The Reason Behind Allergies Occurence

By | October 31, 2014

skin allergies

Allergies, affect a person’s immune system. Allergens trigger allergic reactions and these allergens are commonly found in the environment. Most people, who have suffered from allergies for an extended period of time, can predict what triggers the allergy. The most common allergic reactions are from food, asthma, venom of a bee or wasp, hives, hay fever, eczema and/or grasses and weeds.

Some allergies can also become life-threatening. People who have are allergic to certain food are in danger of anaphylactic reaction, which could lead to death. Food allergies can cause swelling of the throat and restriction of the airwaves not taken care of. People who are allergic to bee stings, should be treated immediately or it might turn fatal.

Tests to detect allergies

Doctors test allergies using different techniques. The treatments available are medication in the form of steroids, anti-histamines, other oral medications and even immunotherapy to desensitize the response of an allergen.

Some of the most common allergies are to ragweed, dogs, cats, dust mites and tobacco smoke. The symptoms may be watery eyes, itchy eyes, coughing, wheezing, sneezing and or itchy areas on the skin. One could also be allergic to medicines such as aspirin, Tylenol and even penicillin. When someone attracts an allergy, most common form of treatment on the spot is an injection of epinephrine. It eases the reaction to the allergen and gives time to get immediate medical attention.

Why allergies occur?

Many allergies occur because of high pollen counts in localized areas or pollutants in the air. These cause redness of the eyes, an itchy nose, sneezing and coughing on a regular basis. Allergies can also be hereditary. Doctors use two different tests to determine allergic reactions- skin testing and blood testing. With skin testing, a doctor or nurse will prick your arm or back with various needles containing allergens. If you have a certain reaction then you are allergic. Blood tests are used commonly to determine if a patient is allergic to different types of medicine.

Treatment for allergies comes in many different forms. Patients can take oral medications, steroids, allergy shots and even immunotherapy. The easiest treatment for an allergy is avoiding the allergen at all costs.