Tag Archives: Allergy and Asthma Clinical Centers

How to Manage Pet Allergies

For a lot of people, their dogs, cats, and other animals are members of the family. From cuddling to watching pets offer companionship to people who care for them. However, when you have a furry friend, asthma and allergies can be a less-than-perfect partnership. Three out of ten people with allergies are reactive to cats and dogs.

An allergy specialist sees this a lot in their patients, which is why they should know their triggers and how to manage symptoms when they happen. A lot of people think that fur causes allergies. The reality is that proteins in dander or dead skin cells collect animal hair. If you want to learn more, read on.

Understand Pet Allergies

You need to see a doctor and get tested to determine what allergies you have. You could find out that you are allergic to something else and not really your pet. For instance, you might assume that you are allergic to your dog, only to discover that you are allergic to tree pollen that goes on his fur while walking outside.

If the test shows that you are allergic to your pet, you should understand what causes your allergic reaction. There are proteins that trigger allergies known as allergens in skin glands and saliva that cling to the dry skin of animals and fur. The fur and dander will then stick to carpets, clothing, and walls.

Clean Your Rugs Once a Week

If you want to reduce how much dander is in your home, you should focus on spots that are magnets for it, such as carpets and rugs. You should make sure to vacuum carpets once weekly with a device that uses HEPA filter. They suck up small bits of matter, like pet dander, that other vacuums could miss. Your rugs should be washed once a week.

Pet dander can stick to hard surfaces like floors and walls, so make sure to clean them regularly based on proper care instructions for any materials.

Use an Allergy-capturing Filter

When you regularly change it every 3 months, they are going to capture the invisible and visible dander and other allergens, which effectively vacuum air that flows through your filter. You will get the benefits of allergen defense, and the best dust-holding power of any filter. Improve indoor quality by capturing allergens and holding 2X more dust because a cleaner, fresher home is happy.

Do Not Allow Pets in Your Bedroom

People spend half of their time in the bedroom, which is why you should never allow your pet to sleep in bed with you. Make sure to limit the access of your pets to the bedroom by keeping your bedroom door closed all the time. Regularly wash your bedding and consider an allergen-free mattress cover that fits on your box spring and mattress.

Bathe Your Pet Every Week

When you do this, you are reducing the allergy-causing dander you have. Cats can become used to bathing, but it is important to only use products that are for cats; kittens might need kitten shampoo. Ask your veterinary staff or a good book on pet care for directions when it comes to safe bathing. It would be good to use a shampoo that is recommended by your veterinarian or animal care specialist.

Consider Your Environment

If you are already allergic to dust mites, mold, pollen, or cigarette smoke, your allergies have most likely kicked in. This will make you extra sensitive when you add a pet.

You can try an allergist specialist Germantown MD anytime you need to address pet allergies.

Tips on How to Use Your Inhaler More Efficiently

Humans develop habits throughout their lives. Most of the time, the same route should be taken to your office or you put your shoes in the same spot every day when you come home. Some of those habits are ingrained that they have become a routine such as drinking a cup of coffee or brushing their teeth. They have become a natural part of your daily rhythm that you feel like something is missing if you forget to stick to it.

For those who have asthma, making the inhaler a regular part of their routine goes a long way when it comes to maintaining good health. Your asthma doctor will be happy if you use the inhaler correctly.

Here are tips for you:

Start Small but Do it Right

A bad habit is the hardest break. Therefore, it is a good idea to remember that while you make the inhaler a regular part of your daily life, you should ask your doctor to make sure you are using it correctly. Keep in mind to always follow the instructions for the medicine and the ones given by your healthcare provider. For instance, you can learn how deeply and quickly you should inhale when you take medicine and while you hold your breath, helping you make sure that you are getting the best form of asthma treatment.

Use a Spacer

A spacer is an important device to make sure that the medicine goes where it needs to go, which is deep inside your lungs. When you seal your mouth around the spacer, you need to spray one puff and slowly and deeply inhale. You should hold your breath and count to 10, then slowly exhale. For young children who use a spacer, make sure the child is taking five to six full breaths.

Doing Two Habits at the Same Time

Combining the inhaler you use with another habit is similar to brushing your teeth is a way to make sure that you can get it done. Even in the morning when you rush out the door, you do not neglect taking care of your teeth, and when you connect two habits, you are less likely to forget to use the inhaler.

Take One Puff with Every Breath

If your doctor already prescribed a dosage of one puff or more, you need to take each one separately. Do not spray multiple puffs of the medicine into your spacer. It is because multiple puffs will not work for one breath.

It Should be Stored in a Safe Place

If you do not see an object all the time, there will come a time when you will forget about it. When you store your inhaler in a place where you can see it, like on top of a makeup table or a spot you can frequently access is going to serve as a reminder that it should be regularly used. It is also worth it to make sure that you need to store your device very well.

Replace Your Inhaler Before it Runs Out

A lot of inhalers have counters with canisters. You must keep an eye on the counter and replace it before the medicine runs out. You should not put the canister in water to check if it is empty because it does not work. Take your inhaler with you when you go to clinic appointments, so your doctor can make sure that you are using the inhaler correctly.

You can go to an allergy specialist doctor Germantown MD to ask if you are using your inhaler correctly to get the most out of it.

What to do if You Cannot Buy Allergy Medicine

Keeping your allergies under control is the main part of being healthy. You can avoid asthma triggers to prevent symptoms, which is the most important thing. Therefore, carrying a relief inhaler everywhere you go is perfect. Long-term control of medicines that you do every day can help you prevent asthma control and symptoms.

However, allergy medicine can be pricey, regardless if you have insurance or not. If multiple members of the family have asthma, the cost is greater. Your house can be stocked with several kinds of inhalers and pills for everyone.

The allergy doctor might also recommend cheaper generic medicine that you can try. You can read further to know more.

Try Acupuncture

In ancient Chinese therapy, an expert will stick tiny needles and a lot of people say that, painlessly, into your skin at certain points. The acupuncture studies for allergy treatment have shown different results, with most rigorous studies that show modest clinical benefits. Acupuncture might be a good option for interested patients who have mild diseases and want to minimize the use of medication and find therapy costs acceptable.

Compare the Prices of Pharmacy

You can call different pharmacies. The prices could vary, especially between big chain pharmacies and smaller pharmacies. The pharmacies are found in club stores, and they are generally available to non-members as well. You can try comparing prices. Your insurance might have prescription benefits you can use. You can look into the pharmacy options, and this can give you a lower price or provide medicine at the same price.

Saline Rinse

In order to clear pollen from nasal passages. There are several varieties you can buy, from neti pots to special sprayers, and also electronic devices. You should talk to your healthcare provider regarding the best options available for you.

Change Insurance Plans

If you buy insurance on the insurance marketplace, you should stay updated with enrollment deadlines. In case your family’s income is below a particular level, you might be offered a different type of insurance that can also be for your children. This will depend on the state you live in and if you are insured privately through work, check if you can shop under open enrolment.

Allergy-Proof Your Home

You cannot prevent pollen from blowing. However, you have a bit of control over what will happen inside your home. Keep the windows shut when there is pollen in the air. You can turn on the air conditioner. You can change your clothes prior to going inside your house.

Choose Generic

A lot of common over-the-counter allergy medications can be bought in their original form. Most of the time, there are generic forms of allergy meds, which are a lot cheaper.

Protect Yourself

In case it is allergy season, you should control your triggers. Do not perform outdoor activities when there is a high pollen count. The majority of pollen will peak between 5 to 10 am every day, and it can also be high during midday when it is windy and warm. Anytime you do gardening or cleaning, you should wear a dust mask and sunglasses so you can keep allergens out of your mouth, nose, and eyes.

Take Advantage of Coupons

Most of the time, stores offer coupons if you buy their brand products. You should stock up when you see coupons and then use them every time you buy allergy medicine. This way, you will end up spending a lot less.

You can go to an allergy clinic Germantown MD anytime.

Psychological Impact of Food Allergies

Food allergies could impact the patients’ emotions through direct and indirect mechanisms. The direct mechanisms can include central nervous system effects from the biological mediators released when you have an allergic food reaction. Indirect mechanisms can include the stress of living with food allergy like avoidance of food preparation and controlling the fear of potential consequences when you ingest the food.

You can go to an allergy specialist doctor and find out more about indirect effects that can also be mediated through family members, like the stress of the parent on the child. Since food allergy is increasing in children and adults, it has become difficult to study, and sometimes symptoms can be misinterpreted because food allergies are normally patients with psychological profiles.


Aside from feeling anxiety, those with food allergies can go against bullying. One out of three children gets bullied for having food allergies. The rate is pretty high, and the research suggests that people are not always aware of this. A study has found that about half of parents and children who have food allergies do not know that their child experience school bullying. This can be shocking to parents.

Bullying also affects adults because of food allergies. It can range from eye-rolls, microaggressions, and derisive tone of voice.

Impact on the Parents

There can also be gender differences regarding how parents handle their child’s allergies. The responsibility for allergy management mainly falls on moms. There is mixed evidence if this material leads to marital strain or it can actually help greater family cohesion, but it affects the psychosocial well-being of moms can be heavier.  Moms might feel responsible when it comes to controlling triggers, with the need to carry the idea that they might have to face unexpected reactions.

Reactions from People

The major frustration of parents include not having enough public understanding, not wanting to accommodate, inconsistent information about treatment, and mislabeled products. Food allergy impacts the general public’s perception, and it can influence how food allergy is managed. For example, if a patient thinks that their friend’s belief in asking about the ingredients is unimportant, they might do the same. Sometimes, children may experience harassment and teasing due to food allergies, and some have reportedly smeared with the allergic food. Some adults say that their allergies have been disregarded by others, and they have faced a lack of understanding as well.

Building Connections

Getting help is not simple all the time. it can be difficult to find mental health professionals who can understand food allergies. It is important to teach individuals how they should support people who have food allergies and to show clinicians how anxiety issues can be spotted.

A counselor can help connect people with professionals who are sympathetic toward people with food allergies.

In other countries, getting support can be difficult. There are a couple of mental health resources mainly for people who have food allergies. People will mainly use resources that support the anaphylaxis campaign.

Daily Life with Food Allergy

Of course, my interest in this area comes from personal experience. Psychologists have observed the gap that goes on between empirical research and their experience as parents who have children with allergies. People will feel fortunate that there is already clinical training to hone the experience of researching more about the psychological effects of food allergy.


Food allergies can impact social life, and part of this is being mediated by the confidence of allergy sufferers and them being taken seriously and carefully managed.

You can talk to an allergy clinic Germantown MD if you need to know more about the psychological effects of food allergy.



Why Fall Make Allergies Worse

Transitioning from summer to fall is the time when people go back to school, but for those who suffer from allergies, the seasonal switch could mean an unwelcome change in the symptoms. For people who feel the fall pollen impacts like mold and ragweed, you are not alone in this. Allergic rhinitis symptoms, including runny nose and congestion, can affect millions of people in the USA every year.

Some states make these effects more compounded because of weather patterns that switch between dry and wet periods, which trigger the allergens released into the air.

You can ask your allergy doctor about fall allergy treatments, but you need to know why allergies are worse during the fall. Read on to learn more.


In the fall, ragweed surges so it spews pollen into the air and it causes classic nasal allergy symptoms such as sneezing, itchy eyes, and scratchy throat. While you cannot completely avoid ragweed pollen, you can do steps to reduce exposure. You need to keep your windows and doors closed. Use refrigerated air conditioning, if possible, but not an evaporative cooler. The best thing to do is to wear a NIOSH-95 face mask so you will not inhale pollen when going outside. Your respiratory system will thank you for this.


Mold is another allergy trigger in the fall. Normally, fall weather comes with cooler weather and rain. Once the fall foliage starts to decay, it will attract mold growth. Breathing mold aggravates asthma, which causes wheezing, heavy breathing, and other upper respiratory symptoms in mold allergies. If you want to make the most out of the cooler weather and enjoy the outdoors more, you might have to wear a mask while being out in the woods.


You might want to bask in the summer days that extend in autumn, but the warm air can extend the pollen season and trigger allergy symptoms in the fall. You must not give up the last days of summer in order to avoid a runny nose. If you want to keep symptoms controlled, avoid the outdoors when pollen count normally peaks. You can enjoy the late summer sun at dusk. You can also try avoiding chores like raking leaves and mowing grass, both of which can stir up mold spores and pollen.

Dust Mites

Everyone can agree that fall weather is the most comfortable because days are a little cooler and you might also have to turn on the heat to feel cozy. This could be the first time in a few months that you turn on the heating. This blows a lot of dust mites inside your home, which trigger wheezes, sneezes, and runny noses. That is why you should change the filter before running the heating system.


You might have realized that pet dander triggers allergy symptoms such as sneezing and a runny nose. However, did you realize that your pet can worsen fall allergies? Cats and dogs that play outside can collect ragweed pollen inside their fur and bring it inside your home. After you go inside, the pollen can disperse into the air easily and cause misery for those who suffer from fall allergies. If you want to avoid this, make sure to wipe your pet using a damp towel before you allow it back indoors after being outside.


The warm air that could extend to pollen season and trigger symptoms of fall allergies. You would want to stay indoors in those last days of summer to avoid the symptoms. Stay indoors in the morning because it is when pollen count normally peaks.

You can visit allergist Germantown MD if you have fall allergies.

Foods that Might Help with Allergy Symptoms

When talking about food allergies, you could think of avoiding certain foods to prevent any adverse reaction. However, the connection between seasonal allergies and food is linked to only a couple of food groups called cross-reactive foods. The reactions to cross-reactive foods can be felt by those who have ragweed, birch, or mugwort seasonal allergies.

Aside from the food groups, seasonal allergies are normally called allergic rhinitis or hay fever. They only happen during specific times of the year – normally during the summer or spring. They happen when the immune system has an overreaction to allergens, like plant pollen leading to sneezing, congestion, and itching.

Your allergy doctor would want you to eat these foods to help alleviate allergy symptoms:


Ginger and its extracts are popular for their medicinal effects, which include anti-nausea, anti-inflammation, and pain relief. Since it has anti-inflammatory properties, it can work against allergies too. based on a study, ginger suppresses the production of specific cytokines that causes the activation of the mast cell. Therefore, they lead to the prevention and alleviation of the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Unfortunately, there are no human studies that prove ginger can help with allergy symptoms. However, it is a spice that you are probably aware of.

Fruits Packed with Vitamin C

You should blame the hives, itchiness, and other discomforts you could be feeling because of an allergic response to histamine. Vitamin C helps because it indirectly limits inflammatory cells from producing histamine. High vitamin C levels reduce histamine and help break it down faster after it has been released, providing relief to allergy symptoms.

Aside from the fighting power of histamine, foods with vitamin C can provide relief of allergy symptoms by reducing inflammation. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant, which means it counteracts free radicals’ anti-inflammatory effects. Foods like oranges, apples, strawberries, and watermelons counteract the inflammatory allergic response.


Technically, a tomato is a fruit and it is also rich in vitamin C. They also contain lycopene, which is another antioxidant compound that helps to decrease inflammation. Even if lycopene is also in other pink and red foods, 85% of dietary lycopene is found in tomato products, which include tomato juice, ketchup, and sauce. There is still emerging research on the connection of lycopene to allergies, but lycopene might help improve lung function after exercising when you have asthma.


Turmeric is also a popular anti-inflammatory powerhouse because of its active ingredient known as curcumin, which has been linked to the reduction of inflammation-driven diseases. In addition, it could help minimize the irritation and swelling that allergic rhinitis causes.

Even if the effect of turmeric on seasonal allergies has not extensively been studied, there are promising animal studies.

Turmeric can be in the form of pills, teas, or tinctures or it is eaten in foods. Regardless if you take turmeric pills or use it in cooking, you should be sure about choosing a product with black pepper or pair it with black pepper inside your recipe. Black pepper raises curcumin’s bioavailability by 2,000%.

Fatty Fish

You should put some sardines in your next pizza since fatty fish like mackerel or sardines keep allergy symptoms controlled. Omega-3 fatty acids found in seafood lowers inflammation in the body, which prevents swelling in the noses and throats when there is high pollen in the air.

Cold-Water Fish

An example of cold-water fish is salmon because it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and it shows anti-inflammatory effects to help with allergy relief.

You can go to an allergy specialist doctor Germantown MD anytime to get more tips about foods to eat.

How to Fight Summer Allergies

Summer is the season for having fun in the sun – the breezes, and cool beach water actually create humidity and warm conditions actually attract allergies.

For adults, summer allergies can become a nuisance at a minimum. For children, the summer allergy symptoms can be more disruptive and can exacerbate other medical complications. It has been discovered that allergies go hand-in-hand with other chronic illnesses like asthma, which can normally cause medical emergencies for children like asthma.

If you are curious to know how to fight allergies in the summer, you can find an allergy doctor. It would also be good if you are aware of what to do in order to prevent allergies during the summer. Read on to learn more:


You should keep your home allergen-free. Shut down the windows so the pollen stays out. You need to try staying indoors during the morning, and the pollen counts are high when it is windy. Remove your shoes and change clothes right away after you come indoors. Dust using a damp cloth and a vacuum cleaner with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter every day. You must shower before bed so you can rinse off the pollen that you collect on your skin and hair throughout the day.

Allergy Shots

Immunotherapy or allergy shots is a further option for treatment when you have seasonal allergies. They work by injecting your body with small allergen doses over a couple of years to build allergen resistance.

If avoiding allergens and using medications are not helpful to your allergy symptoms, you must see an allergist to ask about different treatment options you can choose from.

Limit Your Exposure to Allergens

If you have pollen allergies, you can lessen pollen exposure by staying indoors when you can by using air conditioning aside from changing clothes and showering after going outside.

It would also be an excellent idea to monitor humidity levels using a hygrometer and ensure that humidity stays below 45%. You should pay attention to mold buildup inside your home and reduce any dampness when possible.

To keep track of allergy symptoms, you can look at ozone levels around your area and avoid any strenuous activities when there are high ozone smog levels.

Air Conditioning

Air conditioning – regardless if it is a central or window unit filters air so that allergens are unable to circulate. Even if you do not turn on the cool setting, make sure to run the fan. The air filter should be changed every 3 months at least, and you can consider one rated while having a minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) of at least 11, which removes allergens a lot better than filters with a lower rating.

Wash Your Eyes

You can buy high-quality air filters for your HVAC. They can be more expensive, but normally offer maximum protection of up to 3 months compared to the normal filters that you normally have to change monthly.


Allergy sufferers have discovered that running on a treadmill have found out that doing so for 30 minutes at moderate speed can significantly relieve symptoms like sneezing and congestion. Researchers have suggested that the workouts will benefit you because they can help in controlling allergy inflammatory proteins; in addition, exercise opens up nasal passages which eases congestion. The study does not check whether outdoor workouts can help as well.

Modify Your Diet

If you are allergic to certain pollens, symptoms might get worse after you eat them. For instance, cherries and apples react with birch tree pollen, and cucumbers with ragweed.

You can also talk to an allergy specialist doctor Germantown MD.

How to Manage Allergies While Travelling

Millions of people are suffering from allergic rhinitis, which is a sensitive reaction to environmental things, like dust mites, pollen, or even pet dander. If you have experienced a runny or stuffy nose or itchy eyes, you most likely have allergic rhinitis.

Seasonal allergies might be a nuisance to a lot of people, especially while you travel. This year could pose even more challenges, while allergy sufferers should prepare for high pollen count in the air. Trees started to release pollen later that year because of colder weather. If you are traveling, you can ask your allergy specialist about anything you might have to worry about while being abroad. If you want to have more knowledge on how to prevent allergies while traveling, read on.

Things to Consider Before You Go

Prevention and preparation give you a way to travel successfully even if you have allergies. Here are the tips you can consider before going:

  • Consider a destination that is allergy-free – Mountains and beaches are great destinations to visit all year round for those who suffer from allergies. Ocean breezes are normally allergen-free, dust mites are fewer at elevations that are above 2,500 feet, and mold spores cannot survive in the snow.
  • You have to check pollen and weather forecasts so you can plan. For instance, if you are allergic to ragweed, you should visit New York in early August compared to other months.

Pack Wisely

Pack everything you require in order to fight off allergies in your carry-on or bag if you are going to fly. Planes have a lot of allergens and germs. Other flight crew or passengers that travel from high-pollen areas might have them on their personal belongings or clothes. Dust mites and mold spores also travel through the air inside an airport or airplane. Allergens stick their seats, tray tables, and seats, which makes it more likely that you will have contact with them.

Food Allergies

It can be hard to travel with food allergies, especially if you experience severe allergic reactions. You should do some research when it comes to food labeling in the countries, you will visit. It is also crucial to consider which airline will be able to accommodate your dietary restrictions.

Find out what the contact details are in the country you are traveling to. Take note of the switchboard number in your hotel because this might vary. Consider getting a foreign language travel card in regards to your allergy to show which restaurants can cater to your needs in your destination.

It Might be Wise to Bring Your Own Pillow

Dust mites are common when you are in a motel. You can, partially, fight them by taking your own pillow with you and putting a hypoallergenic cover on it.

Ask Your Allergist

Check-in with your allergist before your departure because it is important if you will be traveling abroad and might require immunizations or vaccinations. Discuss with them where you are going to go and what activities you are allowed to do. For instance, locations that are elevated above 5,000 feet might make breathing hard for you and cold weather can trigger asthma patients. People who have asthma should consult with their allergist before doing activities like scuba diving.

Be Picky About Hotel Rooms

Regardless if you are staying in a 3-star or 5-star hotel, you need to be picky. Before traveling, ask the hotel if their rooms are allergy-free. In case they do not, ask for a room that was pet-free or one that is facing the sunlight.

Visit an allergy clinic Germantown MD before traveling.  




The Importance of Accurate Pollen Count

If you have sniffles and watery eyes because of seasonal allergies, you might be thinking about the pollen count, the graphics you see on the internet, and how the information helps you. People can see the daily pollen count on the news, in reports, or in the newspaper. These reports give people how much pollen is in the air. The tree pollen level, weed pollen, and grass pollen are often reported as “low”, “medium”, or “high.” On occasions, these are reports that provide more details on the kinds of trees and weed pollens present.

You might have to go see an allergy specialist before the season starts, so you can best manage it this time. Find out more about why the pollen count matters.

What Does Pollen Count Mean?

Pollen count refers to the measure of the number of pollen grains that is present in a cubic meter. It is normally recorded that day, so the pollen count forecasts will most likely reflect the daytime figures as well.

Oftentimes, they use the rotarod technique to measure the pollen grains. This involves the greased silicone rods to collect air particles, which is usually over 24 hours. Some devices can measure pollen counts over several days.

If the pollen count is 50 or less, that is low, while if it is 1,000 or more, that is high.

How Does Pollen Count Work?

It is important to understand the way pollen counts are gathered. Most of the pollen counters are positioned on top of buildings, where air samples are collected through different methods. The pollen present in the air lands on some kind of surface, like a glass microscope slide and they use petroleum jelly to coat it. A person who is trained to identify pollen uses a microscope to examine the slide, and they count the different types of pollen. Calculations will be done, which is estimates the amount of pollen in the air, according to how much pollen is collected on the slide over a certain period. Pollen level (low, medium, or high) reports are based on the pollen averages that were collected through the years.

Seeking Treatment

Even when you are trying to stay away from the outdoors when the pollen count is high, your allergies remain uncontrolled and an antihistamine only gives you temporary relief. If you want to manage your allergies better, you should contact a professional allergist for treatment and diagnosis. Allergy shots and drops are successful ways of treating and managing patients to eliminate their symptoms.

What You Must do if the Pollen Count is High

The best thing is to just stay indoors if your allergies are severe and the pollen count outside is high. If you have to be outside, you must follow these steps:

  • If you have to be outside, wear an allergy mask
  • You should keep the windows closed inside your home and car
  • Run the air conditioning in your car and home
  • After you come from outdoors, take a shower and change your clothes right away. You should shampoo your hair and wash off all the pollen
  • Wipe off your pets if they came from outdoors. They might carry pollen on their fur
  • Wear a hat and sunglasses to make sure pollen stays out of your hair and eyes
Time of Day Matters

Normally, the pollen count in the morning is high and it peaks by early afternoon or midday. After that, the pollen count will gradually fall. That means pollen count is normally low before dawn, late afternoon, or early evening.

Contact allergy center Manassas VA if you need to consult.



What You Need to Know About Peanut Allergy

It is not common these days to find that schools are declared nut-free. That means the staple in kids’ lunchboxes – peanut butter and jelly sandwich – is no longer recommended. The reason for this is that peanuts cause a life-threatening reaction in other people. Peanuts are among the food allergens that are commonly related to anaphylaxis, which is a sudden and potentially deadly condition that needs attention and treatment right away.

When you go to an allergist, they will tell you that peanut allergy might sound simple, but it is indeed life-threatening.

If you want to know more about the treatments for a peanut allergy, you should read this article until the end. Find out more now.

What is a Peanut Allergy?

When a person is allergic to peanuts, their bodies produce IgE antibodies that are specific to peanuts. In case the individual accidentally consumes peanuts, they get a reaction when they encounter antibodies. Then, the body releases inflammatory agents like cytokines, histamines, and chemokines, which lead to allergic reactions.

Some individuals that have a peanut allergy can experience severe symptoms if they consume even just a small amount of peanuts. In addition, some people who consume peanuts can die. Therefore, someone with a peanut allergy should know how they can manage their condition and treat the symptoms.

Tree Nut and Peanut Allergy

Peanuts are legumes that belong to the same family as the lentils and peas, which grow underground. Therefore, they are falling under another category compared to other tree nuts, like walnuts and almonds that grow on trees.

Anyone who has a tree nut or peanut allergy must consult an allergy doctor to see if they are allergic to peanuts as well.

Peanut Allergy Symptoms:

  • Wheezing
  • Hives
  • Tongue or lips swelling
  • Vomiting
  • Breathing difficulties or shortness of breath
  • Blue coloring of the skin or it becomes pale
  • Diarrhea
  • Indigestion
  • Repetitive cough
  • Stomach cramps
  • Hoarse voice or tightness in your throat
  • Dizziness
  • Weak pulse
  • Confusion

Treatment and Management

In order to manage a peanut allergy, an individual has to strictly avoid peanuts and any food that has them. In addition, people who have peanut allergies must avoid products that are contaminated through the process of production.

It is advised that a lot of individuals with a peanut allergy can safely consume foods containing highly refined oil, which has removed and purified the peanut protein in them. However, a lot of people should avoid cold-pressed and unrefined peanut oil because it causes an allergic reaction.

Those who are aged 4 to 17 can take a medication called Palforzia which was approved by the FDA in 2020. If the individual is 18 or older, they can continue taking the medication.

Palforzia is taken orally and it aims to reduce an allergic reaction, which includes anaphylaxis – if the person accidentally gets exposed to peanuts. A person should empty the powder into semisolid food, which they can eat like applesauce.

Reaction Treatment

If someone experiences a severe reaction like anaphylaxis, epinephrine is fine as the first line of treatment. Therefore, someone who has a peanut allergy should carry an injectable with them all the time.

In case they experience anaphylaxis, doctors can also use antihistamines, bronchodilators, and corticosteroids to manage an allergy reaction. However, they are no treatment for anaphylaxis.

The goal is to prevent a reaction in case someone accidentally eats peanuts or to induce tolerance so they can safely eat them. However, you should not try this on your own if you have a peanut allergy.

You should go to an allergy center Germantown MD right away if you experience peanut allergy symptoms.