Things That Can Go Wrong When You Ignore Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

By | January 27, 2024

Up to 40% of adults in the United States suffer from environmental allergies. While some people move fast and visit an allergy doctor as early as possible for treatment, others ignore it, often leading to problems.

Some of the issues that might come up from ignoring the symptoms include:

Allergy condition getting worse

Although some people wait to see if their seasonal or environmental allergies improve or disappear, the opposite frequently occurs. Allergies  do not simply go away on their own and can worsen with age.

You should note that allergies are unexpected, so keep an eye out for indicators of an allergic reaction. Their effect depends on the allergy’s severity, exposure amount, and other factors.

That instance, ignoring allergy symptoms while continuing to be exposed to the trigger can cause the reaction to worsen with each subsequent exposure.

Allergy symptoms can swiftly worsen within hours to days, making treatment more difficult and necessitating stronger drugs.

To avoid this, you should make it a habit to take a second-generation antihistamine as soon as the first symptoms of an allergic response appear.

You also should visit an allergy specialist and undertake allergy tests to determine what you are allergic to.

Your quality of life could decrease

Some patients suffer from allergies for years and disregard their symptoms. This often leads to a notable decline in quality of life.

People with untreated allergies frequently have poor sleep, reduced social engagement, and increased worry and sadness. Multiple studies show that patients who suffer from moderate to severe allergies tend to be less productive at work and school, as well as an increase in absenteeism.

You don’t want this to happen to you, do you?

There is the risk of medical complications

Untreated environmental allergies might also cause medical issues. For example, it has been found that around 30% of patients with allergy symptoms develop asthma due to delayed treatment.

Furthermore, if environmental allergies are not treated, they might cause sinus and ear infections.

Untreated allergies can exacerbate the severity of other conditions. For example, ignoring a case of hay fever caused by allergies increases the likelihood of developing more significant symptoms, including sinus congestion, headache, and loss of sense of smell and taste.

At such a time, an allergy sufferer may require additional therapy with antibiotics and decongestants. In worst-case situations, experts warn that chronic infections may necessitate surgery.

All of this is not necessary if you properly manage your allergies.

You have the risk of anaphylaxis

Anaphylaxis is a rare but dangerous and even fatal reaction that can occur in response to environmental allergens. Anaphylaxis is a condition where mild symptoms can progress to severe symptoms.

Unfortunately, the condition is difficult to predict when a patient will proceed from hives on the skin to throat swelling and being unable to breathe.

You can start having yearlong allergies

Untreated allergy symptoms might progress from seasonal to annual. Excessive humidity levels increase the spread of indoor allergens like dust mites and cockroaches.

When you don’t control the seasonal allergies, they can develop into year-round allergies in any climate.

You should note that anyone with uncontrolled seasonal allergies is prone to acquire nonseasonal allergies, such as those brought about by cats, dogs, dust mites, feathers, and mold.

Ways to stay on the safe side

To avoid the issues mentioned above, you should be ultra-cautious. The easiest approach to prevent seasonal allergies is to take over-the-counter medicines. During allergy season, antihistamines such as Claritin and nasal corticosteroids such as Flonase (fluticasone) can be given on a regular basis to alleviate symptoms.

If your symptoms are less frequent, you can use oral antihistamines to stop a seasonal allergy attack that has already started. Nasal steroids are less effective at symptom management, so avoid using them.

Besides taking the medications, there are plenty of other ways you can stay safe. These ways include:

Stay away from triggers

The most important step you can take to avoid seasonal allergies is to restrict your exposure to triggers. This is often easier said than done, especially if tree pollen or ragweed are prevalent in your outside area, but you should play your part.

To be on the safe side, spend less time outside during peak allergy season, wear a mask and sunglasses, and shower after being outside to eliminate pollen or other allergens from the skin’s surface.

The less you interact with your triggers, the less likely you are to develop symptoms.

Keep the windows closed

During the peak allergy season, keep your doors and windows closed. This will assist in reducing the number of allergens that enter your home. If you want fresh air, go outside for a walk. When doing so, ensure that the pollen counts are low.

To reduce exposure to grass and tree pollens in the spring and summer, wait until late morning or early afternoon (at the earliest) before engaging in any outside activity.

Use an air purifier

Even if you keep your windows closed, allergens will inevitably enter your home. Use an air purifier with a HEPA filter to decrease exposure to them. These filters are intended to eliminate more than 99% of tiny particles, including common allergens like pollen, pet hair, and mold.

Some folks benefit from using a humidifier. Humidified air can make the nose less sensitive to irritation and allergens, but humidifiers can also exacerbate allergens such as mold and dust mite. Consult your doctor about whether a humidifier could help your allergies.

When to see a doctor

Seasonal allergies are common for many people, but effective treatments are available. And as mentioned, it can turn ugly if you ignore the symptoms and control them as early as possible.

If you haven’t discussed your allergies with your healthcare practitioner before, now is an excellent moment. If you observe any changes in your allergy symptoms or the times you suffer seasonal allergies, you should consult your allergy doctor Manassas VA.

If you notice facial or throat swelling, difficulty breathing, or any other alarming symptoms, get medical attention right away.