What are the most common drug & medication allergies?

By | February 4, 2014

drug allergy

Medication Allergies

Drug and medication allergies have the potential to be very dangerous.  It is imperative for your doctors and caregivers to know of all your allergens before administering any medication to you.  Interacting with one of your medication allergens can be extremely harmful to your body as well as your ability to fight whatever infection your doctor is trying to treat.  Luckily, we know of several highly common drug allergies that often occur in a large segment of the population.  Among this list, penicillin allergies and antibiotic allergies are the most prevalent drug allergies in the country.

Skin Allergy Test

Other common medical allergies include codeine allergies, medical tape allergies and iodine allergies.  There are several ways to test the body for allergies; however, skin allergy testing is by far the most accurate method.  A skin allergy test administered by an experienced allergist will tell you all you need to know about which medications you should avoid in the future.  During your allergy test, you can also find out whether or not you are affected by other common allergens as well.  Dust mite allergies, pollen allergies and pet dander allergies are just a few of the most common types of allergic reactions around the country.