How to Minimize Effects of Allergy During Spring

By | March 18, 2018

Spring is a time of joy and outdoor activities, but no so for everyone who suffers from allergies. During spring the amount of pollen is high and will cause untold suffering especially if you have hay fever.In spite of there being no cure for allergies, there are simple procedures to follow that will reduce the effect of the allergens. If you have a severe allergic reaction, immediately visit your allergy doctor near you and get the medication to ease the allergy.

Symptoms and Triggers of Allergy in Spring

The most prominent allergen during spring is pollen which is released into the air by trees, weed and grasses. Once you come into contact with the pollen, the body will release histamines which cause the allergy symptoms. The amount of pollen in the air will tend to increase especially if there is wind. The main allergic symptoms you are likely to experience are

  • Running nose
  • Sneezing and itching
  • Watery eyes and coughing

How to Minimize the Effect of Allergens

  • Avoid Being Outdoors when Pollen Levels are high

Pollen will be high especially if its windy and early morning hours. When you are outdoors, to work or run errands ensure you wear protective gear like masks and sunglasses to ease the allergic reactions. After the outdoor activities ensure you take a shower to clean any pollen in your body and to keep out the allergen out of the house

  • Medicine

Take medication early enough before spring starts and that way you will protect yourself from the effect of the allergens start to kick in. In case of any severe allergies don’t hesitate to seek allergy treatment immediately.

  • Clean and Keep Your Home allergen free

Simple ideas will reduce allergens  in the house during spring. Shut the windows especially during the windy sessions. Ensure there is clean air circulation in the house by vacuuming the house. Machine wash the clothes as taking them out they will collect pollen.

  • Natural Remedies

Natural remedies will go a long way in reducing the effects of mild allergies. Baking soda and salt will clear out mucus and clear out sinuses. Stinging nettle minimizes the histamine in the body reducing the impact of hay fever.

  • Avoid deep Cleaning the house

If you need to deep clean, the house looks for help. Dust and cobwebs will increase the allergic reaction. If you have to deep clean, ensure that you wear protective gear like masks and gloves.

Avoid lifestyle habits that will make your allergies worse. Smoking and drinking alcohol will increase your body production of histamine which in turn will cause allergies. Stress will increase the production of proteins that cause allergy symptoms thus increasing the allergic reactions. Visit your best allergist Gainesville VA if you have any persistent symptoms