How can I be tested for food allergies?

By | April 18, 2014

food allergies

Gluten Allergies

There are many food allergies affecting millions of Americans.  If you have any small children, chances are they have not yet been diagnosed with any allergies.  They may very well not have any; however, more people are affected by allergies than not in this day and age.  Your safest bet is to set up an allergy test with a local pediatric allergist.  During this routine allergy testing session, you will be informed what if any allergens your child needs to avoid.  Some of the most common food allergies across the country include peanut allergies, gluten allergies and wheat allergies.

Allergic Reaction

Luckily, there are many ways to treat a food allergy.  It can be hard to avoid certain allergens such as nuts and wheat; however, there has recently been an influx of all new nut- and wheat-free products for people with these unfortunate food allergies.  There are dozens of allergy medications and allergy remedies that can allow your children to live normal daily lives without being constantly affected by their allergies!  Allergy shots are also an option for those who seem to have a very hard time avoiding their allergens.  Shots are a great option for those with seasonal allergies!