Tag Archives: dealing with allergies

Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite: Protect Yourself From These Critters

Since we are on quarantine due to COVID-19, we have more time to spend lying down on our beds. Now is also the time to appreciate that we have a home to shelter us from the virus. We have to be thankful that we have a nice bed to sleep on at night despite the uncertainty this virus is causing is right now.

This is also the time to keep yourself healthy amidst the health crisis. Even at home, you can do some home workouts and eat freshly-prepared meals.

It is also better you should learn how to deal with your allergies in case you have one. In case you need consultations, you can contact an allergist doctor online to help manage your symptoms while on quarantine.

What’s bugging you?

Bedtime is supposedly the time everyone looks forward to. After all, our bed is our safe haven from all the stress and uncertainty of our lives. It is supposed the bed that will bring us to dreamland and a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, it’s not always the case.

Apparently, there is this tiny enemy that plagues a lot of people, especially during bedtime. These tiny pests, called bed bugs, commonly exist in mattresses and upholstered furniture. Actually, they can be seen by the naked eye but can still pester your precious bedtime, nonetheless.

For starters, bed bugs are small insects that bite exposed human and animal skin and feed on their blood. Bed bugs do not cause the outbreak of diseases. However, it can also cause other health concerns and even affect your budget.

On the one hand, bed bugs can cause rashes and allergic reactions. If you experience any allergic reactions due to bed bug bites, you should consult an allergist specialist. Some may experience mild reactions, but it can be life-threatening in other cases.

Symptoms and risks

Bed bugs often exist in bed cracks and crevices, headboards, bed frames, or box springs. These critters can also be found under carpeting, electrical outlets, light switch plates, or peeling paint or wallpaper.

The risks of getting bitten by bed bugs are higher when you spend time in homeless shelters, hospitals, or hotels. That said, the risk of allergic reactions is high as well especially if you are allergic to bed bugs.

If you experience the following, you might as well consult an allergist doctor immediately. Otherwise, it might lead to life-threatening consequences if left untreated. Common signs of bed bug bites include:

  • Itchiness
  • Red spots that are aligned or in clusters
  • Bite marks on the arms, legs, face, or neck
  • Allergic reactions such as hives or blisters

If you experience the latter, watch out for more severe reactions like difficulty in breathing or swelling. It can also cause anaphylactic shock in the worst cases. If so, consult an allergy specialist or visit an allergy clinic if possible at this time.

Preventing bed bug bites and getting rid of the bugs

Unfortunately, most allergic reactions due to bed bug bites may be mistaken as mosquito or flea bites. That is why you need to take note of the common symptoms as mentioned above.

One way to treat bed bug bites is by using antihistamines. Corticosteroid creams can also help alleviate the itching due to bed bug bites. Before the symptoms get worst, it is best to talk to an allergy specialist doctor.

Other tips to minimize the impact of bed bug infestation include the following.

  • Do not scratch the bitten area or it may lead to bleeding or infection.
  • Check your bed including the mattress and bed frame for any presence of bed bugs.
  • If possible, hire a professional pest control company that will help treat bed bugs.
  • Do not use the mattress or furniture with a bed bug infestation. If possible, remove and replace it with a fresher one.


Bed bugs can be annoying and can affect your good night’s sleep. It will leave you scratching and even cause infections. In the worst cases, it can lead to allergic reactions that can be life-threatening if left untreated.

If you got bitten by a bed bug, watch for any signs of the abovementioned symptoms. Better yet, let your allergist in Manassas know of your situation. At the end of the day, we all deserve a good and quality sleep every night, especially during this quarantine period.

For Health’s Sake: The Pros and Cons of Taking Glutathione Supplements

There are two types of people: those with fair skin and others with a dark complexion. Ironically, people with fair skin go to tanning salons or go to the beach to get some tan lines. On the other hand, a lot of people with darker skin complexion reach for whitening products. However, make sure to consult an allergist doctor first before using any skincare product.

With so many beauty products available, it can be overwhelming to choose which one will suit you best. Some products might be effective for certain users and yield positive results. However, there are others that might experience adverse effects when using a product. This is one reason why it is a good idea to seek advice from an allergy physician first.

The role of glutathione in our body

There is nothing wrong with dreaming of pinkish, whiter skin. No wonder there are a lot of whitening products available especially in many Asian and other countries. One of the most popular whitening products mostly in Asian countries nowadays is glutathione.

In these countries, glutathione usually comes in capsule, liquid, or via injectables. A lot of skincare products sold in these countries include glutathione in the ingredient list. Better yet, make sure to visit an allergist specialist first before using any whitening products. You might also have to undergo allergy testing to avoid adverse reactions when using any topical products.

Aside from its whitening effect, glutathione also boasts of its antioxidant and immune system strengthening benefits. Our liver naturally produces glutathione and comprises three major amino acids: L-glutamate, glycine, and L-cysteine. However, our glutathione levels decrease due to several factors such as stress, age, and poor eating habits.

The lack of glutathione can lead to health problems like cardiovascular disease or lung and liver issues among a few. According to one study, it can also weaken one’s immune system and even cause premature aging. That is why glutathione supplements can do wonders for your skin and your health in general.

Benefits of glutathione supplements

A 2014 report said that we need to maintain good glutathione levels as it is crucial to our health. The same report said that this natural body component plays an important role in improving our immune system and proper nutrient breakdown. Glutathione is also said to provide protection against several health issues like:

  • Diabetes
  • Asthma
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Hepatitis
  • High cholesterol levels

Aside from that, taking glutathione supplements can reverse the effects of aging. Likewise, it can lessen the risk of memory loss and even cancer. These are some noted health benefits of taking glutathione supplements. But before taking one, make sure to consult an allergist to prevent any adverse effects that might occur.

Are there possible side effects of taking glutathione supplements?

On the one hand, there are already several studies of the positive effects of taking glutathione supplements. However, there are also possible risks of using such. For one, some people experienced bloating and cramping after taking glutathione supplements. In the worst cases, it can cause allergic reactions as well.

It is also important to note that glutathione can also be found in certain foods such as meat, dairy, fruits, and vegetables. As also mentioned earlier, glutathione also comes in different forms including capsules, topical, or intravenous. For one thing, the FDA deems the oral forms as “generally safe”. However, IV glutathione forms may cause adverse effects such as:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Kidney or thyroid dysfunction
  • Skin rashes
  • Steven-Johnsons syndrome
  • Infection or other complications due to improper administration of IV glutathione drips

In the name of beauty and health

If you are planning to take glutathione supplements, you should inform an allergist doctor first. Other than that, here are some reminders in taking glutathione supplements or other health supplements in general.

  • Take caution when taking any supplements especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have existing allergies.
  • Never let kids especially those aged 5 and below take glutathione supplements. There is no established study yet about small children taking any related supplements.
  • Make sure that you don’t have liver disease as glutathione supplements can make your health condition worse.

There is nothing wrong with looking good as long as it won’t endanger your health. Make sure to take any health supplements that are FDA-approved. Likewise, you should consult an allergy physician in Germantown MD first before taking any health supplement.

All about Incontinence Associated Dermatitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Aging comes with a lot of complications such as memory gap, blurry vision, wrinkly skin, and a weakened immune system. Elderly people also experience all sorts of body pain that limit their movements. Due to old age, elderly people are also highly prone to catching diseases including allergies. In such cases, our elderly friends should be advised to visit an allergy physician to help them manage their condition.

All about IAD

Apart from physical and mental deterioration, elderly people also experience the inability to control their bladder and their stool. This condition is called incontinence. When this happens, the genital and anal area (sometimes also in the thighs and abdominal area) becomes inflamed and itchy and results in rashes. This condition is called Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis or IAD.

IAD, also called perineal dermatitis, moisture lesions, or irritant dermatitis, occurs as a result of incontinence. It usually results in itchy and red rashes, which is also similar to diaper rash among babies. It can also be considered a form of allergy, so it is a good idea to visit an allergy specialist to help treat this condition.

People who experience fecal incontinence may experience worse symptoms of IAD. For one thing, it is because feces is more irritating than urine when it comes to contact to the skin. The skin’s pH levels and the ammonia excreted by urine and feces result in IAD. In such cases, it can be a good idea to visit an allergist doctor to help manage the symptoms.

Symptoms of IAD

A normal and healthy skin serves as a barrier which lessens the risk of having rashes and other symptoms due to allergic reactions and the like. However, the skin of elderly people is not as supple and healthy as they were when they were younger. Add to that is incontinence, hence the occurrence of IAD. People with IAD might experience the following symptoms that should be treated immediately.

  • Feeling of pain or tender to the touch when coming into contact
  • Itchiness or burning sensation to the genital, anal, or abdominal areas
  • Skin redness, lesions, or presence of inflammation on the affected area

Too much skin moisture (ex. not wiping your genital or anal area after going to the toilet) and friction due to the use of pads and underwear can also cause IAD. Likewise, the inadequate cleaning of the IAD-prone areas, as well as the use of abrasive cloths, can also lead to IAD.

The impact of IAD’s symptoms depends on numerous factors such as the person’s overall health condition, nutritional levels, skin tissue condition, and risk of allergen exposure. In such cases, it is important to undergo allergy testing to determine other possible causes of the occurrence of IAD.

How to manage IAD

Back then, IAD was usually treated using soap and water. However, the usual soaps contain ingredients that can further dry out your skin and make the condition worse. That said, using soap and water may not necessarily be the best option out there.

Instead, the best treatment for IAD is proper skincare. Visiting an allergy doctor can also help in managing the condition. Here are some useful tips to lessen the impact of IAD and its symptoms.

  • Use a skincare product that matches the skin’s pH levels. Avoid ones with harsh ingredients that can make the condition worse.
  • Change adult diapers and pads regularly to avoid leakage and cause IAD from spreading to other body parts.
  • Do not use rough towels when wiping genitals and anal areas. Instead, make sure to wash thoroughly and wipe dry to lessen the moisture content within the said area.
  • Apply skin remedies with zinc oxide on the affected areas and lessen chafe and rashes.
  • Wear cotton underwear. Apply petroleum jelly on areas that are prone to chafing especially before any physical activity.


IAD can be managed with proper skincare and hygiene routines. Otherwise, it can lead to possible complications such as pain while urinating and genital discharge. Elderly people are at higher risk of having IAD. That is why it is important to ensure good hygiene at all times.

To help manage symptoms of IAD, it is best to find an allergy doctor to help manage the condition. Visit the best allergist in Manassas VA today!