Tag Archives: allergy

What You Need to Know about Eye Allergies

Allergies can greatly affect a person’s life. For one, he or she should avoid eating certain foods to prevent the onset of allergic reactions. Even having a pet can be a torture for allergic sufferers especially if he or she loves being with animals. If an allergic reaction occurs, it is important to consult an allergy specialist doctor immediately to avoid further complications.

Allergic reactions vary from person to person. Some may experience skin allergies, while others may experience a runny nose and constant sneezing. On the other hand, some may experience eye allergies. Eye allergies, just like any other allergic reactions, can be quite uncomfortable and even painful in worst cases.

What is eye allergy?

Also known as allergic conjunctivitis, eye allergies are pretty much a common allergic reaction. It occurs when the eyes accidentally catch something (usually a kind of allergen) and then causes a bad reaction. When a trigger comes into contact to your eyes, histamine is produced that staves off the allergen.

Unlike different types of conjunctivitis, allergic conjunctivitis is not contagious. The allergy sufferer experience red, itchy, and swollen eyes. Sometimes, the allergic reaction can even be painful and make your eyes teary. Meanwhile, some people may even experience nasal allergies in connection to their eye allergies.

Types of eye allergies

There are also different types of eye allergies which should be treated by an allergy physician as soon as possible. These include the following.

Seasonal and perennial allergic conjunctivitis (SAC and PAC)

SAC occurs certain times of the year depending on the prevalence of air pollens. Those with SAC often experience common symptoms such as itching and redness of eyes. Likewise, they mostly have dark circles under their eyes and experience puffy eyes when allergies attack. On the other hand, PAC is milder than SAC yet it occurs throughout the year. Unlike SAC, PAC is usually caused by pet dander and dust mites instead of pollen.

Vernal keratoconjunctivitis

This is considered a more serious condition than the abovementioned conditions. It occurs throughout the year, but it may worsen in specific seasons. If left untreated by an allergy doctor, it can lead to vision loss.

Atopic keratoconjunctivitis

This usually affects the elderly especially those with allergic dermatitis. It can cause itching and a burning sensation on the eyes as well as the excessive production of mucus that can shut your eyes when you wake up in the morning. In worse cases, it can also lead to corneal damage.

Causes and symptoms

In case you experience symptoms of eye allergies, it is best to consult an allergy physician to help manage your condition. There are also a lot of allergy clinics you can go to if you experience common allergic symptoms. Allergic conjunctivitis can be triggered by different types of triggers such as:

  • Dust or smoke
  • Pollen
  • Molds and spores
  • Pet dander
  • Perfumes and other scented items
  • Certain foods
  • Eye products such as eye drops
  • Cosmetic products
  • Drugs and medications

In other words, triggers of eye allergies are most likely airborne. However, there are some triggers that are not necessarily airborne. This may include eating certain foods or using eye products with ingredients that may cause allergic reactions. If you experience any allergic symptoms, you can also let an allergist doctor know possible triggers that may have caused your eye allergies.

If you come into contact with the abovementioned triggers, it can result in mild to severe allergic reactions. In some cases, you may experience an itchy or burning sensation in your eyes as well as light sensitivity. You may also notice watery discharge in your eyes after coming into contact with possible triggers. Eye allergies may also be passed on from parents.

Treatment and Relief

One logical way to avoid the onset of eye allergies is to prevent contact with its common triggers. Here are some tips to minimize, if not completely avoid, triggers that cause eye allergies include the following.

  • As much as possible, stay indoors especially during the peak of pollen count which is usually around early evenings and midmornings.
  • If you need to get out during the day, make sure to wear sunglasses to prevent pollen from coming into your eyes.
  • Never rub your eyes when it feels itchy. Instead, wash your eyes with running water.
  • Clean your electric fan and air conditioning unit regularly.
  • Find an allergy doctor in Manassas VA to treat your eye allergies.

What You Need to Know about Hives

It is a universally-known fact that millions of people around the world have some kind of allergies. These are usually triggered by various factors such as food and beverages, pet dander, and pollen among a few. Allergic reactions can be mild but some can be severe it can be fatal enough for other people. If you are allergic to a specific food or other outdoor elements, it is best to consult an allergy specialist doctor to help you manage your condition.

Allergy triggers can cause allergic reactions that can vary from person to person. One common allergic reaction that afflicts millions of allergy sufferers is hives. This refers to skin welts that are usually red and itchy. It usually appears on the skin a few minutes or hours after getting into contact with an allergen. Hives also come in different sizes and shapes and can last up to 12 hours.

Hives vs. angioedema

Hives are also referred to as urticaria in medical terms. It usually causes itchiness and redness, but in some cases cause stinging or a burning sensation. Hives appear in different parts of the body such as the legs, arms, chest, and face. It can as small as a pen blot to as large as a food plate.

Another condition that is similar to hives is called angioedema. The difference between the two is that the latter develops underneath the skin instead of topical (the skin surface itself) as the former. Unlike urticaria, angioedema also causes swelling around the lip, eyes, feet, hands, and even the genital area, and it lasts longer than urticaria.

There are two types of urticaria: acute and chronic. The former lasts less than six weeks and are usually caused by common triggers such as foods, medications, or insect bites. The latter, on the other hand, lasts more than six weeks and can be hard to determine the exact cause. However, it is said that chronic urticaria and angioedema are caused by hepatitis, thyroid disease, or cancer.

Both urticaria and angioedema can be potentially life-threatening especially if it affects the throat or lungs. In such emergencies, it is best to go to the nearest allergy clinic or contact an allergy doctor immediately.

Causes and symptoms of hives

Hives occur due to an allergic reaction to certain allergens. Among common triggers of hives include:

  • Foods such as shellfish, nuts, and eggs among a few
  • Medical conditions such as common colds, hepatitis B, influenza, and urinary tract infections (UTI)
  • Temperature changes
  • Fever
  • Dust mites and animal dander
  • Plants such as poison ivy and nettles
  • Insect bites

While there are many possible allergic triggers, it is most likely hard to pinpoint which of these is the exact cause of hives. Nevertheless, it is important to call an allergist specialist once symptoms appear. Speaking of symptoms, among common signs of hives include:

  • Red, itchy welts that can be as small as a dot or as large as a food plate
  • The welts occur in batches on certain parts of the body such as the legs, arms, chest, and feet among a few
  • Swelling on the skin area with welts
  • Sometimes with a stinging or burning sensation

In worse cases, hives can also cause anaphylaxis which can be potentially fatal if not treated immediately. Other symptoms that need immediate medical attention include:

  • Feeling light-headed
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Cold and sweaty skin
  • Irregular heart beat

If you have the above symptoms, consult an allergy doctor immediately.

Managing and treating urticaria

In these cases, the adage “prevention is better than cure” may be suitable in these cases. As much as possible, identify possible triggers that may cause hives.  For instance, you may have to abhor or lessen alcohol consumption or avoiding consumption of certain foods such as nuts or shellfish.

There may be some products that can also trigger hives such as laundry detergents, skin creams, and body soaps. Choose ones that have gentle ingredients, unscented, and paraben-free. Avoid stress as much as possible and make time to relax and unwind even for just a few minutes.

If hives are already present, make yourself as comfortable as possible. Never scratch the affected area and apply cold compress or ice on it to alleviate itching and lessen the redness. Take supplements with Vitamins C and D, and evening primrose oils to lessen the occurrence of hives. However, make sure to consult an allergist doctor first before taking any medications or if the symptoms worsen.

Find an allergy doctor near you

If you have signs of allergies, it is best to consult an allergy physician in Germantown MD immediately. This is to avoid further complications that can worsen your condition. Visit one today!

Can You Become Allergic Overnight?

Allergies can be quite a hassle because it can affect your overall quality of life. Eating foods you love or taking care of a pet can become your ultimate curse – and even compromise your health and endanger your life. These may sound exaggerating but actually happens in real life. That is why it is important to consult an allergy specialist doctor if you suspect to have allergies to anything.

Allergies usually manifest themselves during childhood. In fact, a lot of kids are allergic to at least one type of allergen. On the other hand, adults are not immune to allergies which should be consulted to an allergy clinic nearby. However, you might ask: can you have allergies later on in life or develop overnight?

How common allergies are

Allergies are a common illness which affects millions of people worldwide. The Centers for Disease Control revealed that allergies are one of the leading causes of major illnesses in the US alone. Treating it by an allergist doctor can turn out to be expensive too – almost $20 billion annually, to be exact.

Allergies are commonly caused by several triggers: food, air, pet dander, medications, or chemicals in everyday household items among a few. Among usual allergic reactions include sneezing, watery eyes, and skin itching to name a few. In worse cases, the allergic individual may experience difficulty in breathing which should be treated immediately to prevent further complications.

To prevent the onset of allergies, one should consult an allergist so proper medications will be given to you. Sometimes, a simple cough may not be as simple as it seems but rather an effect of allergy. That is why you should address and monitor symptoms you think is due to an allergic reaction.

Can adults have allergies later on in life?

Experts say allergies can suddenly creep up to you without warning. You may not have it when you were a child, but you may have it later on. One day you don’t feel any symptoms, and then feel your eyes watering or itching the next day. Allergies can be a mysterious case, nonetheless.

On the other hand, children can outgrow their allergies later on in life but may reappear as they grow old. This can be one of the scary things about allergies. You think you’re fine and lived with it all your life until the symptoms suddenly appear out of nowhere.

One theory about the onset of allergies in adulthood is apparently due to increased levels of pollutants (such as pet dander and dust mites) and unhealthy lifestyles. Another reason is said to be because of “too much cleanliness”.

Apparently, we focus on being too clean that our immune system has basically “nothing to do” – no bacteria to counter, to say the least. As a result, experts believe our immune system may tend to “overreact” to potential allergens which cause allergic reactions.

However, the exact reason behind this delayed onset of allergy may be unknown. But the good news is that adult allergies can still be manageable, as long as you identify the causes as early as possible. To help manage your allergies, it is best to consult an allergist specialist immediately.

How old adults are when they experience allergic symptoms?

According to allergist doctor Kevin McGrath, MD, a lot of people experience allergies in their childhood. However, adults aged 30 and above start to experience allergy symptoms. This can imply that allergies can affect all age groups. Nevertheless, allergies can affect anyone’s quality of life regardless of age.

Medical experts believe that adults may most likely experience adulthood allergies if they have experienced one during childhood. Some of them may remember having such an episode in their life, while some may be a distant memory. However, there are still those who experience allergic symptoms the first time ever in their whole lives during their adult years.

Once you notice unusual symptoms that are out of ordinary – at least in your everyday life – you should consult an allergy expert immediately. He or she should be able to provide medications that can help manage your allergies. If you ignore these symptoms, it can potentially endanger your life.

Let experts help you manage your allergies

Allergies can affect your everyday life. As mentioned, you may not have it at first. However, it can suddenly appear out of nowhere. In such cases, you should consult an allergy physician in Germantown MD. He or she should help you in managing your allergies and live a normal life as possible.

Common Food Allergens and The Best Alternatives

food allergies

All of us deserve to enjoy all types of foods, whether you are fond of meat or a strict vegetarian. Food brings people together – meals are better eaten with the company of friends and loved ones. It also tells the story of each country – in fact, there are some foods and delicacies unique to that particular country.

While food is meant to be enjoyed, some are not able to do so. This is due to their sensitivity to a particular food by which others do not have adverse effects at all. In this case, it is important to consult an allergist specialist near your area so you can be prescribed the right medication.

What is a food allergy?

A food allergy occurs when there is an adverse reaction when a certain food is consumed.  Usually, allergic reactions can be mild and ones that go away after taking medications.

In the worst cases, food allergies may cause a potentially life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis. If you have a suspected food allergy, you should have allergy testing so proper medications will be provided.

Symptoms and Causes

Among common symptoms of food allergy include the following:

  • Skin rashes/eczema/hives
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain/cramps
  • Swelling mouth/tongue/face
  • Watery/swelling eyes
  • Tightening of the throat/difficulty in breathing
  • Blood pressure drop

If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical help from a reliable and experienced allergy physician immediately. Upon visiting an allergist doctor, prepared to be asked about your history and diet as well as undergoing blood and skin tests to determine your condition. Better yet, you should avoid food allergens that you suspect causing those adverse reactions.

Common food allergies

Among common culprits of food allergies include the following:

  1. Cow’s milk

Children are more affected by milk allergies than adults. This is usually caused by a bodily reaction to some milk proteins. Other milk-based and dairy products may also trigger allergies.

  1. Eggs

Eggs are usually incorporated and added in a lot of recipes, which means avoiding it can be quite challenging. For example, this poultry is added to most bread and pastries as well as other savory dishes. Even egg shells are used in different purposes and can be mixed in other foods and beverages.

  1. Peanuts/Tree nuts

Peanuts, which are technically under the legumes family, may be the culprit for your allergies but not tree nuts such as almonds and walnuts, or vice versa. Nonetheless, it is important to be careful when eating nuts as it can trigger severe reactions, especially among children.

  1. Wheat

Wheat is commonly found in many foods such as beer, soy sauce, and ketchup. Even cosmetics and bath and skin care products contain wheat. That is why you should check the label carefully before buying it.

  1. Seafood

These include certain kinds of fish and shellfish. Seafood allergies may either develop earlier in childhood or later on adulthood.

Best Food Alternatives

The good news is there are alternatives if you are allergic to the abovementioned types of foods. Here are some of the common food allergens and the best food alternatives as will most likely recommend by your allergy specialist:

  1. Cow’s milk

There are a lot of cow’s milk alternatives if you are allergic to this. Among your possible choices (which can be a healthier choice, too) include coconut, soy, almond, oat, hazelnut, hemp, and macadamia milk among a few. However, make sure you are not also allergic to some of the alternatives mentioned here such as oat or soy.

  1. Eggs

If eaten as is, you can easily avoid it. But when eggs are used as an ingredient, it can be challenging to avoid it. One of the safest options you can do is to make your own recipe not involving eggs. For binding and leavening, you can use a mix of water, oil, and baking powder, or used fruit purees such as apple sauce or mashed bananas.

  1. Peanuts/Tree nuts

If you are allergic to nuts, you are also most likely allergic to peanut butter. One great alternative is using almond butter and sunflower seed butter. The former contains a high amount of fiber and low in saturated fat. The latter, on the other hand, is packed with protein and healthy fat.

If you want to eat nuts but are allergic to it, you can try munching on pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, or flaxseed seed. These nut alternatives can help improve your heart and brain health.

  1. Wheat

If you are allergic to wheat or gluten, you can use coconut, almond, oat, or rice flour when baking. These are easily absorbed by the body, improve metabolism, and regulate blood sugar level. Instead of wheat bread or pasta, you can use quinoa, lentils, chickpeas, potato, or brown rice.

  1. Seafood

Seafood including fish and shellfish are great sources of omega-3 fatty acids and protein. If protein is what you need on your diet, you can find it in chicken, beef, pork, tofu, lentils, and black beans.

For any signs of food allergy, find a reliable allergy clinic near you. Seek medical help from the best allergist in Manassas, VA today.

Different Allergy Types and Symptoms


Millions of people all over the world are afflicted with a certain type of allergy. Such allergic reactions can affect a person’s daily tasks and even the overall quality of life. Allergies may cause potentially life-threatening effects. If you or a loved one is suffering from a specific type of allergy, it is highly recommended to seek help from a reliable allergy specialist near you.

What is an allergy?

There are actually different types of allergies. Some occur depending on the season. On the other hand, some are chronic, which means they suffer from it for the longest time and perhaps even for the rest of their lives.

An allergy usually happens as a result of the body’s reaction to a specific substance which is deemed harmful or toxic. Upon presence of the allergen — or any substance that causes the allergy — the immune system releases histamine which causes the allergic reactions.

Our immune system produces antibodies, in which the latter is able to detect a specific allergy-causing substance. Most people won’t experience adverse effects coming into contact with these allergens. But for some reason, some people are overly-sensitive with a specific allergen which causes their allergies.

Allergic reactions may also vary depending on the type of allergy. Some may experience a sudden runny nose or non-stop sneezing even though they don’t have colds. Others may experience itchy skin or digestive problems. In worst cases, allergy sufferers may experience difficulty in breathing or even death if left untreated.

For any signs and symptoms of allergies, it is important to have them checked by an allergy physician. He or she will help you manage or even prevent the onset of allergies. Once the source of allergy is determined, the allergist will prescribe medications and other tips to avoid having allergy attacks.

Common causes of allergies

Allergic reactions may be due to different things – such as pet dander, a specific food, insect bite, medications, or pollen, among a few. Allergy testing is usually done to determine the cause of such allergic reactions. As mentioned, allergies are caused by different factors. Among common causes of allergies include the following:

  • Foods such as nuts, seafood, eggs, milk, soy, and wheat
  • Airborne substances such as dust mites, mold and mildew, pollen, and animal dander
  • Medications such as antibiotics, penicillin, or others
  • Insect stings from wasps or bees
  • Latex or other chemicals included in soaps or detergents that can lead to skin allergies

You may also be more prone to allergies if you have a family history of allergies (whether from food, airborne, or other allergens) or asthma. Children are also more likely to suffer from allergies than adults. For any signs of allergies, it is best to consult an allergy specialist doctor or find an allergy clinic near you.

Types and symptoms of allergies

There are different types and causes of allergies. Among common types of allergies are the following:

  1.  Food Allergies

Food allergies may manifest itself regardless of age but are more common in young children. Some allergies can even occur even if you are already eating that certain food for a long time without any adverse reactions.

Among common food allergens include eggs, peanuts, seafood (including shellfish and fish), soy, milk, and wheat. On the other hand, people with food allergies may experience hives, vomiting, tingling sensation or swelling of the lips, face, or throat, difficulty in breathing, or anaphylaxis in worst cases.

  1. Skin Allergies

Skin allergies may be triggered by different things including plants such as poison ivy, medications or food. These triggers may cause skin irritation including itchiness, redness, and the appearance of rashes.

Skin conditions such as hives and eczema are usually triggered by allergies. It is recommended to find an allergist doctor to determine the cause of your skin allergy.

  1. Pet Allergies

This type of allergy is common if you have house pets with furs such as dogs and cats. Pet fur in itself is not allergy-causing, but the dander (animal dead skin cells), saliva, and urine that are collected in it are usually the culprit.

Among common symptoms of pet allergies include runny nose or nasal congestion (allergic rhinitis), watery or itchy eyes, or skin rashes.

  1. Drug Allergies

Drug allergies may occur regardless of whether the medication is in injectable or oral form. It is usually triggered by certain medications such as penicillin and other antibiotics, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), or chemotherapy drugs among a few.

People with drug allergies may experience symptoms such as skin rashes and itching, breathing problems or anaphylaxis in worst cases.

  1. Insect Sting Allergies

Insects such as ants, bees, and wasps usually cause sting allergies. People with insect sting allergies may experience symptoms such as swelling, itching, and redness on the affected area. In worst cases, the person may experience difficulty in breathing or anaphylaxis and should be treated immediately.

Prevention and Treatment

If left untreated, allergies may lead to health complications such as severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis), asthma, ear or lung infections, or sinusitis. Other preventive measures you can take to help manage allergies include the following:

  • Monitor possible allergic triggers. For example, if you notice your skin starts to itch when you eat eggs, take note of it in a diary.
  • Stay away from possible allergens. If you know you have pet allergies, best not to keep a pet at home to prevent allergic reactions.
  • Consult the best allergist in Germantown MD or elsewhere near you. He or she will help you manage your allergies and provide medications when necessary.

Why You Should Test Your Kids for Allergies

Does your child experience watery eyes or a runny nose after going outside, or skin rashes after eating a certain type of food? Your child could be suffering from allergies and you need to visit the allergist Manassas for allergy testing. If you notice of the below signs in your child visit the allergy clinic for allergy testing.

  • Cold like symptoms that don’t seem to go away
  • Hives and skin rashes
  • Asthma
  • Watery eyes and difficulty in breathing.

Make sure that you inform the allergist of all the symptoms you see in your child. It’s also essential to tell the allergist about allergy history in the family.

Allergy testing methods

  • Skin testing

Don’t wait for long before you go to the allergy clinic and consult. Make sure that the allergy doctor carries out an allergy test. There are two types of skin allergy test. The percutaneous in which the best allergist will prick the skin and introduce the allergens. The intradermal skin test is where the allergy specialist will use a needle to inject the allergens to the skin. The allergist will observe the reaction and from there determine what is affecting your child.

During the skin allergy testing, there is a risk of an allergic reaction due to the introduction of allergens in the body

  • Blood test

The allergist will draw blood from the child and test for allergies. With the blood test, there is no risk of an allergic reaction. Blood test help detect food allergies, and they can get the degree of the allergy.

  • Elimination method

If the allergy you are trying to manage is not due to nuts and shellfish, you can try the elimination method to know the allergen. Allergen from nuts and fish may be fatal and it’s best to have that tested at the allergy clinic.

Reason to test children for allergies

It’s important to test the child for allergies if they have symptoms that are triggered by food, dust, pollen or any other allergen. You need to test for allergies to ascertain the exact cause of the allergies. Below are conditions that require allergy testing

  • Inflamed nasal passage

If your child experiences recurrent colds and running nose, its best to test for allergies. Testing for allergies will guide you on the allergens you should avoid.

  • Asthma

You need to establish what triggers allergic asthma in your child. Avoiding the triggers will aid in the management of asthma.

  • Reaction to food

It’s important to ascertain the exact food that is causing your child to have allergies. Food allergies can lead to anaphylaxis and its therefore essential to ensure that you know the cause of the allergic reaction immediately.

  • Skin rashes and eczema

If your child has rashes that are triggered by an allergen you need to take the child for allergy testing. A bad case of eczema is an indication of an allergy, and it’s best to know what triggers it.

Testing for allergies will ensure that;

  • Your child condition doesn’t deteriorate
  • The child is able to live life normally
  • You are able to come up with home remedies to manage asthma and other life-threatening conditions
  • It’s cost-effective. You can avoid some medical situations if you understand what is affecting your child.

Managing your child’s allergy

Once you determine the cause of the allergy it’s crucial that you follow the instructions given by the allergy doctor. Below some tips to help manage the allergies;

  • Keep the pets away from the living and bedroom areas. Keep the pet clean. Anytime the child handles the petty ensure there is a change of clothes.
  • Wash the bedding often in hot water.
  • Avoid foods that will aggravate the allergies. Make sure that you confirm the ingredient in the food and ensure there are no allergens
  • If you are traveling pack food
  • When pollen levels are high remain indoors and get games, the child can play indoors.
  • Follow the prescription given by the allergy doctor. Also, follow the guideline on how to avoid allergens.
  • Explain to the child his allergy predicament and train them on how to avoid allergens. Make sure that the caregivers understand and know what to do in case of severe allergic reactions. Inform the teachers and any other person about the allergies.

It’s important to understand the allergies that affect you, child, because that will aid in the management of the allergy. Take your child to the best allergist and get the allergy test done. Once you understand the cause of the allergies come up with a plan on how to avoid the allergen. Consult the allergy physician on home remedies you can use to minimize the allergy effects.

What Questions Should You Expect When You Visit the Allergy Clinic for the First Time?

The first step in managing your child’s allergic reactions is finding an allergy specialist who can assess and determine the cause of the allergies. The allergy specialist will guide you on how best to avoid allergens and give you medications to keep allergies at bay. If you are visiting the allergist for the first time, it’s important to  have detailed information on what triggers the allergies. In this article, we look at questions the allergy physician is likely to ask and questions you can ask the allergy specialist. Having the right information will aid in establishing the right allergy management plan for your child. Its good to be prepared with information about what is affecting your child, and for how long.

Questions the Allergist Will Ask During the First Appointment

Below are some of the questions the allergist will ask when you visit the allergy clinic.

  • What allergy symptoms is the child experiencing?

It’s good to have a list of the symptoms and signs you have noticed. You can note them down to avoid forgetting once you get to the allergy clinic. The allergy doctor may also need to know when the symptoms started and how you dealt with them.

  • What is the most probable cause of the allergies?

Keep a journal of the allergens that you think affect your child. If it’s a food allergy take note of the food and the symptoms that result after ingesting the food. It will be easier if you know the allergen affecting your child.

Do the allergens affect any other member of the family?

The allergist would like to know if the allergens affect any other member of the family. Take note if any other member is affected by the allergen. The allergist will also need to know if any member of the family has asthma or nasal allergies. In case any member of the family has asthma or nasal allergies the allergy doctor will carry out skin and blood test to ascertain whether your child has asthma or nasal allergies.

What medication has the child been using to relieve symptoms?

The allergy doctor will need to know the medications that you have been using to reduce the allergy symptoms. That will guide the allergy physician on how to treat your child

Questions to Ask the Allergy Doctor on the First Appointment

Below are some of the questions you should ask the allergy specialist.

  • What symptoms indicate that the child has an allergic reaction?

Each child will react differently to allergens. Below are some of the symptoms you expect to see in your child when they come into contact with an allergen;

  • Itching
  • Watery eyes
  • Swelling and difficult breathing
  • Vomiting and diarrhea

Children will respond differently to different allergens. Severe reaction to allergens is known as anaphylaxis, and it’s it can be fatal if not treated. The signs of anaphylaxis are


Difficulty in breathing and constriction of the airway

Drop in blood pressure

The above symptoms are an indication that your child has allergies.

  • How will the child be tested for allergies?

The most common method of testing for allergies is through the skin or blood test. The allergy physician will determine the best allergy testing method for your child.

  • How do I know the foods that cause allergies?

The allergy specialist will help you identify the foods that are causing allergies. The allergy specialist will guide you on what to look out in food labels to protect your child from allergens. The allergist will also help an allergy action plan to ensure that your child has a balanced diet in spite of the food allergies.

  • When should you use medication?

The allergist will guide you when you should use antihistamine and any other medication that has been prescribed. Antihistamines relieve mild symptoms while medications such as epinephrine are used when the child has severe allergies.

  • How Should you Protect your child against allergies?

The allergy doctor will guide on the best way to keep your child’s allergies at bay. Consult the allergy specialist on home remedies that will work for your child.

Prepare before you visit the allergy clinic, and that will ensure you get the right treatment and remedies to keep the allergies away. Follow the remedies and treatment given by the allergist Manassas diligently to ensure that allergies don’t hamper the life of your child.

Winter Allergy Tips

When winter begins it marks the end of seasonal allergies that are caused by pollen. However, that also signals the beginning of winter allergies. There are several allergens that may be found indoors that will cause allergies. It’s imperative to ensure that your indoors is sparkling clean through the winter to keep the allergens away from your home. If you suffer from indoor allergies it may be wise to visit the allergist Manassas before winter begins for preventive medication and advise on the best home remedies. In this article, we give tips to ease winter allergies.

Main Causes of Winter Allergies

When the temperatures begin dropping you will be forced to spend more time indoors. You will need to keep the house warm by shutting the windows and lighting a fire. That could result in allergens that trigger your allergies. Below are some of the allergens that cause winter allergies

  • Dust Mites

The bugs will be found in mattresses and beddings. Their droppings and remains cause an allergic reaction.

  • Mold

Mold results when the house is damp and humid. Areas such as bathrooms and basements are prone to mold. The mold spores trigger an allergic reaction

  • Animals

When the temperatures drop most people bring their pets indoors. Animal dander, saliva, and urine may cause allergies.

Symptoms of Winter Allergies

  • Coughing and sneezing
  • Dark circles around the eyes
  • Runny nose and watery eyes

It’s important to visit the allergy clinic so that the allergy doctor can tell whether you are suffering from an allergy, flu or a cold. Allergies will linger for weeks while flu will reduce with time. The allergy physician will carry out an allergy test to determine the kind of allergy you are suffering from and then give you medication. It’s also best to consult the allergy doctor on how to minimize the allergies.

Treatment for winter allergies will include the following

It’s best to visit the allergy clinic for an allergy test before taking any medication. An allergy test will determine the exact cause of the allergies and that way you will know which allergen is affecting you and how to avoid it

Steps to Follow to Minimize Allergen in the Home

Keep the humidity in your House Low

Keep the humidity in the house below 50percent. Dust mites thrive in humid areas and you should ensure that the humidity of your home is below 50 percent. Invest in a dehumidifier to keep your humidity below 50%.

Remove wall to wall carpets

Carpets harbor dust mites and it’s best to remove them. Animal dander and mold will also hide in the carpets. Your house may become damp because of the carpet and that will encourage mold and dust mites. Remove the carpets and rugs and that will reduce the chances of the allergen.

Keep Pets out of the house

If you have a pet reduce contact with the pet. Make sure the pet is clean and have an area far from the living and bedroom where the pet can stay. Bathe the pet as often as possible and that will minimize dander. Have a change of clothes if you play with a pet.

Clean your beddings in hot water

Soak the bedding in hot water at least once a week to help reduce dust mites. Make sure that pillows and mattress have covers that allow dust mites to pass through. Don’t put pillows and comforters on the floor because that will attract more dust mites.

Clean the floor of your house regularly

Mop the floor regularly to ensure its clean. Make sure that your floor is dry and not damp. Keep your bathroom and kitchen dry. Ensure there is good insulation to help reduce mold.

If you Suffer from allergies get help in cleaning

If you are the one suffering from allergies seek help in vacuum cleaning. While the house is being cleaned leave the house to avoid coming contact with the allergens.

Visit the allergy clinic and get a diagnosis. That way you will be able to control the allergen that is affecting you. Consult the allergy specialist on the home remedies you should use to control the symptoms of the allergies. If you suffer from severe winter allergies make sure you see the allergy doctor before the season begins.

Why Your Allergies are not Improving

You have been following an allergy prevention home remedy but there are no improvements. You have been to the allergist Manassas but there are no improvements. In this article, we tell you reasons why your allergies are not improving. It’s important to ensure that you visit the allergy clinic for a check to determine what is causing your allergies to become worse.

Reasons Why Your Allergies are not Improving

  • Exposure to new allergens

Allergen makes your immune system to overreact and cause symptoms such as running nose, congestion, itchy eyes, and a running nose. A new allergen may cause your allergen to become worse and it’s important that you are keen when your allergies are worse. That will help you establish the new allergen you are allergic to and you can avoid it. If the allergic reaction cannot be controlled by home remedies visit the allergy doctor and get medication. Keep note of when the symptoms become

  • Wrong over the counter medication

Most people with allergies opt for over the medication. It’s important that before you take any medications to treat the allergies that you establish the allergens. Visit the allergy clinic and let the allergy physician carry out an allergy test to determine the allergen affecting you. Once the test is carried out then the allergy specialist will give you medication.

  • Failure to take Medication

Most people fail to take medication at all. It’s important that you take the allergy medication as prescribed by the allergy physician. Some of the allergy medication needs to be taken before the allergy season starts. Before you stop taking medication to consult the allergy specialist on the alternative medication you can use.

  • A new Pet in the House

If you have a pet allergy and you have a new pet that could be the reason your allergies have not improved. Keep your pets out of the bedroom and living room. Make sure the pets are always clean. If keeping the pet clean and in separate rooms doesn’t help.

  • You can’t avoid allergens

It may be hard to avoid some allergens and that will require medication to keep the allergies at bay. If you work in an environment where there are allergens it may be hard to avoid them. It’s important to try and limit exposure to allergens but uses medication as prescribed. You can limit exposure to allergens by

Changing the home heating and cooling system

Keep the doors and windows closed when the pollen level is high

Avoid being outdoors when its windy and dry

Keep the air conditioner in your home and car on

Allergy-proof your beddings and living room items

Keep pets away from the furniture

Keep your house clean by vacuuming it often

  • Relocating to a New Area

Change of environment could make your allergies worse. A change of job that requires you to commute to far places could be exposing you to new allergens. Visit the allergy specialist and get advice on how to counter the new allergens. New cleaning products could be the cause of new allergic reaction.

  • New habits

If you suffer from allergies and you pick a new habit it may be the reason your allergies are not improving. If you have started smoking or partying it may be the reason your allergies are improving.

  • Wrong Diagnosis

If you have allergies it’s important to ensure that you visit the top-rated allergy clinic for a diagnosis. A wrong diagnosis will make your allergies worse. if your allergy has been diagnosed and the allergies are not getting better make sure you visit the best allergy specialist for the right diagnosis.

  • Other Physical Issues

Other medical conditions that may limit you from taking medication. Medications that you are taking to treat other diseases may prohibit you from taking allergy treatment. People with high blood are not allowed to take decongestants because that can affect the pressure. Visit the best allergist and let the doctor advise you on how to deal with allergens.

If you notice you that your allergies are improving visit the allergy clinic for an allergy test to determine what is causing the allergy to deteriorate. Follow the home remedy you have prescribed by the allergy physician.

What You Need to Know About Allergies

Sneezing, itching, watery eyes are all signs that you could be having allergies. 3% of adults in the US suffer from allergies and in this article, we tell you everything you need to know about allergies so that you can take care of yourself. It’s important to understand what you are suffering from so that you are able to take care of yourself and know when you should see an allergy doctor. Allergies can be prevented by simple home remedies and it’s imperative to understand what triggers your allergies.

What Causes Allergic Reactions

An allergy occurs when your immune system encounters an allergen and produces histamines which cause allergy symptoms. Foods such as eggs and peanuts are a common source of allergens. Pollen is a major cause of allergies. Allergies can affect your eyes, skin, mouth, nose or stomach. Each person has a different allergy trigger, one person can be allergic to eggs but not allergic to peanuts. Visit the allergy specialist and get an allergy test to be sure what causes your allergy. Understand your allergies and you will be able to protect yourself from allergens

Most Common Allergens

Below are some of the most common causes of allergies

  • Medications such as penicillin, antibiotics
  • Animal dander and bee stings
  • Dust Mites
  • Food such as peanuts, tree nuts, fish, eggs, milk, and wheat
  • Latex
  • Mold
  • Plants and pollen

Allergies may be mild or severe which can be life-threatening. It’s important to visit the allergy physician on the onset of allergies to avoid complications. Severe allergies are known as anaphylaxis and could be life-threatening.

Common Allergies

Below are some common types of  allergies

  • Hay Fever or Allergic Rhinitis

Hay fever results in the following

Sneezing and runny nose

Itchy eyes, nose, and mouth

Swollen eyes resulting in allergic conjunctivitis

  • Food Allergies

Food allergies will cause a tingling feeling in your mouth, swelling in your lips, mouth, and tongue. Food allergies can become severe resulting in anaphylaxis and it’s therefore important that you consult the allergy doctor immediately.

  • Atopic Dermatitis

It’s also known as Eczema is not caused by allergies but flares up due to allergies. The symptoms you are likely to experience are itching, swelling, sneezing, and a runny nose. If you suffer from Eczema, make sure you visit the allergy clinic when the allergy symptoms begin to avoid becoming severe.

  • Insect Stings

Bees and other insects may cause swelling, itching, and shortness of breath. It’s best to understand what you are allergic because that helps you avoid the allergens. Severe reaction to stings may also lead to anaphylaxis. If you are stung by an insect, make sure you have a remedy or visit the allergy clinic for medication.

What is Anaphylaxis

Anaphylaxis is an extreme reaction to an allergy. It can cause shock and can result from food, medication, insect, and latex. It can happen suddenly and may go from mild to severe very quickly. Below are symptoms of anaphylaxis

  • The tightness of the throat
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Hives and swelling
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fainting and dizziness
  • Rapid pulse and heart will stop beating

If you are at risk of anaphylaxis its best to visit the allergy clinic and the allergy physician will give you medication to ensure that your allergy condition doesn’t become severe. It’s important to inform the people around your condition so that they are prepared in case of anything.

How to Get Relief from Allergies

It’s important to visit the allergy clinic for antihistamines and decongestants to treat certain symptoms of allergies. If you suffer from asthma, make sure you follow your asthma treatment diligently to avoid attacks.

Ask the allergist for home remedies to help ease the allergies.

Keep your environment allergen free. Keep your house free of dust, close the windows when the pollen levels are high. Have a pet room away from your sitting area.

Knowing you your allergies and the cause is key in minimizing allergic reaction. Make sure you understand what causes your allergies and avoid the allergens.

Most of the common allergens can be avoided by simple home remedies. Keeping your house clean and avoid going outdoors when pollen levels are high will help ease your allergies. Visit the allergy clinic and  learn simple home remedies that will help ease your allergies