Tag Archives: asthma treatment

Can’t Afford Asthma Medicine? Here are Possible Alternatives

Millions of people around the world are living with asthma. For one thing, asthma can be detrimental to one’s daily life. It can also be caused by several triggers including excessive physical exertion and stress. Nonetheless, it is important to keep the symptoms in check to prevent asthma attacks. Also, you should consult an asthma doctor to help you manage your symptoms and live a normal life as possible.

Expense implications as an asthmatic person

As an asthmatic person, it can be challenging to stay healthy. That it is one of the most important arsenals of every asthmatic is the inhaler. It comes in handy in case of asthma attacks whenever and wherever you are. Unfortunately, asthma treatments can be way expensive whether you have insurance or not.

More so, if more than one family member (aside from you) suffers from asthma means additional expense. Consulting an allergist may also cost you fees to help manage your condition. In other words, asthma treatments can greatly impact one’s finances but usually have no choice but to avail to avoid further health complications.

Popular asthma treatments such as Ventolin and Symbicort can cost as much as hundreds of dollars per prescription. But the question is whether there are cheaper alternatives for asthma medications. The good news: yes, you can avail of asthma medicines that are way more budget-friendly and effective.

Cost-saving asthma medications

Here are some easy ways you can save on expensive asthma medications.

Deals and discounts

For one, several pharmaceutical companies offer enticing deals including asthma medications. You can even avail a year’s worth of asthma medicines depending on the deal and save money by using discount coupons and the like.

There are also programs specially meant for asthma patients that offer discounts or even free asthma medications. However, you might need to comply with specific requirements before you can avail of such deals.

Price comparison

Check various pharmacies and membership stores and compare their asthma medicine prices. From there, you would know which the best deals are and make a purchase decision depending on your budget.

Free samples

Your allergist doctor may give you some samples if he or she has some on hand. These samples are mostly given by sales reps who want medical experts (including your asthma doctor) to recommend their medicines to their patients. You can take advantage of these freebies while you still can. Unfortunately, these samples may only be limited and may be harder to get in the market after a few months or years. Your doctor knows better when it comes to properly manage your asthma.

Shift into another insurance plan

Make sure to stay updated with enrolment deadlines especially if you are planning to buy insurance on the Health Insurance Marketplace. Your children may also qualify for your state’s health insurance program. You can also check other insurance companies’ websites as well. It is also important to note that you can file an appeal in case your insurance provider has denied payment for your asthma medications.

Why are asthma medications expensive in the first place?

Some reports revealed that the cost of asthma inhalers spiked as much as 56 percent from 2013 to 2018 depending on the brand. Some insurances do cover asthma treatment. However, some well-known asthma treatments may either be excluded or subjected to a higher copay.

Living in a low-income household can be more challenging when it comes to affordable asthma treatments. Research showed that those living in low-income areas have higher asthma rates. Imagine suffering from this condition and having no way to treat it with a limited budget in your pocket.

Until 2005, asthma inhalers contained CFC which is not environment-friendly but effective and affordable. As a result, this ingredient was eventually banned due to its potential environmental damage.

Later on, pharmaceutical companies were able to shift into patented ones without the CFC (in exchange for another ingredient, HFA) but did allow huge price increases. On a positive note, there are generic asthma medications now available that are more affordable.


Getting sick can be expensive. But sometimes, such medical conditions like asthma are usually inherited or because of their living conditions. Nonetheless, paying for medications can take a toll on your budget.

Fortunately, there are ways to avail of asthma medications without spending too much, as mentioned above. More importantly, feel free to consult the best allergist in Germantown for your allergy and asthma-related concerns.

How Vitamin D Can Help in Alleviating Asthma


It is said that the majority of Americans have a Vitamin D deficiency. Several studies also revealed possible links to Vitamin D deficiency and various health issues, including asthma. Millions of people worldwide are afflicted with asthma and affect both children and adults. If you experience asthma symptoms, make sure to take asthma treatments prescribed by a trusted asthma doctor.

But first, what is asthma?

Asthma is not only a simple cough that goes away after a couple of days. It is a long-term disease that causes breathing difficulties for people afflicted by it. Some of the most common asthma symptoms include coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing.

Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure for this condition. However, it can still be manageable in different ways. One is by identifying and avoiding any possible triggers. You also have to take prescribed medications as recommended by your asthma doctor. If symptoms seem severe, visit an allergy clinic or the nearest emergency room immediately.

The link between asthma and Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the most essential vitamins for the body. Also known as the “sunshine vitamins”, it enables calcium absorption and also helps in making vitamin D when you go out in the sun.

However, several studies also show a strong connection between asthma and low vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is said to have antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties that reduce asthma attacks. That means low vitamin D levels put someone at a higher risk of asthma and other respiratory issues.

Other results found in various studies state that vitamin D:

  • Is more likely to lessen the risk of asthma attacks, although this study is only limited to those with mild to moderate cases of asthma.
  • Should also represent those who have severe cases of asthma as well as children. There should be more studies involving these said cases.

If you or a loved one has asthma, you can go to an allergist doctor to help manage your asthma symptoms. It is also better to have a good level of vitamin D by taking supplements and eating vitamin D-rich foods.

How safe is vitamin D?

Vitamin D is generally safe to take. As mentioned, vitamin D is an important body nutrient. However, you need to take note of the right dosage for the best results. Before taking any vitamin D supplements, make sure to ask an asthma doctor first.

It is also important to note that vitamin D won’t cure your asthma and should not replace your prescribed medications. Likewise, you should not take any other medicines together with vitamin D.

Still, researchers are hoping that vitamin D, together with the usual medications for asthma, means a better life for asthmatics. You can get it through supplements or good sun exposure, although you should not overdo the latter or risk having skin cancer.

Plus, vitamin D can also do more than help people manage their asthma symptoms. It can also improve bone and muscle health, and reduce the risk of having flu and common colds. That said, it is better to include vitamin D to your regular health regimen.

Creating an action plan for asthma

Those suffering from asthma should have a sound action plan to deal better with their condition. This includes determining whether the symptoms are getting worse and what to do to manage the situation.

Most doctors would suggest including three action zones: Green for “good to go”, Yellow for “taking extra precaution”, and Red for “take action ASAP”. The last one means there is the presence of severe symptoms like breathing difficulty. In such cases, you need to seek medical help immediately

For children who suffer from asthma, you should include photos of medications taken. There should also be a statement of consent for parents or caregivers in case the child needs immediate asthma treatment.

For adults, make sure to assign a trusted person where to find your prescribed medication in case of emergencies. You should also include persons to contact should your condition worsen due to asthma attacks.

As mentioned, there might be no cure for asthma. But there are a lot of ways to manage the condition, including vitamin D. Vitamin D not only can help manage your asthma – at least according to various studies – but also can improve your bone and muscle health.

Of course, you should consult the experts first before taking any medications. Contact a reliable allergy specialist doctor in Germantown MD today!

Parenting in the Time of COVID-19: How to Explain the Impact of the Global Pandemic to Children

Contrary to popular belief, children also get stressed due to certain situations. Such a feeling of stress can affect their immune systems and make them more susceptible to health issues. More so, those with medical conditions like allergies and asthma should have twice the protection, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic.

An allergist doctor may not be available for face-to-face visitations in an allergy clinic. However, there are still ways that you can contact an allergist in case of emergencies.

Due to the ongoing pandemic, it is natural for adults especially parents to be wary of the current situation. But it is also important that children, even as young as toddlers, understand what the world is going through now.

COVID-19’s potential impact on children

This pandemic has caused serious fear mostly for adults. For one thing, parents are especially worried about how they can protect their children against the disease. However, young children can be smarter than we think when it comes to this kind of issue.

Most children thrive on routine. But because of the virus, they are not able to play outdoors. Parents are also mostly having second thoughts of letting their kids play with their neighbors. Basically, the virus has disrupted children’s daily routines. This can affect their mood and cause tantrums and unpleasant behavior.

Meanwhile, parents may have second thoughts of telling their small children what is going on. There is this notion that young children may not be able to understand what is going on around them. However, it is possible for them to understand the current situation. How?

Talking to your children about the ongoing pandemic

First of all, make sure to choose the right timing to discuss this concern with your child. You also need to understand COVID-19 and its impact on our daily lives. You can find more information from reliable sources including the World Health Organization and the US Centers for Disease Control.

More or less, your child is already somehow aware of what is happening right now. It’s just a matter of explaining why this is happening in the first place. More importantly, they should know what they can do to protect themselves against the virus. It is also better to consult an allergist specialist to protect you and your children if you have a history of asthma and allergies.

Points to ponder when discussing COVID-19 with your child

There are some important things that you need to consider when discussing COVID-19 with your child. These include:

Explain what really it is.

Children should understand what COVID-19 is, how it affects anyone who gets it, and how to keep themselves safe from the virus. Those with asthma and allergies should also be extra cautious at this time. Those who have such conditions are more prone to getting the virus. You can consult an allergy doctor to help manage your child’s asthma or allergies.

Get straight to the point.

Children deserve straightforward answers to their questions. Let them ask questions, and answer as truthfully as possible. Too much information can overwhelm them and cause anxiety and stress. As much as possible, avoid sugarcoating words when explaining things to them. They need to know what “virus”, “germs”, and even COVID-19 are.

Teach them to be clean and protected against the virus.

Aside from knowing about the virus, they should also learn how they can keep themselves safe. This includes teaching them the basics like keeping clean and practicing safe distancing. Children should also be taught proper manners when coughing and sneezing.

Helping your child cope up with the current situation

Parents have the major responsibility of shielding their children from the pandemic. More so, if they have allergy history. In case of an attack, you should find an allergy doctor the soonest.

Other tips that you can do to help your children understand the impact of COVID-19 include the following:

  • Create new routines that will benefit your child. Say, schedule a time for doing worksheets, mealtime, and bedtime. It will help the child back on track on their previous routines that are disrupted due to the virus.
  • Do not blame other races or people for the virus. No one wanted this to happen. Everyone is affected, even the most well-off people out there.
  • Try limiting access to news and social media as it can also lead to anxiety due to the constant COVID-19-related reports.
  • Keep calm. Bond with your child more especially during this pandemic. Keep yourself and your family strong and healthy. You can seek help from an allergy specialist in Manassas VA online in case of asthma or allergy emergencies.

Healing in the Time of COVID-19: How the Pandemic Can Help Improve the Global Healthcare System

There is no doubt of the extent of COVID-19’s impact on our daily lives. For one, we were forced to stay at home and encouraged to practice social distancing. Those with compromised immune systems should take extra caution to avoid contracting the disease.

Asthmatics should also take care of their health more than ever. You can consult an asthma doctor to help manage your condition. You might also have to keep asthma treatments in stock especially at this time of COVID-19. In extreme cases, you may have to visit an allergy clinic to prevent any symptoms from worsening.

The impact of COVID-19 on our global healthcare system

The ongoing pandemic has indeed wreaked havoc to our usual lives. Countries are focused on flattening the curve, but at the expense of millions of businesses and people’s normal routines. So far, there are already more than a million total COVID-19 cases all over the world – and still counting.

A lot of businesses have no choice but to close either for time indefinite or for good. Even first-world countries like the US and Italy got overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients flocking their hospitals. These countries, which supposed to have world-class healthcare systems, have already thousands of deaths and seem to continue to increase.

But what about other countries that do not have the same quality of healthcare as the US and Italy? We can just imagine how overwhelming it could be. The lack of healthcare equipment and facilities is another thing. Nevertheless, one thing is for sure: no country is prepared for this global pandemic.

How COVID-19 can help improve our healthcare system

Despite all the chaos that is happening right now, there are some things that we can learn from it. First of all, we learned how to wash our hands. It seems simple, but so often we forget before this pandemic started.

We also learned to take care of our health more. As mentioned, those with compromised immune systems such as asthmatics should take extra care of their health. COVID-19 can make your asthma symptoms worse that can be potentially life-threatening.  An allergist specialist can also help provide treatments in case your asthma symptoms flares up.

We also realize that there is no social status when it comes to this virus. Even those in higher government positions are not susceptible to this disease. Businesses, whether start-ups and multi-billion-dollar companies, are all affected with the impact of COVID-19.

We need our front liners more than ever: healthcare personnel, store cashier, pharmacists, and everyone else who serves people in these critical times. National governments have already realized how important they are during this ongoing pandemic. For example, the US government provided paid sick leaves for these front liners.

Online consultations are also readily available for those who need advice on their medical concerns. For example, you can contact an allergy doctor in case of allergy or asthma attacks. Electronic prescriptions are also given in case you need to buy medicines.

How the healthcare system can become more efficient

About 10 percent of health workers in many countries contracted the virus. Unfortunately, a lot of our health workers around the world already succumbed to the disease.

This means critical times especially that we need them more than ever to help treat COVID-19 patients. If this continues, our healthcare system will be greatly affected, cases will soar, and the situation can last until next year or so.

That is why we need not only protect ourselves but especially our front liners, including health workers. For one, our health workers need ample supply of personal protective equipment (PPEs).

Aside from that, health workers should have shifting periods so they can rest and take care of patients more efficiently. There should also be proper training for health workers in recognizing respiratory illnesses and especially COVID-19. There should also be a strong hospital surveillance system to help prevent the further spread of the virus.


We will never know when this pandemic will exactly end. In the meantime, we need to protect ourselves from contracting the disease. Wash hands frequently, stay at home and pray for our front liners. Utilize the use of technology to stay connected and get the help you need.

Save important contacts such as an allergy specialist doctor if you have asthma or allergies. An allergy physician in Manassas VA can help provide medication for your condition.