Everything You Need to Know About Drug Allergy

By | March 4, 2018

Different people react differently to medicine, one person will have a severe reaction, while the other person does not react to the same medicine. Most medications have side effects, but only a small percentage of the reaction is a drug allergy. Differentiating between side effects and allergies is essential. Drug allergy can be mild or life-threatening cases, and it’s, therefore, crucial to follow the prescription as advised by the doctor.

Signs of Drug Allergies

If you experience any of the below allergies, ensure you visit your allergist for a check-up

  • Hives or skin rashes
  • Wheezing and breathing problems
  • Itching and swelling
  • Anaphylaxis which may result in shock if severe. In case you experience severe allergic reactions to more than one body, immediately consult an allergy physician.

Drugs that cause most allergic reactions

  • Antibiotics that contain sulfamides
  • Anti-inflammatory medications such ibuprofen, and medications such as aspirins
  • Chemotherapy drugs
  • Anticonvulsants

How to Diagnose drug allergy

Before the doctor takes the allergy test, he will seek to know the following

  • How long you have had the allergy reaction
  • Description of the symptoms and when they began
  • All the medication that has been taken

To precisely differentiate between side effects and drug allergies, the following test can be done

  • Skin Test

The test will mostly show penicillin allergy

  • Blood test

The allergy doctor may order for a blood test to rule out any other cause of the reaction other than the drugs. Although this test is rarely used to test allergies because their accuracy is unknown

  • Drug Challenge

The process involves ruling out which drug is causing the reaction out of the all the drug one is taking. The doctor will inject a small amount of the medications you are taking to help rule out any other

Drug Allergy Treatment

Treatment for drug allergy will include the following

  • Treatment for the drug allergy one is currently facing
  • Medications to enable you to take the drug causing an allergy if it’s vital for your well-being, and there is no better supplement

Treatment of symptoms one is currently facing will involve

  • Withdrawal of the drug causing allergy

The allergy physician will prescribe a different drug and withdraw the one causing the allergy

  •  Medication


The  allergy doctor will prescribe an antihistamine to treat the allergy symptoms

Ora or injection of corticosteroids will treat more severe inflammations

Treatment for drugs that one must take

The allergy doctor will carry out a procedure known as drug decentralization. The doctor will give you the medications in small doses until there is no more allergic reaction. If the drug causes life-threatening reactions, then the doctor will have to discontinue the medications.

Once the drug allergy reaction starts, ensure you visit an allergy clinic in va immediately for a check-up. Ensure you give a detailed description to your doctor of all the symptoms.