Tag Archives: Allergy and Asthma Clinical Centers

What Questions Should You Expect When You Visit the Allergy Clinic for the First Time?

The first step in managing your child’s allergic reactions is finding an allergy specialist who can assess and determine the cause of the allergies. The allergy specialist will guide you on how best to avoid allergens and give you medications to keep allergies at bay. If you are visiting the allergist for the first time, it’s important to  have detailed information on what triggers the allergies. In this article, we look at questions the allergy physician is likely to ask and questions you can ask the allergy specialist. Having the right information will aid in establishing the right allergy management plan for your child. Its good to be prepared with information about what is affecting your child, and for how long.

Questions the Allergist Will Ask During the First Appointment

Below are some of the questions the allergist will ask when you visit the allergy clinic.

  • What allergy symptoms is the child experiencing?

It’s good to have a list of the symptoms and signs you have noticed. You can note them down to avoid forgetting once you get to the allergy clinic. The allergy doctor may also need to know when the symptoms started and how you dealt with them.

  • What is the most probable cause of the allergies?

Keep a journal of the allergens that you think affect your child. If it’s a food allergy take note of the food and the symptoms that result after ingesting the food. It will be easier if you know the allergen affecting your child.

Do the allergens affect any other member of the family?

The allergist would like to know if the allergens affect any other member of the family. Take note if any other member is affected by the allergen. The allergist will also need to know if any member of the family has asthma or nasal allergies. In case any member of the family has asthma or nasal allergies the allergy doctor will carry out skin and blood test to ascertain whether your child has asthma or nasal allergies.

What medication has the child been using to relieve symptoms?

The allergy doctor will need to know the medications that you have been using to reduce the allergy symptoms. That will guide the allergy physician on how to treat your child

Questions to Ask the Allergy Doctor on the First Appointment

Below are some of the questions you should ask the allergy specialist.

  • What symptoms indicate that the child has an allergic reaction?

Each child will react differently to allergens. Below are some of the symptoms you expect to see in your child when they come into contact with an allergen;

  • Itching
  • Watery eyes
  • Swelling and difficult breathing
  • Vomiting and diarrhea

Children will respond differently to different allergens. Severe reaction to allergens is known as anaphylaxis, and it’s it can be fatal if not treated. The signs of anaphylaxis are


Difficulty in breathing and constriction of the airway

Drop in blood pressure

The above symptoms are an indication that your child has allergies.

  • How will the child be tested for allergies?

The most common method of testing for allergies is through the skin or blood test. The allergy physician will determine the best allergy testing method for your child.

  • How do I know the foods that cause allergies?

The allergy specialist will help you identify the foods that are causing allergies. The allergy specialist will guide you on what to look out in food labels to protect your child from allergens. The allergist will also help an allergy action plan to ensure that your child has a balanced diet in spite of the food allergies.

  • When should you use medication?

The allergist will guide you when you should use antihistamine and any other medication that has been prescribed. Antihistamines relieve mild symptoms while medications such as epinephrine are used when the child has severe allergies.

  • How Should you Protect your child against allergies?

The allergy doctor will guide on the best way to keep your child’s allergies at bay. Consult the allergy specialist on home remedies that will work for your child.

Prepare before you visit the allergy clinic, and that will ensure you get the right treatment and remedies to keep the allergies away. Follow the remedies and treatment given by the allergist Manassas diligently to ensure that allergies don’t hamper the life of your child.

Winter Allergy Tips

When winter begins it marks the end of seasonal allergies that are caused by pollen. However, that also signals the beginning of winter allergies. There are several allergens that may be found indoors that will cause allergies. It’s imperative to ensure that your indoors is sparkling clean through the winter to keep the allergens away from your home. If you suffer from indoor allergies it may be wise to visit the allergist Manassas before winter begins for preventive medication and advise on the best home remedies. In this article, we give tips to ease winter allergies.

Main Causes of Winter Allergies

When the temperatures begin dropping you will be forced to spend more time indoors. You will need to keep the house warm by shutting the windows and lighting a fire. That could result in allergens that trigger your allergies. Below are some of the allergens that cause winter allergies

  • Dust Mites

The bugs will be found in mattresses and beddings. Their droppings and remains cause an allergic reaction.

  • Mold

Mold results when the house is damp and humid. Areas such as bathrooms and basements are prone to mold. The mold spores trigger an allergic reaction

  • Animals

When the temperatures drop most people bring their pets indoors. Animal dander, saliva, and urine may cause allergies.

Symptoms of Winter Allergies

  • Coughing and sneezing
  • Dark circles around the eyes
  • Runny nose and watery eyes

It’s important to visit the allergy clinic so that the allergy doctor can tell whether you are suffering from an allergy, flu or a cold. Allergies will linger for weeks while flu will reduce with time. The allergy physician will carry out an allergy test to determine the kind of allergy you are suffering from and then give you medication. It’s also best to consult the allergy doctor on how to minimize the allergies.

Treatment for winter allergies will include the following

It’s best to visit the allergy clinic for an allergy test before taking any medication. An allergy test will determine the exact cause of the allergies and that way you will know which allergen is affecting you and how to avoid it

Steps to Follow to Minimize Allergen in the Home

Keep the humidity in your House Low

Keep the humidity in the house below 50percent. Dust mites thrive in humid areas and you should ensure that the humidity of your home is below 50 percent. Invest in a dehumidifier to keep your humidity below 50%.

Remove wall to wall carpets

Carpets harbor dust mites and it’s best to remove them. Animal dander and mold will also hide in the carpets. Your house may become damp because of the carpet and that will encourage mold and dust mites. Remove the carpets and rugs and that will reduce the chances of the allergen.

Keep Pets out of the house

If you have a pet reduce contact with the pet. Make sure the pet is clean and have an area far from the living and bedroom where the pet can stay. Bathe the pet as often as possible and that will minimize dander. Have a change of clothes if you play with a pet.

Clean your beddings in hot water

Soak the bedding in hot water at least once a week to help reduce dust mites. Make sure that pillows and mattress have covers that allow dust mites to pass through. Don’t put pillows and comforters on the floor because that will attract more dust mites.

Clean the floor of your house regularly

Mop the floor regularly to ensure its clean. Make sure that your floor is dry and not damp. Keep your bathroom and kitchen dry. Ensure there is good insulation to help reduce mold.

If you Suffer from allergies get help in cleaning

If you are the one suffering from allergies seek help in vacuum cleaning. While the house is being cleaned leave the house to avoid coming contact with the allergens.

Visit the allergy clinic and get a diagnosis. That way you will be able to control the allergen that is affecting you. Consult the allergy specialist on the home remedies you should use to control the symptoms of the allergies. If you suffer from severe winter allergies make sure you see the allergy doctor before the season begins.

Why Your Allergies are not Improving

You have been following an allergy prevention home remedy but there are no improvements. You have been to the allergist Manassas but there are no improvements. In this article, we tell you reasons why your allergies are not improving. It’s important to ensure that you visit the allergy clinic for a check to determine what is causing your allergies to become worse.

Reasons Why Your Allergies are not Improving

  • Exposure to new allergens

Allergen makes your immune system to overreact and cause symptoms such as running nose, congestion, itchy eyes, and a running nose. A new allergen may cause your allergen to become worse and it’s important that you are keen when your allergies are worse. That will help you establish the new allergen you are allergic to and you can avoid it. If the allergic reaction cannot be controlled by home remedies visit the allergy doctor and get medication. Keep note of when the symptoms become

  • Wrong over the counter medication

Most people with allergies opt for over the medication. It’s important that before you take any medications to treat the allergies that you establish the allergens. Visit the allergy clinic and let the allergy physician carry out an allergy test to determine the allergen affecting you. Once the test is carried out then the allergy specialist will give you medication.

  • Failure to take Medication

Most people fail to take medication at all. It’s important that you take the allergy medication as prescribed by the allergy physician. Some of the allergy medication needs to be taken before the allergy season starts. Before you stop taking medication to consult the allergy specialist on the alternative medication you can use.

  • A new Pet in the House

If you have a pet allergy and you have a new pet that could be the reason your allergies have not improved. Keep your pets out of the bedroom and living room. Make sure the pets are always clean. If keeping the pet clean and in separate rooms doesn’t help.

  • You can’t avoid allergens

It may be hard to avoid some allergens and that will require medication to keep the allergies at bay. If you work in an environment where there are allergens it may be hard to avoid them. It’s important to try and limit exposure to allergens but uses medication as prescribed. You can limit exposure to allergens by

Changing the home heating and cooling system

Keep the doors and windows closed when the pollen level is high

Avoid being outdoors when its windy and dry

Keep the air conditioner in your home and car on

Allergy-proof your beddings and living room items

Keep pets away from the furniture

Keep your house clean by vacuuming it often

  • Relocating to a New Area

Change of environment could make your allergies worse. A change of job that requires you to commute to far places could be exposing you to new allergens. Visit the allergy specialist and get advice on how to counter the new allergens. New cleaning products could be the cause of new allergic reaction.

  • New habits

If you suffer from allergies and you pick a new habit it may be the reason your allergies are not improving. If you have started smoking or partying it may be the reason your allergies are improving.

  • Wrong Diagnosis

If you have allergies it’s important to ensure that you visit the top-rated allergy clinic for a diagnosis. A wrong diagnosis will make your allergies worse. if your allergy has been diagnosed and the allergies are not getting better make sure you visit the best allergy specialist for the right diagnosis.

  • Other Physical Issues

Other medical conditions that may limit you from taking medication. Medications that you are taking to treat other diseases may prohibit you from taking allergy treatment. People with high blood are not allowed to take decongestants because that can affect the pressure. Visit the best allergist and let the doctor advise you on how to deal with allergens.

If you notice you that your allergies are improving visit the allergy clinic for an allergy test to determine what is causing the allergy to deteriorate. Follow the home remedy you have prescribed by the allergy physician.

What You Need to Know About Allergies

Sneezing, itching, watery eyes are all signs that you could be having allergies. 3% of adults in the US suffer from allergies and in this article, we tell you everything you need to know about allergies so that you can take care of yourself. It’s important to understand what you are suffering from so that you are able to take care of yourself and know when you should see an allergy doctor. Allergies can be prevented by simple home remedies and it’s imperative to understand what triggers your allergies.

What Causes Allergic Reactions

An allergy occurs when your immune system encounters an allergen and produces histamines which cause allergy symptoms. Foods such as eggs and peanuts are a common source of allergens. Pollen is a major cause of allergies. Allergies can affect your eyes, skin, mouth, nose or stomach. Each person has a different allergy trigger, one person can be allergic to eggs but not allergic to peanuts. Visit the allergy specialist and get an allergy test to be sure what causes your allergy. Understand your allergies and you will be able to protect yourself from allergens

Most Common Allergens

Below are some of the most common causes of allergies

  • Medications such as penicillin, antibiotics
  • Animal dander and bee stings
  • Dust Mites
  • Food such as peanuts, tree nuts, fish, eggs, milk, and wheat
  • Latex
  • Mold
  • Plants and pollen

Allergies may be mild or severe which can be life-threatening. It’s important to visit the allergy physician on the onset of allergies to avoid complications. Severe allergies are known as anaphylaxis and could be life-threatening.

Common Allergies

Below are some common types of  allergies

  • Hay Fever or Allergic Rhinitis

Hay fever results in the following

Sneezing and runny nose

Itchy eyes, nose, and mouth

Swollen eyes resulting in allergic conjunctivitis

  • Food Allergies

Food allergies will cause a tingling feeling in your mouth, swelling in your lips, mouth, and tongue. Food allergies can become severe resulting in anaphylaxis and it’s therefore important that you consult the allergy doctor immediately.

  • Atopic Dermatitis

It’s also known as Eczema is not caused by allergies but flares up due to allergies. The symptoms you are likely to experience are itching, swelling, sneezing, and a runny nose. If you suffer from Eczema, make sure you visit the allergy clinic when the allergy symptoms begin to avoid becoming severe.

  • Insect Stings

Bees and other insects may cause swelling, itching, and shortness of breath. It’s best to understand what you are allergic because that helps you avoid the allergens. Severe reaction to stings may also lead to anaphylaxis. If you are stung by an insect, make sure you have a remedy or visit the allergy clinic for medication.

What is Anaphylaxis

Anaphylaxis is an extreme reaction to an allergy. It can cause shock and can result from food, medication, insect, and latex. It can happen suddenly and may go from mild to severe very quickly. Below are symptoms of anaphylaxis

  • The tightness of the throat
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Hives and swelling
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fainting and dizziness
  • Rapid pulse and heart will stop beating

If you are at risk of anaphylaxis its best to visit the allergy clinic and the allergy physician will give you medication to ensure that your allergy condition doesn’t become severe. It’s important to inform the people around your condition so that they are prepared in case of anything.

How to Get Relief from Allergies

It’s important to visit the allergy clinic for antihistamines and decongestants to treat certain symptoms of allergies. If you suffer from asthma, make sure you follow your asthma treatment diligently to avoid attacks.

Ask the allergist for home remedies to help ease the allergies.

Keep your environment allergen free. Keep your house free of dust, close the windows when the pollen levels are high. Have a pet room away from your sitting area.

Knowing you your allergies and the cause is key in minimizing allergic reaction. Make sure you understand what causes your allergies and avoid the allergens.

Most of the common allergens can be avoided by simple home remedies. Keeping your house clean and avoid going outdoors when pollen levels are high will help ease your allergies. Visit the allergy clinic and  learn simple home remedies that will help ease your allergies

Why You Should Manage your Asthma

Asthma results when the airwaves become narrow and sensitive due to chronic inflammation making it hard to breathe. The disease can be triggered by the tiniest allergen as the airwaves are already affected. Asthma can develop due to various reasons resulting in breathing difficulties, wheezing and a tight chest. It’s paramount that you visit the asthma doctor if the symptoms persist for medication. In this post well tell you why you should manage your asthma and how to treat your asthma.

There are different kinds of asthma depending on the allergen that triggers the allergic reaction;

  • Allergic asthma is caused by allergens in the environment such as dust and can result in allergic rhinitis.
  • Exercise-induced asthma is caused by too much exertion during exercises
  • Cough asthma is triggered by a cough as the first symptom
  • Occupational asthma results from the surrounding you occupy. It could be caused by an activity in the workplace.
  • Nocturnal asthma result from the change of weather at night.

Early diagnosis of asthma is important as this helps manage the disease and reduce the chances of an asthma attack. Get an action plan on how to minimize chances of an asthma attack and how to avoid allergens .

Common Asthma triggers

  • Polluted air and exposure cigar and tobacco smoke
  • Inhaling irritants such as perfumes and cleaning products
  • Living in a house with molds, dust, and dander from animals
  • Other respiratory infections such as cold and flu
  • Exposure to cold especially in the evening
  • Stress
  • Too much physical exercise
  • Additives in food and wine that contain sulfates

The severity of asthma can be classified as follows;

  • Mild intermittent

The asthma attacks occur once in a week either during the day or night time with no symptoms in between the attacks

  • Mild Persistent

The attacks occur more than twice a week with nighttime symptoms which are severe.

  • Moderate Persistent

The attacks occur daily with more severe attacks occurring twice a week and may last for several days.

  • Severe and Persistent

The attacks occur often and are severe with continued daytime symptoms that limit your ability to work.

No matter how mild the attacks are, it’s important that you visit the Asthma doctor for a check-up and treatment to avoid severity.

Asthma Management and Reasons Why You Should Manage your Asthma

Asthma is a chronic disease and the treatment will take a long time or forever depending on severity. Asthma treatment will include medication and natural cure for asthma to help ease symptoms. The allergist will give you medication if your case is severe and in addition give you a home plan on how to counter allergens and manage your allergies. The goal in managing asthma is;

  • To ensure that the allergy doctor gives you an accurate diagnosis of what you are ailing
  • Work with the asthma doctor on an action plan to manage Asthma
  • Come up with a diary of all the symptoms experienced
  • To come up with an effective strategy on how to avoid indoor and outdoor allergens
  • Seek medication for other problems that tip off allergy and asthma
  • Learn exercises that will not trigger asthma
  • Be able to maintain normal weight and sleep well
  • Keep in contact of the allergy doctor and consult at the onset of the first symptoms
  • Visit the allergy physician regularly for check-ups and treatment.

Management of Asthma

  • Medication

The allergy physician will consider the severity of the condition and decide which medication works best for you. The allergy doctor will either give you pills or inhalers.

  • Natural Cure for Asthma

The below natural remedies will help ease your asthma

Know your allergen and avoid them

Don’t buy over the counter medicine to treat asthma as that may aggravate the disease

If your condition doesn’t improve after taking medication, consult the asthma doctor on the way forward

Ensure you take the right diet to stay healthy

Avoid smoking or smoking zones

It’s important that you learn how to manage your asthma as that ease the signs and symptoms. Before using any asthma treatment or home remedy make sure you visit the asthma clinic Manassas and consult the allergy doctor to avoid any severe reactions. Follow the advice of the allergist diligently and ensure that you environment doesn’t aggravate the sign and symptoms of asthma.

Simple Tips for an Allergy-Free Vacation

Allergies can dampen your travel plans especially if you are traveling during spring. Don’t let the allergies dampen the vacation spirit instead planning ahead will ensure you enjoy your vacation without any interruptions. It’s imperative that you understand the kind of allergy that affects you or your children to be able to counter it, be it a food allergy, seasonal allergy or asthma, hives, and skin allergy.

Preparing  for an allergy-free trip

  • Speak to your the allergist

The first step towards a happy vacation is speaking to the allergy doctor so you can get advice on how best to avoid allergens and in case there are any medications one should take to avoid severe cases of the allergen. Take note of any steps you need to take to avoid severe allergic reactions while traveling

  • Choose the right place for your accommodation

It’s important to choose accommodation that doesn’t allow smoking, pets, and level of hygiene is high. Ask for rooms that don’t have carpets as this might hold a lot of dust and pollen. Inform the hotel of the allergies you have and confirm whether there any measures put in place to minimize the effects of allergies

  • Make sure the vacation takes you to the right place

Research about the place you are going to understand the allergens that are likely to be found in the area.Choose vacation spots that will favor your allergy situation.   Mountain areas don’t have dust mites while pollen is rarely found on the beaches. Depending on your allergic reaction, choose to take the vacation in areas where the allergy will not be accelerated.

  • Pack your medicine and home remedy kit

Carry a bag with your allergy supplies and ensure that you have carried all the medicine that will help alleviate the allergy symptoms just in case they appear.

  • Pack the right clothes

Ensure that the clothes you pack don’t attract allergens. Carry your own pillowcases if possible and a bedsheet that you can lie on.

  • Traveling

If you are traveling by car use your air conditioner and filter the air. Early morning travels work perfectly before the pollen count increases. If you are taking a flight, ensure that the food offered in the flight has no allergens. Drink a lot of water during the journey.

  • Activities at your destination

When you get to your destination ensure that you confirm the kind of food available and whether there are any allergy triggers in the food. Check the rooms and confirm there is no smoking zone nearby.

  • Remind the families, Members of the allergies you have,

Vacations get exciting and some of the family members may forget that you have an allergy. Remind them of the allergic reactions you have towards certain foods and any other substance that may cause an allergic reaction. If you are sharing rooms ensure they observe hygiene and remind them to keep the windows closed to avoid pollen from entering the house.

Tips while traveling and you have allergies

  • Carry your own wipes to clean surfaces
  • Research on cultural differences and ensure that you understand them. In some cultures, smoking is allowed in public places
  • Carry your prescription in your handbag
  • Check out air travel policies
  • Follow the instructions from the allergist and enjoy your vacation

Simple Ways to Keep Your House Allergen Proof

The air inside our houses may can contain allergens more than the air outside. Common indoor allergens include dust, pet furs, mites, mold and cockroach droppings. It’s necessary to ensure that the house is free of any allergens as that is where we spend most of our time. The most practical way to manage allergies is to ensure we rid the home of the allergens. Regular house cleaning will ensure that your home is allergen free reducing the number of trips you make to the allergist

Simple Tips to Rid your House of Allergens

Get an Air Filter

Get an air filter that can handle the small dust and dander particles. High particulate air filters are made to remove small dust particles from the air. It’s ideal to have the air filter in the room where you spend the most time which is most likely the bedroom. It’s vital to regularly clean the air filter to ensure that it doesn’t contaminate the air.

Keep out Mites

Dust mites will trigger allergy and asthma. Mites will hide in rugs, boxes, and beddings. It’s therefore essential you do away with rugs and clean the bedding often to ensure there are no mites. Use allergy-proof covers and wash the bedding in hot water to keep away the mites. You can also keep the dust mites out by ensuring that the house is cold as they don’t survive in cool temperature. Keep the cockroaches away by thoroughly cleaning the house and sealing any holes to ensure that there are no entry spaces for the roaches.

General Cleaning

Ensure you thoroughly clean your house every week as this will ensure that your house is allergy-proof. Clean under the beds, seats and all the places with a clean mop and soap. A wet mop will trap the allergens instead of releasing them into the air. Vacuum clean all the carpets and the back of the seats. Wipe off the dust from windows, doors and all other surfaces. Make sure that there are no molds in the bathroom. Ensure that you don’t use scented cleaners as that may attract more allergens.

Keep out the Clutter

The cluttered items such as magazines, old books and clothes will host dust, cockroaches, and mites. You should ensure that you limit dust traps by keeping fewer items such as books, magazines, and frames. Remove old rags from the house to avoid hosting dust.

Other tips to Keep Allergens out of Your Home

  • Declutter the house, as this will keep out dust, mites, and cockroaches
  • Dry clothes using a dryer as air drying may increase allergens in clothes
  • Always wear a mask while cleaning
  • Avoid clothing made from animal fur
  • Ask a family member who doesn’t have allergies to dust out the pets
  • Ensure your house is humid, you can use a hydrometer to measure humidity
  • In case of an allergic reaction while cleaning, consult your allergy doctor va

What You Need to Learn About Allergy Testing

Allergic reactions can take a toll on one’s lifestyle especially if don’t identify the allergen. Effective allergy treatment requires testing accurately to treat the allergy conclusively. It’s also paramount to get the medical history details of the patient to ensure that nothing is left to chance. Allergy testing involves examining to determine your body’s reaction to a particular substance. The doctor will expose you to a small amount of allergen and test the response. Find an allergy doctor near you to carry out the test. There are three kinds of allergens which the allergy doctor will seek to check;

  • Allergen that you inhale and usually affect your lungs, nostrils, and throat
  • Ingested allergens are those you ingest in certain foods
  • Contact Allergens are the ones that you react to when they touch your skin

Importance of Testing for Allergy

  • Confirm or rule out allergies thus reducing any complications
  • Avoid unnecessary use of medicine
  • Avoid symptoms from escalating to severity
  • Identify the specific allergic triggers to ensure you avoid the allergens
  • Improve quality of life

Preparation for the allergy test

Once you find an allergy doctor near you, he will ask questions about your life and medical history. The doctor will require you not to take any over the counter anti-allergy medication like an antihistamine and any other medicines which could hinder the effectiveness of the allergy testing.

Types of Allergy Tests

  • Skin Test

The skin test takes around one hour and involves getting a small amount of the allergen, and the doctor tracks your reaction to the allergen. There are several skin tests

  1. Skin Prick Test

The doctor will leave a small portion of the allergen on your skin and then prick the skin underneath. If you are allergic, the skin will start getting itchy, and hives will develop

  1. Patch Test

The doctor will place a patch of allergen on your skin and leave it for 46-48 hours. In case you have an allergic reaction, the skin will itch, and hives will develop.

  1. Intradermal skin test

The test involves injection an allergen into your skin. The doctor will do the test when one has an allergic reaction to the environment and drugs

  • Blood Test

A blood test involves testing your blood for the allergen. The Biochemical test also known as the immunoassay test involves checking the presence of specific macromolecules using an antigen.

  1. Enzyme-Linked immunosorbent test

The test which is widespread measures the amount of allergen in your body.

  1. Radioallergosorbent Test

The test seeks to identify your allergy triggers

Side Effect of the Allergy Tests

Testing can result in mild itching, swelling and bumps may develop on the skin. In case the examination causes a severe reaction to ensure you talk to your allergy doctor Centreville VA to prescribe medicine.

Once the doctor the tests are done, work together with the doctor to come up with an action plan on how to avoid the triggers of the allergy. Take up any medication prescribed as per the given schedule.

What to expect when you visit an Allergist

An allergy is a reaction towards specific food, drugs and environmental factors that otherwise do not affect. The reaction can be mild or severe; it’s, therefore, essential to see an allergist who will determine the extent of the allergy. An allergist specialist diagnoses and treats allergies. In the United States, the allergist should have a specialty in allergy treatment, more than five years of training in medicine and a board certification which requires one to pass a particular exam. The allergy doctor has to attend education programs continually to keep abreast of any new developments

Why visit an allergist instead of a general physician

  • Specialist

When Most people experience that first itch or several bumps on their body, they will visit their general physician, but an allergy doctor will give you the specific care that you require. The allergist has specialized training in dealing with allergies making it more palatable to visit the allergy doctor.

  • Expertise

The allergy doctor has specially trained in areas of allergy, and therefore there is no second guessing when it comes to treatment

When To See an Allergist

  • When you have an allergic reaction to food, insect bites, medicine
  • If your allergies are interfering with your daily life
  • In case you notice symptoms of allergy disease like asthma
  • See the allergy physician if you need assistance to come up with an action plan on how to cope with allergies
  • Increase in allergic reactions
  • In case you notice your child has a consistent cough
  • If you feel you are struggling to catch your breath

Questions the allergist will ask when you visit

  • The doctor will ask question concerning
  • When you noticed the first symptoms, any medication you may have taken, and whether there was any improvement
  • Do you have a history of any allergy symptoms
  • Do you have rashes or bumps on your body
  • Any history of allergic disease like asthma in your family
  • At what time is the allergic reaction more prevalent

Steps the allergist is likely to take after check up

  • Identify the allergen

The allergist will identify the allergen and suggest ways of avoiding coming into contact.

  • Treatment

The doctor will prescribe medicine if the allergic reaction is severe.

  • Management Plan

The doctor will help you come up with a plan on how to ease the effects of various allergens.


Make sure you visit the allergy doctor Gainesville VA  as soon as the first sign of allergy appears to avoid overuse of medication. That will also ensure that you catch the symptoms before they can become severe.

Reduce the pet allergens in your home to prevent allergy attacks

allergy doctor

Pets are man’s best friend, but if you are prone to hives and skin allergy, they can make your life worse. Not only their skin dander triggers allergic reactions, but their saliva and urine too can leave you sneezing throughout the day. Most of the pets shed off their dry skin cells in the form of dander, which gets attached to their feathers or furs and lands in your curtains, rugs, clothes, and furniture; and this is an unavoidable situation if you have pets in your home. Thankfully, there are some ways to reduce the allergens beforehand.

Detecting the cause of your allergy:

Apart from irritations in your skin and sneezing, you may also experience red and itchy eyes, runny nose or coughing if you are prone to pet allergy. However, it is ideally recommended to opt for radioallergosorbent allergy testing, which includes a thorough examination of your skin and blood, to detect the root of the problem. In many cases, you may find out that the culprit is not your four-legged friend, but the hidden pollen in their hair.

Reduce the allergens in your home:

If you are allergic to your pet but do not want to part with your furry friend, there are many ways to reduce the allergens in your home:

  1. Make sure you give your pet shower on a weekly basis: Bathing your pets on a weekly basis can reduce the chances of dander shedding manifold. Consult your veterinarian to pick the pet grooming products, which are safe for regular use.
  2. HEPA air cleaners can make your life comfortable: The high-efficiency HEPA air cleaners are very effective, not only to avoid the allergy-causing dander but also dust particles and pollen, which might trigger allergies.
  3. Turn to frequent cleaning and dusting: Make sure you wear a protective mask while dusting your home. Clean the pet beds frequently. Change the curtains, bed and pillows covers and vacuum the blinds, carpets, and furniture to get rid of allergens.
  4. Treat your allergy problem: There are numerous allergy treatment methods to deal with pet allergies. Consult your allergy doctor, to opt for immunotherapy, antihistamine sprays or pills and steroidal injections. It is essential, to find a specialist who understands your love and commitment towards your furry friend because only then he or she can suggest you the best way to deal with the problem, rather than blaming your pet and giving them away.

Instead of blaming your pets every time you get an allergy, prevent the causes beforehand to endure a healthy relationship with them.