Tag Archives: allergic reaction

How to Prevent Food Allergies

It has been known that asthma and allergies run in families, which makes children, where one or both parents suffer from allergies, are more prone to develop them. The good thing is that there are steps that can delay or prevent asthma or allergies.

The best way to prevent having to go to an allergist is to expose them to different foods early, instead of pushing them for later. This way, their bodies can get used to several kinds of food and will have no problem eating whatever they want in the future.

There are several ways mentioned in this article on how you can prevent food allergies in children. Read on now.

Read Food Labels

Today, food labels have information about food allergies written on their labels like if there are additives containing milk protein if it was from a facility that processes nuts, and wheat byproducts. You still have to read all food labels, every time, even if you bought so many items in the past. Manufacturers can frequently decide to change ingredients and allergens can be part of a new formula.

Do Not Give Actual Peanuts to Your Toddler or Baby

You should never give babies real peanuts or anything else that could make them choke. You can buy a snack for babies that has peanuts in it. You can add smooth peanut butter to your finger and give it to your baby. You can mix it into foods, or bake it into soft bread. Eggs can be mixed easily, and you can add small cooked egg pieces because they can be given to babies as well. There are plenty of ways to introduce them without giving them food in large pieces or are hard. You can ask your doctor how to do it.

Recognize the Symptoms

If you have a food allergy, it is important that you know how to identify the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction, especially when it comes to anaphylaxis. If you are able to spot the early signs of an allergic symptom, it can be life-saving. Here are the symptoms you should watch out for:

  • Eyes – Tears, itching, redness, and eyes are swelling
  • Skin – Redness, itching, red bumps, hives, rash, skin swelling
  • Upper respiratory – Sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, dry cough, hoarseness, and itching
  • Lower respiratory – Wheezing, chest tightness, cough, and shortness of breath
  • Mouth – Palate, itching, lips, or tongue swelling
  • Gastrointestinal – Reflux, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, bloody tools, or abdominal pain
  • Cardiovascular – Dizziness, low blood pressure, slow or rapid heartbeat, fainting, loss of consciousness
  • Other symptoms – Sense of “impending doom”, or uterine contractions

Start Solids Around 4 to 6 Months

You can introduce single-ingredient foods to your children like pears, apples, and bananas. Vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots and squash, and cereal grains.

Based on how ready your baby is, you can start to introduce new foods. You introduce them 3 to 5 days apart, so you can watch for any allergic reactions. Symptoms can include tongue swelling, itchy mouth or eyes, vomiting, hives, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, breathing difficulty, and anaphylaxis in worst cases.

You should not give food to your baby that you know they are allergic to. You cannot always know if your baby is allergic to something, but if you see eczema, blood in their stool, vomiting, rashes, or fussiness after any food they eat, you should consult your allergy doctor before starting any solid foods with them. You must also seek your doctor’s advice if both parents or any sibling has allergies to food.

You may book an appointment at the allergy center Germantown MD anytime.


When Should You See a Doctor About Your Allergies?


Some allergy problems are mild, like hay fever and they do not really need medical attention. Sometimes, your allergies can be managed by over-the-counter medications and there are times when they can disrupt your daily life. Allergies can also be life-threatening and you might need to see an allergy doctor.

They can tell you what you are allergic to and what you need to avoid so that the triggers will not act up. If you want to find out more, you should read on.

If You are Unsure if You Have a Cold or Allergies

Colds and allergies – allergic rhinitis can be easily confusing because both of them have runny noses and sneezing. A doctor helps you determine if the symptoms are because of environmental allergens such as dust, pollen, dander, tobacco smoke, or mites. It could also be a cold or upper respiratory tract inflammation because of a virus. The treatment for colds and allergies are different, so knowing what you are experiencing is crucial in choosing what medicines you must take. If you take cold medicine when you are actually having allergies is ineffective and wastes your money.

If you have an itchy nose or eyes, red/watery eyes, or puffiness/swelling inside your throat, eyelids, or ears, you most likely have allergies.

Who Can Develop Allergies or Asthma?

Allergies and asthma affect anyone, no matter the age, race, gender, or socioeconomic factors. Even if it is true that allergies and asthma are seen in children more, they can come out for the first time anytime in your life. Allergy symptoms sometimes start during childhood, go away for many years, and appear again in your adult life.

Even if exact genetic factors have no further studies yet, asthma and allergies can also be caused by heredity. With people who are susceptible, factors like stress, hormones, perfume, or other irritants may also contribute to this.

When the Symptoms Interfere with Your Life

Aside from having a stuffy nose along with other symptoms, allergies can also other annoying issues like sinus infections, ear infections, and headaches, which make you feel miserable. However, when you have allergies, you will have a hard time working, sleeping, or enjoying the outdoors, and this makes you suffer. A doctor helps you in figuring out what you can be allergic to, and how symptoms are effectively managed. Therefore, you can start to live your life again. Medicines and over-the-counter prescriptions can be bought to treat allergy symptoms. When they do no work, you can go to an allergy expert to get a shot, and they will desensitize your allergens over time.

Serious Allergy Symptoms that Require you to See a doctor:

  • You have a hard time breathing and need to catch your breath
  • Most of the time, you wheeze or cough, especially during the night after exercising
  • You have shortness of breath or tightness in your chest frequently
  • You had a diagnosis of asthma, and have frequent attacks even if you are taking medication
  • You suffer from other health problems like thyroid disease, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, glaucoma, liver disease, enlarged prostate, kidney disease, or liver disease. In case you do, it might not be advisable for you to use over-the-counter drugs without talking to a doctor

You should go to an allergic clinic Manassas VA anytime if your symptoms are interfering with your life.


How to Camp with Food Allergies

eczema and skin allergies

Have you ever thought of how to go camping when you have allergies and food intolerance? They also come with digestive issues or maybe you have children with food allergies, and being in the woods far from other people can be terrifying.

Most of the time, traditional vacations normally is about eating meals in restaurants. You should compare that when you go camping, where you are able to prepare and cook the food you want.

Therefore, you should read this article until the end and you can ask your allergist about it.

Prepare for Medical Situations

The best thing is when you camp with food allergies, you need to make sure that you are safe. Regardless of it is you or someone is traveling safely must be your priority. If the allergy is severe, you need to have an Epi-Pen. Make sure that you have more than one. If you will be in a secluded location, it might be a good idea to bring a couple of extras to be sure.

You need to make sure that you know where the emergency medical services are and how you will reach them. If the service is limited, you need to research this beforehand and figure out the options you have. Being aware of the emergency services will give you peace of mind and be prepared for what can happen.

Keep the Allergens Away from the Tent

Regardless of where the camping site is, make sure to take your jacket and shoes off before you enter the tent. If you do not find this to be practical, set these items in one spot in the tent. If you take your family or pet along while camping, wipe them down before allowing them inside the tent. You need to minimize allergens in your environment that disturb your sleep. You need your rest.

Research the Surroundings Ahead of Time

The main thing to do is to gather as much information as you can about the camping site and where you will be. Do your research and go beyond the information the camping site is giving you. In addition, look for testimonials from their past campers and check what they say. If you know what the available resources are, you will know what you need and how you can cook food. Knowing that they have an electrical plug-in means people can bring a coffee pot, or tea kettle to cook oatmeal, and a fan.

Find out if there are any nearby grocery stores or supply stores for anything you might need.

Plan Snacks and Safe Meals

Families with food allergies know this very well. The truth is, it can be easier to do this during camping because everyone prepares meals. If it is only your family, this is going to be like eating at home. However, when traveling with others, inform them about allergic foods. Make sure to bring your own utensils, pots, grill, and pans if other people in your group will cook and share foods that are not on the list. It is difficult to thoroughly clean everything when you are camping.

Emergency Plan

This is sensible regardless of what your allergy status is. Research if they have an emergency room. Make sure that everyone you are with is aware of this information and knows when to administer allergy meds if necessary.

You can go to allergy clinic Manassas VA anytime if you need more tips.

What Exactly is Food Allergy Testing?

Before you make any changes, seeing an allergy specialist is important so that you can see what you must avoid. When you see an allergy doctor, they can give the proper diagnosis so you will know what to expect and prevent it from happening if you eat a certain food.

Food allergies should not be taken lightly and sometimes they continue to adulthood. In addition, some people develop food allergies during their adulthood. If you are allergic, your immune system will react to the food if it is dangerous for you.

Here is more information before getting a good allergy test.

What You Can Expect

Many people are nervous about food allergy testing if they are unaware of what it is like to have it done. They worry that the test is scary and painful, but that is not the actual case and the reality is that it is actually more comfortable than you think. It is a lot faster than what people expect because you only need 1 minute to complete the actual test.

During the test, they will press an applicator against your back that has multiple points exposing your skin to different antigens. However, it is not an indication that you will be done in 5 minutes. You have to wait for your test results and discuss what food you are allergic to.

Aside from that, the testing application consumes very little time, but the staff wants you to be in the office so they can watch out for any reactions.

The Difference Between Food Allergy and Food Sensitivity

This is something that an allergy specialist must discuss with you because there is confusion between them. The symptoms overlap, but the symptoms dramatically vary. Food sensitivity indicates that your body has a hard time digesting certain food. In general, symptoms are limited to problems with digestion, and that includes abdominal pain, gas, nausea, and diarrhea.

The common causes include enzymes in dairy, lactose, monosodium glutamate (MSG), flavor enhancer/s, FODMAPs, and gluten which can cause food sensitivity to people.

An immune system reaction to a food allergy that impacts various organs can cause dangerous symptoms.

How You Can Prepare for a Food Allergy Test

What you must do before going to an allergy specialist doctor for your test is to relax before that. It is a very simple process and after you are done, you can rest properly knowing that you are on your way to removing any dangerous and annoying symptoms linked to certain foods you eat.

You can have your nurse practitioner or gastroenterologist write a numbing cream prescription for you.

When you apply the cream on your back before the test helps reduce the itch you feel from the antigens you were exposed to. The cream also reduces the prick you feel from the applicator points, but the majority of people do not feel pain.

Sings that You Might Require a Food Allergy Test

  • Tingling in your mouth or throat after eating
  • Itchy skin or hives
  • Swelling of the face, lips, throat, or tongue after eating
  • Trouble breathing, wheezing, or nasal congestion
  • Digestive problems or abdominal pain
  • Fainting, lightheadedness, or dizziness after eating
  • Persistent eczema

If you have severe food allergy reactions, you need emergency care as soon as possible. You should schedule a test at an allergy clinic Manassas VA right away to prevent it next time.


Why You Need to See an Allergy Doctor

Maybe you experience seasonal allergies and you go for over-the-counter medicine to soothe your symptoms like itchy and red eyes. You might want to have an allergy doctor whom you talk to about your symptoms because sometimes these symptoms can get worst. They can affect your ability to function in your daily life.

When should you visit an allergist who diagnoses and treats allergies caused by dysfunctions in the immune system? You will see from this article the reasons why you need an allergist. They are helpful in providing care for a lot of conditions involving the immune system.

Find out more here:

Your Cold is Not Going Away

A cold or virus cough must clear up in a few weeks. If you have persistent coughs or it consistently shows up in a pattern, like only in the spring or when you are in bed, then it might be an allergy.

This is the same for headaches because they can be linked to sinusitis caused by allergies. The dull headaches and repeated fatigue symptoms help you determine if the allergies are involved in helping you get relief.

Your Sinus Infection is Chronic

Sinuses are the hollow openings behind the nose and around the eyes. They have mucus that helps warm and filter breathing. This mucus needs to be drained out. If the mucus gets blocked and the sinuses are congested, you might have a sinus infection. In case you have asthma, allergies, or a weakened immune system, you are more prone to getting sinus infections.

An allergist and immunologist can give you prescription medications that help ease pain and congestion of sinus infections. You will learn the ways of preventing a sinus infection that happens in the first place. For instance, most of the time, washing hands and using a humidifier or nasal spray to add moisture to your nasal passage is helpful.

You Get Diarrhea After a Meal

An allergy doctor can test if you have food allergies and help you separate what is intolerance or food allergy when you eat something. If it is a food allergy, your body will cause an immune response to what you are and it is normally within 2 hours. Swelling, rash, trouble breathing, and hives are all symptoms of food allergy.

Intolerance is harder to detect because the symptoms only start after 3 hours of eating and range from mild nausea, bloating, and diarrhea. If you know which foods to avoid that cause your allergy, you will no longer suffer from the symptoms. Your immune system also improves when you eat certain kinds of foods.

If you are Asthmatic

Asthma can cause the muscles in your airways to spasm or tighten, and it can inflame the lining of the lungs. This is going to block airflow, which makes it hard to breathe. Asthma ranges from mild to severe, which can be life-threatening. You might feel chest tightness and you will struggle to breathe.

When you work with an allergist, your asthma can be controlled and you will have fewer asthma flares. The allergist can give you a prescription for medication so your specific symptoms can be treated. You will learn about different asthma triggers so that you can avoid them.

You will be able to avoid allergy triggers if you see an allergy specialist doctor Germantown MD because you will no longer suffer from the symptoms.

What People With Allergies Should Know About Covid-19 Vaccination

COVID-19 is a reality. With time passing, there have been preventative measures taken from health organizations and COVID-19 vaccination has been introduced. It’s recommended to talk with your allergy specialist about COVID vaccination, however, we have also listed everything you need to know about COVID-19 vaccination if you are suffering from allergies.

PEG Causes Allergies?

One of the many ingredients in the vaccination against COVID-19 is PEG, also known as Polyethylene glycol. This is an active ingredient in many vaccines and it is present in some COVID-19 vaccinations too. This can cause allergic reactions to some people who have a hard time adjusting to PEG.

There is usually a test done which shows your body’s sensitivity to PEG and it can be shown to your doctor before getting your COVID-19 vaccination. While the factors still aren’t clearly known why PEG causes severe allergic reactions to people, it is best to avoid vaccinations which contain this ingredient.

Moderna is the vaccination which contains PEG as an active ingredient and it can cause redness on the skin and formation of bumps if you are triggered by it.

What Are The Ingredients In The Vaccine?

It’s very important to know what ingredients are there in the COVID-19 vaccination, because you never know which ingredient you might be allergic to. Most vaccines don’t have a live virus in them, rather they have a similar mRNA in their composition which helps to protect your body against the novel coronavirus.

Along with that, some lipids and fatty acids are present, which help the protein to thrive in the body for longer. Sucrose is also another key ingredient which is also used to increase the shelf life of the protein and it gives the protein necessary energy to form antibodies in your immune system against COVID-19.

Aside from these, there are some acids and polyethylene glycol present in certain brands of the corona vaccination, but not all vaccinations contain polyethylene glycol. So, you can check the ingredients of the vaccination and make your decision then.

Is Vaccination Safe For People With Allergies?

If you take care that the Covid vaccine you are going for doesn’t contain any ingredients which you might be allergic to, then you can safely go for the vaccination. The time period between the 1st and 2nd dose is usually a month or 40 days. In this time frame, if you experience any sort of allergic reaction, then you shouldn’t go for the second shot and consult with a doctor immediately. But if there is no apparent allergic reaction between the time of your 1st and 2nd dose then it’s safe to say that you are not allergic to the vaccine and can get the second shot done too.

What To Expect At The First Shot?

Usually, no vaccine hurts when it’s being injected, but after the first shot, you can experience some soreness and tenderness in your arm, which is completely normal and it goes away on the same day or the day after the shot. You can also experience slight fever, sluggishness and a slight feeling of fatigue.

The thing to remember here is that these symptoms are very variable. Some people can experience them and some won’t feel anything at all. It is very difficult to say who will and will not suffer from these aftereffects.

What To Do When You Have Food Allergies?

If you don’t have any chemical allergies and you only suffer from food allergies like gluten and lactose intolerance, then the COVID-19 vaccination is safe for you. You don’t need to feel scared that the vaccine will mess with your body, because these injections don’t contain any ingredients which will trigger your food allergies.

It’s safe to say that you will hopefully not feel any sort of allergic reaction after your first shot. However, if you have certain chemical allergies, then it’s best to check the ingredients and talk to your doctor.


There you have it! These things are important to know before you go and get your COVID-19 shot. It’s good to know these things so that you can be prepared for any sort of medical emergency. For more details, go to a hospital or allergy clinic Manassas VA.

Celiac Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Diet Plan

Gluten is a type of protein commonly found in some grain products such as barley, wheat, and rye. It helps maintain the food’s shape, keeps it moist and chewy, and makes the bread rise and look fluffy. Gluten may be harmless, tasteless, and odorless to some people. However, it can be fatal for many unlucky individuals.

People with such sensitivity to the food ingredient gluten most likely have a condition called celiac disease. It is usually diagnosed by an allergy specialist doctor. But if you suspect of having this condition, it is best to consult an allergist specialist for proper treatment.

What is a celiac disease?

It is said that one in 100 people around the world has celiac disease. To help manage this condition, you should visit an allergy clinic near you to prevent further complications that can be life-threatening if not managed properly.

This condition is considered an autoimmune disease wherein digestion of foods containing gluten can trigger allergic reactions. Worse, it can cause irreversible damage in the small intestine and largely affect your digestion. To begin with, celiac disease may not be easily detected as its symptoms vary from person to person.

As mentioned, celiac disease is triggered when a person has an allergic reaction to gluten. Upon consumption of food containing gluten, it triggers an immune response that causes damage to the small intestine particularly the villi. These finger-like things line up the intestine and aid in the absorption of nutrients. However, damaged villi can affect nutrient absorption and food digestion in general.

Celiac disease may occur either in childhood or in adulthood. However, it is believed that this condition runs in the family, which is why it may be a good idea to consult an allergist doctor to know if you inherited the condition. Nevertheless, the exact cause of the celiac disease is relatively unknown.

Causes and symptoms

As mentioned, both children and adults can be afflicted with celiac disease. However, symptoms may vary between both. For example, adults who have or are suspected to have this condition may experience one or more of the following symptoms.

  • Diarrhea/constipation
  • A feeling of bloating and excess gas
  • Sleep problems which can lead to chronic fatigue
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Anemia due to iron deficiency
  • Abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting
  • Presence of rashes (dermatitis herpetiformis)
  • Osteoporosis
  • Mouth sores
  • Tingling sensation in the hands and feet due to an injury in the nervous system
  • Balance and cognitive problems
  • Hyposplenism (a condition that affects spleen function)

On the other hand, children may experience symptoms different from those of adults. It is also said that children may be more prone to digestive issues than adults. One possible reason is that their digestive system is not yet as mature as adults. Among common symptoms of celiac disease in children include:

  • Constipation/diarrhea
  • Excessive gas
  • Bloating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Stools that may have an unbearable smell

If you suspect your child has the condition, it is important to have him/her get an allergy testing procedure for proper treatment. Otherwise, it can affect digestion and lack of nutrient absorption can lead to:

  • Weak teeth
  • Weight loss
  • Headaches
  • A tendency to throw frequent tantrums
  • Anemia due to iron deficiency
  • Delays in growth and puberty
  • Learning and muscle coordination problems
  • Death especially in infants

What to have and not to have in a gluten diet

People with celiac disease should follow a strict gluten-free diet. Likewise, it is important to identify certain foods that contain gluten but does not explicitly state it in the food label. You can consult an allergy doctor regarding gluten-free foods you can indulge in.

Some wheat-based products that usually contain gluten include the following:

  • Semolina (common in couscous and pasta)
  • Self-rising (phosphate) flour
  • Graham flour
  • Farina (common in hot cereals)
  • Flour enriched with minerals and vitamins
  • Other wheat varieties such as durum, spelt, einkorn, kamut, and emmer

In addition, some foods may have gluten and should be careful not to eat to avoid adverse reactions. These include:

  • Beer, ale, malt (all barley-based beverage)
  • Bread
  • Cakes and pastries
  • Cereals
  • Soy sauce
  • Pasta
  • Soup Mixes

Meanwhile, a usual gluten-free diet may include meat, seafood, eggs, and other protein-rich foods. There are also gluten-free grain alternatives such as millet, quinoa, and buckwheat. You can also include vegetables and nuts, although you may need to consult an allergist as you may also have allergies with the latter.

Seek medical help from allergy experts

If you experience the abovementioned signs of celiac disease, you should visit an allergy clinic in Manassas VA so you will be given the right medication and treatment.

Is it a Cold or an Allergy? Here is What You Need to Know

Getting the sniffles can be annoying. Imagine you’re about to sleep but you cannot breathe properly while lying down due to a clogged nose. Or when you’re about to eat your favorite food but you cannot savor its taste because of your runny nose.

Most people think that a runny or stuffy nose, coughing, and sneezing means you have the common colds. However, these symptoms can also indicate signs of an allergic reaction. In such cases, you should consult an allergist doctor near you to treat those allergy symptoms.

But first of all, we must learn to distinguish the difference between common colds and allergies. For one thing, it can be tricky since most of their symptoms are similar. However, their root causes and treatment should be treated accordingly with proper medications.

Common colds vs. Allergies: Know the differences

Although the symptoms of colds and allergies are similar, these two are way different from each other. On the one hand, a common cold is due to different kinds of colds. It is transmitted via droplets from a sick person when they sneeze or cough. Among tell-tale signs of a common cold include:

  • Runny or clogged nose
  • Coughing
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Body pains
  • Watery eyes

People usually recover from colds between a week to up to 10 days. If the abovementioned symptoms last for more than 10 days, you might have yourself checked as it can mean a more serious condition like bronchitis or pneumonia. Colds are all-year-round according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

People who experience allergies and young children are more prone to colds. In such cases, you might have to go to an allergy clinic to help deal with your symptoms.

Allergies, on the other hand, happens following a reaction from the immune system due to contact with certain substances. These triggers, called allergens, cause the symptoms that are similar to that of common colds.

In some cases, those with allergies experience other symptoms not common in colds such as itchy eyes and rashes. Some people experience seasonal allergies, but allergies can be experienced all year round.

How to diagnose allergies and colds

You might not need to consult a doctor for common colds. But it can also be a good idea to consult an allergy doctor if you think you are experiencing symptoms beyond common colds.

In case of a bacterial or viral infection, you might have to undergo further tests like a chest X-ray. But in case of allergies, you need to consult an allergist specialist and undergo allergy testing.

That is why you need to know the abovementioned symptoms to differentiate whether you have colds or allergies. In the worst cases, you might already have been experiencing life-threatening symptoms without you realizing it.

How to deal with common colds

Common colds are not life-threatening unless the symptoms haven’t gone away for weeks. Over-the-counter cough syrups and medicines for colds as well as nasal sprays and pain relievers can provide relief from the common cold. Ask your doctor before taking over-the-counter medicines, especially for kids, or if you are pregnant or have an existing medical condition.

Other ways to provide relief from colds include:

  • Not drinking caffeinated drinks
  • Drinking more citrus-based drinks and water
  • Steam baths

Likewise, you should follow the prescribed duration of taking the medications. Otherwise, it can lead to side effects.

How to deal with allergic reactions

There are other treatments for allergies and prevent its triggers. Antihistamines are the most popular allergy treatments such as Benedryl and Zyrtec. However, these treatments can have side effects such as drowsiness. But other antihistamines have a non-drowsy formula.

For those with a clogged nose, you should take decongestants for relief. Decongestants come in spray or pill forms. Like any other medicines, you should follow the doctor’s prescription to avoid experiencing side effects. Other treatments for allergies include eye drops (for itchy and watery eyes), corticosteroids, and allergy shots.

You should also visit an allergy clinic for proper treatment of allergies. Whether you have allergies or colds, it can affect your daily life nonetheless. Talk to the best allergist in Manassas VA for your allergy-related concerns.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Can Your Allergies Be One of the Major Culprits?

Everyone gets tired. When that happens, it can be too tempting to lie down on your bed and take some well-deserved rest. For one thing, being tired is a normal thing. When we feel tired, it means we have worked too much and that we need to take a break and recharge our mind and body.

However, some people feel tired all the time – even when they’re at rest. It may also have something to do with your allergies (if you do suffer from one). Speaking of allergies, you should visit an allergy clinic and consult an allergist doctor to help manage your condition.

When your fatigue seems too much

You might be told that your fatigue can be due to stress or some kind of infection. However, it can be because of something else that should not be left ignored. The feeling of fatigue can be due to an underlying medical condition such as allergies.

Speaking of allergies, it can also be a major cause of fatigue. Millions of people around the world suffer from some kind of allergic reaction. Undergoing allergy testing can help determine whether you are allergic to something. You can also consult an allergist specialist to know whether your allergies are most likely causing chronic fatigue.

For starters, chronic fatigue syndrome is a long-term medical condition that is way different from the usual tiredness. As mentioned, those with this condition feel tired even during and after getting rest. Common symptoms of CFS are the following:

  • Feeling tired all the time even after a nighttime sleep
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Brain fog/feeling confused most of the time
  • Sore throat
  • Excessive exhaustion especially after an intense physical activity

The link between allergies and CFS

Studies show that CFS occurs in women more than their male counterparts. It should also be considered as an auto-immune condition as it can lead to viral infection. Aside from that, CFS can also be triggered by hormonal issues, and yes, allergies.

We all know that allergens trigger allergies. It can be due to pet dander, pollen, dust, or certain foods. Once the immune system detects an allergen, it causes the familiar allergic symptoms such as rashes, runny nose, and watery eyes. In the worst cases, allergic reactions can lead to vomiting, breathing difficulties, and septic shock.

Sneezing all the time because of allergies can be tiring. Allergic rhinitis causes frequent sneezing and running nose, which are common symptoms of allergies. Taking antihistamines can cause drowsiness, too. Make sure to get a proper prescription for your allergies from a trusted allergist doctor.

Several studies also revealed that patients with CFS have a large number of mast cells. The mast cells’ major role is to produce a fresh supply of red blood cells and fighting allergens and toxins. This means more occurrence of allergic reactions when come across certain allergens.

What CFS feels like

An article by Angie Ebba described what it feels like to have chronic fatigue. As mentioned, having CFS is more than just feeling tired. It is a long-term condition that can greatly affect one’s quality of life. This condition also causes conditions like body pain, cognitive problems, and oversensitivity to light and touch.

Common allergy symptoms as mentioned above can also trigger and worsen your CFS. Not to mention stress and other environmental factors can also contribute to the condition. If you often feel tired and experience these common allergic symptoms, do not delay! Visit an allergy specialist doctor soon to help you manage your condition.

How to deal with CFS

Feeling tired even a full night’s sleep is no joke. It can be due to an underlying medical condition that should be addressed immediately. You should visit an allergist in Manassas to help you deal with your condition. Other than that, here are other tips that can help as well.

  • Change your diet and lifestyle. Try adopting a healthier eating habit and relaxation exercises (that should not tire and stress your body).
  • Seek support from friends, family, and medical professionals. They should help you get through your condition and stay positive all the time.
  • Be in charge of your body. If you do not feel well, take a rest, and consult a medical professional. Keep happy thoughts as much as possible and shun all the negative vibes.

Yes, There is Such a Thing as Sun Allergy

A lot of people are allergic to pollen, seafood, pet dander, or any other common allergens. But did you know that there are also some who are allergic to the sun? You can imagine how disappointing it can be not to be able to enjoy the summer. Unfortunately, sun allergy is real and affects a lot of individuals around the world.

A 2011 German study revealed that as much as 20 percent of people in parts of Europe and the US are affected with sunlight allergy. This condition is more commonly known as PMLE or polymorphous light eruption. Regardless of whatever allergy types you have, make sure to visit an allergy doctor immediately.

What is a sun allergy?

Sun allergy may not be as common as seafood or pollen allergies. However, it can affect the quality of your life just the same. It refers to a condition that results in an allergic reaction when exposed to sunlight. Allergy testing can determine whether you have sun allergies or any other kinds of allergies.

Genetics may have to do with sun allergies. However, there are also instances when sun allergies appear later in life due to specific triggers such as environmental or medication exposures. An allergist doctor can help determine the causes and how to manage the condition.

Among common symptoms of an allergic reaction to sunlight include hives, blisters, or rashes. Others experience itchy or painful skin, and even crusting and bleeding skin in the worst cases. Some people may experience immediate reaction following sunlight exposure.

A sun allergy reaction often shows up on the hands, arms, legs, and nape. Those with severe sun allergies can also experience reactions even on areas that are covered up with clothing. On the contrary, the back of the hand and the face do not

Types of sun allergy

Sun allergy is an umbrella term for several types of this kind of allergy aside from PMLE. You will know it is PMLE if there is a presence of itchy rashes and fluid-filled blisters. It also includes the following.

Photoallergic reaction

This type of sun allergy happens due to the reaction of the skin to any topical product like cosmetics or sunscreens. Usually, symptoms of sun allergies only appear after two to three days.

Solar urticaria

This is a rare type of skin allergy, which often causes hives and affect especially young women. Symptoms appear as fast as a few minutes following exposure to the sun. Some experience mild symptoms, but it can also be life-threatening in some cases. Contact an allergist specialist immediately if you notice signs of solar urticaria.

Actinic prurigo

This type of sun allergy is more common in Native Americans. But it also affects other races and symptoms can start in childhood. Actinic prurigo is characterized as having nodules or crusted bumps. You can consult an allergy physician if you suspect of having sun allergies.

Causes and treatment

As mentioned, sun allergies can be due to genetics. But it can also be because of other factors like medications and even beauty products. If you notice skin reactions that are beyond the usual after sun exposure, better consult an allergy physician or a dermatologist immediately.

Sun allergy can be somewhat preventable. You might also have to undergo a series of tests to determine whether it’s really a sun allergy or another type of allergy. These said tests include:

  • Photopatch testing
  • UV light testing
  • Skin and blood tests

As for treatments, it will depend on the sun allergy condition that you have. Your allergist doctor may recommend over-the-counter or prescription medications depending on the severity of the allergy. These can also help relieve the symptoms of sun allergies.

  • Make it a habit to apply moisturizing lotions to reduce dryness and irritation.
  • Use aloe vera gel or calamine lotion for allergy relief.
  • Stop using products that might be triggering your allergies (ex. sunscreen or a specific medication)
  • Call 911 or visit the nearest emergency room if you experience high fever, vomiting, arrhythmia, swelling, or difficulty in breathing.

Contact allergy experts near you

Sun allergy does exist and is no joke. If you experience any of the abovementioned symptoms, better visit an allergy clinic in Manassas VA for proper diagnosis and treatment. Make sure to follow the prescription given to you to lessen the effects of the allergic reaction.