Tag Archives: Allergy and Asthma Clinical Centers

What is Nonallergic Rhinitis

When you have allergic rhinitis, the inside of your nose is inflamed or swollen, which causes cold-like symptoms to lie blocked nose, itchiness, sneezing, and runny nose.

There is also nonallergic rhinitis that involves chronic sneezing, or you have a congested, drippy nose and you do not know what is causing it. The symptoms of nonallergic rhinitis are similar to people with hay fever, but with no typical evidence of an allergic reaction.

Nonallergic rhinitis affects adults and children, but it is more common after they are 20 years old. The nonallergic rhinitis trigger symptoms can vary and can include irritants or odors, medications, weather changes, some foods, and health conditions.

You can consult with an asthma doctor to have your symptoms checked.

How Does Nonallergic Rhinitis Happen?

Nonallergic rhinitis is caused by the inflammation of tissues inside the nose. It is also referred to as vasomotor rhinitis.

For a lot of people, nonallergic rhinitis is caused by certain triggers like some odors or medications. Some people may develop this condition because they have an underlying health problem/s.

The condition is not caused by being exposed to allergens. Nasal inflammation caused by allergens is the one caused by allergic rhinitis.


Rhinitis is caused by an allergy trigger like pollen, and it is a separate condition called allergic rhinitis. Nonallergic rhinitis symptoms include:

  • Runny nose
  • Blocked nose
  • Sneezing
  • Discomfort or mild irritation around and inside your nose
  • Sense of smell is reduced

Very rarely, nonallergic rhinitis may also cause a crust to develop inside the nose, which could:

  • Produce a foul odor
  • Can cause bleeding if you attempt to remove it

Risk Factors

Exposure irritant – If you become exposed to irritants like smog, tobacco smoke, or exhaust fumes, you might develop nonallergic rhinitis.

Above 20 years old – Allergic rhinitis normally occurs before you reach 20, but for most people, nonallergic rhinitis happens after the age of 20

Female – Due to changes in hormones, nasal congestion normally worsens during menstruation and pregnancy

Using decongestant nasal spray for a long time – When you use over-the-counter decongestant sprays or nasal drops for a couple of days, you can suffer from severe nasal congestion after the decongestant wears off, most of the time they will go through rebound congestion

Some health problems – Some chronic health conditions can make allergic rhinitis worse, like chronic fatigue, hypothyroidism, and diabetes

Exposure to occupational fumes – Nonallergic can also be triggered by airborne irritant exposure. Some triggers can include solvents, construction materials, or chemicals and fumes that come from organic material decomposition like compost.


Nonallergic rhinitis is normally not harmful, but it is irritating and affects your quality of life. The treatment will depend mainly on the severity of the rhinitis and what causes it.

In other cases, avoiding certain triggers and doing self-care measures such as rinsing your nasal passages, can relieve your symptoms.

When you rinse your nasal passages, you can do it by using a homemade solution or a solution made using ingredient sachets that were bought from the pharmacy.

You might need to take medicine in some cases, as a nasal spray with steroids. The steroid nasal sprays can help relieve congestion, but you might have to use them for a few weeks so they can work properly.

  • Nasal polyps – Caused by chronic inflammation. These are benign growths that develop in the lining of your nose
  • Interrupted daily activities – You might be less productive or need some time off when your symptoms flare-up
  • Sinusitis

You can contact the allergy center Germantown MD if you want to have yourself checked in case you are experiencing symptoms.



Why is Asthma Worse at Night?

Having interrupted sleep makes you feel tired throughout the day, and it will have negative effects on your health in the long run. You do not want this to become regular because you need the energy to tackle daily challenges. When you wake up in the middle of the night because of a coughing fit or you are having a hard time breathing, the experience can get terrifying.

The unfortunate thing is that asthma patients have to deal with that, especially if they do not see their asthma doctor regularly. When your asthma gets worse at night, you are not alone because it is very common. Sometimes, experts call this nocturnal asthma, and it makes it very hard for you to get the rest you need.

Asthma Attack Triggers

People experience different asthma triggers. Some people get triggered due to allergens exposure like grass or dust mites. Other people are triggered by irritants like strong odors or chemicals. Respiratory illnesses that are accompanied by mucus drainages like sinusitis or colds increase the chances of an asthma attack. Weather changes and exercise can also trigger attacks. There are people who may discover that more than one thing increases the possibility of an asthma attack, and can worsen at night.

Factors that Contribute to Nocturnal Asthma

For some reason, asthma gets worse at night. This problem is serious and most deaths from asthma are because of wheezing or other symptoms at night.

The factors are:

  • Gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Dust mites or other allergens
  • Overproduction of mucus
  • Higher level of histamine
  • Breathing in cold air
  • Lower epinephrine levels
  • Sleep apnea
  • Obesity
  • Not elevating the head while sleeping
  • Psychological stress

Nocturnal asthma can be caused just by seeping because the bronchial function changes. During sleep, the airways become narrow and it creates more resistance for air to come in and out of the body. This causes coughing, which further tightens the airways. After that, your sinuses will drain, and trigger asthma reactions. Therefore, breathing worsens between 4 to 6 hours after you sleep.

Other Causes

  • Postnasal drip – People are more prone to postnasal drip during the night. When you are laying down flat, fluid can easily drip down towards the back of your throat and causes you to start coughing. Lying down can also cause the fluid to flow from your legs to your chest, and this leads to more fluid accumulation in the airways and narrows down breathing passages.
  • Timing of Medication – If your asthma medication starts to wear off while you sleep, you are more likely to have nocturnal asthma.


Asthma specialists normally prescribe 2 primary medications: a long-term inhaler and a rescue inhaler. The asthma triggers are individual-specific, and people should consult with their asthma doctor to find the right care plan for them. A lot of doctors prescribe both kinds of inhalers.


If your asthma attack wakes you up in the middle of the night, reach for your rescue inhaler. Sleeping in a more upright position is also helpful. Some people discover that drinking water eases a cough.

In case you have regular asthma symptoms during the night, talk to your healthcare provider to address the problem. It may be helpful to adjust the timing of your medication.

There are times when your healthcare might have to add or increase medication. Asthma can get worse in the long run, and if you have nocturnal asthma, your asthma care plan might need tweaking to eliminate the symptoms.

You can visit an allergist specialist Manassas VA as well to find the best asthma treatment plan for your nighttime symptoms.

Facts About Seasonal Allergies

In case you have seasonal allergies, and have been living with them for many years, you most likely experienced sneezing through the season. It is important for you to call an allergy doctor and have them prescribe you medicine regularly. Your activity should be monitored so that your allergen exposure is limited. However, are you aware that thunderstorms can cause allergy symptoms to appear?

If you are unaware of the other surprising facts about seasonal allergies, you need to read this article to know more about them. You might even be surprised what some of them are.

Read on.

Seasonal Allergies Do Not Normally Last the Whole Year

Seasonal allergies arise when they emerge from plants that produce pollen, like in springtime and they wane during the time when those plants die off during the growing season. However, is not just the time when those that produce pollens emerge. There are trees that do not produce pollen until it is summer, and some weeds might not have flowers until fall. In some states with temperate climates, like southern California, some plants might produce pollen all year.

Moving Will Not Really Cure Allergies

A lot of people think that they can rid of allergies when they move to another location. The unfortunate thing is that once you develop allergies, they will most likely return over time wherever you go. You might think that the first 1 to 2 years will be allergy-free, but you are still not clear. You can eat farmer’s honey because it can decrease allergies that are environmentally free in some situations.

There is No Such Thing as “Hay” or “Fever”

For many decades, people have called allergies “hay fever”, but pollen is not produced by “hay”, and fever does not come from seasonal allergies. The truth is that seasonal allergies are because of the body’s overreaction to common pollens lingering in the air. When these pollens are inhaled, the immune system sees them as a danger and it attacks them aggressively, which causes a runny nose or itchy eyes. With the “hay fever”, the term arose during the early 1800s and it might have referred to a lung infection because of inhaling dust while they stack hay.

Allergy Changes While We Age

New allergies can develop at any point in your life. If you already have an allergic reaction to a certain plant or other allergens, there is a tendency that it will happen again and again even after you received shots.

Despite suffering from allergies in the past, there is a chance that you will be allergic to another one.

Controlling Your Environment May Control Your Allergy Symptoms

A lot of people think of allergy treatments are given in pills, shots, or nasal irrigation. You should not overlook how valuable it is to keep your living environment pollen-free. In order to do this, some allergy doctors talk about taking steps in the allergy season, like removing shoes and outwear before they enter houses. When you wash and shower once you are home, it can rinse off pollen from your body. Outdoor pets attract pollen, and around the house, you should use blinds or shades instead of drapery or fabric. Your doors must be kept shut during the allergy season.

If you are suffering from seasonal allergies, you should consult with an allergist Manassas VA to help you manage the symptoms.



Why You Need to See an Allergy Doctor

Maybe you experience seasonal allergies and you go for over-the-counter medicine to soothe your symptoms like itchy and red eyes. You might want to have an allergy doctor whom you talk to about your symptoms because sometimes these symptoms can get worst. They can affect your ability to function in your daily life.

When should you visit an allergist who diagnoses and treats allergies caused by dysfunctions in the immune system? You will see from this article the reasons why you need an allergist. They are helpful in providing care for a lot of conditions involving the immune system.

Find out more here:

Your Cold is Not Going Away

A cold or virus cough must clear up in a few weeks. If you have persistent coughs or it consistently shows up in a pattern, like only in the spring or when you are in bed, then it might be an allergy.

This is the same for headaches because they can be linked to sinusitis caused by allergies. The dull headaches and repeated fatigue symptoms help you determine if the allergies are involved in helping you get relief.

Your Sinus Infection is Chronic

Sinuses are the hollow openings behind the nose and around the eyes. They have mucus that helps warm and filter breathing. This mucus needs to be drained out. If the mucus gets blocked and the sinuses are congested, you might have a sinus infection. In case you have asthma, allergies, or a weakened immune system, you are more prone to getting sinus infections.

An allergist and immunologist can give you prescription medications that help ease pain and congestion of sinus infections. You will learn the ways of preventing a sinus infection that happens in the first place. For instance, most of the time, washing hands and using a humidifier or nasal spray to add moisture to your nasal passage is helpful.

You Get Diarrhea After a Meal

An allergy doctor can test if you have food allergies and help you separate what is intolerance or food allergy when you eat something. If it is a food allergy, your body will cause an immune response to what you are and it is normally within 2 hours. Swelling, rash, trouble breathing, and hives are all symptoms of food allergy.

Intolerance is harder to detect because the symptoms only start after 3 hours of eating and range from mild nausea, bloating, and diarrhea. If you know which foods to avoid that cause your allergy, you will no longer suffer from the symptoms. Your immune system also improves when you eat certain kinds of foods.

If you are Asthmatic

Asthma can cause the muscles in your airways to spasm or tighten, and it can inflame the lining of the lungs. This is going to block airflow, which makes it hard to breathe. Asthma ranges from mild to severe, which can be life-threatening. You might feel chest tightness and you will struggle to breathe.

When you work with an allergist, your asthma can be controlled and you will have fewer asthma flares. The allergist can give you a prescription for medication so your specific symptoms can be treated. You will learn about different asthma triggers so that you can avoid them.

You will be able to avoid allergy triggers if you see an allergy specialist doctor Germantown MD because you will no longer suffer from the symptoms.

Managing Asthma During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of life’s greatest miracles. Going through the entire process of pregnancy can be full of ups and downs. But it will surely be worth it when you see your bundle of joy for the first time after nine months. Expect to feel all kinds of emotions while tending to your child – the good, the bad, and the ugly. Unfortunately, the “ugly” part may include other things, like having to undergo asthma treatments due to an asthma attack.

Asthma is a common condition that affects people all over the world. It can make your situation more complicated if you are pregnant. For one, asthma can compromise your unborn baby’s safety if not managed properly. To prevent future complications, you should seek an asthma doctor immediately for the sake of you both.

What triggers asthma in pregnancy?

Asthma triggers during pregnancy are mostly similar to the usual asthma symptoms. However, sensitivity to the symptoms may be increased due to hormonal changes while pregnant. For starters, common asthma triggers may include:

  • Respiratory illnesses including viral and bacterial infections
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease)
  • Smoke (ex. cigarette smoke, smoke produced by vehicles, wood, and cooking, etc.)
  • Perfumes and sprays
  • Allergies (food, chemicals, cosmetics, pet dander, dust, etc.)
  • Emotional triggers (hormonal changes, stressful environment, etc.)

For allergy triggers, it is best to consult an allergy specialist doctor for proper medications suitable for your pregnancy.

How asthma can affect your unborn baby

Having asthma can affect a person’s quality of life, and can make your pregnancy complicated. The unborn baby inside your tummy needs enough oxygen to live. However, having an asthma attack can affect the amount of oxygen entering your body which can compromise your baby’s life.

You may have already been given medications by an allergist to help manage your asthma. However, you may have also considered stopping taking asthma medications when you got pregnant. This is understandable, as taking any medications may cause complications on your pregnancy.

For one, uncontrolled asthma may cause premature birth. You may also experience health complications such as hypertension or preeclampsia. In worst cases, your unborn baby may die due to lack of oxygen because of a severe asthma attack. If you have asthma prior to your pregnancy, it is best to consult an allergy physician to help manage the condition.

How to manage asthma attacks during pregnancy

Here are some tips to help you manage asthma attacks throughout your pregnancy:

  1. Let your doctor know you have asthma.

It is said that asthma symptoms may become worse around six to eight months of pregnancy. Medications taken during or after birth are possible, but can cause discomfort and may even worsen the condition.

To prevent further complications, it is important to inform an allergist doctor about your asthma. Your doctor will help you create a plan and managing your asthma symptoms and ensure smooth and uncomplicated delivery.

  1. Watch out for asthma symptoms.

Asthma is generally manageable even during pregnancy. Good asthma control can also ensure a normal and healthy pregnancy and delivery. Unless advised against by an allergy physician, you can still continue taking asthma medications while you’re pregnant.

Since asthma is supposed to be manageable, one of the things you should do is to watch out for its symptoms. Your symptoms may be worse than your pre-pregnancy days, so take note of that. If you are already experiencing breathing difficulties due to your asthma, head to the nearest clinic or hospital immediately.  Medical personnel will conduct first aid treatment to ensure you and your unborn child are both safe.

  1. Avoid the triggers as much as possible.

If you don’t want to experience asthma during pregnancy, avoid the triggers. At the end of the day, you and your baby’s safety should matter most. Among things you can skip to prevent asthma triggers include:

  • Quitting smoking or avoiding secondhand smoke
  • Avoid overeating and lying down after mealtime (if you have GERD)
  • Avoid interacting with people with infections (ex. colds and flu). Better yet, wear a protective mask when dealing with sick people
  • Avoid other allergy triggers (ex. foods, dust, pet dander, sprays, and perfumes)

Finding the best asthma doctors near you

Consult the best allergist in Manassas VA to help you manage asthma while you’re pregnant. Some doctors would recommend taking flu and allergy shots to prevent severe asthma attacks during the duration of your pregnancy. These medications are considered safe, but make sure to seek medical advice first before taking these.

Managing Allergy-Induced Asthma

Asthma and allergies are only some of the most common health problems. In the US alone, it is said that asthma, a type of respiratory condition, affects one out of 13 people according to a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report. Asthma can affect one’s quality of life, so going to the nearest allergy physician near you can help manage your condition.

But you may ask: “Why should I go to an allergy clinic for my asthma condition?” As you may don’t know yet, asthma and allergies are often connected and can even occur simultaneously. This is because most asthma symptoms are similar to those of allergies. This condition is called allergy-induced asthma.

How allergies are related to asthma

Allergies can be caused by several triggers such as food, dust mites, pet dander, and pollen among a few. There are other triggers such as stress, exercise, and certain infections. These triggers can also cause asthma attacks which can be uncomfortable nonetheless.

People with a history of allergy have a higher risk of having allergic asthma. While some of these triggers can cause allergic reactions such as runny nose and skin breakout, others experience coughing and frequent sneezing.

In worse cases, affected individuals may experience shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing. When these symptoms show up, it is best to consult an allergist to help you manage the condition.

Treating asthma and allergies

There are treatments meant to manage allergy or asthma symptoms. On the other hand, there are also those that can treat both conditions. Among these include the following:

  1. Allergy shots

Also known as immunotherapy, it can help treat asthma symptoms by reducing your body’s reactions to allergic triggers. Allergy shots are applied through scheduled injections of small amounts of allergens which cause allergic reactions.

The entire treatment process will be done in a course of about three to five years. Doing so can help build tolerance from the said allergens. In effect, symptoms can eventually decrease and more manageable than before. The procedure should only be done by an allergy specialist doctor.

  1. Montelukast

Also called Singulair or Leukotriene modifier, this comes in a pill form and is usually taken daily. This medication promises to provide relief from asthma and allergy symptoms. Likewise, it helps manage chemicals that are released in case of allergic reactions.

On the downside, it is said that montelukast causes suicidal and other psychological tendencies. Consult an asthma doctor first before taking this medication. If you are already taking this, seek medical help immediately if you notice the aforementioned symptoms.

  1. Anti-immunoglobulin E immunotherapy

This type of allergy treatment aims to control and manage the chemicals that trigger allergic reactions. One of the most common anti-immunoglobulin E treatments is Xolair. This therapy is only used for patients with up to severe asthma symptoms.

Other treatments for allergy-induced asthma include:

  • Bronchodilators – helps you breathe easier
  • Anti-inflammatory medications – helps reduce swelling (ex. skin rashes due to allergic reactions) as well as relieve asthma symptoms
  • Other medications that block the chemicals causing the allergic reactions

Managing allergies and asthma symptoms

Asthma and allergies can greatly affect one’s quality of life. That is why it is important to identify what your triggers are so you can properly manage your condition. But sometimes, symptoms may change without warning. Nonetheless, you can still manage your allergy and asthma – along with medical help, of course.

First of all, it is important to know what triggers your allergic reactions so you can avoid it beforehand. For example, it may be wise not to have pets at home if you are allergic to pet dander. If you cannot imagine not having a pet, you can opt for “hypoallergenic” pets. However, it is still best to consult an allergy specialist near you if you want to have a pet at home.

People with asthma may have multiple triggers, which is why it is important to identify those symptoms as well. That way, you can easily manage them and be provided the right treatments for your condition. The adage, “Prevention is better than cure”, says true about this kind of situation.

You can still live a normal life despite having allergies

Having allergies and asthma can affect one’s daily life. That is why you should monitor your symptoms and consult the best allergist in Germantown MD. Contact one and avail of a free consultation today.

Eczema: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment


Eczema is a skin condition that affects millions of Americans in the US, both children and adults. It is a condition wherein there is a presence of itchy and rough patches on your skin. Blisters may also occur, making it more uncomfortable for those affected by the condition. If you have eczema, it is best to consult an allergist near you.

Brief facts about eczema

Eczema is an uncomfortable medical condition that can affect your quality of life. It can leave unpleasant scars and marks on your skin. As a result, it can cause low self-esteem and some may end up wearing anything that won’t expose their skin. People with eczema should consult an allergy doctor to help them manage their condition.

This skin condition can be due to an allergic reaction to certain triggers such as pollen, nuts, dairy, eggs, or shellfish among a few. The severity of the reaction varies from person to person. Some may experience mild itching that goes away with prescribed medicines. Meanwhile, some may experience severe symptoms that can even be life-threatening if not treated immediately.

Unfortunately, eczema is an incurable condition. On a positive note, it is not contagious and should not be a reason to discriminate the person who has it. There is no definite cure for eczema, but symptoms can be managed. An allergist doctor will prescribe the right medications to heal damaged skin and provide relief from the symptoms.

Types of eczema

There are different types of eczema, of which the most popular is atopic dermatitis. It is said that almost 20 million US adults suffer from atopic dermatitis. One major signs of atopic dermatitis are the presence of an itchy, red rash that appears on the arms, legs, or cheeks. Other types of eczema include:

  • Seborrheic dermatitis – occurrence of yellowish white flaky patches and commonly affects the skin and scalp
  • Contact dermatitis – a skin reaction that is due to accidentally touching an allergen (ex. Certain plants like poison ivy)
  • Stasis dermatitis – refers to leg swelling and skin irritation due to poor circulation
  • Dyshidrotic eczema – affects both hands and feet and cause itchy, red blisters and also caused by allergen exposure

Symptoms and treatment

Eczema symptoms may vary from person to person. Likewise, it may also be different depending on the person’s age. Eczema can occur to anyone – from infants to the elderly. Most people have this condition since childhood and then carried into adulthood.

If you have the below symptoms, you should go to an allergy clinic so you can get the right treatment for your condition. Common symptoms of eczema include:

  • Presence of rashes on cheeks, scalp, or creases on knees or elbows
  • Rashes may also appear on the neck, ankles, legs, buttocks or wrists
  • Rashes that leak fluid and cause intense itchiness
  • Cause sleep disturbance and may worsen when rubbed or scratched
  • Presence of scaly rashes in adults

As mentioned, there is no definite cure for eczema. However, there are several medications that help manage and alleviate the symptoms. These medications that will be prescribed by an allergy physician should also help heal eczema marks. He or she will also suggest a treatment plan depending on the person’s age, the severity of symptoms, and overall health condition.

Other ways to manage eczema symptoms include the following:

  • Use skin moisturizers. However, make sure to check the ingredients to ensure it won’t do harm on your skin. Preferably use ones that are paraben-free or similar to that.
  • Wear light clothing (ex. Cotton) to let your skin breathe.
  • Use scent-free soap or cleanser on your skin. This also applies to lotions and moisturizers.
  • Avoid rubbing dry your skin after taking a bath. Instead, gently pat your skin dry to avoid irritation.
  • Change into dry clothes after getting all sweaty. Better yet, take a shower after an intense workout or any physical activity.
  • Be aware of your triggers and avoid them as much as possible.
  • Use doctor-prescribed medications including ointments, creams, and antihistamine tablets.

Take care of your skin and your health

Eczema can affect anyone. Symptoms may appear from infancy and carry them over into adulthood. Millions of people all over the world are affected by this condition. It can also affect their daily lives and even their self-esteem.

While it has no definite cure, it can be managed. You should consult the best allergist to help you manage the symptoms. If you have the condition, don’t delay – visit an allergy clinic in Manassas MD today.

Living with Someone with Asthma? Here are Some Things You Need to Consider

As of date, there are already more than half a million COVID-19 cases around the world. Unfortunately, no one is exempted from this disease even if you think you are generally healthy. However, there are some people who are more at risk in COVID-19. These include the elderly, weak immune system, and with asthma.

If you or someone you know suffer from asthma, you should visit an asthma doctor. An allergist should help you manage asthma symptoms. More so, asthmatics should be extra cautious at this time. Stay at home, wash your hands, and keep yourself healthy all the time.

Living with asthma

Asthma can affect the quality of one’s life. For starters, asthma affects the airways and can be triggered by several factors. For example, it can be due to allergy to pollen, certain foods, or extreme emotions. Some may experience mild symptoms, while others can be life-threatening.

To manage your condition, you need to identify the symptoms. Among common symptoms include:

  • Breathing difficulties
  • Coughing and wheezing
  • Tightening of chest

If you experience the abovementioned symptoms, make sure to go to an allergy clinic immediately. Prevention is still better than cure especially with the ongoing threat of COVID-19. Have yourself tested if you experience symptoms associated with COVID-19 to avoid contamination.

Things not to say to someone with asthma

Living with asthma can be challenging. For one, you should take your prescribed asthma treatments to help manage your condition. However, living with someone with asthma is another story. You are healthy, but someone you live with isn’t.

For one thing, you can offer support to your asthmatic friend and loved one. If needed, make sure to help your friend or loved one find an allergy doctor. Allergy testing may be necessary as well to ensure proper treatment for those who suffer from asthma. Aside from that, you should never say or do while you are with someone with asthma.

  • Never smoke near someone who is asthmatic. More so, secondhand smoking is more dangerous.
  • Avoid recommending “homemade” or “natural” asthma treatments to someone who is asthmatic. Most of these so-called natural treatments are not really scientifically proven to cure asthma.
  • Asthma symptoms may also be similar to that of common colds (ex. wheezing, coughing). If these symptoms do not go away despite taking medications, you should visit an allergist doctor immediately.
  • Inhalers are important to help asthmatics manage their symptoms. However, these are for emergencies only. The best way to manage asthma is to avoid the triggers (ex. smoke, pollen, stress, etc.)
  • Most people will have asthma for the rest of their lives. That is why you should understand how it feels, especially if a loved one has it.

How to help a loved one with asthma

Most likely, your loved one already knows how to manage his or her asthma symptoms. Going to an allergy specialist is one thing. Understanding what he or she is going through is another. In case an asthma attack happens unexpectedly, here are some things you can do to help.

  • Calm down, and help them calm down in case an attack happens. Panic attacks can make the situation worse.
  • Ask them to loosen up their clothing so they can breathe better. Ask them to sit upright to help improve their breathing.
  • If their situation does not improve even after loosening up their clothes, let them puff on their inhaler. In the worst-case scenario, it may be a good idea to rush the patient to a nearby emergency room.
  • Avoid taking them outside for some fresh air. Outside air may contain pollen and other allergens that can make their asthma attacks worse.

Alleviating asthma symptoms and protection against COVID-19

Given the ongoing threat that is COVID-19, we should be more cautious with our hygiene. More so, we should protect our loved ones who are asthmatics and others that are at higher risk of contracting this disease.

Protecting yourself and your loved one (especially those with asthma) is as basic as washing hands and distancing oneself when sick. Make sure to get proper treatment and stay at home as much as possible. Visit an allergy specialist doctor in Manassas VA in case asthma symptoms start to become worst.

Let us not only take care of ourselves but also the frontline and health workers. They selflessly take care of us in this critical time.

Should You Get an Allergy Test?

Millions of people all over the world suffer from allergies. In fact, around 50 million people are afflicted with some kind of allergies in the US alone. Allergies are also considered one of the most common types of chronic health conditions that plague both children and adults alike. Allergic triggers vary from person to person and should be determined by allergy testing.

Knowing what exactly causes your allergies is an important step so you can be able to manage your condition. One way to determine what triggers your allergies is by having an allergy test. It is usually a painless and quick way to find out what causes your allergic reactions. Before that, you should know how allergy tests work and whether you need to take one.

What are allergy tests for?

If you experience any symptoms of allergies, you should visit an asthma doctor. But to confirm what exactly causes your allergies, it is better to find an allergy doctor who will conduct allergy tests.

For starters, allergies are usually our body’s response to a specific trigger or what we call “allergens”. Common types of allergies may either be seasonal (pollen, molds, and the like), perennial (pet dander, dust mites, smoke, etc.), or food allergies.

To determine which among these triggers your allergies, you need to undergo an allergy test. Allergy testing can either be through blood or skin tests. In some cases, the patient may have to undergo an elimination diet to determine the specific food that is causing an allergic reaction.

All of these allergy test procedures should be done by an allergist specialist and in an allergy facility or office. It is important to follow the doctor’s orders before undergoing an allergy test to ensure accurate results.

Allergy test standards

As mentioned, only certified allergists should conduct allergy tests. Otherwise, taking allergy tests without any medical recommendation and prior exams may not yield reliable results. This includes availing free tests in supermarkets or drugstores. You can even avail allergy test kits if you want to do the testing at home, but may not be as reliable.

This is why you should only rely on certified allergist doctor as they know better about allergies and how to manage it. You can guarantee that results will be more accurate and get better help in managing your condition. In effect, you can live a normal life as possible.

Most allergy tests are non-invasive and won’t require surgery or any complicated medical procedures. As mentioned, allergy tests may either be through skin patches or getting blood samples. If there is a certain reaction (ex. presence of rashes or swelling on the skin test area), it means you are allergic to that certain allergen. In some cases, you may have to take another test to confirm the previous test results.

Preparing for an allergy test

First of all, it is important to prepare yourself before undergoing an allergy test even if it is not really considered a major procedure. Such tests should be done only by certified or licensed medical personnel to ensure accurate results. Expect to be asked some details about your family history and lifestyle among a few.

If you are taking medications before getting an allergy test, you may be recommended to stop it temporarily. Otherwise, such medications may affect the results of your allergy test. In particular, you may have to temporarily stop taking medications such as:

  • Prescription and over-the-counter antihistamines
  • Heartburn medications (ex. famotidine)
  • Asthma medications (ex. omalizumab)
  • Antidepressants (ex. amitriptyline, nortriptyline)

You may also expect to experience some discomfort, although mostly tolerable, while the allergy test is ongoing. Results are usually available within a week. By then, you will be prescribed some medications and perhaps a lifestyle change to help manage your condition.

Should you get an allergy test?

If you are experiencing allergic symptoms but do not know which exactly causes the reactions, it is best to have an allergy test. While there are over-the-counter products that can relieve allergic symptoms, it will simply mask the discomfort but still have no idea of what the exact triggers area.

Having said that, it is highly recommended to consult an allergy physician to help manage your condition. He or she knows better in terms of identifying and recommending the right action steps to alleviate your allergic symptoms. Feel free to visit an allergy clinic in Manassas VA if you want to undergo an allergy test.

Why You Should Test Your Kids for Allergies

Does your child experience watery eyes or a runny nose after going outside, or skin rashes after eating a certain type of food? Your child could be suffering from allergies and you need to visit the allergist Manassas for allergy testing. If you notice of the below signs in your child visit the allergy clinic for allergy testing.

  • Cold like symptoms that don’t seem to go away
  • Hives and skin rashes
  • Asthma
  • Watery eyes and difficulty in breathing.

Make sure that you inform the allergist of all the symptoms you see in your child. It’s also essential to tell the allergist about allergy history in the family.

Allergy testing methods

  • Skin testing

Don’t wait for long before you go to the allergy clinic and consult. Make sure that the allergy doctor carries out an allergy test. There are two types of skin allergy test. The percutaneous in which the best allergist will prick the skin and introduce the allergens. The intradermal skin test is where the allergy specialist will use a needle to inject the allergens to the skin. The allergist will observe the reaction and from there determine what is affecting your child.

During the skin allergy testing, there is a risk of an allergic reaction due to the introduction of allergens in the body

  • Blood test

The allergist will draw blood from the child and test for allergies. With the blood test, there is no risk of an allergic reaction. Blood test help detect food allergies, and they can get the degree of the allergy.

  • Elimination method

If the allergy you are trying to manage is not due to nuts and shellfish, you can try the elimination method to know the allergen. Allergen from nuts and fish may be fatal and it’s best to have that tested at the allergy clinic.

Reason to test children for allergies

It’s important to test the child for allergies if they have symptoms that are triggered by food, dust, pollen or any other allergen. You need to test for allergies to ascertain the exact cause of the allergies. Below are conditions that require allergy testing

  • Inflamed nasal passage

If your child experiences recurrent colds and running nose, its best to test for allergies. Testing for allergies will guide you on the allergens you should avoid.

  • Asthma

You need to establish what triggers allergic asthma in your child. Avoiding the triggers will aid in the management of asthma.

  • Reaction to food

It’s important to ascertain the exact food that is causing your child to have allergies. Food allergies can lead to anaphylaxis and its therefore essential to ensure that you know the cause of the allergic reaction immediately.

  • Skin rashes and eczema

If your child has rashes that are triggered by an allergen you need to take the child for allergy testing. A bad case of eczema is an indication of an allergy, and it’s best to know what triggers it.

Testing for allergies will ensure that;

  • Your child condition doesn’t deteriorate
  • The child is able to live life normally
  • You are able to come up with home remedies to manage asthma and other life-threatening conditions
  • It’s cost-effective. You can avoid some medical situations if you understand what is affecting your child.

Managing your child’s allergy

Once you determine the cause of the allergy it’s crucial that you follow the instructions given by the allergy doctor. Below some tips to help manage the allergies;

  • Keep the pets away from the living and bedroom areas. Keep the pet clean. Anytime the child handles the petty ensure there is a change of clothes.
  • Wash the bedding often in hot water.
  • Avoid foods that will aggravate the allergies. Make sure that you confirm the ingredient in the food and ensure there are no allergens
  • If you are traveling pack food
  • When pollen levels are high remain indoors and get games, the child can play indoors.
  • Follow the prescription given by the allergy doctor. Also, follow the guideline on how to avoid allergens.
  • Explain to the child his allergy predicament and train them on how to avoid allergens. Make sure that the caregivers understand and know what to do in case of severe allergic reactions. Inform the teachers and any other person about the allergies.

It’s important to understand the allergies that affect you, child, because that will aid in the management of the allergy. Take your child to the best allergist and get the allergy test done. Once you understand the cause of the allergies come up with a plan on how to avoid the allergen. Consult the allergy physician on home remedies you can use to minimize the allergy effects.