Tips to Beat Indoor Allergies

Those suffering from allergies frequently seek refuge inside their houses. Unfortunately, the place isn’t safe as sometimes they bring the allergens inside, sometimes even making the allergies worse, and you have to visit an allergy clinic

Thankfully, you can eliminate indoor allergies and breathe easier in your house with thoughtful tweaks and methods. 

We’ve compiled a list of strategies and items that you can use to make your life at home more joyful and allergen-free. Here they are: 

Keep windows and doors closed to keep pollen out.

Closing and sealing doors and windows is the first major step in preventing outdoor allergens from entering your home. 

You should keep all windows and exterior doors closed, especially during peak pollen times, such as early mornings and late afternoons.

You also should consider installing pollen-blocking window filters or screens in your windows. These can help keep pollen particles out of your home while allowing enough air circulation.

It’s also wise to consider sealing gaps around doors and windows with weatherstripping or door sweeps. This will help in the formation of a barrier against pollen infiltration.

Besides keeping your doors and windows closed all the time, you should limit your time outside, especially on windy days or when pollen concentrations are high. This decreases the pollen that may adhere to your clothing and carry inside.

As you come outside, remove any outer clothing and shoes that have come into contact with pollen. This will assist in keeping pollen from spreading throughout your home.

Invest in an air purifier.

Using an air purifier reduces allergy and asthma symptoms. It’s a little but powerful device that can help eliminate indoor allergies caused by everything from cooking smoke to outdoor contaminants that enter through windows. 

Look for an air purifier with a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter. HEPA filters are designed to catch airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns in size, including pollen, pet dander, dust mites, and mold spores.

To keep the model running properly, double-check the square footage it can handle and clean or change the filter as advised.

You should install the air purifier in the room where you spend most of your time, such as your bedroom or living room. Place it in an area providing maximum air circulation and distribution.

It is wise to operate the air purifier continuously or at least when you are present in the room to maintain clean air. This guarantees that the air is constantly filtered and allergens are removed.

You should replace your filters regularly to keep the air inside. When doing the filter change, follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Depending on usage and local air quality, you should update the filters every 6 to 12 months. 

While an air purifier can help remove allergens from the air, keeping your living space clean is crucial. Dust surfaces, vacuum carpets, and wash bedding regularly to reduce allergy collection.

Keep pets out of the bedroom.

We all adore our four-legged family members, but pet fur and dander can aggravate allergy symptoms. Make sure to groom your pet regularly, and keep the door to your bedroom closed. This reduces the number of allergens you’ll be exposed to, especially while sleeping.

If your pet is accustomed to sleeping in your bedroom, provide them a nice alternate sleeping spot somewhere in the house. Provide a nice bed or crate in another room to ensure their comfort.

Positive reinforcement and deterrents can also be effective in training pets to avoid certain regions. To dissuade your pet from entering the bedroom, use pet gates, fragrant deterrent sprays, or noise-making devices near the door.

Brushing and bathing your pet regularly can help minimize the stray hair and dander they shed. This reduces the allergy burden in your entire house.

Keep your house clean.

By keeping the house clean, you get rid of most of the allergens. Vacuum your carpets at least once or twice a week; you should do it more frequently if you have pets. 

Carpets can trap allergies and create irritation, so vacuuming regularly keeps allergens at bay. 

As a rule of thumb, you should wear a face mask when vacuuming to avoid inhaling all the dust that will float around. 

For the best outcome, use a high-quality vacuum with a HEPA filter. HEPA filters catch microscopic particles, including allergens, and prevent them from recirculating in the air.

You also should make it a habit to dust the surfaces regularly with a moist cloth or an electrostatic duster. This aids in trapping and removing allergen-containing dust particles such as pollen, pet dander, and dust mites.

When it comes to the floors, clean them with a moist mop or microfiber cloth, which helps to trap and remove allergens effectively. Avoid dry methods, such as sweeping, as they stir up allergens in the air.

When it comes to bedding, to get rid of dust mites and related allergies, wash the sheets, pillowcases, and blankets regularly in hot water. To further protect against dust mites, consider utilizing allergen-proof covers for mattresses, pillows, and duvets.

You should also regularly clean your drapes and blinds to remove dust and allergens. When purchasing, choose washable drapes that you can easily clean regularly.

Use a Neti pot

One final and highly effective way to alleviate your indoor allergies is to use a Neti Pot to keep your sinuses free. This ancient and doctor-recommended medicinal practice is a simple and effective approach to keeping your nasal passageways clean of trapped allergens and a powerful strategy to decrease disease. 

Clean out your nasal sinus passages with specific saline packets and distilled water for the best outcome. It may initially feel strange, but it improves your thinking and breathing. 

If this is your first time trying, consult your allergy doctor Manassas VA on how to use it properly. 

7 Ways to Improve your Immune System and Fight Allergies

Pollution, smog, pollen, dust, and other environmental variables contribute to allergies and you have to find an allergy specialist constantly.  Every person, regardless of immunity, is vulnerable to these environmental variables. Without a doubt, the quickest solution is to take an anti-allergy tablet. However, this only fixes the problem momentarily.

To prevent allergies from coming about, you should build a stronger immune system. There are plenty of ways you can improve your immune system. These ways include:

Improve the health of your liver.

A sluggish liver is linked to our susceptibility to seasonal allergies because the body cannot adequately rid itself of pollutants. Toxins overstimulate our immune system, cause inflammatory responses, and cause histamine production.

Among the many lifestyle adjustments you can make, one that works well is taking 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice each on an empty stomach early in the morning for three days. Consuming apple cider vinegar 30 minutes before meals can also help to boost liver health.

Drinking enough water supports the liver’s normal function by assisting in the removal of toxins from the body. Aim to consume 8 cups (64 ounces) of water per day.

Besides making you feel and look good, regular exercise improves liver function by increasing blood flow and decreasing fatty deposits. Try to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise each week.

You should reduce exposure to environmental pollutants and chemicals, including cleaning supplies, insecticides, and solvents. Use sufficient ventilation when working with such compounds and observe all safety precautions, such as wearing gloves and masks.

Eat Quercetin-rich foods.

Quercetin is a flavonoid found in plants that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. According to research, eating foods high in quercetin stimulates the body’s anti-allergic immunological response.

The simplest approach to get quercetin is to add a few slices of raw onion to your meals. If you are allergic to onions or avoid them for religious reasons, substitute apples, grapes, crucifers, citrus fruits, or berries, which are also high in quercetin.

As much as quercetin benefits the body, remember that it is more effective when used as part of a healthy diet than as a standalone supplement.

Aim for variety in your meal choices to receive a wide range of nutrients, including quercetin. If you have any special dietary problems or medical conditions, it is preferable to seek personalized guidance from a healthcare expert or certified dietitian.

Get rid of excess mucus.

Mucus, in the proper amount, has a protective effect on the body. It aids in trapping dirt, allergies, and pollutants, but too much of it can act as a breeding ground for infections, which thrive in wet settings.

As a result, it is critical to include substances that can assist in removing extra mucus and decongest your lungs.

Tea made with herbs and spices such as thyme, cardamom, licorice, and oregano helps to loosen mucus. Bromelain, which is contained in pineapples, also acts as a decongestant.

You can also undertake nasal irrigation, also known as Jal neti, is an ancient yogic kriya and is highly effective for releasing and draining excess mucus and cleansing the respiratory passages.

Eat honey infused with garlic.

Both honey and garlic have excellent immune-boosting characteristics, and the combination of the two can result in a super-effective immunity-boosting cure for people of all ages. The right way to consume them is to take 10 to 12 garlic cloves.

Crush them to release the active component of allicin. Combine it with unpasteurized organic honey in a container and allow it to settle for three days.

Consume 2 to 3 tablespoons of this paste daily for the best outcome. It is beneficial for improving liver function and fighting seasonal allergies.

Use castor oil

Ricinoleic acid is a substance found in pure castor oil. Numerous scientific research studies suggest that using it externally boosts T-lymphocyte generation and activity, strengthening the immune system.

Lymphocytes, commonly known as white blood cells, play an important part in the body’s identification, killing, and removal of bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

Castor oil packs, when applied to the belly, stimulate Peyer’s patch function. These small intestine lymph nodes are crucial in immunity, digestion, and detoxification.

For the best outcome, use 100% pure, cold-pressed castor oil. Apply a drop or two of castor oil to a clean fingertip and gently massage it around your belly. You should always avoid direct contact with the eyes as it can cause some discomfort.

Reduce pollen exposure

The best way to minimize seasonal allergies is to avoid pollen exposure indoors. This is not a simple task, but it is doable. Because pollen counts are highest in the mornings, it is best to keep windows and doors closed now. You should also avoid driving with your windows down. When you’re not at home, try wearing a mask.

You should check the pollen forecasts in your area frequently to be aware of high pollen days and alter your plans accordingly.

Pets can bring pollen into your home, so after they’ve been outside, wipe their paws or give them a brief bath to reduce pollen transfer.

Understand your allergy symptoms.

If you’ve had allergies your entire life, pay attention to the symptoms your body exhibits. Common allergy symptoms include runny nose, nasal congestion, itchy eyes, sneezing, headaches, scratchy throat, exhaustion, etc. When you encounter one of them, take the required steps to prevent exacerbating the issue.

For example, depending on the severity of your symptoms, you can take over-the-counter drugs to assist. You can take antihistamines, decongestants, nasal sprays, and eye drops.

Always follow the instructions and guidelines provided, and if you have any doubts, see a pharmacist.

If your symptoms persist, worsen, or have a substantial impact on your everyday life, you should find allergy doctor Germantown MD who will provide a proper diagnosis, recommend the right therapies, or request specialized tests that will help you understand your condition better.

When working with the allergist, ensure they are experienced and know what they are doing. You don’t want someone who makes the situation worse than it is.

Tips to Handle a Harsh Allergy Season

If you suffer from allergies and the allergy season is coming, you can do several things to make the season more forgiving.

Buy medication

If you suspect that your symptoms may worsen, your usual medications may not work either, so you may need to try new ones or combine them to find relief.

Several over-the-counter and prescription treatments are available to alleviate allergy symptoms. Many doctors recommend nasal steroid sprays like Nasonex (with a prescription) or Flonase as the first line of treatment.

While they are good, they may take several days or weeks to relieve stuffiness and sneezing, so it is best to use them early in the season before your symptoms worsen.

Antihistamines, whether sprays like Astelin, tablets like Allegra, Claritin, or Zyrtec, or eye drops like Optivar, are other options as they have a more rapid effect.

Decongestants such as Afrin or Sinex come in handy. Don’t rush to use them, even if you can access them, as they can have a rebound effect.

After a few days, the blood vessels in your nose become less receptive to the drug, and you may experience severe congestion again. Limit these medications to no more than three days in a row.

If you have already tried numerous over-the-counter allergy medications, and none gives you your desired results, consult your allergy doctor about prescription choices. The allergy specialist will help you plan ahead of time for your unique allergies so you are safe when the allergy season kicks in.

Wash your sinuses

If you don’t want to take medications, consider nasal irrigation. The technique dates back thousands of years, and its efficacy is supported by plenty of studies.

You need to pour a saline solution into one nostril using a neti pot, bulb syringe, or squeeze bottle and let it drain out the other.

The procedure is simple but helps flush out pollen, mucus, and other allergens in your nasal cavity. As a result, you may feel less congested and use less allergy medicine if you have to.

Plan your outdoor time accordingly.

Many well-known weather apps and websites offer “allergy forecasts” or pollen counts. The National Allergy Bureau website lists more than 80 stations around the United States that provide more specific daily pollen reports depending on different plant types.

You can choose the station closest to you and receive notifications for your pollen allergy.

Pollen counts are often highest between early morning and midmorning and on hot, dry, windy days. You can limit the quantity of pollen you come into contact with if you exercise indoors during certain times or run errands later in the evening.

If you are prone to allergy symptoms and need to go out in the morning or do yardwork, don a high-quality N95 mask, which you may already have for coronavirus protection. This will aid in pollen removal.

Reduce the pollen in your home.

Avoid bringing pollen back inside after being outside. When you arrive home, take your shoes off and change your clothes. Shower before bed to eliminate pollen from your skin.

As much as you love them, avoid sleeping with your dogs. Even if you aren’t allergic to your pets, pollen is on their coats, which might cause you to react.

To improve your sleep, try zipping up your mattress and pillows in hypoallergenic encasements, washing bedding once a week in hot soapy water, and using a dryer instead of a clothesline.

You also should make it a habit of cleaning and replacing your air conditioner filter with one with a MERV of 11 or higher.

These filters can capture small pollen particles. If you suffer from severe allergies, consider investing in a professional-style HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter for your bedroom.

HEPA filters with a MERV value of 17 or higher often remove 99 percent of pollen, animal dander, dust, and other particles, leaving your house’s insides safe and allergen-free.

You also should try to close your windows and use an air conditioner. If, on the other hand, you are allergic to indoor allergens such as mold and dust, open the windows and allow in fresh air to help eliminate allergens from your home.

Try immunotherapy

If allergies interfere with your daily life, you should speak with your doctor about immunotherapy for long-term relief.

After a skin prick test or blood test confirms which pollen you are allergic to, your doctor may offer subcutaneous allergy immunotherapy, also known as allergy shots.

This entails a series of injections every week or month, including trace amounts of the pollen to which you are allergic. The dose progressively increases, making your immune system less sensitive to the allergen.

The Food and Drug Administration has begun to approve another type of immunotherapy known as sublingual immunotherapy.

Here tiny amounts of pollen are delivered in tablet form, and you place them under the tongue for one to two minutes before ingesting them. While studies are still ongoing, the only medications that are now approved are for allergies to dust mites, ragweed, and northern pasture grasses. At the same time, other tablets are being examined in clinical trials.

Patience is required for both types of immunotherapy. In most cases, symptom relief could take six months to a year. However, you may need to continue the medication for up to five years before your body can reliably ignore your triggers.

Immunotherapy may be great when it works. If you have been suffering from yearly stuffy noses and itchy eyes and are after successful treatment, you should find an experienced allergy specialist to guide you.

Parting shot

These are some of the ways you can deal with seasonal allergies. To have an easy time treating the condition, don’t ignore the condition regardless of how minor the symptoms appear.

You should listen to your body and rest, go to bed early, or take a sick day. Excessive activity and running around when sick can only make you feel worse.

You also should consider visiting an allergy specialist Manassas for treatment.

Understanding Asthma Allergy

While asthma is a common illness, persistent asthmatic symptoms indicate underlying issues. If you live in an unsanitary environment or have immunological concerns, see your allergy doctor immediately for a rapid diagnosis of recurring asthmatic allergic onsets.

Asthma attacks frequently trigger allergies, leading to nasopharyngeal choking, fast inflammation, and severe breathing problems.

While these attacks can also occur due to brief interaction with suspected allergens or the consumption of restricted foods, asthmatic allergic reactions pose substantial hazards.

How does asthma trigger allergies?

When your bronchioles detect prospective allergens, asthma attacks begin. It results in a frenzied reaction that interferes with your natural respiration.

The reaction often triggers a coping mechanism. When your IgE attaches to these foreign antigens, your allergies worsen. As a result, bronchial irritation and blockage occur.

Because of a hypersensitive immune system, such reactions are frequently immunological.

Asthma flare-ups can also cause allergic reactions if you breathe in potentially allergenic air. Furthermore, long-term exposure to cigarette smoke, pollution, and work dangers makes you prone to recurring asthmatic allergic reactions.

Common allergens that can cause allergic asthma


You can find allergens everywhere, both indoors and outdoors. Some of the common allergens include:

Dander: These are microscopic flakes of dead skin cells shed by animals, most notably cats, dogs, and birds. When an animal sheds or grooms itself, these flakes can be found in its fur or feathers and spread throughout the living environment.

Dander can cause an allergic reaction when inhaled or comes into touch with the skin, making it a common allergen for some people. Sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and skin rash are all dander allergy symptoms.

Regular cleaning, air filtration, and grooming can help reduce dander in the home and prevent allergic symptoms.

Mold: Typically found in moist areas (basements), mold creates spores that enter the air and can aggravate your asthma.

House dust mites: Dust mites resemble spiders and reside on your home’s soft surfaces (carpets, furniture covers, and clothes). 

Cockroaches: These pests can be found in various dwellings, and their feces, saliva, and other body parts may cause your asthma to flare up.

Seasonal allergies. These affect some people and appear at certain times of the year. Because of the blossoming of numerous plants, this is frequently associated with spring. More pollen is in the air during this time of year than in other seasons (fall or winter).

Allergic asthma symptoms

Many symptoms associated with other types of asthma may occur if you have allergic asthma. Among these signs are:

  • Feeling out of breath.
  • Coughing a lot, especially at night.
  • Wheezing (a whistling sound made while breathing).
  • Feeling tight in the chest (as if something is crushing or squeezing your chest).

During an asthma episode, these symptoms can be severe. If you have severe asthma symptoms, ensure you have a treatment plan, including an asthma inhaler.

You may also feel symptoms similar to allergies. These are typically milder than asthma symptoms and can occur when exposed to an allergen. Among these signs are:

  • A congested nose.
  • Itchy or watery eyes.
  • Sneezing.
  • A rash with hives.

How to diagnose allergic asthma

Your healthcare provider can perform a variety of tests to identify allergic asthma. The healthcare provider will most likely undertake a blood or skin test.

Your provider will search for the influence of allergens on your body during these examinations. Possible allergens may be put on small areas of your skin for a skin test to evaluate how you react to each one. This is unpleasant, but it will show your provider what is causing the reaction.

The healthcare provider can also do other tests to ensure that your symptoms are caused by asthma, not another medical condition.

Most of the common asthma diagnostic tests that the healthcare provider can undertake include:

Spirometry: This breathing test involves inhaling deeply and then expelling into a tube. This tube is linked to a computer, which collects data on how well the air travels when you breathe in and out.

Spirometry can also be performed while using a bronchodilator. This test variation assesses how well your airways relax before and after medication administration. During the test, you must exhale as strongly and quickly as possible into the tube.

Bronchoprovocation test: It is similar to allergy testing on your skin in that your physician will introduce potential allergens to determine the source of the problem.

The test is done in a controlled environment, and minimal samples are used to avoid a large, lethal reaction.

Exhaled nitric oxide test (FeNO test): Your healthcare provider measures the amount of nitric oxide in your breath when you exhale. While the test can be administered in any situation, it’s best suited for milder situations of allergic asthma when you do not experience severe symptoms. This is because the highly sensitive test will pick up even small amounts of nitric oxide.

When you have allergic asthma, whatever you breathe in usually causes your symptoms. Identifying the allergen that caused your symptoms is another step in the allergic asthma diagnosis procedure.

To make it easy for your allergist Manassas VA, keep a notebook or take notes about what happened when you had asthma symptoms.

It could be a pollen allergy if you were outside near recently cut grass. It might be a pet dander if you were caressing a dog.

Knowing what you inhaled when your symptoms first appeared will assist your provider in developing a plan to control your allergic asthma.

How to manage allergic asthma

To decrease and avoid further worsening of the symptoms, asthma allergy treatment must include therapeutic and preventive measures.

It involves defense against allergens and contaminants that can aggravate your pulmonary system.

Your doctor uses antihistamines and leukotriene modifiers to treat asthmatic allergic responses. The purpose of the medication is to prevent the immune system from flooding your body with histamines when it detects foreign antigens, which is common among asthma patients who live in polluted environments.

Immunotherapy lowers your hypersensitive IgE complex, which causes allergic reactions when foreign antigens enter your body. It’s not about decreasing your defenses but temporarily lowering them to aid recovery from asthmatic allergic reactions.

How to Manage Pet Allergies

For a lot of people, their dogs, cats, and other animals are members of the family. From cuddling to watching pets offer companionship to people who care for them. However, when you have a furry friend, asthma and allergies can be a less-than-perfect partnership. Three out of ten people with allergies are reactive to cats and dogs.

An allergy specialist sees this a lot in their patients, which is why they should know their triggers and how to manage symptoms when they happen. A lot of people think that fur causes allergies. The reality is that proteins in dander or dead skin cells collect animal hair. If you want to learn more, read on.

Understand Pet Allergies

You need to see a doctor and get tested to determine what allergies you have. You could find out that you are allergic to something else and not really your pet. For instance, you might assume that you are allergic to your dog, only to discover that you are allergic to tree pollen that goes on his fur while walking outside.

If the test shows that you are allergic to your pet, you should understand what causes your allergic reaction. There are proteins that trigger allergies known as allergens in skin glands and saliva that cling to the dry skin of animals and fur. The fur and dander will then stick to carpets, clothing, and walls.

Clean Your Rugs Once a Week

If you want to reduce how much dander is in your home, you should focus on spots that are magnets for it, such as carpets and rugs. You should make sure to vacuum carpets once weekly with a device that uses HEPA filter. They suck up small bits of matter, like pet dander, that other vacuums could miss. Your rugs should be washed once a week.

Pet dander can stick to hard surfaces like floors and walls, so make sure to clean them regularly based on proper care instructions for any materials.

Use an Allergy-capturing Filter

When you regularly change it every 3 months, they are going to capture the invisible and visible dander and other allergens, which effectively vacuum air that flows through your filter. You will get the benefits of allergen defense, and the best dust-holding power of any filter. Improve indoor quality by capturing allergens and holding 2X more dust because a cleaner, fresher home is happy.

Do Not Allow Pets in Your Bedroom

People spend half of their time in the bedroom, which is why you should never allow your pet to sleep in bed with you. Make sure to limit the access of your pets to the bedroom by keeping your bedroom door closed all the time. Regularly wash your bedding and consider an allergen-free mattress cover that fits on your box spring and mattress.

Bathe Your Pet Every Week

When you do this, you are reducing the allergy-causing dander you have. Cats can become used to bathing, but it is important to only use products that are for cats; kittens might need kitten shampoo. Ask your veterinary staff or a good book on pet care for directions when it comes to safe bathing. It would be good to use a shampoo that is recommended by your veterinarian or animal care specialist.

Consider Your Environment

If you are already allergic to dust mites, mold, pollen, or cigarette smoke, your allergies have most likely kicked in. This will make you extra sensitive when you add a pet.

You can try an allergist specialist Germantown MD anytime you need to address pet allergies.

What is of Aspirin Desensitization

Aspirin is an important drug used by people all over the world to help with medical conditions. However, with a lot of people that suffer from a sensitivity to aspirin, using aspirin as allergy treatment is very important for positive health outcomes. You can check an allergy clinic if you want to have an effective aspirin desensitization treatment so you can offer relief for individuals.

There are about 1.2 million and 1.6 million people in the US who have aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease, which causes a lot of frustration for a lot of patients. Due to aspirin desensitization, you can overcome the worst symptoms caused by this condition. If you want to know more about this, you can read on.

What is Aspirin-Exacerbated Respiratory Disease (AERD)?

Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD) includes chronic asthma, sinusitis that has nasal polyps, and aspirin sensitivity, and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Patients who have this condition experience mild to severe symptoms of any respiratory conditions for aspirin-related medications. Other medications can have ibuprofen and naproxen. Approximately 1 in 10 patients who have asthma or 1 in 3 patients with asthma and sinusitis with nasal polyps could be sensitive to aspirin and other NSAIDs that leads to having AERD.

Symptoms of Aspirin Sensitivity

People with aspirin sensitivity can have symptoms like:

  • Hives, itching, swelling, or
  • Shortness of breath, worsening and wheezing of nasal/sinus symptoms

In some cases, the aspirin adverse reaction could be serious or life-threatening.

How is AERD Diagnosed

The AERD diagnosis is clinical, which means that there is no certain test or blood result that can be used to diagnose the disease. The triad asthma plus symptoms and nasal polyps and respiratory reactions to NSAIDs are everything that is needed for diagnosis. For patients with a history of possible reaction to an NSAID is unclear, and normally it is helpful to do an aspiring challenge to confirm your diagnosis. You can do this either as an oral challenge, or a combination of oral or intranasal challenges. The procedure is in a hospital or clinic with a medical team and an experienced doctor.

In addition, people who have AERD have huge numbers of eosinophils in the nasal polyps and elevated levels of eosinophils in their bloodstream. Eosinophils are a kind of immune cell that has inflammation. Even if the presence of an elevated eosinophil level is not needed in the diagnosis, it can be good additional insight for patients.

Benefits of Aspirin Desensitization

Aspirin desensitization will allow a patient to gain these benefits:

  • Improved asthma control
  • Decreased doses of corticosteroid
  • Delayed regrowth of nasal polyps that causes surgeries that are less related to sinus (polyps surgeries)
  • Less need for medication for respiratory symptoms treatment
  • Aspirin tolerance (ASA) and NSAIDs
  • Better sense of smell and taste
Success Rate of Aspirin Desensitization

There is a recent study reported that AERD patients who can continue aspirin desensitization treatment for over a year, were the ones to experience the most benefits.

Risks of Aspirin Desensitization

The aspirin dose that is given during desensitization of aspirin is a lot smaller compared to what is taken in a lot of cases. The reactions because of a lower dose are normally less severe, in most cases compared to the reaction of what a patient would have gone through if they took a full dose. Here are the risks of aspirin desensitization:

  • Runny nose
  • Nasal congestion
  • Tightness in your throat
  • Stomach pain
  • Heartburn
  • Nausea
  • Hives
  • Blood pressure rarely drops

The physician will monitor you closely, including your vital signs, lung function, and oxygen intake.

You can check an allergy center Manassas VA anytime.

Food Allergies that are More Common than Others

A lot of foods cause allergies, but others are more common. About 90% of serious food allergies are linked to proteins in certain foods, like eggs, milk, soy, peanuts, wheat, fish, tree nuts, sesame, and shellfish.

Most of the time, these foods are ingredients in other foods, which means avoiding them calls for diligence, including precise labeling and other measures. There might be times when exposures unknowingly happen.

You might have to call an allergy doctor if you notice that you have an allergic reaction to some of these. In case you are unaware of what the most common food allergies are, you should do research and start by reading this article until the end. Read more now.

Cow’s Milk

Allergy to cow’s milk is one of the most common hypersensitivities in young children, most likely because it is the first foreign protein that a lot of infants ingest in huge quantities. If there is an allergy to cow’s milk, even infants who are breastfed may have eczema or colic until dairy foods and milk have been eliminated from their mother’s diet.

A lot of children outgrow milk allergy while their immune systems mature.


People who have egg allergies are triggered by egg proteins. You might be allergic to egg white, egg yolk, or even both. Experts recommend staying away from eggs when you are allergic.

About 2.5% of children are allergic to eggs, which makes it the second most common food allergy in young children. Diagnosis normally happens before reaching the age of 2. Half of the children are going to outgrow their allergy when they are 5, and most people will outgrow it when they reach adolescence.

Eggs should be listed on food labels in simple language, like “contains eggs.” It is important to always read the label before consumption.


Peanut allergy is one of the most common allergy food allergies. Peanuts are different from cashews, tree nuts, almonds, walnuts, and more. peanuts grow underground and they are from a different plant family, which is legumes. Other legume examples include peas, beans, soybeans, and lentils. Having a peanut allergy does not mean you have a bigger chance of being allergic to a different legume.

Wheat and Gluten

Rice and oats are normally the first cereals that are introduced into your diet because they are less likely compared to other grains to cause allergic reactions. If there are no issues with oats, wheat is next. Wheat grain is usually linked with allergies, but it is still uncommon. This is unfortunate because wheat can be found in a lot of prepared foods.

There are 2 kinds of negative immune reactions to consuming wheat. The first classic reaction is hives and the second one is wheezing which happens right away after the child consumes wheat.


People who have soy allergies react to the proteins in soy. Normally, allergic reactions are mild, but with all food allergies, it might lead to a severe and life-threatening reaction.

Soy is a common allergy in food for children but it is less for teens and adults. Approximately 0.4% of children have an allergy to soy. It is estimated that 50% of the kids outgrow a soy allergy after one year, and most of them will outgrow it when they are 10.


Finned fish is among the most common food allergy. This is normally lifelong. About 40% of people who are allergic to fish get their first reaction when they are adults. The most common types of fish that people are allergic to are tuna, halibut, and salmon.

You can go to an allergist Germantown MD anytime.

How to Relieve Itchy Hives

Hives are itchy, sometimes it has a lumpy rash that will appear on the surface of the person’s skin. Home remedies and medication can normally treat hives quickly.

Hives are intensely itchy and discolored raised areas of the skin. They can be anywhere on your body. Normally, hives have a trigger, which is both non-allergic and allergic.

While hive symptoms can be irritating, there are many ways of treating, soothing and removing them. When you go to an allergy specialist, they will talk to you about it in detail, especially the symptoms, and potential complications you can encounter.

If you have been suffering from hives, you should know that there are ways to relieve them. Read on now.

Lukewarm Bath

Hot water can be very irritating to your skin, but you can add different products to a bath so you can relieve the itching sensation. You should sprinkle in baking soda and colloidal oatmeal to achieve a soothing effect.

Colloidal oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties and forms a protective barrier on the skin, which holds in moisture and eases inflammation. It can be found in a lot of moisturizers, cleaners, and shampoos that will benefit people who have sensitive skin.

Avoid Products that can Cause Skin Irritation

Certain soaps can dry your skin and causes more itching when you suffer from hives. Make sure to use soap that has been marketed for sensitive skin. Look for a great selection that will suit you. Choose the ones that omit fragrance and other irritants.

You must also avoid using irritating moisturizers or lotions. When you doubt it, choose a formula that will target sensitive skin. Applying it immediately after bathing can also help soothe the itch.

Follow the Treatment Plan

If you want the treatment to take effect, you should follow the treatment plan the allergy doctor recommended and created for you.

The treatment plan might not work when you take allergy medications less often than what was prescribed. For instance, if the doctor has prescribed a daily antihistamine and you only take it during a flare-up, you might still get hives.

Use Over-the-Counter Medication

Hives are treated best using over-the-counter antihistamines or topical creams such as calamine lotion or hydrocortisone. Antihistamine medications suppress the histamine that the body releases, which causes your itchy reaction. Topical treatments work on the skin cells to stop histamine from getting released. You should not apply topical creams to hives if they are on your face or if the skin is infected or broken.

Use Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is known for the healing properties it provides you.

Even if it is a natural anti-inflammatory, it can cause contact dermatitis so you should do a skin patch test before applying it.

In order to do a skin patch test, you can simply add a small amount to an unaffected area. If you can do that, apply it to the side of your forearm. If you do not encounter skin irritation within 24 hours, you can apply it to your hives.

The topical aloe vera can be applied to your hives as you need to, which is likely a couple of times a day. Make sure to follow the instructions.

When Should You See a Doctor?

The severity of hives varies. Even if most people can manage the symptoms at home, you might have to seek medical attention if:

  • The symptoms last for days
  • The symptoms worsen
  • The rash is too painful and leave bruises
  • The symptoms interfere with your daily life
  • You experience dizziness

You can go to an allergy center Germantown MD anytime if you need to consult a doctor.

How to Prevent Skin Allergies

Itchy skin can be frustrating, no matter what the cause is. Even if it might feel better for the time being when you scratch, it will only worsen when you scratch continuously. In order to manage itchy skin, you have to understand the cause and look for the right remedy.

Keep in mind that there is pollen in spring, dry dust in winter, and dust in the summer. These changes in the season bring you sets of irritants and reactors for millions of people that can make skin allergies worse. When you go to an allergy clinic, the doctor will explain to you what treatment is needed and how to prevent it from happening. Find out more about it now.

What Skin Allergies are There?

Skin allergies happen when you have an immune system that reacts to a perceived threat, which will normally be harmless to your body. The common symptoms of skin allergy include:

  • Redness
  • Itching
  • Raised bumps
  • Swelling
  • Skin flaking
  • Skin cracking

The best way to avoid skin allergies is to avoid or limit your contact with an allergen. However, if you encounter an allergen, you can choose home remedies to address the symptoms.

How to Manage Skin Allergies

  • The scratches should be kept clean – You will be tempted to scratch itchy skin. However, if you are not careful, you could end up with a blister or create a wound because of your nails. Either way, the open-wound scratches can get infected if it does not receive proper care. You should try washing your hands before touching the scratches and keeping fingernails short to lower the risk of irritation and infection.
  • Take a cold shower – A cold bath can help reduce allergies and skin irritation. A cold shower will help blood vessels to shrink and will not allow histamine to come out. It will also reduce skin irritation and the severity of allergic reactions.
  • Oatmeal – Oatmeal has different biological active properties, which include antioxidant and anti-inflammatory components. All of these can help soothe allergic skin reaction itchiness.


Among the popular ways to treat skin allergic reactions include a poultice or an oatmeal bath. Both need powdered oatmeal. You will be able to make a powdered meal when you grind store-bought oatmeal into a fine powder with a blender, coffee grinder, or food processor.

  • Wear the right clothes – Some kinds of materials like polyester or wool cause irritation and swelling, which leads to an itch. Clothes made from bamboo, cotton, or silk are easier on your skin by becoming more breathable and softer while it is eczema-friendly.
  • Olive oil – Extra virgin olive oil will go wonders as a moisturizer. Olive oil is rich in vitamin E, which is helpful in repairing skin after any allergic issues and it reduces itching as well. This type of remedy is best when you compare it to chemical moisturizers.
  • Air conditioner and/or humidifier – When your skin is feeling hot and/or dry, maybe you will find that the itchiness of your skin gets worse. You should use a humidifier and/or air conditioner so your skin will be in a better environment.
  • Medical herbs and plants (Neem, Aloe Vera, Basil, Coriander, Calendula) – Aloe Vera is an excellent choice to manage your allergies because it has strong antibacterial, anti-irritant, and anti-fungal properties. Aloe Vera has a fleshy gel that can soothe allergies.
  • Avoid scratching the itch – It could seem like the hardest thing to do, but you should try not to scratch your skin because the irritation will only get worse.

You can go to an allergy center Manassas VA anytime if you need more tips on how to manage skin allergies.   


How to Prevent Food Allergies in Kids

Food allergies are a constant concern for parents. Almost 6 million children become affected by food allergies, and food allergy prevalence of food allergy has a 50% increase since 1997. Having a sibling or parent with allergies increases the risk of a child developing allergies. Therefore, if you or your partner is among the 9 million adults that suffer from food allergies, you could be wondering how you can prevent the same for a child.

You can go to an allergy doctor during your pregnancy to get the best advice on what to do so you can prevent allergies as much as possible. There are always treatments you can get, but it is a lot better if you do not have to at all.

Do Not Restrict the Diet of Your Child

Maternal diet while pregnant or in lactation must not be restricted because it is a way of preventing the development of food allergies.

The main point has been the topic of debate for so many years. Based on the discussion, it is the desire for parents to lessen the chance that their child is going to develop food allergies. An older piece of advice has suggested avoiding allergenic foods while pregnant and during breastfeeding as a way to decrease food allergy risks. Unfortunately, this strategy is not proven to be effective when it comes to reducing food allergies.

Breastfeed Your Baby

Breastfeeding your baby can help prevent the development of food allergies. Since breastfeeding is connected to a lot of health benefits, it is recommended that you breastfeed your baby beyond 2 years old.

Introduce Common Food Allergens When they are Ready for Solid Foods

For most babies, this is about 6 months. Your baby can have solid foods when they can already do the following:

  • Hold their head up
  • Tell you when they are already full
  • Sit and lean forward
  • Pick up food while bringing it to their mouth

You should not introduce solid foods before 4 months old. Your baby is not going to be ready. It is not going to help reduce the risk of your baby developing a food allergy.

Once you have introduced only a few other solid foods, you can offer food allergens all at one time. There is no research showing that you have to wait a certain number of days between those.

Foods You Can Take to Help Prevent Allergic Disease

When you are an expectant mother and eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, you can decrease the risk of allergic diseases in your child. This appears to be true if you have asthma and you have a male child.

Foods high in omega 3 are:

  • Sardines
  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Oysters
  • Chia seeds
  • Mackerel
  • Flaxseeds
  • Walnuts
  • Fortified foods like certain brands of yogurt, eggs, milk, and juices

Eating foods rich in vitamin D also reduces the risk of food allergy and asthma in children.

Foods high in vitamin D are:

  • Fish
  • Dairy products
  • Mushrooms
  • Egg yolks
  • Vitamin D-enriched foods such as soy milk, cereal, and orange juice
Early Introduction can Help Prevent Peanut Allergy

Studies have shown that giving foods that contain peanuts early to high-risk infants can prevent peanut allergies from developing.

Giving foods that contain peanuts early to an infant can help prevent peanut allergy. Based on the study, a group of infants that are at risk of peanut allergies that were given 2 grams of peanut thrice a week had a lot less peanut allergy when they reached 5 years old.

You can talk to an Allergist Germantown MD if you need more advice about this.