Why am I suddenly experiencing skin allergies?

By | April 17, 2014

skin allergies

Skin Allergy Test

Have you recently been experiencing uncomfortably itchy skin?  Your allergic reaction could be caused by any number of changes in your life, from the seasons changing to getting a new cat or dog.  While you may have never had dog or cat allergies before, it’s possible to develop pet allergies later on in life.  This can be a tough thing to deal with as an animal lover!  If you’re suffering from skin allergies or nasal allergies after adopting a new cat or dog, meet with an allergist right away to undergo a skin allergy test.  You will see the results of your allergy test within minutes!  You’ll also learn about other possible allergens as well; grass allergies, pollen allergies and dust allergies are just a few of the most common.

Allergy Doctor

If you do in fact have a pet allergy, there are several options to consider.  If you don’t want to treat your allergies or pay for allergy remedies, your best option may be to give away your dog or cat.  However, we understand that for some people this is simply not an option!  If your allergy treatments are not effective, allergy shots are the next item on the list.