Tag Archives: eye allergies

Home Remedies to Reduce the Chances of an Asthma Attack

Over the years the number of people affected by asthma has gone up with around 18 million affected in the united states. The disease affects more than 6 million children with the cases going up every day. It’s therefore essential that we mitigate the effects of asthma without relying solely on asthma treatments. Homemade remedies will help ease the effects of asthma.It’s imperative before taking on home remedies that you visit an asthma doctor for a thorough analysis and a discussion of the home remedies and their effects on any medication prescribed.

Breathing Exercises

There are an exercise that will assist air movement into the lungs.  Don’t exercise while your asthma is severe as this may result in an asthma attack. Discuss all the remedies with your allergist before you start the exercise

  • Belly breathing technique

The technique will ensure that there is air distribution in your lungs. Breathe in slowly through your lungs and ensure you abdomen goes out, exhale and ensure that your abdomen goes in. The exercise will make sure that there is proper air circulation.

  • Purse through lips technique

The technique is effective during asthma to attack. To ensure that the air trapped in your lung is removed inhale slowly through your nose and exhale through pursed lips.

Foods and Oils

  • Mustard Mixed in Camphor

Warm the oil and add the camphor. Massage your chest with the mixture until you feel relieved

  • Ginger

Ginger is known as an antibiotic property among other uses.mix ginger, honey, and pomegranate and drink the mix three times daily

  • Figs

Figs is one of the best asthma remedies. Soak the figs in water and drink the water the first thing in the morning

  • Eucalyptus Oil

Put the oil in steamy water and breathe in the steam, that will clear the airwaves

Foods rich in Vitamin

Vitamin A maintains a healthy mucous membrane and reduces severe asthma attacks. Food such as vegetables and fruits are an excellent source of Vitamin A. Ensure that the vegetables and fruits are fresh.

Vitamin B9 reduces inflammation and allergy reactions. And to get Vitamin B9 ensure your diet has Vegetables, beans, and nuts.

Vitamin E and C are antioxidant and help your body detox. Foods such as nuts and natural oils are a source of the vitamins and are known to ease wheezing.

Omega 3 helps reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system

Keep your home allergen free

Allergens in your home will affect you more than the ones inside. Below are some tips on how to keep your house allergen free and fresh

  • Open the windows during the day to bring in fresh air
  • Avoid stoves that emit smoke
  • Use flooring solutions that don’t attract dust
  • Keep your bedding clean and fresh
  • Keep pets out of your bedroom and rest areas
  • Exterminate cockroaches
Stress management

High-stress levels will increase the chances of an asthma attack by causing inflammation and weakening the immune system. It’s imperative that you manage your stress levels.

Though asthma is not a curable disease, managing it can make life more bearable and fewer medications will be used. It’s critical to understand your allergens so that you can counter the effects.Visit your allergy clinic often for check up on the progress you are making while using home remedies.

How to Manage Asthma and Reduce Chances of an Asthma Attack

Asthma is a chronic disease characterized by inflammation of the airways of the lungs. Asthma has several signs which include wheezing, Coughing, Chest congestion and breath shortness. The disease sometimes results in episodes which are mild, moderate or severe and cause more mucous production reducing the size of airwaves further. It’s critical to seek asthma treatments if you experience any of the signs

Types of Asthma

  • Nocturnal Asthma

It results from allergen mainly in the homes or sinuses and occurs between midnight and 7 am.

  • Occupational Asthma

Occupational asthma result from allergens in the workplace which include dust, chemicals, dust, and fumes.

  • A cough induced asthma

Results from a cough and can occur any time of the night

  • Exercise-Induced Asthma

Coughing during an exercise could result in breathing difficulties an indication of asthma.

  • Childhood Asthma

The asthma results from a reaction to allergen present in the living environment.

Asthma results from environmental and genetic factors, and it’s crucial to visit an asthma doctor to promptly to ensure that you treat the signs before they deteriorate and become fatal. Environmental factors include dust, pollen, and other allergens.

Treatment of Asthma

Asthma treatment is either short-term and long-term treatment. Short-term treatment works for milder cases of asthma while long-term treatment involves taking medication daily for a given period to treat severe cases of asthma. Short-term medication includes anticholinergic and adrenergic agonist while long-term medicines comprise of corticosteroids and long-acting beta agonist.

Asthma Management

It’s paramount to manage asthma to avoid long-term effects of the medicine and lessen the visits to the doctor. There are several steps to take to control the disease;

  • Quit smoking

Smoking will cause a spike in allergic reactions, and it’s therefore highly advisable to quit the habit.

  • Know what triggers your asthma

It’s necessary to understand your body and what allergens it’s reacting to, after which you should avoid coming into contact with the allergens

  • Take medication given by the Asthma doctor and avoid self-prescription.
  • Alert your doctor if after taking the medications there is no change.

Action Plan in case of an Asthma Attack

  • Ensure airwaves don’t constrict by sitting upright
  • Take long deep breaths
  • Move away from the triggers
  • Take a hot beverage
  • If the wheezing does not subside, see an asthma doctor
Living with Asthma
  • Educating your family and the people near you

It’s crucial to understand your asthmatic condition, but it’s even more critical that the people around you have knowledge of your asthmatic situation and how they can help in case of emergency. Make sure you share with your family the action plan in case of attack.

  • Following the medical plan consistently

Ensure you follow the medical as shared by the asthma doctor maryland to reduce the chances of an asthma attack.

How to Manage Hives and Skin allergy

eczema and skin allergies

Hives and skin allergy is medically known as urticaria present in form of swollen bumps on the skin that appear instantly as a result of an allergen on the skin or in the body. The bumps will vary in size and will from a few hours to a day. Urticaria affects around 21% of the population at one point in their lives. Hives and skin allergy result from a number of allergens which include;

  • Chemicals in food
  • insect stings,
  • exposure to sunlight
  • certain medications
  • Viral and Bacterial Infections
  • Stress
  • Chronic illness
  • Other factors

Hives are either acute or chronic depending on the amount of time they take to clear off. Acute hives will normally resolve on their own, but chronic cases take more than 6 weeks to clear off and may result in dizziness, breathing difficulties and swelling of the body parts like the face. In case its chronic urticaria it’s paramount to consult a physician immediately to lessen the effects of the allergy.

Types of hives

Acute Urticaria is the most common and last less than six weeks. It mainly results from food, medicine, and insect bites.

Physical Urticaria which results from physical contact with the allergen. Exposure to the sun, pressure on the skin are among the causes of this kind of urticaria

Chronic Urticaria lasts more than one month and its most commonly associated with thyroid diseases, hormonal problems, and cancer.

Treatment and Management of hives and skin allergy

One of the most important steps in curtailing the effect of the allergy is being able to identify the triggers and avoiding them. Visit the allergy physician if the allergic reaction continues for more than 6 weeks as this is considered chronic. Milder and less serious cases can be managed through simple home remedies as below;

  • Bathing with anti-itch products

Soaking in a bath with the itch products will relieve the itching

  • Wear loose clothing

Wear clothing that is not tight fitting to ease up the itching feeling and any irritation. Ensure that the clothes don’t irritate the skin further. Heat increases the urge to itch so it’s advisable to wear lighter clothes.

  • Apply a cold compress

Use a towel wrapped in ice to relieve the itchy feeling

If the above home remedies don’t reduce the allergic reactions consider taking antihistamines or combination of medication as prescribed by the physician.

Diagnosis of Urticaria

Once you visit the allergy physician Manassas  depending on your medical history the doctor may order a blood test, stool test, thyroid function test and liver test to ascertain the exact cause of the disease. Milder cases may not require testing as the physician will ask a question to identify the allergen.

What to avoid in case you have hives

  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Stress

How to keep asthma and allergies at bay from your child?

It is no huge revelation that children are fond of animals and birds. More often than not, they are found interacting with them in some form or the other. However, the droppings of pigeons, the birds that children are fascinated by the most carry a certain fungus called Histoplasma Capsulatum. These can be detrimental to a child’s health and is said to have severe health implications, the most common one being asthma and allergies. But, by taking up the allergy tests beforehand and thereafter taking a few precautionary measures, one can easily trick the common allergens and prevent the allergy symptoms.

Why children are easily affected by the allergens?

It would be illogical to say that only a certain sex is susceptible to allergies because of Histoplasma Capsulatum in the environment. Both men and women are equally at risk of being affected. However, in case of the children the chances of being affected are higher, because their immune system is not as strong as adults. The most common infliction that is seen to affect people is the inflammation of the eye. Tests and examinations reveal ‘histo-spots’ and scars on the retina, that can result in blurry or impaired vision.

Effective ways to deal with the allergens:

Any form of allergy can lead to chronic health conditions for the little ones. But, it is practically impossible to confine your child within the house to avoid the allergens. Here are few ways you can control the problem by being extra careful:

  • Pay attention to the garden soil: In some cases pigeons in the vicinity may not be as harmful as thought, the larger they are in number, the higher the air and soil is likely to contain this fungus. So, make sure they are covered well if they go out to play in the yards. Ask them to change their outfits and wash their hands before entering the bedroom.
  • Avoid lakes parks or a bird sanctuary if your child is prone to allergies– Having a child who is prone to allergic reactions illness is bad enough. To top it, aggravation of the ailment because of bird droppings is more petrifying. Therefore, think twice next time you decide to visit the lake, park or any area where there is a possibility of birds, especially pigeons, being around in the vicinity.
  • Free your home from the common allergens– One of the most crucial steps in ensuring that hives and skin allergy don’t aggravate is to keep the environment at home clean. Clean air and ventilation, using the high efficiency particulate air or HEPA is crucial for the wellbeing of the child. Get rid of the dust mites in your home by regular cleaning sessions.

In case you are suspecting that your child is prone to allergies, it is always best to consult an allergy specialist doctor immediately. Their guidance will be crucial in determining the effect of the fungus on the child. Any problems with vision should be reported immediately. Even though scarring around the border of the retina is harmless, there is nothing to lose in seeking the opinion of an expert. However, avoiding pigeon and bird-infested areas is absolutely vital for children who are usually prone to such types of allergy-related ailments and illnesses.


How To Survive The Holiday Season While Suffering From Food Allergy

food allergy

As we are heading into the holiday season, the biggest worry with people suffering from food allergy is how they are going to survive the season. If you suffer from the condition you don’t have to worry as there are many strategies, you can use to ensure that you enjoy the season. Some of these strategies include:

Contact your host early enough

The main aim of any host is to organize a party that everyone will enjoy. To help the host do it while keeping yourself safe, you should contact him/her early enough. You should let the party organizer know about your condition and tell them the foods that you are comfortable taking. When you do this, you will help the host prepare food that will be appealing to everyone.

Carry your food

Another option that you can go with is to prepare your food at home and carry it to the party. You should do this if you don’t want to bother the host to cook different meals or you don’t have enough time to notify him/her about your condition.

After you have prepared your food, you should pack it safely and go with it to the party. It’s common for people to ask you why you are taking food that is different from yours. You shouldn’t shy away from explaining it to them.

You should note that it’s easy to develop the allergy at the party even if you are taking safe food. This often comes about when you take food in a plate that has the allergen. To avoid the condition, you should put the food in safe dishes. This calls for you to ask the host to give you plates that haven’t been used by other people.

Eat in advance

If you are attending a small party and you aren’t sure if there will be safe food there, you should arm yourself by eating in advance. Just like when eating different foods, people will ask questions. For example, they will want to know why you aren’t eating. Again, don’t shy away from explaining it to them.


These are some of the strategies that you can use to survive the holiday season safely even if you are suffering from food allergies. As mentioned above, it’s common for you to develop the allergies even if you are observing all the caution.

In addition to using the above strategies, also consider visiting an allergy clinic and take the necessary medications that will help you in the event you consume an allergen.

How To Deal With Seasonal Allergies

seasonal allergies

From their name, seasonal allergies come about at different times of the year. If you are prone to them it’s paramount that you know how to deal with them. To help you out here is how to go about it:

Stay indoors when the allergens are high

Spring allergies come about due to the presence of pollen in the air. To avoid the allergy you need to avoid contact with the allergens. One of the most effective ways of doing so is staying indoors. If you can work indoors you should go ahead and work from home. To avoid the allergens from getting in the house close the windows and doors. Also, ensure that the air conditioner is working perfectly.

Protect yourself from the allergens when outdoors

If you can’t avoid being outdoors, take measures to protect yourself. One of the ways of doing it is wearing a mask when you are going outdoors. You can get a good quality mask from your local hardware store or from a home improvement center. All you need to do is ensure that the mask is of high quality. As rule of thumb, it should have a good quality filter.

You can also minimize exposure by going outdoors when there is less pollen in the air. This can be during the evening or after it has rained.

Get treatment for your seasonal allergies

If already you show symptoms of the condition there are plenty of treatment options that you can go with. The medications range from over-the-counter to prescription medications. To ensure that you are taking the right ones, first, visit an allergist to analyze your condition and recommend the best medication. If you suffer from severe allergies, consider taking allergy shots.

When taking the medications be cautious as you can easily harm yourself. For example, taking decongestants for more than 3 days can result in a “rebound” effect. This is where you have more severe symptoms than you had before taking the medications.

Take an allergy vacation

If you have tried everything and failed, you should consider taking an allergy vacation. This is where you move to an area that is less affected by pollen. In most cases, this is at the beach or at the seashore. Even when you are on vacation it’s wise that you have your spring allergy treatment with you. This is to ensure that you don’t develop complication in the event the symptoms get severe.

Know More About Effects of Asthma Medicines


Asthma is kind of an allergy, it causes breathing problem because of allergens. The most common form of asthma allergy treatment involves inhalers. The basic function of the inhaler is to break the medicine in the tube and then push the medication directly in the wind pipe so it reaches the lungs. In this article, we will discuss the effects of asthma treatment. Like all other allergy treatments, there are some medicines that are administered for instant relief, whereas others are administered to increase tolerance of the allergen.

Short term Relief

An asthma attack would be characterized by shortness of breath and coughing. This could be directly related to the swelling in the wind pipe and the irregular breathing. So in the short term, the medicines are most commonly administered through inhalers. These inhalers help in directly injecting the dose in the windpipe. Medicines are mostly aimed at reducing the swelling and relaxing windpipes. Relaxation of the windpipe provides more air to reach the lungs inducing normal breathing. That is one of the reasons why allergist always recommends asthma patients to carry inhalers with them all the time. Asthma attacks could be life threatening and medication should be taken as per prescription.

Long term relief

Long term treatments would include taking medication as per prescription irrespective of asthma attacks. These medications increase body’s tolerance towards the allergen. Over the period of time, the aim of the medication is to reduce the severity of the asthma attack. The dosage depends on the allergen and the severity of the allergy. A major side effect of long term medication could be weakening of bones. This is not a common problem and has been documented in some cases. Doctors do recommend taking vitamins and eating healthy to avoid such problems. Some patients, over the period of time, have complained of infection in the mouth. This could be result of a salt that reacts with the body. In this instance, a different medicine would be administered that does not include that particular salt.

Like any allergy treatment, the medicine used for asthma treatment is usually dependent on the allergen. So it is very necessary to know what triggers the reaction. This is mostly while prescribing long term medication. For short term, usually the medication is standard that would perform the same function irrespective of the allergen. Asthma patients should not take any medications over the counter without first consulting an allergist or asthma doctor.

How to Find if You have Food Allergy?


For people who love eating food, it is very hard to believe if about food allergies. Most of the time, we don’t even realize that there could be allergic reactions because of food substances. Even in the movie Hitch, Will Smith didn’t realize that he was allergic to a vegetable. At times you might not even realize it for long period because you might not have consumed that food substance. So how do you find out that you are allergic to certain food substances?


The first and foremost thing to do is to contact an allergist. An allergist could help you take proper precautions and do the test. There is no magical way to diagnose allergies. There are certain tests that are done to find out what reacts with your body. It is not necessary that there will be skin allergy. Reaction could be anything, and from any substance. It could be from the food substance itself or from its seeds.

Skin Test

Skin test is the most effective test, though it may sound a little barbaric. But this is the most effective way to test any kind of allergy. The allergist injects the allergen or tests different known allergens to check for reactions. They do it in a controlled environment so the situation doesn’t go from bad to worse.

Blood Test

There are certain tests that can define if the body is allergic. A certain metric value or range of lgE would determine the reaction value. The allergist would measure the amount of lgE antibody in the blood. This test if done by a certified pathologist could give accurate results, but then it is not the accurate measure of the allergy.

Allergies could vary from person to person. And the reaction too can be very different from person to person. It is not necessary that if one person get scales on skin by touching bitter gourd then someone else would also have the same reaction. There could be different reactions and from different parts of the same food substance. So it is very necessary that an allergist is consulted and then remedies followed. For allergies, though, precaution is the best cure, and after consulting with allergy doctor, you can also go for medications that can work as a safeguard.

Importance Of Finding The Right Allergy Doctor

allergy doctorAllergies can be miserable and can turn your life into misery. If you are too fed up with your allergies, you should probably consult a concerned professional and know their cause, symptoms and ways to get rid over them. Through proper allergy testing by doctors, make sure you receive the right treatment so that it does not have an ill effect over your health.

Importance of trained allergists

Trained doctors or the professionals such as the allergists and immunologists know how to deal with such circumstances and are skilled in dealing with serious and mild allergy cases like asthma and others. As these allergists are meant to deal with these diseases, they are certified by specific examinations and therefore it is safe to trust them with your problems. You need to help them out for understanding your case so that they can reciprocate in return well.

How doctor’s supervision helps?

The tests that are required to be performed are done either through skin or blood. They do so either by applying some solution to your skin with the help of a pad for 72 hours or by pricking through your skin. The blood test is carried out to get access to the allergens present in your blood that are responsible for your allergies.

Once the doctor finds out the beast, he further works on handling it getting removed from your body fluids. With the known symptoms he will be able to understand your situation well and will work towards improving it. Allergies can be with the pet’s hair, pollen seeds, latex and prove to be dangerous beyond your imagination.

Periodically, the supervision would be under observation of your doctor and may carry forward to primary doctor to get the situation under control.

If your allergies are beating you enough to make your life miserable, find a good allergist in your area right soon and set the appointment before the condition becomes out of control. Don’t be a sufferer or avoid your problems and tolerate them silently, consult a good doctor to identify the allergen and you can lead a normal life without dealing with them.

How to Prevent Nasal Allergy?

nasal allergyPeople are suffering from nasal allergies like never before, thanks to the increasing pollution and temperature variations. The allergy may be seasonal or year round. Nasal allergies are considered the most common chronic respiratory disease. No wonder you see so many allergy clinics these days. The itching and sensitive nose could cause uncomfortable situations in day to day life. The materials that cause itching and sensitive nose are called allergens. They are usually pollen, dust mites, mold, certain foods, animal dander, latex etc. These allergens sensitize the nasal mucosal membrane through a sensitization process, which typically involves macrophages, lymphocytes and mast cells.

How can you avoid nasal allergy?

Nasal allergy is basically caused by allergens. Hence try to keep your surroundings, house and room very clean. People who are allergic to road or field dust should wear a mask while venturing out of the house. House dust mites are a major allergic component. Mites live in mattresses containing cotton fillers or kapok hence; replace it with foam rubber encased with durable impermeable material. Nasal allergy doctors suggest keeping your blankets and pillows dust and mites free. Make sure to vacuum clean your house frequently. Allergy is also caused by animal dander. If you have any pets you will have to get rid of them. If it still does not better your condition after a period of time, you can take up immunotherapy.

What do do in case of nasal allergy?

Pollen released from the tree or grass can cause nasal infections too. It travels in air and is unavoidable. People with hay fever should not live with windows and doors closed. They can take a short period of systemic steroid treatment, which will keep them normal during the pollen season. To avoid pollen outdoors wear filtration mask or make sure you have taken antihistamine medicine before going out. You can reduce pollens inside the house by installing electrostatic air cleaner, HEPA Filters, air conditioning, dehumidifier, humidifier and ionizer. People with asthma or nasal allergy can find relief by breathing moist air to avoid drying up of nose and bronchial passages. These tips can relieve you from nasal allergy symptoms only temporarily. Visit to the allergy doctor nearby should be planned if the symptoms are high.