How To Deal With Seasonal Allergies

By | July 8, 2016

seasonal allergies

From their name, seasonal allergies come about at different times of the year. If you are prone to them it’s paramount that you know how to deal with them. To help you out here is how to go about it:

Stay indoors when the allergens are high

Spring allergies come about due to the presence of pollen in the air. To avoid the allergy you need to avoid contact with the allergens. One of the most effective ways of doing so is staying indoors. If you can work indoors you should go ahead and work from home. To avoid the allergens from getting in the house close the windows and doors. Also, ensure that the air conditioner is working perfectly.

Protect yourself from the allergens when outdoors

If you can’t avoid being outdoors, take measures to protect yourself. One of the ways of doing it is wearing a mask when you are going outdoors. You can get a good quality mask from your local hardware store or from a home improvement center. All you need to do is ensure that the mask is of high quality. As rule of thumb, it should have a good quality filter.

You can also minimize exposure by going outdoors when there is less pollen in the air. This can be during the evening or after it has rained.

Get treatment for your seasonal allergies

If already you show symptoms of the condition there are plenty of treatment options that you can go with. The medications range from over-the-counter to prescription medications. To ensure that you are taking the right ones, first, visit an allergist to analyze your condition and recommend the best medication. If you suffer from severe allergies, consider taking allergy shots.

When taking the medications be cautious as you can easily harm yourself. For example, taking decongestants for more than 3 days can result in a “rebound” effect. This is where you have more severe symptoms than you had before taking the medications.

Take an allergy vacation

If you have tried everything and failed, you should consider taking an allergy vacation. This is where you move to an area that is less affected by pollen. In most cases, this is at the beach or at the seashore. Even when you are on vacation it’s wise that you have your spring allergy treatment with you. This is to ensure that you don’t develop complication in the event the symptoms get severe.