Tag Archives: food allergies

Types of Skin Allergies

Skin conditions can be difficult to identify. Is it hives or dermatitis? A breakout or infection? Since rashes should be treated in a specific way, if you are unaware of what you have, you could be making it worse. Regardless if it is minor nuisance or an epidermis nightmare, there are ways that you can soothe your skin when you know what you are dealing with.

With the majority of skin conditions, you might have a genetic predisposition which is why you have them. Allergies cannot be exacerbated by stress because they can be emotional, like meeting your future in-laws, or they can also be environmental like an allergen.

Before going to an allergy center, it helps if you know the types of skin allergies.


This is medically known as atopic dermatitis and its characteristics are red, dry, splotchy, crusty, cracked, or flaky skin, and it can emit fluid if you scratch it. Normally, it is clustered around your elbows and knees, but it can appear on your skin anywhere. That is why you will also find eczema on your neck, arms, and legs.

It affects one in fifty adults, but it is most common in children.


Hives are skin inflammations that are triggered when your immune system releases histamine. This will cause the small blood vessels to leak, and it causes your skin to swell. The swollen deep layers of the skin are known as angioedema. There are two kinds of urticaria, chronic and acute. Acute urticaria happens after you eat a particular food or you encounter a certain trigger.

Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis has the same symptoms as eczema, and it can be a scaly or blistered red rash, depending on the cause and its severity. Normally, the rash has a distinct border.

Contact dermatitis can appear after you get exposed to an allergen or irritant, and it is a common rash because of external factors. Normally, allergens cause a blistered, shiny, and itchy rash while the irritants can be scaly, dry, or less itchy. It will appear hours to days after you get exposed.

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Similar to dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis is a fungus that normally crops up in oily areas like the face, scalp, back and upper chest.

Based on a study, it is very common and affects about 12% of the general population and 70% of infants during the first three months of their life. It seems to be caused by yeasts that belong to the genus Malassezia.


Angioedema is swelling in the skin’s deep layers. Most of the time, it is seen together with urticaria. Angioedema can occur in soft tissues like the eyelid, genitals, or mouth. Angioedema is known as “acute” in case the condition will last only a short time like minutes to hours. Acute angioedema is commonly caused by allergic reactions to medications or foods. Chronic recurrent angioedema happens when the condition keeps on returning over and over. It normally does not have any cause.


Rosacea will cause redness and thickness on your face, normally clustered in the center. Flushing, stinging sensation and small pus-filled pimples are common signs of the condition, which is normally confused with an acne breakout.


Psoriasis will cause patches of thickened skin, most of the time, scaly flakes on your skin. It is normally found around your feet, elbows, palms, and knees, and you can also have psoriasis on your scalp.

Other symptoms are scales, aside from rashes. About 20% of people with psoriasis also experience psoriatic arthritis.

You can contact an asthma doctor Germantown MD if you are experiencing skin allergy to get the best treatment.


How to Fight Fatigue from Allergies

If you are suffering from allergy fatigue, you are aware that it can be frustrating because you have to deal with sneezing, itchy eyes, and a runny nose.

There is another common symptom you might not think is associated with allergies: fatigue.

An allergy specialist will tell you that allergies can make you feel tired for different reasons, which include allergic reactions. Other indirect factors like difficulty sleeping, which might also make you feel fatigued.

Either way, it would be important to identify the reason behind your allergies so you can stay away from triggers. The doctor will help you identify what can cause symptoms, together with a recommended treatment to alleviate them. Read more about it now:

Know What You Are Allergic to

If you want to treat allergies, you should know what you are up against.

An allergy test helps identify substances that can trigger allergic reactions. These substances, which are called allergens, can be the things you are breathing in, touching, or eating.

A skin allergy test involves exposing the skin on your back or arm to small amounts of allergens to find out what you react to. These tests are normally done in one sitting, and you will get results immediately.

Blood allergy tests can check for allergens and it is useful if you are taking medication that interferes with the results. It is also effective in case your doctor thinks you have a severe reaction to a small amount of allergen.  

Allergy Shots

If over-the-counter allergy medications do not help you enough, the doctor might recommend allergy shots or injections that help reduce allergic reactions.

This is also called immunotherapy, and the shots work by introducing your body to small amounts of the substance that triggers your allergies.

Over time, your time is going to get used to the allergen, which helps you control symptoms.

Low-histamine Diet

Since histamine is broken down by your liver, supporting the liver using bitter cooling herbs like Andrographis, dandelion, and artichoke leaf is a crucial consideration. A diet that is low in histamine helps you during allergy season. The main elements of this diet are excluding foods with high histamine and promoting histamine release, and the addition of nutrients that act as natural histamines.

Take Allergy Medication at Night

Antihistamines are an effective and common way to control allergies, and modern allergy medicines are less likely to cause drowsiness compared to older ones. However, some people might still feel tired after they take an allergy pill, especially if they have not taken one recently.

If you need help reducing drowsiness and becoming more alert during the daytime, you must take your antihistamine in the evening instead of in the morning.

Consistency is key to reducing drowsiness caused by antihistamines – the longer you take a daily medication, the easier your body can tolerate side effects.

Not all antihistamines are for daily use, so you should talk to the doctor before you start or change allergy medications to make sure it is good for you.

Neti Pots

A neti pot or container you use to rinse nasal passages helps relieve allergy symptoms.

You should fill the device with distilled water and salt in order to create a saline solution, then you need to use it to clear out allergens and mucus in mucus membranes.

Neti pots help relieve runny nose, congestion, and other symptoms, but if you are feeling tired, it can help you take allergy medication at the same time.

You can find allergy doctor Manassas VA anytime if you are suffering from fatigue because of your allergies to get proper treatment.

Psychological Impact of Food Allergies

Food allergies could impact the patients’ emotions through direct and indirect mechanisms. The direct mechanisms can include central nervous system effects from the biological mediators released when you have an allergic food reaction. Indirect mechanisms can include the stress of living with food allergy like avoidance of food preparation and controlling the fear of potential consequences when you ingest the food.

You can go to an allergy specialist doctor and find out more about indirect effects that can also be mediated through family members, like the stress of the parent on the child. Since food allergy is increasing in children and adults, it has become difficult to study, and sometimes symptoms can be misinterpreted because food allergies are normally patients with psychological profiles.


Aside from feeling anxiety, those with food allergies can go against bullying. One out of three children gets bullied for having food allergies. The rate is pretty high, and the research suggests that people are not always aware of this. A study has found that about half of parents and children who have food allergies do not know that their child experience school bullying. This can be shocking to parents.

Bullying also affects adults because of food allergies. It can range from eye-rolls, microaggressions, and derisive tone of voice.

Impact on the Parents

There can also be gender differences regarding how parents handle their child’s allergies. The responsibility for allergy management mainly falls on moms. There is mixed evidence if this material leads to marital strain or it can actually help greater family cohesion, but it affects the psychosocial well-being of moms can be heavier.  Moms might feel responsible when it comes to controlling triggers, with the need to carry the idea that they might have to face unexpected reactions.

Reactions from People

The major frustration of parents include not having enough public understanding, not wanting to accommodate, inconsistent information about treatment, and mislabeled products. Food allergy impacts the general public’s perception, and it can influence how food allergy is managed. For example, if a patient thinks that their friend’s belief in asking about the ingredients is unimportant, they might do the same. Sometimes, children may experience harassment and teasing due to food allergies, and some have reportedly smeared with the allergic food. Some adults say that their allergies have been disregarded by others, and they have faced a lack of understanding as well.

Building Connections

Getting help is not simple all the time. it can be difficult to find mental health professionals who can understand food allergies. It is important to teach individuals how they should support people who have food allergies and to show clinicians how anxiety issues can be spotted.

A counselor can help connect people with professionals who are sympathetic toward people with food allergies.

In other countries, getting support can be difficult. There are a couple of mental health resources mainly for people who have food allergies. People will mainly use resources that support the anaphylaxis campaign.

Daily Life with Food Allergy

Of course, my interest in this area comes from personal experience. Psychologists have observed the gap that goes on between empirical research and their experience as parents who have children with allergies. People will feel fortunate that there is already clinical training to hone the experience of researching more about the psychological effects of food allergy.


Food allergies can impact social life, and part of this is being mediated by the confidence of allergy sufferers and them being taken seriously and carefully managed.

You can talk to an allergy clinic Germantown MD if you need to know more about the psychological effects of food allergy.



Signs You are Allergic to Your Pet

Pet allergy is your body’s reaction to proteins that are found in the skin cells of animals, urine, or saliva. The common signs of a pet allergy are sneezing hay fever and runny nose. Some people can experience symptoms of asthma, like breathing difficulty and wheezing.

According to an allergy clinic, pet allergy is activated by being exposed to dead skin flakes that the pet sheds. Any furry animal can become a pet allergy source, but pet allergies are normally linked to cats and dogs.

In case you are allergic to pets, the most effective strategy is to stay away from any animal exposure. Other treatments of medications might be important in relieving symptoms and managing asthma.


Allergies to animals are common, especially in individuals who have asthma or additional allergies. The truth is, that a significant percentage of people are allergic to pets, and cat allergies occur twice as often.

In case you suffer from a pet allergy, which does not always mean that you are allergic to the dog or cat. Aggravation or allergic reactions to asthma symptoms results from substance exposure that is found in pets, which includes saliva, urine, flaked skin, and dander. Aside from that, furry pets can become virtual dust mops, while bringing in allergens such as mold spores, dust, and pollen coming from outside. Pet hair is not an allergen, but it carries substances that cause allergic reactions.


Dog, cat and other allergens could land on the membranes, which line the eyes and nose. You can breathe pet allergens in your airways. Symptoms of an animal allergy include:

  • Stuffy nose
  • Itching and swelling of eyes and nose
  • Sneezing
  • Postnasal drip
  • Runny nose
  • Eye redness
  • Hives
  • Coughing
  • Sleep disruption, itchiness, fatigue, or irritability in the roof of the mouth and throat

You can get itchy eyes after petting an animal and touch your eyes after.  A pet scratch or lick on your skin causes redness and itchiness in the area. You could get hives. Pet allergy may trigger an asthma attack in case you have asthma as well.

Those who have pet allergens have different sensitivity levels. Some experience minor symptoms and other people have severe symptoms. In case there are low allergen levels, symptoms might not show up until after a couple of days after interacting with your pet.

Dogs and Cats

Allergens that come from cats and dogs are in the skin cells the animal is shedding, and in the saliva, sweat, and urine on their fur. Dander is mainly a problem because it is small and it remains airborne for longer periods of time with very little air circulation. It also gets easily collected in upholstered furniture and it will stick to your clothes.

Pet saliva sticks to bedding, carpets, clothing, and furniture. Dried saliva can become airborne.

Hypoallergenic dogs and cats might shed less fur compared to the shedding types, but a completely hypoallergenic breed does not exist.

When Should You See an Allergist

If you have any of the symptoms, you might not want to think that it is your pet that is causing you discomfort. Most of the time, the best treatment is to avoid any contact with dogs and cats. For a lot of animal lovers though, pets are treated like a part of the family.

Regardless if you have mild symptoms, it would be good to schedule an appointment with an allergist. Your allergies can worsen with time. Therefore, you should get treatment early to prevent any complications.

You should talk to an allergy center Manassas VA anytime so that you can get treatment early.

Tips to Improve Indoor Allergens in Your Home

The control of asthma and allergy starts at home. A lot of people who have allergies stay in their homes when the outdoor air has a lot of spores and pollen. However, dust mites, animal dander, and cockroaches can cause problems indoors. If you want to reduce indoor air pollution, you need to have adequate ventilation, control pollution sources and clean your indoor air.

After you see an allergy specialist, you should also do your part by controlling indoor allergens in your home. If you want to know what to do so that the allergens in your home are kept at bay, this article is going to give you what you need. Read on to know more.

Control Dust Mites

Keep surfaces in your home clean and uncluttered. The best ones are bare walls and floors, specifically the one in your bedroom where you spend most of your nights. If you have a carpet, throw rugs that are washable or low-pile carpets are even better.

The most important method is to put zippered allergen impermeable or pillow covers, box springs, and mattresses. Encased mattresses work better compared to air cleaners in order to reduce allergy symptoms. You should wash your bedding, uncovered pillows, and stuffed toys every week in hot water.

If you are turning on the heat, allergens such as pet dander and dust are lurking in the air ducts. It is recommended that you use a high-efficiency furnace filter to lessen indoor allergens that circulate in your home. It is recommended that you immediately change your filters every 90 days. You should start to change it with the seasons so that you can remember.

Limit How Much Pollen Goes Inside Your Home

You should ask as much, to keep your window closed if you require air conditioning to keep pollen from being blown inside your home. Remember to take off your shoes outside, or put a mat outside the door so you can wipe dirt off your feet. When you keep temperatures inside cool is also helpful in preventing humidity. This creates the best environment for dust mites and mold.

Clean Your House Regularly

Vacuuming your home with a HEPA filter weekly will also cut down allergens indoors like pet dander and dust mites. When you dust around your knick-knacks and books, you should use electrostatic cloth or microfiber that holds dust instead of only moving it around. As you dust and vacuum, dust is going to get stirred up in the air, so if you are allergic, you can use an N95 filter mask while you clean.

When it is possible, you should use wall-to-wall carpeting, even in the bedrooms. Hardwood floors become easier to clean because you can see the dust while cleaning. However, you can use washable area rugs as well to cut down allergens.

Avoid Any Mold Spores

You should reduce moisture around your bathroom, kitchen, and other water areas in your home. Dehumidifiers are also helpful in reducing dust mites and mold. You should limit yourself to a couple of house plants. You should fix every leak and other cause of the damp areas in your home. Clean the moldy surfaces. Get rid of the moldy firewood, and piles of weeds and leaves.

Keep the Cockroaches Controlled

You should not leave any garbage or food uncovered. You should use boric acid, poison baits, and traps instead of chemical agents that will irritate your rhinitis and/or trigger asthma.

If you cannot control indoor allergens, you can always contact the allergy doctor Manassas VA.

How to Prevent Food Allergies

It has been known that asthma and allergies run in families, which makes children, where one or both parents suffer from allergies, are more prone to develop them. The good thing is that there are steps that can delay or prevent asthma or allergies.

The best way to prevent having to go to an allergist is to expose them to different foods early, instead of pushing them for later. This way, their bodies can get used to several kinds of food and will have no problem eating whatever they want in the future.

There are several ways mentioned in this article on how you can prevent food allergies in children. Read on now.

Read Food Labels

Today, food labels have information about food allergies written on their labels like if there are additives containing milk protein if it was from a facility that processes nuts, and wheat byproducts. You still have to read all food labels, every time, even if you bought so many items in the past. Manufacturers can frequently decide to change ingredients and allergens can be part of a new formula.

Do Not Give Actual Peanuts to Your Toddler or Baby

You should never give babies real peanuts or anything else that could make them choke. You can buy a snack for babies that has peanuts in it. You can add smooth peanut butter to your finger and give it to your baby. You can mix it into foods, or bake it into soft bread. Eggs can be mixed easily, and you can add small cooked egg pieces because they can be given to babies as well. There are plenty of ways to introduce them without giving them food in large pieces or are hard. You can ask your doctor how to do it.

Recognize the Symptoms

If you have a food allergy, it is important that you know how to identify the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction, especially when it comes to anaphylaxis. If you are able to spot the early signs of an allergic symptom, it can be life-saving. Here are the symptoms you should watch out for:

  • Eyes – Tears, itching, redness, and eyes are swelling
  • Skin – Redness, itching, red bumps, hives, rash, skin swelling
  • Upper respiratory – Sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, dry cough, hoarseness, and itching
  • Lower respiratory – Wheezing, chest tightness, cough, and shortness of breath
  • Mouth – Palate, itching, lips, or tongue swelling
  • Gastrointestinal – Reflux, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, bloody tools, or abdominal pain
  • Cardiovascular – Dizziness, low blood pressure, slow or rapid heartbeat, fainting, loss of consciousness
  • Other symptoms – Sense of “impending doom”, or uterine contractions

Start Solids Around 4 to 6 Months

You can introduce single-ingredient foods to your children like pears, apples, and bananas. Vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots and squash, and cereal grains.

Based on how ready your baby is, you can start to introduce new foods. You introduce them 3 to 5 days apart, so you can watch for any allergic reactions. Symptoms can include tongue swelling, itchy mouth or eyes, vomiting, hives, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, breathing difficulty, and anaphylaxis in worst cases.

You should not give food to your baby that you know they are allergic to. You cannot always know if your baby is allergic to something, but if you see eczema, blood in their stool, vomiting, rashes, or fussiness after any food they eat, you should consult your allergy doctor before starting any solid foods with them. You must also seek your doctor’s advice if both parents or any sibling has allergies to food.

You may book an appointment at the allergy center Germantown MD anytime.


How to Make the Most of Your Allergy Appointment

Maybe you tried to eat something new and after that, your body starts acting up causing you to vomit and break out into hives. Maybe you suspect environmental triggers such as pollen or dust are making you suffer from congestion. This will be why your doctor has referred you to an allergist.

The allergist will use your medical history and perform a physical exam to help point out allergies and figure out what triggers them.

If you need help in finding out what to expect during your first visit, you must read this article on what you can do so that your first appointment is not wasted.

What You Must Check Beforehand

You must speak to your allergy doctor to make sure that you do not have medications that might cause problems during your appointment.

That is because some medications interfere with others, especially antihistamines. Your allergist might ask you to stop taking certain medications for a few days before seeing going to your allergist for testing.

However, you must ask your healthcare provider before you discontinue any medications because you do not want to sacrifice one for the other.

Your Medical History and Symptoms

Your allergist is going to ask everything about your medical history. Aside from that, the specialist is going to assess any pre-existing conditions that you might have. People with asthma might have more complex and severe allergic reactions that require non-stop treatment.

In addition, observe where your symptoms occur. The signs you must look for are:

  • Raised skin spots (hits)
  • Wheezing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Chest tightness
  • Swelling and inflammation of different body parts

The doctor might ask you different questions to support your medical history that is related to possible and common allergens. You can expect questions about your pets, environment, proven allergic reactions, and current medications.

Questions to Ask

Aside from writing down your symptoms, there are questions you need to ask.

  • What foods will I be tested for? Why?
  • What will the test results mean?
  • Do I require testing for this kind of allergy?
  • How can I determine and avoid the triggers of my allergies?
  • How serious are these symptoms?
  • What are the available food allergy management tools?
  • How can people best manage their food allergies?
  • What should be monitored after my visit?
  • When should I do a follow-up at the office?
  • Do allergies worsen over time or can they improve?

If your allergy is diagnosed, including asking questions about how to treat questions, and concerns about the side effects of medications.

Treatment Plans

Your diagnosis will tell you what the appropriate treatment is. Commonly, your allergy doctor will ask you to avoid things that can trigger your allergies. The doctor might also prescribe medications like antihistamines.

What Happens After

As part of the first assessment, your doctor might also check your skin, nose, throat, and lungs. If your diagnosis is related to food or airborne allergies, they will need to run tests after that.

You might be asked to undergo allergy testing. In case this happens, your skin will also be tested for any reactions to different substances. According to the results, your doctor is going to recommend a treatment, which includes:

  • Allergy shots
  • Prescription medications
  • Avoid certain triggers
  • Make some lifestyle changes to reduce your symptoms, especially if your triggers are food-related or because of some environmental factors.

In case your allergy symptoms do not go away with regular treatment, you might have to undergo immunotherapy.

If you need to find an allergy doctor Manassas VA, do not hesitate to contact them and book an appointment.

Surprising Things that Make Allergies Worse

If you have seasonal allergies, you most likely avoid triggers that cause itchiness, sneezing, and sniffling. However, even if you stay inside even on high-pollen days, there are some everyday habits that you might not think could be allergy triggers. They can wreak havoc on your allergies without being aware of them.

An allergist will tell you that you are not the only one who suffers from this because some of the everyday habits you do cause allergy reactions. There are seasonal allergies like they only come out during summer, spring, winter, or allergy to peanuts or cats is all-year-round. You need to limit exposure to allergens, and the symptoms can be treated by taking medication.

Here are some of the weird or surprising things that make allergies worse.


Pollen can easily get stuck to the fabric, and after you spend a day outside, you are bringing those irritants at home. You will spread them to your bed, couch, and other parts of your home. If you want to keep the pollen from proliferating, you must change your clothes right away once you get home. You can also shower before bed to remove pollen from your skin and hair.

Your Shoes

If you have a rash or poison ivy after you wear leather shoes, there is a possibility that you are allergic to chemicals that are used in leather tanning. This kind of allergy is known as “contact dermatitis”, and a patch test can diagnose it. Contact dermatitis is a general term for the usual skin conditions that are caused by contact with allergens or irritants.

Red Wine

A glass of red wine might be good for unwinding, but it will not help with your allergies. Alcohol causes your blood vessels to widen, which causes a runny and/or stuffy nose. That is because alcohol is a vasodilator. Alcohol aggravates allergy and wine has an extra punch because of the sulfites it contains that cause some people to have a reaction. Red wine is high in sulfites, and fermented red grape skins have protein allergens.

Exercise Allergy

This kind of allergy was only reported 1,000 times since it was discovered in the 1970s. Exercise allergy causes urticaria, hives, but it can cause anaphylaxis in more severe cases. Anaphylaxis is a dangerous condition when your blood pressure suddenly drops and you will have a hard time breathing. There are 2 kinds of exercise allergies. One that occurs after you eat food within 2 hours after exercising, and the other one happens if you do not eat food. If you experience either one, you should stop your exercise, but you can prevent the food-related type by not eating anything before exercising.

Not Going to the Gym

It is difficult to find motivation when you feel like your face is about to explode, but working out brings some allergy relief. That is because of the stress hormones you release during exercise, and the blood vessels calm down so you can breathe better. This effect is only temporary, but you will get a break from congestion – together with the other benefits of exercise.

Swimming Pools

Chlorine dries out skin and irritates the airways of people with allergies like coughing, congestion, and itchy skin. Luckily, your allergy doctor can help you manage these symptoms so you can still go swimming whenever you like. Avoiding the pool because of your allergy is not the only solution, so make sure to ask your doctor what you can do.

You should go to an allergy specialist doctor Germantown MD if you want to manage your symptoms that are interfering with your everyday life.

Benefits of Allergy Testing

When you have allergies that means your immune system is overreacting you have touched or inhaled as you enjoyed an outdoor activity or in your home. Even having a carpet in your bedroom or taking aspirin are allergic reaction triggers that cause you to have symptoms like swelling, itchiness, vomiting, difficulty breathing, and other symptoms.

Going to an allergy clinic to get tested is important and you should know that it is very simple. It is performed by blood or skin testing, and when combined with physical education and medical history, the doctor can pinpoint what you are allergic to.

Read on.

Helpful in Managing Diets

It is hard for parents to handle a child’s diet if they fear allergic reactions. In most cases, the reason is that the food group is taken out from their daily diet. When you remove a lot of food items, it means that nutrients and vitamins are neglected, they can impact the health of a child. This is a prevalent issue when self-diagnosis of allergies are given.

You Will Have an Effective Treatment Plan

There are different medications and treatment options that allergy sufferers experience like allergy shots, immunotherapy, or avoidance. Accurately diagnosing an allergy, together with insights into any medications you are currently taking allows your allergist to prescribe the right treatment program.

Differentiate Intolerance and Allergy

When you can differentiate between food intolerance and food allergy, it gives you assurance that your treatment plan will be the right one. Intolerances happen hours or sometimes even days after you have consumed the food, and that causes digestive problems. In contrast to this, there is an allergic response that quickly occurs and that is triggered by releasing the antibodies. After you come from a consultation, the food allergy doctor will do tests to confirm them.

Lifestyle Changes

If you have severe food allergies, you might have to start alternating your food so you can avoid more food problems. If you suffer from insect allergies, there is an EpiPen you can use to protect yourself. If you are allergic to dust and pollen, you will be able to control everything around you. In case you have nut allergies, you will know that you have to avoid eating foods that might have the kind of nuts and oils that might cause you to have a reaction. If you are allergic to pets, you will stay away from that animal. In case you are allergic to shellfish, you would have to pay attention to any kind of salad or seafood you are about to consume. The allergy test will show what you must do.

Improves Your Everyday Life

It can be difficult to manage a food allergy, but it is a lot worse if you have limited knowledge of the triggers. When you know which foods will cause a reaction, you can be comfortable without having a lot of concerns. Children are able to attend school events, birthday parties, and other functions that do not cause fear. At the same time, teachers and other parties responsible will know about your dietary requirements.

Find Out if You Need to Change Your Eating Habits

When you undergo allergy testing, you will know which foods are causing digestive issues or outbreaks that cause something like a gluten allergy. You might have to avoid foods with gluten.

Go to an allergy center Manassas VA to get tested and find out what you need to avoid.

What You Need to Know About Seafood Allergy

Even if the worst food allergies begin during your childhood, seafood allergy stands out. If you consult an allergist, they will tell you that seafood allergy can develop anytime in your life. However, it is more present during adulthood. It could be caused by the foods that you ate before without issues.

Seafood allergy is the most common onset food allergy among adults. Therefore, you might be surprised that one day you will just develop a seafood allergy even if you never had it before.

You will discover more about this allergy as you read further.

Which ones are Considered Seafood?

Seafood pertains to any fresh and saltwater fish, shellfish, and crustaceans. Common examples are:

  • Fish: Bluefish, anchovy, bass, catfish, carp, cod, char, haddock, flounder, herring, halibut, sardines, mahi-mahi, salmon, and tuna
  • Shellfish: Clams, abalone, mussels, conch, oysters, octopus, sea snails, scallops, and squid
  • Crustaceans: Crayfish, crab, prawns, shrimp, and lobster
  • Others: Kamaboko and surimi, caviar and roe, and tarama

It is not Rare

While figures range per country, about 1% of the population suffers from this type of allergy. Teenagers and adults experience it more compared to early childhood. Approximately 20% grows out of their allergy over time.

Symptoms of Seafood Allergy

You need to see an allergy doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms after consuming seafood:

  • Flushed face, rash or hives, red and itchy skin
  • Swelling of the eyes, lips, face, tongue, and throat
  • You have trouble swallowing, speaking, or breathing
  • Itchy skin
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, and cramps
  • You experience distress, anxiety, paleness, fainting, weakness, and a sense of doom
  • Your blood pressure drops, have a rapid heartbeat, and loss of consciousness

How is it Diagnosed?

Seafood allergies are more seen in adults and less common among children. An allergist will be able to confirm if you suspect that you are allergic to seafood.

Cooking Sometimes Affect Your Tolerance

Normally, seafood allergens are heat stable and cooking cannot easily destroy them, but sometimes individuals can tolerate tinned fish. However, they are unable to tolerate the same type of fish if it is freshly cooked. You should not try tinned fish unless your doctor advises you to.

How You Can Avoid Seafood

It is easy to avoid buying or cooking seafood, but there are many ingredients added to food that is made from seafood. You must always check the labels on processed or packaged foods. Watch out for these:

  • Oyster sauce and fish sauce
  • Marinara sauce
  • Fish stock
  • Fish paste
  • Prawn crisps and prawn crackers
  • Sushi
  • Caesar salad
  • Cooking oil
  • Pizza
  • Krill or fish oil supplements
  • Cooking oil that was used for cooking fish

If you order a meat curry, they might have used the fish sauce to cook it. You should tell the waiters that you are allergic to seafood and your meal should not have any seafood in it, even if it is just oyster sauce or fish sauce.

Fish oil supplements are highly unlikely to cause any adverse reaction, but you should still avoid them.

Some people are extremely sensitive to any type of fish that they can react even to the steam produced from cooking fish. This is more common in children with asthma.

You should look for an allergy specialist Manassas VA who will tell you everything you should know because you should stay away from seafood no matter what.