What are the best remedies for eye allergies?

By | April 11, 2014

eye allergies

Ocular Allergies

Do you often experience itchy red eyes?  If so, you may have undiagnosed eye allergies.  Ocular allergies are particularly annoying to their host because they can make it difficult to see without acute irritation or pain.  Most eye allergies are seasonal and could be a reaction to any number of things including dust, pollen and grass.  In fact, grass allergies and pollen allergies are two of the most common seasonal allergies across the country.  Right now, hundreds of thousands of Americans are stocking up on medicated eye drops and other eye allergy remedies to get them through the next couple of months.

Allergy Doctor

Over the counter eye drops will only get you so far if you’re suffering from severe ocular allergies.  Be sure to schedule an appointment with your allergist as soon as you notice any signs of allergies such as red, itchy, watery eyes.  Skin allergies and nasal allergies are also especially prevalent during the spring and summer, so also be on the look out for runny noses and red, itchy skin.  A skin allergy test tends to be the most popular form of allergy testing and can reveal over 75 potential allergens!  Make an allergy test appointment for the whole family as soon as you can.