Seasonal Allergies: Putting A Lens On Spring Allergies

By | June 30, 2016

seasonal allergies

Spring allergies are a type of seasonal allergies that come about during spring. While many people believe that they are caused by flowers, allergy specialists have been able to prove that they are brought about by trees that are pollinating at the time. When you have the allergies you tend to experience coughing, congestion, water, itchy eyes, itchy nose, dark circles under the eyes and itchy throat. While you can’t completely avoid the allergy triggers, you should take measures that decrease your exposure.

Guide on how to prevent spring allergies

There are plenty of things that you can do to reduce your exposure to the allergens. One of the things that you should do is avoid going outside. If you can stay indoors you should do it. If you can work from home you should avoid going to the office during the allergy season. Another thing that you should do is keep yourself clean. When you are coming from outside, change your clothes and wipe your shoes before entering the house. This is to minimize the chances of bringing the allergens into the house.

Air filters also come in handy during this time. If you have stayed for long without cleaning or changing your air filter, this is the best time to do it. When replacing the unit use a HEPA air filter as it gives the best results.

Relief from spring allergies

The cool thing is that there are plenty of spring allergy treatment options that you can go with. All you need to do is visit your allergist and he/she will recommend the best medication for your condition. To easily fight the condition you should take the medications a few weeks before the symptoms begin showing.

Antihistamines are the most commonly used medications that you can go with. You have many options including: Claritin, zyrtec, allegra, zyzal and clarinex. There are also a variety of nasal sprays that you can go with. The most common being: veramyst, nasonex, nascort, omnaris, flonase, rhinocort and Nasacort. If you don’t like any of these medications, you should consider taking allergy shots. The cool thing with the shots is that once you are injected you don’t need to take any other medications.


This is what you need to know about spring allergies. As mentioned, you should reduce your exposure to the allergens to avoid developing symptoms. While there are many medications that you can get over the counter, you should avoid taking them without first visiting your allergy doctor.