some of the teas you should try out include: stinging nettle, milk thistle, ginkgo, and red clover.

Nose cleansing

It’s common for pollen to adhere to the mucus membranes hence the constant irritation. To alleviate the symptoms, cleanse the nasal passages using Neti pot or nasal spray and flush out the nasal passages.

Do acupuncture

Acupuncture has been shown to relieve the acute symptoms of allergy and at the same time treat the root problems of the condition. While you can do the acupuncture by yourself by following online videos, it’s wise that you have a professional do it for you to reduce the risks of accidents occurring.

Keep as much pollen out of the house as possible.

Besides installing a highly efficient filtration system, keep the windows closed during peak pollen hours. When you get in the house, remove your shoes, so you don’t bring any pollen inside.

If possible, change your clothes before you step into the house so you don’t bring in the pollen that might have clung to your fabric.

Detoxify your body

Studies show that toxins worsen the allergies in the body. The liver is a great mediator of inflammation, and when you have a lot of toxins in the liver, you have a lot of inflammation, and the allergies flare-up.

When you detox your body, you get rid of sugar, fried foods, and other toxins, reducing inflammation. The best way to detoxify the body is to use liver-supportive foods and herbs such as turmeric, milk thistle, citrus fruits, nuts, and artichoke.

See a doctor

You can indeed control allergies at home but if you have tried everything without success, find allergy doctor Manassas VA to recommend the best course of action. When getting an allergist, ensure that are experienced and know what they are doing.

Managing Asthma During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of life’s greatest miracles. Going through the entire process of pregnancy can be full of ups and downs. But it will surely be worth it when you see your bundle of joy for the first time after nine months. Expect to feel all kinds of emotions while tending to your child – the good, the bad, and the ugly. Unfortunately, the “ugly” part may include other things, like having to undergo asthma treatments due to an asthma attack.

Asthma is a common condition that affects people all over the world. It can make your situation more complicated if you are pregnant. For one, asthma can compromise your unborn baby’s safety if not managed properly. To prevent future complications, you should seek an asthma doctor immediately for the sake of you both.

What triggers asthma in pregnancy?

Asthma triggers during pregnancy are mostly similar to the usual asthma symptoms. However, sensitivity to the symptoms may be increased due to hormonal changes while pregnant. For starters, common asthma triggers may include:

  • Respiratory illnesses including viral and bacterial infections
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease)
  • Smoke (ex. cigarette smoke, smoke produced by vehicles, wood, and cooking, etc.)
  • Perfumes and sprays
  • Allergies (food, chemicals, cosmetics, pet dander, dust, etc.)
  • Emotional triggers (hormonal changes, stressful environment, etc.)

For allergy triggers, it is best to consult an allergy specialist doctor for proper medications suitable for your pregnancy.

How asthma can affect your unborn baby

Having asthma can affect a person’s quality of life, and can make your pregnancy complicated. The unborn baby inside your tummy needs enough oxygen to live. However, having an asthma attack can affect the amount of oxygen entering your body which can compromise your baby’s life.

You may have already been given medications by an allergist to help manage your asthma. However, you may have also considered stopping taking asthma medications when you got pregnant. This is understandable, as taking any medications may cause complications on your pregnancy.

For one, uncontrolled asthma may cause premature birth. You may also experience health complications such as hypertension or preeclampsia. In worst cases, your unborn baby may die due to lack of oxygen because of a severe asthma attack. If you have asthma prior to your pregnancy, it is best to consult an allergy physician to help manage the condition.

How to manage asthma attacks during pregnancy

Here are some tips to help you manage asthma attacks throughout your pregnancy:

  1. Let your doctor know you have asthma.

It is said that asthma symptoms may become worse around six to eight months of pregnancy. Medications taken during or after birth are possible, but can cause discomfort and may even worsen the condition.

To prevent further complications, it is important to inform an allergist doctor about your asthma. Your doctor will help you create a plan and managing your asthma symptoms and ensure smooth and uncomplicated delivery.

  1. Watch out for asthma symptoms.

Asthma is generally manageable even during pregnancy. Good asthma control can also ensure a normal and healthy pregnancy and delivery. Unless advised against by an allergy physician, you can still continue taking asthma medications while you’re pregnant.

Since asthma is supposed to be manageable, one of the things you should do is to watch out for its symptoms. Your symptoms may be worse than your pre-pregnancy days, so take note of that. If you are already experiencing breathing difficulties due to your asthma, head to the nearest clinic or hospital immediately.  Medical personnel will conduct first aid treatment to ensure you and your unborn child are both safe.

  1. Avoid the triggers as much as possible.

If you don’t want to experience asthma during pregnancy, avoid the triggers. At the end of the day, you and your baby’s safety should matter most. Among things you can skip to prevent asthma triggers include:

  • Quitting smoking or avoiding secondhand smoke
  • Avoid overeating and lying down after mealtime (if you have GERD)
  • Avoid interacting with people with infections (ex. colds and flu). Better yet, wear a protective mask when dealing with sick people
  • Avoid other allergy triggers (ex. foods, dust, pet dander, sprays, and perfumes)

Finding the best asthma doctors near you

Consult the best allergist in Manassas VA to help you manage asthma while you’re pregnant. Some doctors would recommend taking flu and allergy shots to prevent severe asthma attacks during the duration of your pregnancy. These medications are considered safe, but make sure to seek medical advice first before taking these.

Managing Allergy-Induced Asthma

Asthma and allergies are only some of the most common health problems. In the US alone, it is said that asthma, a type of respiratory condition, affects one out of 13 people according to a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report. Asthma can affect one’s quality of life, so going to the nearest allergy physician near you can help manage your condition.

But you may ask: “Why should I go to an allergy clinic for my asthma condition?” As you may don’t know yet, asthma and allergies are often connected and can even occur simultaneously. This is because most asthma symptoms are similar to those of allergies. This condition is called allergy-induced asthma.

How allergies are related to asthma

Allergies can be caused by several triggers such as food, dust mites, pet dander, and pollen among a few. There are other triggers such as stress, exercise, and certain infections. These triggers can also cause asthma attacks which can be uncomfortable nonetheless.

People with a history of allergy have a higher risk of having allergic asthma. While some of these triggers can cause allergic reactions such as runny nose and skin breakout, others experience coughing and frequent sneezing.

In worse cases, affected individuals may experience shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing. When these symptoms show up, it is best to consult an allergist to help you manage the condition.

Treating asthma and allergies

There are treatments meant to manage allergy or asthma symptoms. On the other hand, there are also those that can treat both conditions. Among these include the following:

  1. Allergy shots

Also known as immunotherapy, it can help treat asthma symptoms by reducing your body’s reactions to allergic triggers. Allergy shots are applied through scheduled injections of small amounts of allergens which cause allergic reactions.

The entire treatment process will be done in a course of about three to five years. Doing so can help build tolerance from the said allergens. In effect, symptoms can eventually decrease and more manageable than before. The procedure should only be done by an allergy specialist doctor.

  1. Montelukast

Also called Singulair or Leukotriene modifier, this comes in a pill form and is usually taken daily. This medication promises to provide relief from asthma and allergy symptoms. Likewise, it helps manage chemicals that are released in case of allergic reactions.

On the downside, it is said that montelukast causes suicidal and other psychological tendencies. Consult an asthma doctor first before taking this medication. If you are already taking this, seek medical help immediately if you notice the aforementioned symptoms.

  1. Anti-immunoglobulin E immunotherapy

This type of allergy treatment aims to control and manage the chemicals that trigger allergic reactions. One of the most common anti-immunoglobulin E treatments is Xolair. This therapy is only used for patients with up to severe asthma symptoms.

Other treatments for allergy-induced asthma include:

  • Bronchodilators – helps you breathe easier
  • Anti-inflammatory medications – helps reduce swelling (ex. skin rashes due to allergic reactions) as well as relieve asthma symptoms
  • Other medications that block the chemicals causing the allergic reactions

Managing allergies and asthma symptoms

Asthma and allergies can greatly affect one’s quality of life. That is why it is important to identify what your triggers are so you can properly manage your condition. But sometimes, symptoms may change without warning. Nonetheless, you can still manage your allergy and asthma – along with medical help, of course.

First of all, it is important to know what triggers your allergic reactions so you can avoid it beforehand. For example, it may be wise not to have pets at home if you are allergic to pet dander. If you cannot imagine not having a pet, you can opt for “hypoallergenic” pets. However, it is still best to consult an allergy specialist near you if you want to have a pet at home.

People with asthma may have multiple triggers, which is why it is important to identify those symptoms as well. That way, you can easily manage them and be provided the right treatments for your condition. The adage, “Prevention is better than cure”, says true about this kind of situation.

You can still live a normal life despite having allergies

Having allergies and asthma can affect one’s daily life. That is why you should monitor your symptoms and consult the best allergist in Germantown MD. Contact one and avail of a free consultation today.

The Hidden Truth about Food Allergens and How to Detect Them

There is this alarming threat of food allergens not explicitly specified in most food labels nowadays. As a result, this problem has resulted in food recalls over the past few years. In case you become one of the unsuspecting victims of hidden food allergens, you should consult an allergy specialist doctor immediately for proper treatment and medications.

Hidden allergens present in food products

The total number of food products recalled due to hidden allergens had doubled within 2007 and 2014. This is despite the existence of The Food Allergen Labelling and Consumer Protection Act wherein all food manufacturers are mandated to specify in their packaging any potential allergens present in their products.

This may include food allergens such as peanuts, soy, tree nuts, and milk among a few. If you experience allergic reactions from these ingredients, consult an allergist specialist the soonest you can.

The increase of food recalls due to improved detection of the presence of allergens may be a positive thing. It can indicate that there are better awareness and testing procedures done to ensure that there is no allergen left undetected as compared to previous testing methods.

However, many of these product recalls may not be triggered until there will be a surge of reports of allergic reactions among consumers. That is why the FDA is working with these companies to further prevent these problems in the future.

Why there are “hidden” allergens

There are possible reasons why there are these so-called hidden allergens. Among these include the following.


This occurs when some utensils are also being used for different food products. For example, some food establishments and manufacturers may be using the same utensil to slice meat and cheese, the latter being a common food allergen. In other words, these utensils may not be cleaned thoroughly before using it for other food preparation purposes.

Ingredients containing allergens

It occurs when there are ingredients used to create another product, such as eggs or milk, which are also common allergens. Or when the same cooking oil is used to fry fish and fries. For any signs of allergic reactions, it is best to consult an allergy physician near you.

Misleading labels

This may be more alarming because it does not clearly indicate the presence of potential allergens in the label. For example, some milk products may still contain traces of allergens despite it being advertised as “dairy-free” or other similar labels. These allergens may not be a major ingredient and only used as a food emulsifier or binder. Still, these practices can be potentially life-threatening for allergy sufferers.

How to detect allergens in food labels

Some food ingredients may have different names but pertain to one item. That is why it is important to be aware of these ingredients so you won’t suffer from potentially fatal consequences in the future. It is also important to consult the best allergist to know more about this particular food concern.


This is one of the most common food allergens. It may be present in different food items such as mayonnaise, cake flours, cookies, cocoa drinks, and ice cream among a few. Even without stating “egg” in the ingredient list, its presence can be disguised under the following names:

  • Albumin
  • Lecithin
  • Binder
  • Coagulant
  • Ovalbumin
  • Ovomucin
  • Emulsifier
  • Vitellin
  • Globulin


Meanwhile, milk may be easier to determine than eggs. It is commonly present in food products such as ice cream, margarine, baked and batter-fried goods, chocolate, and canned soups among a few. Lactose, which is a major component of milk, may also be present in some medicines. You can consult an allergist specialist to know more possible food items and medicines containing milk components.


This allergen may also be present in food products such as bread, cereals, canned meat, cooking oils, and salad dressings among a few. Its presence may also be indicated in food labels under the following names:

  • Miso
  • Tofu
  • Soy protein
  • Bulking agent
  • Carob
  • Gum Arabic
  • Vegetable starch
  • Thickener
  • Textured vegetable protein

There are many different types of allergens such as peanuts, wheat, fish, and shellfish. Each of these may not be explicitly indicated in food labels but traces of these allergens may also be present in different food products. You can find more details about these food products here.

Find allergy experts near you

If you are allergic to certain food items, it is important to seek medical help from an allergy physician. Some allergens may not be clearly stated in many food products, but at least you can have an idea of the abovementioned food ingredient name alternatives the next time you do your grocery. Contact the best allergist doctor in Manassas VA for your allergy information and treatment needs.

Allergic to Sweat? Here’s What You Need to Know


To achieve a healthy mind and body, one must have a regular dose of healthy food and exercise. Some lift weights, while some people do cardio exercises such as running, jumping rope, and cycling. However, some people need to be extra cautious when doing intense physical activities because it can lead to some adverse health effects.

For example, those who suffer from asthma may have to be more careful when exercising. They might also have to bring their asthma treatments in handy just in case something happens while they are doing intense workouts. It is also best to consult an asthma doctor first before engaging in any physical activities.

Aside from asthma, some people experience allergies due to their sweat and getting too hot. Can you imagine getting allergic reactions just because you feel hot and sweaty? Unfortunately, this can be just as common as food and pollen allergies. Nonetheless, you should have yourself checked by an allergist for proper treatment.

What you need to know about “sweat allergy”

The technical term for this type of allergy is Cholinergic urticaria or cholinergic angioedema. In layman’s term, it is also called sweat allergy or heat pumps. Basically, this condition occurs due to increased body temperature and resulting in itchy hives. It is not clear what exactly causes this type of allergy. However, it is said that it is the body’s reaction to sweat.

There is a higher chance of having this condition if you are suffering from other allergies such as eczema, hives, or asthma. People who have CU experience mild to life-threatening symptoms. Common symptoms of CU include the following:

  • Hives (generalized urticarial)
  • Swelling (angioedema) around the lips and face, or the tongue or throat in worst cases
  • Hypotension (low blood pressure)
  • Bronchospasm

If you notice these symptoms, make sure to visit an allergy specialist doctor to help treat your allergies. You might also need to undergo allergy testing to confirm the real cause of your allergies.

What causes Cholinergic urticaria?

This type of allergy usually happens in a flash after the person gets too hot or starts to sweat. It can occur on different parts of the body especially the arms or the torso. The rash would also feel itchy and even some burning sensation and resemble swelling. On a positive note, these rashes due to cholinergic urticaria will eventually fade as quickly as they appeared.

However, some may experience other symptoms aside from rashes, such as:

  • Diarrhea
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Stomach cramps
  • Breathing difficulties

As mentioned, cholinergic urticarial occurs when the person gets sweaty or too hot. But other factors can trigger CU such as:

  • Eating spicy dishes
  • Stress/anger
  • Fever
  • Sun exposure
  • Hot baths/sauna/hot tubs

These factors can increase body temperature, making the body hot and even sweaty, hence the possibility of having CU.

How to deal with “sweat allergies”

If you notice the abovementioned symptoms, make sure to consult an allergist doctor immediately. You should also undergo a series of allergy testing such as warming test and exercise test to confirm the diagnosis of CU. Treatment might also vary depending on the person.

Some would have to take meds while others have to change their lifestyle 360 degrees. This means avoid heavy exercises that can make them sweat a lot, not eating spicy foods, and not going to spas and saunas. You should also manage stress and anger through meditation and going on therapy.

You might also have to adjust your diet and avoid foods that can trigger CU. This include:

  • Alcohol
  • Dairy (ex. milk, cheese, etc)
  • Vinegar
  • Nuts
  • Canned foods and others with additives
  • Seafood
  • Salty foods

It can be more challenging if you live in a tropical country where the sun is often around. In such a case, you need to have antihistamines on hand as prescribed by your doctors such as cetirizine, loratadine, or beta-blockers.


If you experience allergic reactions due to CU, say, during exercise, slow down or stop as needed. Take a cool shower or cool off while standing in front of an electric fan or go to an air-conditioned room. Relax and avoid stressing yourself. Visit an allergy clinic in Manassas for immediate treatment of your condition.